True North - Fall 2018 Edition

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True North

Summer 2018 • Volume 8 • Issue 2

NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU . . . . . 3

In This Issue Letter from Foundation Leadership

Wolach Family Dedicates Bench

Chris Kiser Begins New Chapter

Sam Stoltz Completes Eagle Scout Project

Farewell from Chris Kiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Thank you for his service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU

In memory of Bernerd L. Wolach, MD. . . . . . . . 13

Frontier Academy student completes Eagle Scout Project and meets special donor. . . . . . . . 14

Foundation helps by donating needed equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Board Member Profile

NCMC Foundation Welcomes Allison Bruce Miller

Save the Date for 30th Annual Gala

New Director of Development joins Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1st NCMC Foundation Double Barrel Blast Sporting Clays Tournament a Success!

Meet Mitch Wagy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Safari Soiree on Saturday, January 26, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

36th Annual NCMC Foundation Golf Tournament Raises Over $45,000

New event draws nearly 100 participants . . . . 8

Pictures of the June 11 event at the Greeley Country Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

NCMC Foundation Awards Scholarships to Future Nurses

NCMC Foundation Awards Over $550,000 in Grants

Paige Greiner, Daniel Hohenstein, and Wia Wia Khaing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Several grants awarded during the first and second quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Don’t Forget About Digital Assets

NCMC Foundation Awards $101,000 in Scholarships

By Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Meet the scholarship recipients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pictured on the front cover: Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit staff members. L to r – Stephanie Wangerow, RN; Ann Chernoff, RN Manager; Debbie Smith, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner; Autumn Woltemath, RN, MSN, Senior Manager for Women Infant and Pediatric Services at NCMC; Dr. Bobbi Chambers Hawk, Neonatologist; Cherie Wingard, RN.

North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street | Greeley, CO 80631 Ph: 970.356.9020 | Fax: 970.810.6723 Visit our website

The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation promotes philanthropy to enhance and ensure the health and well-being of the people in our region.

NCMC Foundation Board of Directors Front row: Thomas Grant-NCMC, Inc. Board Chairman, Sally Warde, Jean Morrell, Benjamin George, MD. Back row: Kyle Holman-Interim Foundation President, Scott Johnson, Curtis Crylen, MD, Ryan Kamada, John W. Haefeli, Steve Baker-Foundation Board Chairman, John Dollarhide, Tim Brynteson, Evan Hyatt, Royal Lovell, Mitch Wagy. Not pictured: Case Gabel, Margo Karsten, Peter Martin, Masoud Shirazi, Rose Stoller and Scott Warner.

Letter from Foundation Leadership “ For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a new beginning.” — T.S. Eliot After seven highly rewarding years with the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation, I am announcing my resignation as president, as I have accepted the position of chief development officer with the Banner Health Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona. While I will miss the daily interaction with our many donors, the excellent staff and dedicated board members, I am also very excited to begin the next chapter in my professional career with Banner Health. Chris Kiser Former Foundation President

Thank you for your passionate involvement with the Foundation, as well as your commitment to help ensure local healthcare excellence through your personal philanthropy. I also want to welcome Kyle Holman as the interim president of the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation. Kyle has been on the foundation staff for six years, as director of major gifts. A LaSalle, Colorado native, he is a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado. He has played a key role in the Greeley Stampede over the years, as well as with the City of Greeley.

Kyle Holman Interim Foundation President

Please welcome Kyle to his new role. I am certain he will do an outstanding job! Thank you to everyone who helps make a difference in the lives of our patients!

Chris Kiser Begins New Chapter Thank you to Chris Kiser for his seven years of service with the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation! Kiser vacated his position as president with the NCMC Foundation in May and is now working with the Banner Health Foundation in Phoenix as their chief development officer. During his tenure, the NCMC Foundation was involved in several fundraising campaigns and initiatives, including, the expansion and renovation of the NCMC Cancer Institute which raised nearly $2 million, the Heart Safe City initiative which raised over $220,000 and the Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit project which raised over $42,000. Additionally, the Foundation provided support to numerous projects and programs at NCMC and in the community. We are thankful to Chris for his service and leadership to the NCMC Foundation and wish him well in his new adventures! 2

Chris Kiser and Cheri VonBargen at the 2018 NCMC Foundation Gala

NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU

Dr. Bobbi Chambers Hawk, Neonatologist, and Eduwiges Loya Rodriguez with baby Isabella in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at North Colorado Medical Center.

Foundation helps by donating needed equipment Imagine having a premature baby, one who needs to stay in a hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for several weeks. Now imagine that the nearest hospital that can provide that high-level care is an hour or two commute away. That was a reality for parents in Greeley, until just this year. North Colorado Medical Center recently advanced its Neonatal Intensive Care Program by hiring two neonatologists and developing their Level II to a Level III NICU. With these improvements, NCMC can now care for much younger, sicker infants than before. Depending on their birth age and health, premature babies can spend up to 12 weeks in

the hospital before they get to go home. It can be a long, scary time for parents who just want to be home and start their new routine as a family. “It’s overwhelming to have a premature baby. There’s so much equipment, tubes, monitors and constant alarms. Parents just want to be able to hold, cuddle and feed their vulnerable, tiny infant,” said Dr. Bobbi Chambers Hawk, a neonatologist with NCMC. Last year, approximately 17% of babies born at NCMC spent time in the NICU—272 babies out of a total of 1,598 births. Premature births are any baby born less than 37 weeks, and in the past, NCMC sent any babies that were 32 weeks or younger to Denver, where a neonatologist could care for them.

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NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU continued Since becoming a Level III NICU and bringing neonatologists on board, NCMC can now care for babies 28 weeks and younger. Recently, one of those babies was Isabella, pictured here with her family. Her mother is extremely grateful that she was able to stay in Greeley and receive care close to home. “It was good to be in town because I have two older kids and I was able to take care of them and still come back each day to be with Isabella. Because we were here, my family was able to spend time with her, too,” said Eduwiges Loya Rodriguez. If the Loya Rodriguez family had to commute to Denver, they likely would have missed work, spent less time with their baby, Eduwiges Loya Rodriguez with baby Isabella and her siblings in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and would have had to at North Colorado Medical Center. arrange coverage for their other children. There is have a huge impact on a baby’s outcome. Studies a good chance their new show that if moms and dads can spend ample time baby would not have been able to spend as much with their preemies they more consistently tend time bonding with her family—and maybe she to go home more quickly,” said Dr. Radley Helin, a wouldn’t have been able to go home as soon as neonatologist with NCMC. she did. “Staying in town for care is so helpful for families, who are able to spend more time with their babies and more easily go about their lives. Driving an hour and a half to drop off breast milk can be a huge ordeal, and those seemingly little extras can 4

Level III NICU - What it Means Ramping up to become a Level III NICU meant hiring neonatologists who could provide 24/7 coverage, training staff on caring for younger preemies, creating an interdisciplinary team,

NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU continued and buying new equipment to support these younger, sicker babies. When born premature, babies can have respiratory problems as their lungs are not fully developed. They also commonly experience jaundice, may have feeding problems and are more susceptible to infection. “We formed an interdisciplinary team with radiology, nutrition, pharmacy and respiratory therapy, as well as other services, so we can make sure we provide well-rounded, interdisciplinary care. Our nurses had the competencies already, they just needed L to r - Cherie Wingard, RN; Dr. Bobbi Chambers Hawk, Neonatologist and Stephanie Wangerow, RN to increase their comfort at the nurse’s station in the Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. level with itty bitty babies, so we partnered with Rocky another hospital. Parents are welcome at their Mountain Children’s Hospital baby’s bedside whenever and however long they and they received experience there,” said Autumn wish. Accommodations can be made for parents Woltemath, RN, MSN, senior manager for Women, that wish to room in with their growing baby as Infant and Pediatric Services at NCMC. well. Our nurses are sensitive to the fact that a Today, the team consists of two advanced premature infant in the NICU is an unexpected neonatologists, five neonatal nurse practitioners outcome for parents and they want to make sure and several competent, certified nurses who are the experience is as special and as comfortable as dedicated to caring for premature babies. Being possible,” Woltemath said. a Level III NICU means they are comparable to Greeley is fortunate to have two senior-level hospitals found in larger cities, like Denver. It neonatologists in town. Both have served as the also means NCMC can care for the majority of director of NICU units in their careers, making premature babies in town, except for a few rare them highly capable of caring for preemies and cases where babies need surgery or cardiology care. helping develop the Level III NICU. “Currently, if a mother presents to labor and “NCMC now cares for tinier and sicker babies that delivery in preterm labor and her gestation is 28 often require longer times on the ventilator, longer weeks or greater, then she can deliver her baby times on IV nutrition and more complex care. We here and her premature infant can be cared for care for these infants right here in Greeley, who in our NICU, rather than being transported to

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NCMC Expands Neonatal Intensive Care Services and Becomes a Level III NICU continued may need intensive care for 8 to 12 weeks. This saves the family countless hours of traveling back and forth—hours that can be spent bonding with their baby instead,” Chambers Hawk said. “The public should feel confident that we can offer the full spectrum of care, and that we can care for most conditions that high risk moms and babies have,” Helin said.

Foundation Helps with Specialized Equipment The NICU is grateful that the Foundation stepped in to raise funds to support the purchase of specialized equipment for preemies. Without the Foundation’s generosity, the unit would have potentially had to share equipment with the labor and delivery unit rather than having dedicated equipment exclusively for NICU infants.

“ I am very thankful for all the doctors and nurses in the NICU because they treated me and my family very well. Everyone has taken great care of Isabella.”


“The Foundation helped purchase several pieces of equipment including two high-flow oxygen set ups—nasal cannulas that we use after a baby is weaned off respiratory ventilator support,” Woltemath said.

The five Symphony breast pumps will – Eduwiges Loya Rodriguez, mother of NICU patient be really helpful in helping moms pump right away so their babies have breastmilk, and to establish an ample milk supply for when their babies are ready to breastfeed. The three bili-blankets, three bililights and 1 bili-meter will all be used to treat hyperbilirubinemia, or jaundice. Approximately 80% of preemies develop jaundice. Bili-blankets and bili-lights provide phototherapy to newborns, which breaks down excess bilirubin.

A Giraffe OmniBed Carestation is a combination incubator and radiant warmer used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Equipment Purchased by Foundation Thanks to your generous donations, the Foundation purchased over $42,000 in equipment to support the new Level III nursery in the NICU. Equipment included: • 3 Bili-Blankets • 3 Bili-Lights and 1 Bili-Meter Radiometer • 5 Symphony Breast Pumps • 2 High-Flow Nasal Cannulas (HFNC) The bili blankets allow moms to keep stable babies swaddled next to them in bed rather than in the nursery. Any time the NICU team can promote time between mom and baby or dad and baby, they do. The team promotes skin-to-skin time, which Chambers Hawk describes as a “human incubator’’ that has been shown by numerous medical studies to help preemies grow faster and go home sooner. “The equipment received from the Foundation is absolutely critical for this endeavor, and we appreciate the donations that made it possible to purchase this necessary equipment,” Helin concluded.

NCMC Foundation Welcomes Allison Bruce Miller The NCMC Foundation welcomed Allison Bruce Miller as Director of Development in April. Allison began her career as an intern for the McKee Medical Center Foundation during her senior year at Colorado State University. Following her internship, she started in the Marketing and Communications Department at McKee Medical Center as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator. In 2000, Bruce Miller transferred to North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) as a Communications Specialist. “I remember when Banner became Banner in 2000 with the merging of Fargobased Lutheran Health Systems and Phoenixbased Samaritan Health Systems. Working in the Marketing and Communications Department, we helped to get the word out about it, and it is hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago,” Bruce Miller recalled. From March of 2004 until April of 2018, Allison was the Outreach Program Director for the Western States Burn Center (WSBC) at NCMC. During that time, she traveled throughout the 8-state service region setting up burn education and ensuring hospital and prehospital providers had the information they needed for initially stabilizing and transporting burn patients. Additionally, she focused on community burn prevention. Allison also worked extensively with the NCMC Foundation on the WSBC Golf Classic, and Knights of Swallows golf tournaments which both benefit the burn center at NCMC. “I have always appreciated the NCMC Foundation and everything they have done over the years to support the burn program. I have always felt in my heart that someday, when I was not able to travel as much with my previous job, the NCMC Foundation would be a place I would love to work,” Bruce Miller says. She added how great the staff of the NCMC Foundation has always been to work with and knew she would “enjoy

Allison with her family - Husband Nik holding their son Andrew, and Allison holding their son Nikolas.

working with such a wonderful group of people accomplishing amazing things for our hospital and our community.” As Director of Development with the NCMC Foundation, Allison will be helping with the WSBC Golf Classic, annual NCMC Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day race, continuing to partner with the Knights of Swallows on their annual golf tournament as well as other community outreach activities. On a personal note, Allison has two boys— Andrew, age 6 and Nikolas, age 3. She is married to husband Nik who works for Nutrien in Loveland. She is a Colorado native, and enjoys going to the beach, water skiing, snow skiing, biking and traveling with her family. We are very thankful to have Allison as a member of the NCMC Foundation team!


1st NCMC Foundation Double Barrel Blast Sporting Clays Tournament a Success!

Nearly 100 participants converged on Longmeadow Sporting Clays Club in Wiggins to shoot for a cause at the inaugural Double Barrel Blast on May 18th. The sporting clays tournament raised over $11,000 for Banner Emergency Medical Services. Participants enjoyed great weather, a fun and challenging 100 round sporting clays course, food and a slew of raffle prizes including a top-of-the-line shotgun and Yeti cooler!

Thanks to the generous sponsors of the Double Barrel Blast:



c-7% m-35% y-100% k-0%

1st Place Team – Wellsite Services Jared Mauck, Jim Lechman, Zac Matteson, Jimmy Phillips

3rd Place Team – Naill Services, Inc. Kenny Naill, Matt Langford, Jake Pierce, Casey Steenburgen

2nd Place Team – Equus Farms Trey Johnson, Gauge Schmidt, Gerry Woelfel, Hunter Schmidt

Awards Ceremony

Thanks to all who participated. We look forward to the 2nd Annual Double Barrel Blast next Spring! 9

NCMC Foundation Awards Scholarships to Future Nurses Paige Greiner Paige Greiner always wanted to be a nurse, but that desire was heightened after her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age three, and she wanted to help manage his disease. It solidified her career goals toward diabetes education. At the time, she worked as a certified nursing assistant for NCMC. What really inspired her was her years working at the Banner Health Endocrinology Clinic in Greeley before becoming a student. “I was surrounded by incredible people—nurses and doctors who inspired me and convinced me to go back to school. They urged me to do it now rather than wait until my son was older, and I am so glad that I did,” Greiner said. She is in her senior year at the University of Northern Colorado, and is thrilled to be there as she says it is “hands down, one of the best nursing programs” for a bachelor’s degree. She loves learning, and has especially enjoyed her rotation at Children’s Hospital learning about acute pediatrics care. She can relate to having a child with health needs, joking that most moms have to remind their kids to wash hands and brush teeth, but she also has to ask her son, now age 11, to check his blood sugars. “It solidified my desire to work in pediatrics, as well as in diabetes. I loved taking care of the kids, but also working with the families. Working at the Barbara Davis Center would be a dream job, but I plan to stay around Greeley, so another big dream job would simply be returning to Banner’s Endocrinology Clinic,” she said. Greiner is a recipient of the 2018 Mildred S. Hansen Nursing Program Scholarship. Greiner is incredibly grateful to the Foundation for the scholarship, which let her avoid another student loan, and helps her continue with school as a single mom. “The scholarship bolstered my enthusiasm for finishing school and set me on course for a great career,” she said. 10

Paige Greiner and her son

Daniel Hohenstein Daniel Hohenstein took a circuitous route to nursing school. Starting out, he knew he wanted to help people, but thought Christian ministry was the path he wanted. After starting college, then taking a break, then starting again, he earned his degree in Christian ministry. However, he never received an assignment. While he waited, he filled his time working odd jobs, sometimes the night shift. It was time for a change, and inspiration came in the form of his roommate who was a nursing student. “I spent my free time helping her with her studies and I was really interested. I wasn’t sure if I could get the grades, but my wife, Elizabeth, encouraged me to try. I didn’t get great grades in college the first time around because I was too interested in socializing, but in nursing school I’ve been a 4.0 student since the start,” Hohenstein said. Hohenstein is a recipient of the 2018 Mildred S. Hansen Nursing Program Scholarship. He started his nursing studies at Aims Community College and then transferred to UNC. He is now a supplemental instructor at Aims, helping other students achieve good grades to make their

NCMC Foundation Awards Scholarships to Future Nurses continued She arrived in the US without a high school degree but was determined to get an education, so she took English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, followed by General Education Development (GED) classes. She earned her GED in 2013 and enrolled in nursing at Aims Community College to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Today, Khaing is finishing her freshman year as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program candidate at the University of Northern Colorado. She is a recipient of the 2018 Nurse Education Tuition Assistance Scholarship.

Daniel Hohenstein with wife Elizabeth

dreams of becoming nurses come true. He is in his final year of nursing school, and will graduate in December 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. In his free time, he works as a certified nursing assistant. Hohenstein is especially interested in wound care, the operating room, or working in medical/surgery, but he says he is adding options all the time. A few years down the road after gaining some experience, he and his wife hope to live overseas and work on a medical mission. “I was not expecting the scholarship so I am truly grateful for it in every way. It is so helpful during this last year of school. My wife is a preschool teacher who supplements our income working extra jobs. She has been overworking herself to help me get through school, so the scholarship helps us have a more balanced life,” Hohenstein concluded.

“I want to make a better life for my family. I work hard, look for the opportunities to further my education, and I am determined to reach my goals,” she said. Khaing excels in science, especially biology, and is hopeful that she will be successful in her studies, and successful as a future nurse. As a CNA student at Aims, she got a taste for nursing by caring for elderly people. “I have a big heart and care for others with compassion and am enthusiastic about my work. I can empathize with people who have health issues, because I was once there myself,” she concluded. Khaing is very active in the community volunteering, translating and helping new families to the area settle in and get their basic needs, including schooling and health. She lives in Greeley with her son.

Wia Wia Khaing Wia Wia Khaing was born in Burma, a sovereign state in Southeast Asia now known as Myanmar, but at a young age her family fled to Mae La refugee camp in Thailand. The refugee camp was her home until moving to the United States in 2008 when she was 19 years old. She faced many challenges and struggles growing up in a refugee camp, including poverty and illness.

Wia Wia Khaing and her son


Don’t Forget About Your Digital Assets by Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates Real estate can usually be identified on the county tax records or through a search for deeds in the local register’s office or similar county or parish official. Tangible property can be found in the home or office or other locations. Financial accounts and digital assets can be another challenge in today’s electronic age.

Frank Stepp

One of the first responsibilities of a fiduciary is to identify and collect the assets in the estate. Whether serving as personal representative or executor in a decedent’s estate or agent under a power of attorney for a recent stroke victim, locating the property of the estate is necessary before any other action can be taken.

In the past, most people had a drawer, a notebook, or a shelf where monthly bank statements and quarterly investment reports accumulated. Nearby one could find “paid” bills and perhaps even a special folder for the collection of tax information for the filing of the next tax return. Today people are moving to “paperless” accounts. Statements are delivered via email, or the account holder may simply receive a notice that the statement is available online. The statements may then be downloaded to the computer hard drive, or perhaps stored in the cloud. It is important to consider these newer methods of data storage as you plan your estate. The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, also called the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) is a nonprofit, American unincorporated association. Established in 1892, the ULC aims to provide U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with well-researched and drafted legislation to bring uniformity to areas of statutory law across jurisdictions. The ULC has drafted a statute on fiduciary access and control of digital assets. A fiduciary is a person appointed to manage the property of another person, subject to strict duties to act in the other person’s best interest. Common types of fiduciaries include executors of a decedent’s estate, trustees, conservators, and agents under a power of attorney. This act extends the traditional power of a fiduciary to manage tangible property to include management of a person’s digital or electronic assets. The act allows fiduciaries to manage digital property like computer files, web domains, and virtual currency, but restricts a fiduciary’s access to electronic communications such as email, text messages, and social media accounts unless the original user consented in a will, trust, power of attorney, or other record. As of today, most states have adopted the ULC’s digital statue for handling of digital data. This means individuals should talk with their attorneys about including specific language in wills, powers of attorney, and other legal documents authorizing fiduciaries to access these online


accounts. Individuals should keep a written list of accounts, usernames, and passwords in a secure place available to the person charged with overseeing their affairs and estate. Once the account is identified, the fiduciary may then need to contact the institution to provide proof of authority to make transactions. Access to online bank accounts is not the only challenge for fiduciaries. Today we also store music, photos, videos and documents in digital storage boxes, sometimes referred to as the cloud. While many downloaded products are provided

only with a “license to use” instead of ownership rights, there are plenty of items stored in these digital that are “owned” by the individual that should be collected and distributed as part of the estate. While some have sentimental value (such as photos and videos), some of these digital assets may have financial value (as in the case of a recently completed book manuscript or an important contract document). Heirs may lose these assets if fiduciaries are not given the necessary information to allow identification, access, collection, and preservation.

Frank Stepp is a certified estate planning consultant with Thompson & Associates. His services are provided free-of-charge to friends of North Colorado Medical Center Foundation. If you are interested in a free, no obligation appointment with Frank to discuss wills, trusts, or estate planning, please contact Kyle Holman at 970-810-2441 or

Wolach Family Dedicates Bench Family members of Dr. Bernerd Wolach recently gathered to commemorate the placement of a bench they donated in his memory. Dr. Wolach was a well-known urologist who practiced in Greeley from 1961 - 1998. During his tenure, he also served as an NCMC Board and Executive Committee member and NCMC Chief of Staff. He passed away in 2014 at the age of 84. Dr. James Wolach shared, “Being able to dedicate the bench for our father, who spent his entire medical career at NCMC, was very special to all of us.” They were honored to place the bench in his memory. It is located at the entrance to the NCMC Cancer Institute and physician offices for guests to enjoy.

Dr. Bernerd Wolach’s family gathers to commemorate the bench they donated in his memory. Seated l to r – Daughter, Kristin Lehnert; Wife, Deidre Wolach – whom they affectionately call the pink-haired lady; Standing l to r – Sons, Dr. James Wolach; Michael Wolach; and Dr. Marc Wolach. The bench denotes the dates of service Dr. Bernerd Wolach was in practice.


Sam Stoltz Completes Eagle Scout Project he did not win the grant he was pursuing, a special donor who knew of his goal contributed the needed funds to purchase 11 new recliners.

Sam Stoltz (l) and Walt Francis (r), along with Walt’s dogs Simon and Daphne, enjoy meeting one another recently at the Hospitality House. (Sam took time from play practice and his role of Grandpa Joe in the production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which of course required him to have frosted gray hair and eyebrows for the part!)

Sam Stoltz, a student at Frontier Academy, member of Boy Scout Troop 809 and an NCMC Volunteer set out on a mission last year for his Eagle Scout project to make a difference for a program close to his heart – the Hospitality House at North Colorado Medical Center. The Hospitality House offers affordable overnight accommodations for families visiting their hospitalized loved ones and for out-of-town patients receiving outpatient treatment. Sam chose this project because he personally knew how important accommodations like this are through his own family’s experience while his mother underwent a bone marrow transplant in Denver. Sam’s objective was to not only raise awareness about the great services provided by the Hospitality House, but to raise enough funds to purchase new recliners for the guest rooms. The existing recliners were more than 10 years old and some were no longer functional. He applied for a grant to fund the recliners and although


That special donor was Walt Francis of Greeley. Walt often walks his two dogs, Daphne and Simon, in the area and on occasion, guests and hospital staff members would ask to pet the dogs. One of those staff members was Hospitality House Coordinator, Lou Jones. In talking with Walt, the subject came up about Sam’s project, which Walt had read about in the local newspaper. He wanted to get involved and help Sam complete the project by making a contribution to the NCMC Foundation. On a Friday evening in May, Sam, along with help from Boy Scout Troop 809, relocated the old chairs and moved the new recliners into guest rooms.

Sam and Walt were finally able to meet recently at the Hospitality House. Sam expressed sincere gratitude to Walt for his support and enjoyed meeting Daphne and Simon as well. Walt feels they were instrumental in helping make the project come together. He was honored to be able to support the project and help Sam achieve his goal. We are so appreciative to Sam, Walt, Daphne and Simon for making a difference and coming together to support the Hospitality House!

One of the new recliners located in a guest room at the Hospitality House.

Board Member Profile Meet Mitch Wagy If you know Mitch Wagy, you know he is the epitome of the saying, “salt of the earth.” This common phrase means reliable, trustworthy and straightforward. That’s definitely Mitch. He has dedicated his life to being there for Weld County and Greeley residents, in their greatest times of need. Mitch has been in essential services for 31 years, fulfilling his dream of being a firefighter with Mitch with his wife Melody. Western Hills Fire Protection District early on, then as a flight paramedic for Air Life Greeley – now known as North Colorado Med Evac, then became a nationally registered paramedic for Weld County Paramedic Services – now known as Banner NCMC Paramedic Services where he has worked since 1989. He also served on the SWAT team for the Greeley Police Department and Weld County Sheriff Department as a Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) medic, and as a volunteer firefighter through the years.

Mitch brings great knowledge and a solid pre-hospital and essential services perspective to the board, along with a strong community focus. “The Foundation Board has outstanding community leaders and members, and I wanted to be a part of that,” he said. Mitch was born in Brighton and moved to Greeley as a young child. His folks traveled with Great Western Sugar and settled here.

“EMS is where it’s at. I love taking care of patients. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. While I enjoy being assistant chief, I do miss being on the rig and providing patient care,” he said. Mitch joined the NCMC Foundation board in January 2018. He respects NCMC Foundation’s commitment to giving back to the community.

Mitch’s son Dain and his wife Hattie, with their sons Cash and Jack.

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Board Member Profile continued Mitch graduated from Greeley West High School where he played football, ran track and wrestled. He attended Yankton College in South Dakota on a football scholarship. His football career ended when his knees gave out but he picked himself up, returned home, and finished Fire Academy at Aims Community College.

can. Mitch also likes to fish, hunt and work out at the gym in his spare time. Melody enjoys landscaping and working in the garden. She is retiring soon from accounting work so she can spend more time with her grandsons. Mitch and Melody have been married 33 years, having met in Greeley through mutual friends. The couple has two grown sons, Coleman and Dain. Dain and his wife Hattie live in Gypsum, Colorado and Coleman and his wife Aubrey reside in Englewood, Florida.

One of his fondest memories is attending the high school graduation of his very first Mitch’s son Coleman and his wife Aubrey reside in Englewood, Florida. paramedic call—the delivery of a little girl. Eighteen years later, “I’m a passionate, loud guy, but as he received an invitation in the mail to attend her I grow older I’ve learned—especially as a leader—it’s graduation at Greeley Central High School. better to listen rather than to always be talking. My main pride is in my family. I am so grateful that they Mitch and his wife Melody love living in Greeley. Their have allowed me to do this job, and be a part of this main hobby is spending time with their grand kids, community,” he concluded. Jack (5) and Cash (3), who they see as often as they


36th Annual NCMC Foundation Golf Tournament Raises Over $45,000 The 36th annual NCMC Foundation Golf Tournament held on June 11 at the Greeley Country Club, raised over $45,000 in net proceeds to benefit Banner NCMC Paramedic Services. Over 220 golfers, sponsors and volunteers participated in the popular double shotgun scramble. “I want to thank all of the participants and sponsors who once again made this event so successful,” said Diana Wood, Director of Special Events and Marketing. “It was a perfect day to golf and the Foundation greatly appreciates everyone who came out to support the tournament.”

Tournament Winners Professional Finance Company Championship Flight Winners: 1st Place and Overall Tournament Winners – LSI Insurance Agency, Inc./RCS Boys Golf 2nd Place – NCMC, Inc. Team 1 3rd Place – LifeMed Safety, Inc. Team 1

Cache Bank & Trust Masters Flight Winners: 1st Place – Supplyworks 2nd Place – Liberty Oilfield Services 3rd Place – Soukup, Bush & Associates, P.C.

Pro Oilfield Inspection Signature Flight

Taking home top honors from the tournament was the LSI Insurance Agency team consisting of Rick Meis, Bowe Colohan, Jay Stocker, and Steve Masted.

1st Place – Townsquare Media 2nd Place – Pro Oilfield Inspection 3rd Place – First FarmBank

Dinner on the veranda concluded the day along with a silent auction and trophy presentations.

1st Place – Western States Fire Protection 2nd Place – Naill Services, Inc. 3rd Place – Rocky Mountain Emergency Vehicles

The NCMC Foundation, founded in 1975, has served as North Colorado Medical Center’s philanthropic partner in supporting healthcare at NCMC and in the community. During that time, the Foundation has been entrusted as stewards of over $50 million in charitable gifts.

A big thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers who make the event so successful!

GE Phipps Construction Companies Medalist Flight

Longest Drive in the Fairway: Hole #15 Women’s Winner: Lindsay Galindo Hole #15 Men’s Winner: Nick Engen

Closet to the Pin: AM Winner Hole #2: Wade Johnson PM Winner Hole #2: Jay Birnie AM Winner Hole #7: Matt Harmon PM Winner Hole #7: Brian Smerud AM Winner Hole #16: Matt Curtis PM Winner Hole #16: John Carr

Chip for the Chair Contest: Kyle Holman All photos courtesy of Juan Leal


NCMC Banner Paramedic Services Ambulance purchased through funds raised by the NCMC Foundation.

Tournament Committee Collin Richardson Tournament Chair, Richmark Dave Bressler NCMC Ambulance Services Chris Callaway Titan Solutions, LLC Darin Dalton NCMC Ambulance Services John W. Haefeli University of Northern Colorado

Rocky Mountain Emergency Vehicles Team Rick Cudworth, Doyle Schaeffer, Frank Villa, Wes Scott

James Pisaturo First FarmBank Masoud Shirazi Shirazi Benefits Nathan Spruce NCMC Ambulance Services Mitch Wagy NCMC Ambulance Services Diana Wood Tournament Director, NCMC Foundation Eric Zurbrigen Flood and Peterson


LifeMed Safety, Inc. Team 2 Kaitlin Thorne, Jerod Eversole, Brian VanBeber, Justin Booker

Thank you to our many sponsors!

Teammates eagerly await a golfer’s tee shot.

Team Naill Services, Inc. Jeff Arens, Kenny Naill, Aaron Luders, Jimmy Phillips

Titan Solutions, LLC cooking extra treats for golfers and volunteers.

A golfer scorches a drive down the middle of the fairway.



Norfolk Iron & Metal Scott Ficarra, Joe Moralez, John Kuntz, Paul Reilly

BBVA Compass Team Mike Hill, Luis Ramirez, Hans Jorgensen, David Fritzler

Great Western Bank Team Duane White, Victor Tallon, DJ Schemp, Zack Zaremea

A golfer squares up his tee shot.

Afternoon golfers lining up to start.

NCMC, Inc. Team 2 John Dollarhide, Frank Stepp, Chris Bumford, Scott McPherson

NCMC, Inc. Team 1 Travis Gillmore, Mike Bond, Tim Jares, Brandon Houtchens

Team Cementer’s Well Service, Inc. Rande Newhard, Dave Beggs, Shawn Brevig, Zach Schoenherr

Team BizWest Julie Constance, Karen Crilley, Patrick Rosen, Adam Klett

Hensel Phelps Team David Carr, Jeff Heberlein, Jeff Wenaas, Nick Engen

Team Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital, Northern Colorado Long Term Acute Hospital Christina Salas, Tara Bernhardt, Leah Davis, Beth Bullard

LifeMed Safety, Inc. Team 1 Brandon White, Ryan Tobler, Jay Birnie, Jason Hutt


Sponsor banners on display.

Kaitlin Thorne hits a tee shot on hole #1 of the Greeley Country Club.


Mundt Energy Services Team Brett Sedustine, Bill Mudnt, Carlos Koons, Jeff Pangle

Teeing off at the beautiful Greeley Country Club.

Team Supplyworks Tim Warde, Ken Knight, Dennis Gierhart, John Carr

Teammates line up a putt.

NCMC Foundation Awards Over $550,000 in Grants The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation funds lifesaving and life-changing programs both at North Colorado Medical Center and in the community.

The following grants have been distributed through the second quarter of this year:



to purchase an ambulance for Paramedic Services.

for the Western States Burn Center to purchase The Burn Navigator device, bed tables for patient rooms, marketing materials, support continuing education for staff, including the annual American Burn Association annual meeting and the burn survivors picnic.

$75,000 for the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Impaired to support low vision services.

$63,000 to purchase a Hologic Trident Radiographic Specimen Reader for the NCMC Breast Center.

$62,981 for scholarships awarded to individuals pursuing a career in healthcare.


$35,661 in-patient support programs for qualified individuals. Support includes purchasing specialized burn garments for burn outpatients, assistance with living expenses for patients undergoing various cancer treatments, basic clothing to patients through the Hospitality Closet when clothing has been destroyed or damaged due to injury or during initial treatment by emergency personnel, mammograms and diagnostic services, Lifeline emergency alert systems and fitness programs for Cardiac and Pulmonary patients.

Equipment purchased for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatrics.



to purchase bili-lights, bili-meters, oxygen set-ups, breast pumps, and a cuddle cot for the Monfort Family Birth Center, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatrics

to support the Heart Safe City program to place and maintain automated external defibrillators throughout Weld County.


$21,098 to NCMC Departments to support Pediatrics, Trauma Services, Will Rothman Family Chaplaincy, Critical Care, Respiratory Care, Heart Conference, Doctors’ Day appreciation, Weigh & Win Kiosk and continuing education for NCMC staff.

$8,784 to purchase recliners and supplies for the Hospitality House.

to purchase Tele-Hospice for TRU Hospice.

$1,106 through the Med-Aid Prescription Program to provide one-time prescription assistance to individuals in Weld County who have an urgent medication need, but no way to cover the cost.

$198 to purchase books for diabetes patient education.

Total $560,300 25

NCMC Foundation Awards $101,000 in Scholarships The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation recently announced the recipients of its 2018 Scholarships.

The Belle Marquand

Loustalet Memorial Nursing Scholarship

The Mildred S. Hansen

Nursing Program Scholarship is awarded

Paige Greiner

Daniel Hohenstein

annually to a nontraditional student who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC). This two-year scholarship covers the cost of tuition, books, fees and a stipend for living expenses. The 2018 recipients are Paige Greiner of Greeley, Daniel Hohenstein of Greeley, and Alexis Marchiani of Fort Collins.

Breanna Olson

Julia Vermilyea

The Nurse Education

Tuition Assistance Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This scholarship provides $1,500 Alexis Marchiani per semester for up to five semesters. Recipients of this scholarship must agree to seek employment at North Colorado Medical Center upon completion of their degree. This year three scholarships were awarded. The 2018 recipients are Wia Wia Khaing Wia Wia Khaing of Evans, Breanna Olson of Greeley and Julia Vermilyea of Eaton who are attending UNC.

Kimberlie McConkey

George A. Coleman and Beverly A. Peratino Nursing Scholarship

Sadra Nalumu Kunert

Madison Reuter


was established by her son, the late Mike Loustalet, and his wife, Marilynn, in memory of his mother. The scholarship is awarded annually to an individual who has been accepted into an accredited nursing program with plans to complete a bachelor’s or associate degree in nursing. Four awards of $5,000 each were awarded. The recipients are Kimberlie McConkey of Kersey who is enrolled at Morgan Community College; Melanie Llana (not pictured) of Ault, Sadra Nalumu Kunert of Evans, and Madison Reuter of Littleton, all of whom are attending UNC.

was established in 2014 by Beverly A. Peratino, RN, MS. Beverly, a retired nurse, director of operating rooms and hospital administrator, had a 44-year career in healthcare, which included most recently the North Colorado Medical Center. Applicants for this scholarship must have been accepted into the Aims Community College

NCMC Foundation Awards $101,000 in Scholarships continued

Ashley Estrada

Dual Enrollment Nursing Program in conjunction with UNC and seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Applicant must agree to apply for a registered nurse position at North Colorado Medical Center upon completion of degree. The recipient of this $1,000 award is Ashley Estrada of Platteville.

The USA Scholarship was established to offer North Colorado Medical Center employees (or Lucia Cristina Perdomo spouses/children of employees) working in environmental services positions the opportunity to further or complete their education through courses at a community college, technical school, or a university. Applicants for this scholarship must have accumulated a minimum of one semester of post high school credit, and be enrolled in, or accepted for enrollment, as a full-time or part-time student. The award of $1,000 was awarded to Lucia Cristina Perdomo of Fort Collins who is attending Columbine Health Systems to obtain her nursing assistant certification. The Florence Slack Memorial “Nurse of the Year� Award, in memory of Florence Slack, began in 1986 because of the generosity of family and friends. The award recognizes a nurse annually Anne Freirose, RN who demonstrates the nursing skills and patient care that Florence exhibited during her many years at North Colorado Medical Center. Florence was a role model for her peers and a valued member of the

nursing team. Most important was her dedication to her patients. It is in the spirit of those traits and in her honor and memory that this award is given. The 2018 recipient of this award is Anne Freirose, RN who received $2,000, with an additional $1,000 from NCMC, Inc., for a total of $3,000, to be used towards continuing education.

NCMC Volunteer Scholarship is available

Ashley Kuehster

Claire Van Buskirk

to assist any resident of Weld County in obtaining certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) through Nurse Aide courses offered at Aims Community College. This Scholarship, established by the NCMC Volunteers, includes course tuition, certification testing fee, books and medical equipment required for course work. The 2018 recipients are Ashley Kuehster of Eaton and Claire Van Buskirk of Greeley. The Lily E. Widney

Memorial Nursing Scholarship was established in her memory by the family of this long-time Greeley Jamie Latimer resident and former nurse. This scholarship is available to assist a North Colorado Medical Center employee in obtaining an Associate or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. This one-time $1,000 award serves to recognize an individual making an important contribution to North Colorado Medical Center while simultaneously pursuing a nursing degree. The 2018 recipient is Jamie Latimer of Loveland. Jamie is currently completing her Bachelor of 27

NCMC Foundation Awards $101,000 in Scholarships continued Science in Nursing degree through Grand Canyon University. The Florence Winograd Educational Scholarship was established by Florence in honor of the care her late husband received at North Colorado Medical Center. The award serves to recognize and reward a group of individuals at NCMC who exemplify teamwork. The winning team shares a grant to be used for continuing education and/or approved expenses related to department or patient education. The 2018 recipient is the Emergency Department Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Code Cart (ED-NICU) Team, who are with the Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, nominated by Autumn Woltemath, RN, MSN. “Together this team of extraordinary NICU nurses has not only improved the working relationship between the Emergency Department and the NICU, but has significantly improved the process of responding to neonatal emergencies in the Emergency Department. Team members include: Stephanie Davis, Penny Vance and Cherie Wingard. These team members will receive $2,500, with an additional $1,000 from NCMC, Inc., for a total of $3,500 to be used towards continuing education.

Stephanie Davis and Penny Vance with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit cart they developed. Not pictured: Cherie Wingard

Dr. David E. Bates Memorial Award was established through memorial contributions from numerous donors in his memory. This award is given annually to one individual completing his Michael Bradfield, MD or her residency at North Colorado Family Medicine. The 2018 recipient is Michael Bradfield, MD.

Dr. Sam Widney Memorial Award was established through gifts from the Widney Family. This award is given annually to one or more individuals completing his or her residency at North Jeff Tyer, DO Colorado Family Medicine. The 2018 recipient is Jeff Tyer, DO. As part of its ongoing commitment to health education, the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation annually awards these scholarships to individuals in the community and employees at North Colorado Medical Center. To date, the NCMC Foundation has provided scholarships to more than 155 students. Some of these students have remained in Greeley and work as part of the staff at NCMC. Other recipients have chosen different paths. One went to work in a major metropolitan hospital emergency room, another joined the medical staff of a traveling clinic for Alaskan natives, and still another joined the teaching faculty of a university nursing program. Every NCMC Foundation scholarship recipient has a unique story to tell and all have worked very hard to achieve educational and career success.

Contact Diana Wood, Director of Special Events and Marketing, if you would like more information about the NCMC Foundation scholarship program. She can be reached at 970-810-2687 or 28

North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street Greeley, CO 80631

Upcoming Events Estate Planning Service

NCMC Turkey Trot

North Colorado Medical Center Foundation Monday, September 10 or Tuesday, September 11 by appointment

North Colorado Medical Center Thursday, November 22

Meet individually with Frank Stepp, Senior Vice President with Thompson & Associates. The program is a free service provided to the community by the NCMC Foundation. For more information about the service or to schedule an appointment with Mr. Stepp, please contact Kyle Holman at 970-810-2441 or

Western States Burn Center Golf Classic Eaton Country Club Thursday, September 20 This golf tournament benefits the Western States Burn Center at NCMC. AM and PM tee times available. Contact Allison Bruce Miller at 970-810-6305 or allison.brucemiller@ or Diana Wood at 970-810-2687 or to register.

This event benefits the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at NCMC. For sponsorship opportunities contact Allison Bruce Miller at 970-810-6305 or allison.brucemiller@ Registration is open at keyword: NCMC Turkey Trot. For more information visit

NCMC Foundation Gala – Africa Embassy Suites Hotel, Loveland Saturday, January 26, 2019 Contact Diana Wood at 970-810-2687 or for sponsorship opportunities and ticket information.

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