World AIDS Day Seattle 2023 Program Books

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Interfaith Service


Global solidarity, shared responsibility PROGRAM ORDER Prelude Kent Stevenson, Musician Welcome Rev. Dr. Renee McCoy Project Manager, AARTH Opening Congregational Hymn “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Rev. Dr. Patricia Hunter Mount Zion Baptist Church – Hymn Leader Opening Prayer Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown Senior Pastor, Plymouth Church UCC Call to Worship Rev. Jermell Witherspoon Liberation UCC Come let us worship together. Let us be more aware in our mind. Let us be more compassionate in our heart. Let us be more merciful in our spirit. Let us be more impactful in our body. Let us be more ignited in our soul. Come let us worship together.

status quo. We come today to challenge harmful narratives. We come today to revise our roles. We come today to learn love more abundantly. We come today to be and belong. We come today to worship. As a people of God, as a community of faith, it is our duty to not only worship for ourselves But for the welfare of our community. It is our imperative to create a better field of life for generations to grow. It is our obligation to do justice and seek liberation. It is our task to love boldly and out loud. Right here and right now, let us begin. Pouring of Libations Dr. Marcia Tate Arunga Offering/ Offertory Music Rev. Jermell Witherspoon Liberation UCC Kent Stevenson - Musician Special Music Kenya and Friends

We come today to worship. We come today to change the world. We come today to disrupt the

PLYMOUTH CHURCH | 1217 Sixth Ave | Seattle 98101


Litany of Healing Deacon Paul Green Unity Senior Fellowship Outreach

Closing Prayer Rev. Dr. Renee McCoy Theologian Howard Thurman wrote, “Listen to the long stillness: New life is stirring New dreams are on the wing New hopes are being readied: Humankind is fashioning a new heart Humankind is forging a new mind God is at work. This is the season of Promise.”

One: God of sacred affirmation, we praise you for your abiding mercy and unwavering works. ALL: FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS. One: As we face and combat the stigmas and devastation of HIV/AIDS, we know you are with us every step of the journey. ALL: FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS. One: As we work to transform the story of HIV/AIDS in our faith communities, we know you give us voice and purpose. ALL: FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS. One: As we share resources and work collectively and collaboratively to end HIV for good, we know you have a hand in bringing us together. ALL: FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS. One: As we mend relationships, families, and hearts directly impacted by HIV/AIDS, we know you hold us close and love us evermore. ALL: FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS. One: And as we bear witness to the challenges we face today and tomorrow, we know you will guide us forward. ALL: AND FOR THIS, WE GIVE THANKS. AMEN

Give us your grace and courage, God of HIV, and healing, to listen, to dream, to hope, and embrace this season of promise as we march into a season without HIV. Closing Hymn Amazing Grace Benediction Rev. Dr. Leslie D. Braxton Postlude Kent Stevenson, Musician


Personal Testimony Living with HIV: The Reality Marcus Johnson


Special Music Kenya and Friends Speaker Rev. Dr. Leslie D. Braxton Founder and Senior Pastor New Beginnings Christian Fellowship Church

Designate World AIDS Day AARTH 901 Rainier Ave N. Ste B102 Renton, WA 98057

Call to Action Ernest Walker – POCAAN Rev. Jermell Witherspoon – Liberation UCC -2-

Verse #3 God of our weary years God of our silent tears God who has brought us thus far on the way God who has by thy might Led us unto the light Keep us forever in the path we pray.

Lift Every Voice and Sing (James Weldon Johnson) Verse #1 Lift every voice and sing, Till earth and heaven ring; Ring with the harmonies Of liberty Let our rejoicing rise High as the listening skies Let it resound Loud as the rolling seas.

Lest our feet Stray from the places, our God where we met Thee Lest our hearts, Drunk with the wine of the world we forget Thee Shadowed beneath thy hand Mat we forever stand True to our God True to our native land.

Sing a song Full of the faith that the harsh past has taught us Sing a song Full of the hope that the present has brought us. Facing the rising sun Of our new day begun Let us march on Till victory is won

Amazing Grace (John Newton) Verse #1 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a soul like me I once was lost But now am found Was blind, but now I see

Verse #2 Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chastening rod Felt in the days when hope Unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat Have not our weary feet Come to the place For which our people sighed?

Verse #2 T’was grace that taught, my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed.

We have come Over a way that with tears has been watered We have come, Treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered Out from our gloomy past Till now we stand at last Where the bright gleam Of our bright star is cast.

Verse #5 When we’ve been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We’ve no less days the sing God’s praise Than when we first begun.


Greetings, There are thousands of people in Washington who are still living with HIV/AIDS and thousands more who continue to be at risk for getting this disease. While some of us believe the HIV pandemic has ended, people continue to be diagnosed with HIV. Preventing this illness continues to be both our challenge and our responsibility. Black and Hispanic persons account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses and people living with HIV, compared to other races and ethnicities. Thank you to the planning team, educational vendors, financial contributor, supporting organizations, speakers, presenters and all in attendance for supporting this event. It's been 2 years since we celebrated World AID's day in person and we are delighted to come together as a global one and share the responsibility of ending HIV/AIDS. A special thanks to Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown and the staff at Plymouth Church for answering the call and hosting this collaborative service. We hope that you leave tonight's celebration inspired to unite, act and end HIV! Together we can make a difference!

organizers: Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown, Sr. Pastor


W h y S h o u l d I T a k e P r E P M e d i c a t io n ?



AARTH provides brief (15 – 20 minutes) personalized, one-onone coaching sessions to help increase knowledge and offer encouragement and support. Contact Dr. Renee McCoy,

PrEP medications allow those at risk for HIV to take control of their health and reduce their risk. If you are at risk of HIV exposure through sex or injection drug use, ask a health care professional if PrEP is right for you. PrEP medications only protect against HIV, so condoms are still important to prevent 0er sexually transmitted infections. How Does PrEP Work? PrEP medications are safe and effective and can help prevent HIV. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective at preventing a person from getting HIV.

Free HIV Prevention Coaching

HIV Awareness Sunday Church Service Sunday, December 11

New Beginnings Christian Fellowship 19300 108th Ave SE, Kent, WA US 98031 8:00 am & 10:30 am services PLYMOUTH CHURCH | 1217 Sixth Ave | Seattle 98101


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