Tvergastein Issue #5

Page 94

Between Mining and Food Security: The Case of Colombia

studies; in the region, the averages of mining concessions

According to the latest available data on mining

by countries have increased to cover more than 10%

concessions in Colombia; between 1990 and 2001,


of each national territory. This situation invites us to

the Government conveyed 1.880 mining rights while

rethink the territorial configuration that is being shaped

in 2010 there were registered 8.928 concessions and

by activities such as mining, and how these will affect

20.000 in process applications.15 Half of these concessions

the food security of its population. This has undoubtedly

are concentrated in the mountainous areas of four

contributed to a high concentration of agricultural

departments: Cauca, Nariño, Antioquia and Chocó.16

land that again can have serious consequences for the

Moreover, the government has enhanced a strategy that

agricultural development of small-scale producers and as

favors agribusiness (African palm oil, flowers, sugar

such the food security of peasants in the long-run.

etc.) which illustrates that the development model that the Colombian government is promoting sees national

The case of Colombia

agriculture more as an obstacle rather than a potential area

Colombia has had some of the most prolonged social and

to invest. According to the United Nations Development

armed conflict in Latin-America, contributing to high

programme (UNDP): “this situation renders Colombia

rates of dispossession and forced displacement. According

more dependent on imports (including basic staples as

to the latest report by the International Office on Human

rice, cereals and corn) to guarantee food security.” 17

Rights - Action Colombia, the country has one of the

Along with the pressure exerted by mining

highest land concentrations in the world, which is under-

explorations between 2001 and 2011, the Database of

used for agricultural purposes.12 Only 4,9 million hectares,

social conflicts (Base de Datos de Luchas Sociales de CINEP/

of a total amount of 21,5 million hectares suitable for food

PPP) registered 274 social conflicts associated with

cultivation, are cultivated land.

the extraction of mineral, oil and carbon.18 There is no

Colombia’s social and armed conflict has been

doubt that the historical unresolved conflict of Colombia

triggered by a historically unequal land distribution.

concerning access to land is still present, but during the

Before the year 2000, the country attracted little mining

last years these conflicts has got new actors and been

investment as a result of the internal conflict. However,

intensified. Mega-projects have in many cases involved

with the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez from 2002 to

the expropriation of farmers, indigenous people and afro-

2008 and his policy of democratic security, this situation

descendants forcing them to leave and abandon their land

changed creating a sense of security that has driven foreign

and contribute to the concentration of land ownership.19 As Mabel Gonzales Bustelo20 asserts, “the semi-feudal

investment. In 2001 a new mining code compiled in the law 685 was introduced and is considered to be one

land-ownership and power model has been replaced by

of the most flexible mining policies in the continent,

a neoliberal model that confronts indigenous farming

making Colombia one of the most attractive places for

economies with major national farming and stockbreeding

multinationals investment opportunities. This has caused

interests, and with world economies, as well as finance

a general deregulation in social and environmental terms

capital, mega-projects, and transnational investments.” 21

allowing what PBI states as: “the unilateral expropriation of land suspected of containing minerals irrespective of

Some final remarks

who occupied that land, the policy cleared the way for

Today mining represents one of the main sources of

intensifying exploration and mining activities.”13

income in Latin-America that has generated further

The aim of the present government is to further

economic growth. This can encourage further industrial

stimulate mining exploitation in the coming years. The

development and economic benefits. However, these

President Juan Manuel Santos announced publically that

industries are today penetrating rural land that has great

mining would become one of the economic engines of

agricultural potential generating socio-environmental

Colombia’s development, bringing “prosperity to all, more

conflicts. Although the region today represents a major

jobs, less poverty and more security.” 14

food exporter and therefore plays an important role in 94

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