Handbook for the theraputic use of lsd

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unwarranted. There are three arguments against this point of view each of which seem to offer sufficient justification for the production of a manual at this time. Firstly, although only 47 cases are represented in the Smith and Chwelos studies, the work of Hubbard upon which their methods are based is very extensive. The work is continuing and many cases have been treated too recently to be reported. Much has been learned from the administration of the drug to staff members and to volunteers. Some 500 individuals have taken LSD in various settings in research into the nature of the drug effect and its therapeutic implications. The authors have been present as observers at some 200 of these sessions and have each participated as subjects in more than 100 group sessions involving 2 to 6 individuals. Through consultation with other investigators having a wide range of experience in LSD work, the authors have been able to learn much which was of great help to them. It is hoped that the handbook may succeed in relaying some of this information. Secondly, although the sample is small, the treatment does appear to offer remarkable promise. By whatever clinical yardstick one applies, the results appear most interesting. This is evident not only in view of the poor prognosis of the cases dealt with, but also in regard to the fact that in some 35% of the cases treated, a single therapeutic session led to an apparently permanent relief of symptoms. Thirdly, it is the view of a considerable number of people who have worked with LSD that the re-discovery of the psychedelic properties of certain substances by modern psycho-pharmacologists marks a most important advance in the field of psychology. Harrison (22), James (27), Kluver (31), and a number of others long ago pointed out the importance to psychology of this area of experience but their work was not followed up. Psychology, in its desire to become scientific, attempted to do so by accepting as sufficient the methods of the other sciences. In adopting these it has been forced to restrict its scope to the measurement of the observed behavior of the individual. This concentration upon behavior has precluded the examination, except through reflection in activity, of the awareness, the feelings, the motives, the values and the beliefs from which behavior arises. In neglecting these areas, psychology has omitted those aspects of human individuality which differentiate man from the other animals. Much has been learned through the behavioristic approach and much more will be learned in the future. However, the tendency to regard this as the only possible avenue to the understanding of human psychology is currently undergoing a change. The growth of interest in the origin and nature of motives, value systems, beliefs, attitudes, mood, etc., is clearly reflected in the literature. The discovery of LSD by Hoffman and the early investigations by Stoll have led to extensive trials and there is little doubt that work with psychedelic agents will help to accelerate this change in the climate of scientific thinking. In this process of broadening the scope of scientific psychological investigation the psychedelic drugs are likely to prove extremely important. They offer great promise in therapeutic procedures. Even more remarkable, however, are their potentialities as research tools in the investigation of personality and social relationships. During the last 150 years there has been a prodigious acceleration of the rate of advance in the physical sciences and their attending technology. The psychedelic drugs may prove to offer the means of a parallel advance—or indeed revolution—in social understanding and human relations. For these reasons it would seem that any guide which could hope to widen the use of the drug would be useful. Should the guide contain errors, these can only be corrected as more and more investigators come to understand the use of the drug and to pool their information.


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