Tvergastein Issue #9

Page 81



requires fundamental changes in economic theory and practice. We argue that without energizing tension between ideology and utopia and the existence of some kind of shock waves, the deep change process will not accelerate. The prerequisite is, in other words, more focus on utopian narratives and a development in consciousness that will make us able to be aware of the bundle of shocks going on worldwide today. To stop the change process from taking the wrong direction it is important that we develop visions (utopias) that are clear enough to serve as beacons.

1 Beck, U. 1992. Risk society – Towards a new modernity. London: Sage. 2 Palazzo, G. and Scherer, A. G. 2006. “Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework” Journal of Business Ethics 66, 71-88. 3 Merton, R. K. 1936. ”The Unanticipated Consequence of Purposive Social Action” American Sociological Review, 1(6), 894-904. 4 Levitas, R. 2011. The Concept of Utopia. Oxford: Peter Lang; Levitas, R. 2013. Utopia as Method –The imaginary reconstruction of society. Palgrave Macmillan. 5 Galtung, J. 1996. Peace by Peaceful Means – Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. Sage Publications. 6 Næss, A., and Rotheberg D. 1989. Ecology, community and lifestyle. New York: Cambridge University Press. 7 Merton, R. K. 1936. “The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action” American Sociological Review, 1(6), 894-904. 8 Merton 1936. 9 Rees, W. 2008. “Human nature, eco-footprints and environmental injustice” Local Environment, 13 (8), 685-701. 10 Maslow, A. 1970. Motivation and Personality 2 ed . New York: Harper and Row. 11 Ricoeur, P. 1986. Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, edited by George H. Taylor. New York: Colombia: University Press. 12 Ricoeur 1986 13 Ricoeur 1986 14 Ricoeur 1986 15 Levitas 2011, 2013 16 Galtung 1996 17 Næss and Rotheberg 1989 18 Palazzo and Scherer 2006 19 Galtung 1996 20 Galtung 1996 21 Barash, D. P., Webel, C. P. 2014. Peace and conflict studies (third ed.). London: Sage 22 Næss and Rothenberg 1989 23 Næss and Rothenberg 1989 24 Lindner, E. 2011. A dignity economy. Doerzbach:: Dignity Press. 25 Scharmer, O. and Kaufer, K. 2013. Leading from the Emerging Future – From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 26 Capra, F. and Luisi, P. 2014. A Systens View of Life – A Unifying Vision. Cambridge University Press. 27 Capra, F. 2017. Foreword in Transformative Ecological economics, Process philosophy, Ideology and Utopia, by Ove Jakobsen. New York: Routledge. 28 Etzioni, A. 1988. The moral dimension – Toward a New Economics. The Free Press. 29 Ingebrigtsen, S., and Jakobsen, O. 2007. Circulation economics – Theory and practise. Oxford: Peter Lang Ltd. 30 Hopfenbeck, W. 1992. The Green Management Revolution – lessons in Environmental Exellence. Prentice Hall 31 Elkington, J. 1997. Cannibals with Forks – The Tripple Bottom Line of the 21st. Century Business. Oxford: Capstone.

Even if both green economy and ecological economics are based on a serious intention to solve the serious environmental and social problems escalating in the world today we argue that the major challenges in economy, environment and society require solutions that exceed the existing ideology. In addition, we have to go far beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries. To solve the interconnected complex of challenges we need solutions crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries. •


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