Discipline in Schools

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2) Ac[ 1986, [0 ob[aln a rep on from [ne nead[eacner on such matters connected wltn [ne dlscnarge of nis func[lon as [ney may requlre. Governors snoul.d, of course, give neads a reasonable amount of [lme [0 prepare such reports. We recommend [hat governors should obtain

regular reports hcadtcachcr .



the standards of behaviour


their schools from

Sec [ions 30 and 31 of the Educa[ion (No.2) Ac[ 1986 requlre governors [0 provide parents with an annual report on [heir managemenr of [ne school and to nold an annual parents' mee[lng [0 discuss l[. Tne recent DES publication School Governors; a guide to the law (1988) suggests [hac governors may wisn [0 include informaCion in such repons on pupils' behavlour and attendance. We s[rongly suppon [nis suggestion. We consider it essential for governors' annual reports [0 deal witn standards of behaviour, and that this should be a regular l[em for discussion at annual parents' meetings. We recognise that [his can be an emotive issue. In chapter five we emphasise the need for responsible discusslon a[ annual parents' meetings. The chairn1an of governors does nor nave to cnair [he meetlng, but he or she is [ne person most likely to do so. We conslder that all governors, and [ne chalrman in partlcular, have a responsibili[y to ensure [nar behaviourrelated issues are discussed cons[ructively. We recommend th. t governor' annuaJ reports should oonlain 3 sect ion on the standards o( behaviour in and attendance at the school.



Appoinring a new neadteacher is a governing body's slngle most imponant job. In county or conrrolled schools, tne LEA employs [ne headteacner but candldates are recommended for appoinrment by a selec[ion panel. In schools with delegated budgets, [he chief educatlon officer or his representative will be entided to attend meetings of tne selection panel, but only governors On the selection panel wlll be able to vote. Governors are required to consider, but not necessarily [0 cake, [he advice offered by [he LEA.


The head[eacher plays a central role in promoting good behaviour. The quality of leadershlp provided by heads lS cruclal to tne developmenc of a scnool communlty in wnicn nign standards of a[[alnmenc can be achleved. Governors snould [nerefore approacn [ne process of appointment wi[n rne utmost care. Tney may be choosing [ne person who will be [nelr school's chief executive for more than a decade.


We recognise [hat governors will he looklng for wlde and differing ranges of skills and experience when making these appointments. It is


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