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NCGE NEWS Autumn 2013

Post Primary

Psychometric Testing update Certification of competence in psychometric testing: An update and clarification from the Psychological Society of Ireland

I am grateful to have been invited to address some

to BPS certification, not least because the BPS does

issues of relevance and concern to guidance

not have formal jurisdiction in Ireland and so its ability

counsellors, regarding competence in psychometric

to meaningfully ‘regulate’ practice is limited.

testing and to set out the current and future work of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) in this

The PSI Register of Guidance Counsellors


Many guidance counsellors will already be aware that, since 2004, following an agreement between

Why the need to certify competence in psychometric testing?

representatives of five Initial Training Courses in Guidance, PSI has held a Register of Guidance Counsellors and has issued registered guidance

It is now widely accepted that psychological testing

counsellors with a Certificate of Competence in

is an important skill and must be carried out in a

the administration and interpretation of specified

manner which is seen to be safe and effective for the

psychometric tests. It is fair to say that, to date, this

service user. Since joining PSI in 2012, I have been

Register has had limited traction and PSI is considering

aware of a growing desire among statutory bodies

changes to the present system to benefit registrants

for an Irish register of competence in psychological

and to promote greater uptake (see below).

testing. The emerging consensus is that certification is not only good for the service user but, through

I am aware that there has been some misunderstanding

recognition of a test user’s competence, a code of

of the relationship of the Register of Guidance

conduct, ongoing CPD and registration, it is also

Counsellors to other registers of test competence,

good for the professional delivering the service.

most notably concerning eligibility of registrants for certification at European Federation of Psychologists’

Internationally, psychological testing is certified

Associations (EFPA) Level 1/2. It is important to note

by psychological professional bodies. The PSI

that, under current arrangements, membership of

does not currently operate a full register of test

the PSI Register of Guidance Counsellors does NOT

competence in Ireland and individuals wishing to

automatically allow registrants to be certified as Level

certify their competence have done so through the

1/2 competent.

British Psychological Society’s (BPS) register based on Level A or A/B training. I am aware that some

New developments

guidance counsellors in Ireland have undergone this

In response to such limitations, and to the demand

training and, although valuable, there are limitations

for formal registration of test competence, during the


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