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LrurruxerrurN (abwe) was slain and dismemberedduingone of his uploits But his maglcianmothr gatheredhimup and restoredhim toliJe Hue shecallsuryn a bee to bing lrfr- Slr'lrn1honeyfrom bq ond the highestheavm (Lrurrxeruru's MoTHER avA GnurN-IGr

r FLq, cqNvAs, c 1890 )



KVnStn was a wise man in Germanic mythology. His name means "spittle" and recalls his creation when the gods spat into a jar to mark the end of conflict beween two branches of the divine family, the VANIRand the AESIR.The Aesir then took the jar and Kvasir was made from the spittle. Renowned for his great wisdom, he travelled the world and wherever he went people stopped what they were

doing to listen to him. He was killed by two dwarfs, r'|,+reR and Galar, who wanted his wisdom They mixed his blood with honey in order to make awonderful mead which gave the gift of poerry ro everyonewho drank it

endowedwith Kvesln(nght),a character ww created wondrous wisdom, Jromthe theworld spittleoJthegodsHetravelled inspinnggods and mortalswithhts sense andwisdomAfterhisdeathhisbloodwas usedto mahea meadof inspiration (IrrusrnenoN Pnosr Eoon, FROM THE I 760 )

L-EB-OLN4AI ("Alder man") was a Lapp bear god. At bear festivals hunters used to sprinkle their faces with an exrract of alder bark. As the protector of bears, Leib-Olmai required certain prayers before he would allow any man to hll a bear.

with a talent for song. A carefree young man, many of his adventures involve the pursuit of women and he accompaniedvAnvavoINEN on ajoumey to the land of Pohja in search of wives. His most dangerous exploit was an attempt to kill the swan of TUONI,the god of the dead. Failing to protect himself with magic, he was tom apartby Tuoni's son and his remains were scattered in the river. But his magician mother put his body back together again and restored him to life. (Seealso woRSEHEROES)

("Lover") was LgutNxnINEN one of the heroesof Finnish epic. As a child, he was bathed by his mother three dmes in one summer night and nine times in one autumn night to ensure that he would become a wise adult, grfted



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