WHITE SPACE / A Collection of Designs by Tuyen Ho

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I CAN TRANSFORM WHITE SPACE WITH ONE MARK. As I gather my work together for this collection, I think about the significance of white space and the role it plays in my work. Before I studied design, I was like many who paid little attention to the existence of negative space. This is why I am surprised to discover that white space is an essential element to the functionality of my designs, and all design for that matter.

White space in design allows certain objects to stand apart from others, creating heirarchy. It has the power to elevate a company brand within a consumer’s mind. White space gives our eyes a place to rest after being bombarded with visual clutter. It’s the inevitable side-kick. What more can a designer ask for?

With a single mark, I can instantly transform white space, giving it a whole new function. Understanding the dynamic quality of white space makes my designs stronger. When I use white space successfully, I create balance and movement. Some might see white space as “nothing,” but I believe it takes a great designer to turn nothing into something.

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