Tropical-Living November issue 2009

Page 51

ICEHOTEL is world famous for its unique concept, its fantastic

building process starts in mid-November when the snow guns

works of art and its extraordinary experiences. The fairy tale

start humming and large clouds of snow start to drift along

nature of the hotel brings out the child in guests of all ages.

the Torne River. The snow is sprayed on huge steel forms and allowed to freeze. After a couple of days, the forms are

Cold Creation

removed, leaving a maze of free-standing corridors of snow. In the corridors, dividing walls are built in order to create

As soon as winter begins, a team of snow builders, architects,

rooms and suites. Ice blocks, harvested at springtime from

designers and artists from all over the world gather in the little

Torne River, are now being transported into the hotel where

town under the direction of the ICEHOTEL Art & Design Group,

selected artists from all over the world start creating the art

and create each year’s version of the hotel made of ice. The

and design of the perishable material.


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