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EXPRESSION OF INTEREST CASE STUDY McCORMICK TRIBUNE CAMPUS CENTRE In order to establish how we could use grasshopper, we used various parametrically created elements from the McCormick Tribune Campus Centre by OMA, which is well known for its use of parametric design and reversed engineered them. This wall here acts as an acoustic dampener and has presumably used an image sampler to arrange the panels as a face.

There is a glazing treatment over the honeycomb mesh which restricts the view out of the building whilst influencing the light that enters the building. This manipulation of form, light and view was an important factor in our gatweway design and would be an especially good defintion to understand. It appears to be a hexagonal geometry output that has been alligned to te normal of a curved plane

Michael Rock a graphic designer created a series of icons that ranged in opacity and fill. It appears these have been used as outputs for images sampler of Mies Van Der Rohe’s face. This is evident in many aspects of the buiding and is a technique we again could use to epress particular images or forms representing wyndam. Using an images sampler with circular images as outputs we have recreated the output of Mies Van Der Rohe’s face.

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