Testistanbul 2016 - Formula 1, CI/CD and Test Data Management

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Formula 1, Con-nuous Integra-on, Con-nuous Delivery and Test Data Management 7th Interna*onal TestIstanbul Conference Koray Yitmen Turkish Tes*ng Board

Objec-ve of Formula 1 Racing • Fast • Reliable

World Record - Fastest F1 Pit Stop • 1 minute • 30 seconds • 3 seconds • 2 seconds • 1 second

It is 1.95 seconds https://youtu.be/Xvu0GlMa3xQ?t=2

Objec-ve of IT Projects To deliver high-quality, valuable soGware in a fast and reliable manner

How long would it take your organiza-on to deploy a change that involves just one single line of code? •  A month •  A week •  A day •  An hour •  Seconds

F1 car = Executable code Pit Stop = Con-nuous Integra-on Con-nuous integra-on primarily focuses on asser-ng that the code compiles successfully and passes a body of automated unit and acceptance tests. Is it enough?

Fuel = Data

Fuel Quality – Data Quality • 50% Paraffinics • 30% Naphtenics • 10% Insurates • 10% Aroma-cs

F1 Circuit = Environment

Circuit Configura-on (street circuit, clockwise, 3.337 km, 19 turns etc.) = Configura-on Management

Con-nuous • Data Integra-on + • Environment = Con-nuous • Executable • Configura*on Delivery Code Con-nuous Delivery is releasing so^ware as frequently as possible

What about tes*ng?

F1 Trials = Tes-ng • The same car • The same circuit • The same configura*ons • And the same fuel (data) but less is enough

Test Data Management Processes

Data Iden*ďŹ ca*on Data Requirements Data Dependencies Data Types

Data Selec*on Data Mapping Data Mining

Data Security Data Masking

Data Migra*on

Data Prepara*on

Data Valida*on

Data Priva*sa*on Sub-seVng

Data Refresh Data Maintenance Data Booking

SoGware quality depends on tes*ng Test quality depends on test data

Keynote Speakers Kris-an Karl – Why automated verifica*on maYers

Dan Cuellar – The story of appium: lessons learned crea*ng an open source project, 0 to 100,000 users

Rex Black – Enterprise challenges of test data

Roland Leusden – Performance tes*ng of big data

Sponsors Main Sponsor

Event Partners


Suppor*ve Organiza*ons

Yazılım Test ve Kalite Derneği Eği-m ve Başarı Bursu


Do not leave early! At the end of the day there is a loYery where you can win a free -cket for TestIstanbul2017

Wish you a produc*ve conference

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