Zanshin issue #5 july

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Issue # 5 July 2012

seek perfection of character 

be faithful 

endeavour 

respect others

Smiles and Symbols of Success

Welcome Welcome to our 5th issue of Zanshin. We hope that the newsletter is useful to our readership and we continue to welcome articles, comments and constructive criticism from everyone. They can be sent to Simone via email:

Seniors at the IKD/CKC tournament

refrain from violent behaviour

The Trinidad Karate Association -TKAis a non-profit organization and currently one of the largest active organizations in Trinidad and Tobago teaching traditional Japanese Shotokan karate.

In the second edition mention was made that the TKA is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Karate Union (TTKU). In this and subsequent Editions we will give a brief description of some of the others Associations with whom the TKA collaborates in an effort to promote the sport of Karate in Trinidad and Tobago. Our main feature will also be Part I of a two-part series which will examine aspects of dojo training.

’peewees’ at the TTKU Nationals, Nov. 2011

Inside Welcome In Focus>> 1. TKA Affiliations

Our over 40 member strong national team is off in a few days to the First World Shoto Cup, Toronto, Canada. We wish all participants best of luck and know that they will make us proud while carrying the Trinidad and Tobago flag. Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA (IKD) Zanshin


2. Dojo Etiquette 3. Feature 4. News & Updates 5. Events >>Also Inside 


Training Schedules


2012 Calendar

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

1. TKA Affiliations >> Members of the Trinidad and Tobago Karate Union Shuko-Kai International Trinidad and Tobago This school offers instruction in Shito-Ryu Karate-Do, Iaido and Kempo Aiki-Jujitsu. Shito-Ryu Karate-Do, is a branch of Shito-ryu developed by Chojiro Tani and refined by Kenwa Mabuni. Laido (Samurai swordsmanship) is a system of drawing, cuttting and returning a sword to the scabbard in a series of smooth, well-defined movements. The Iaido practitioner develops a strong spirit, improved posture, muscle flexibility and a strong degree of control over his/her emotions. Kempo Aiki-Jujitsu is the combination of soft and hard techniques for maximum effectiveness. Kempo emphasises hard techniques and Aiki-Jujitsu stresses soft techniques. The roots of these martial arts originated in India and came to China where it was practiced by the priests of the Shaolin Temples for purposes of selfdefense, self-discipline and improved health. Through Kempo Aiki-Jujitsu, the student learns the weak points of the body and how to attack the vulnerable points so as to disable the attacker.

>>Profiles: Profession: Engineer/Project Manager Karate Dojo & Location: Mushin, Woodbrook

Name: Earl Wilson

Affiliations: IKD Number of Years in Karate: 30 plus Rank: 4th Dan - Yondan Karate Qualifications: Instructor Karate Achievements: Obtained bronze medals in national tournament. Came fourth in first ISKF world tournament in senior category Karate Goals: Get 5th Dan by year end take up karate teaching full time internationally after retirement Mentor: David Chin Leung and Shihan Shim Personal Philosophy: Believe everything is possible with God, praise and thank the Master for what you have achieved Likes: Civil Engineering, integrity, family principles Dislikes: when people don’t try to understand other people and want everyone to be like them Best Memorable Moment: Achieving Shodan Advice to Young Karatekas: When you achieve Shodan discover your own body dynamics, learn principles and apply to yourself to ensure you maximize the teaching of karate



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

>>Training Schedules Day


Rank - Belts

TORA- Chinese Association, St. Ann’s Directors: Senseis Nigel Forde and John George 5:00 - 6:00am

Adults - Brown and Black

6.00 - 7.00pm

Juniors - All Ranks

6.00 - 7.00pm

All Ages, All Ranks

6.00 - 7.30pm

Junior Team - Brown and Black

6.30 - 8.00pm

Adults Team - Brown and Black


6.00 - 7.00pm

All Ages - All Ranks


10.00am - 12noon

All Ages – All Ranks Team Training



UWI Shokotan CLUB, UWI, St. Augustine President- Sensei Dean Avril Monday

6:00 - 7:30pm

All ranks - UWI SPEC


6:00 - 7:30pm

All ranks Engineering Undercroft


6:00 - 7:30pm

All ranks Engineering Undercroft

6:00 - 7:30pm

All ranks Engineering Undercroft


Real Spring DOJO, Valsayn Community Centre

TKA out in full force at the 9th IKD/CKC Caribbean Karate Championships

Dojo Directors: Senseis Theophilus Faustin and Gregory Placide Wednesday

7:00 - 8:30pm

Adults and Juniors- All ranks


10:00 - 11:30am

Adults and Juniors- All ranks


8:00 - 9:00am

Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Tobago- Scarborough Secondary School Dojo Director: Sensei Arthur Morris Tuesday

5:30 - 7:30pm

Adults and Juniors- All ranks


5:30 - 7:30pm

Adults and Juniors- All ranks


9:30 - 12 noon

Adults and Juniors- All ranks

KAIZEN Dojo Director: Sensei Marc Mollentheil Friday

3:30 - 5:00 pm

Adults and Juniors- All ranks


10:00 – 11:30 am

Adults and Juniors- All ranks

MUSHIN Dojo Director: Sensei Earl Wilson Monday

6:00 – 7:00 pm

Adults – All Ranks


6:00 – 7:00 pm

Adults – All Ranks

See Tips for training under Dojo Etiquette pg. 4



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

2. Dojo Etiquette >> Dojo ceremonies are an important aspect of Dojo etiquette. The Start of Class Ceremony is as follows: The most senior person at the end of the line commands in a strong voice: 1. Seiza (pronounced say za)!- kneel 2. Mokuso (30 – 60 seconds)!- close eyes

"Karate may be considered as the conflict within oneself or as a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training and one's own creative efforts.'' (Sochin Nagaminei)

3. Yame!- open eyes 4. Shomen ni – rei (ray)!- bow to Shomen 5. Shihan ni – rei (Master 7th dan and above)!- bow to Shihan( if a Shihan is present) 6. Sensei ni – ri!- bow to Sensei

Bhola, the Karate Champ

The End of Class Ceremony is as follows: The most senior person at the right end of the line commands in a strong voice: 1. Seiza (Say za)! 2. Mokuso (30 – 60 seconds)! 3. Yame! 4. Dojo Kun: This can be repeated in Japanese or English Hitotsu!

Jin ka ku Kan sei ni Tsu to muru Koto


Seek Perfection of Character


Ma ko to no Mi chi o Ma mo ru Koto


Be Faithful


Do ryo ku no Sei shin no Ya shin au Koto




Rei gi o O mun zu ru Koto


Respect Others


Ke ki no Yu o I ma shi mu ru Koto


Refrain From Violent Behaviour

5. Shomen ni – rei (ray)! 6. Shihani- rei 7. Good night Shihan/Sensei

Bhola, as you know, is a not too smart kind of guy. Every day when he walked home from work, he would get stopped by three nasty men and they would beat him up and steal his money. Finally, Bhola decided that it would serve his best interest to walk a different route and then take up some self-defence classes so this wouldn't happen again. He joined a karate class and soon was doing very well to defend himself. So, one day, on the way home from work Bhola took his old route home and sure enough there they were. He walked up to them and the battle ensued. The next afternoon Bhola went to his karate class with a black eye, a broken nose and a busted lip. His instructor, shocked, asked him what happened. "Well," explained Bhola, "I took my old way home last night so I could beat these guys up who were stealing my money, but they beat me up before I could get my shoes and socks off!" source:

8. Thank you Shihan/Sensei

Did you get it? You don’t use shoes and socks to train in the dojo! Lol



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

>> Dojo Etiquette cont’d

Shihans Woon-A-Tai and Shim and Class in Seiza position

Meditation Mokuso is meditation by deep breathing and emptying of the mind. After the end of the lesson and after having performed the warming down exercises the class should come to attention making sure all lines are straight. The instructor will kneel for mokuso (left knee first then right) and each movement must be followed by the class in the same sequence. The most senior person in the line will say "mokuso" and each student should close their eyes and begin the meditation. This involves a series of deep breathing in through the nose and (after several seconds) out through the mouth. After a few minutes the instructor will say "mokuso yame" (stop the meditation). Sensei ni rei The most senior grade in the lines says "Sensei ni rei� (teacher we bow) and then the instructor bows by first putting his left hand to the floor and then his right. The class should again follow the same sequence after each movement by the instructor and everyone should say "oss" upon bowing. The instructor then rises by first putting his right hand on his right thigh and then his left hand on his left thigh. The class should follow again in the same sequence each karateka making sure that they do not finish before the instructor. Everyone then gets up and stands in musubi-dachi with lines straight. The instructor will then say that the lesson is finished and he/she will bow and "oss". The class should then bow and "oss" to the instructor before dispersing.




a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

3. Feature >> Dojo Training This article is dedicated to the new Karatekas and parents of pee-wee Karatekas who wish to obtain an understanding of the different aspects of Dojo training. It is a two- part introductory series in which Kata, Kihon and Kumite will be discussed. Kihon: Often referred to as the “basics�, this covers the training of all the various stances, kicks, blocks, strikes, punches and body movements that are used in kata and kumite. These techniques can be practiced individually (to perfect a particular one) or in combinations to improve agility and fluidity of movement. One of the key objectives of practicing kihon is to gain a greater understanding of how your body moves in order to generate as much power as possible with the minimum of effort. This power is then applied to the various defensive and offensive techniques used in kata and kumite. Also, understanding how your own body works and how to control it, is the first step towards understanding your opponent’s movements and ultimately controlling them. Kata: These are the traditional predetermined forms or patterns of karate, and the fighting of imaginary opponents. Each movement of a kata represents a self-defense technique against a potential opponent. From the use of kata, the movements used in the kata can be employed in self-defence against one or more multiple attacks. These self-defense "applications" are traditionally called bunkai (analysis), In the Shotokan system there are 27 kata ranging from beginner to advanced level. Each kata teaches various principles of movement and self defence appropriate to the level of the practitioner. Also, within the moves of the different kata are various exercises for improving breathing, balance and co-ordination. The movements of a given kata must always be performed in the correct order, and the kata must always start and finish on the same spot. Kata is one of the earliest forms of karate training. It is how karate passed from one generation to the next. Kata are very dynamic, teaching the student how to move in all directions, sometimes jumping, sometimes dropping. Kata can be quite diverse. Some kata are very strong and sturdy in nature, while others require great speed and agility. Certain techniques are performed slowly and powerfully, while others are executed more sharply and quickly. By practicing kata, the students learn rhythm and timing, expansion and contraction of the body's muscles, and proper breathing. Above all, an individual's performance in kata must exude confidence while maintaining the kata's humble nature. In kata, the concept of Zanshin becomes important. Zanshin, the name of our Newsletter, means "remaining mind," referring to the idea that one must always be in a relaxed state of readiness, especially at the end of a kata to demonstrate one's awareness of any remaining potential danger. Only after the final bow is the kata truly finished. There are 26 (25 not including Jiin) kata in the Shotokan syllabus. These kata can be divided into several groupings.



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

>> Feature cont’d


The first three groupings are stated below:

22ND PKF Senior Championships- Nicaragua

Nicole Lambie, Tamara Joseph and Natakki Hypolite represented Trinidad and Tobago at the 22nd PKF Senior Championships held in May, in Nicaragua.

Heian – Peaceful Mind Katas

Heian Shodan Heian Nidan Heian Sandan Heian Yondan Heian Godan 


Tekki Shodan-

Iron Horse Stand

Tekki Nidan-

Iron Horse Stand

Tekki Sandan-

Iron Horse Stand


Bassai Dai-

Storming a fortress

Kanku Dai-

Viewing the sky




Flight of the swallow

(To be continued in next issue) Source:;

>>2012 Calendar Month July August


Event Details


Tuesday 3rd – Monday 8th

IKD Shoto Camp and Inaugural International Cup

Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada


Pan American Junior Championships


August October


Dojo Closed Saturday 13th

Camp with Senseis Paul and Alice Bernstein from Barbados

Saturday 13th

TKA Awards Dinner





Details to be announced later Details to be announced later

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

>>Profiles: Name: Andrew Rudder

Profession: Lecturer Karate Dojo & Location: UWI Shotokan Club, St. Augustine Affiliations: IKD Number of Years in Karate: 25 Rank: 4th Dan - Yondan Karate Qualifications: National Team Coach-Kumite; Trainee Instructor Achievements: Karate Goals: Mentor: Frieda Shim Personal Philosophy: Respect Everyone Likes: Archery, Chess Dislikes: Best Memorable Moment: Training in Sensei Shim’s garage. Advice to Young Karatekas: Train slowly, make it feel right Name: Ian Benjamin

Profession: Attorney at Law Karate Dojo & Location: Tora, St. Anns Affiliations: IKD Number of Years in Karate: 10 Rank: 3rd Dan Sandan Karate Qualifications: Class C Judge, Trainee Instructor Achievements: Gold medalist, Senior Category, Caribbean Championships, Fund-raising Karate Goals: To be a Class B Judge Mentor: Shihan Dexter Shim Personal Philosophy: Live by the grace of God Likes: Reading, Sleeping, Cooking, Liming Dislikes: Time-wasting, hypocrisy, selfishness Best Memorable Moment: Grading for Shodan under Takashina Advice to Young Karatekas: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

4: News & Updates >> >> Fund Raising June, 10 2012: The Health Q was held on Sunday 10th at Fatima College, Mucurapo Road. The Health Que featured healthy food and drink such as:         

black eye pea and quinoa croquettes lentil Pate grilled chicken three flavours of grilled fish veggie & raisin brown rice veggie gratin wholewheat macaroni salad with low fat mayo fresh salad and organic juices of a bewildering variety

There were also interesting presentations or talks from  Dr. Maria Bartholomew, Registrar, Opthamology, POSGH on eye health,  Dr. Dexter Shim, Consultant Otolaryngology, POSGH on hearing health,  Ms. Bianca Lutchman, Gina Noel & Fiona Rajkumar, Physiotherapists on posture and physical well being,  Drs. Katherine Pyke and Nicole Lambie, Veterinarians on Keeping Yourself Healthy and Pet and Animal Care,  Mr. C. LaBorde, Certified Physical Trainer who led the whole group in a very energetic and musical diverting aerobic work-out,  TATIL.

>> Grading June 14, 2012: Shodan Grading using the new format took place on Thursday June 14. As such the traditional Heain bunkai was added to the grading exercise for those attempting Shodan examination. Welcome and Congratulations to our new shodans- Marc Anthony Phillip, Marcus John, Alain Tang Choon, Nicholas Julian and Christelin Norman. Regular grading also took place on June 25 and 28, 2012. Congratulations to all those who were successful and therefore promoted to a higher rank.

Flashback - Grading 2011



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

>> Dojo Activities.. Dojo activities are not only limited to gruelling type martial arts training. We work hard and we play hard. Here are highlights of “playtime.”  TORA Tora celebrated Shihan Shim’s 60th birthday on Tuesday 12th June with a surprise cake and soft drink party.

Hope You Had A Happy Birthday!!!!


The UWI guys had great fun frolicking at TYRICO beach on Labour Day.



a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

5. Events >> Inaugural International Cup July 7 - 8, 2012, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Training continued for persons who qualified for the national team that will represent Trinidad and Tobago at the Inaugural International Cup. The final team members representing Trinidad and Tobago are: Officials:

From the entire TKA family, we wish our Team,

   

Shihan Dexter Shim Sensei Frieda Shim Sensei Nigel Forde Sensei Ian Benjamin Participants/Competitors

Dojo Tora:

 bon voyage!  vaya con dios!  and all de best in Canada!

May the ‘Zanchin’ B with U! Realspring:

Juniors:  John Ahloy  Peter Ahloy  Isaac Cozier  Devin Norman  Ethan Forde  Isaiah Colthrust  Anthony Thomas  Dominic Lue Fatt  Ray-Anne Ambrose  Jessi Gonsalves  Safiya Doyle  Iyana Doyle  Denzel Lawrence  Michelle Lue Fatt  Roshelle Lue Fatt


Seniors  Ian Benjamin  Nigel Forde  Simone Thorne-Mora  Christelin Norman

 Gregory Placide  Maria Thorne

        

UWI Shotokan Club:


Adults:  Katherine-Ann Pyke  Daniel Shim  Thaddeus Tempro  Adrian Moreno

Avril Dean Marc Anthony Phillip Tamara Joseph, Natakki Hypolite Nikita Fenty Nicole Lambie Julian Nicholas Marcus John Alain Tang Choon

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Making History: IKD Inaugurated in June 2011 Installation of Officers during the IKD Inaugural Ceremony, June 2011 The IKD - International Karate Daigaku - is a new non-profit World Karate Organization that is dedicated to the teachings of Masters Funakoshi and Nakayama. Master Funakoshi saw karate as an unfinished art that would grow with knowledge. IKD’s logo is derived from Master Funakoshi’s pen name “Shoto” which literally means ‘pine waves’. Today it is synonymous with the tiger symbol and Shotokan Karatedo. With its motto of ‘Tradition in the 21st Century’, the IKD is the only current Shotokan organization in the PanAmerican region with a stated commitment to improving the level of instruction through the promotion of research and innovation. There are IKD member dojos from the Caribbean, Asia, Australia, North and South America and Europe.

A monthly newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association Editor-in-Chief: Simone Thorne-Mora Layout: Diana Francis Proof-reading: Sensei Richie Robertson Photos: Sean Powell, Simone Thorne-Mora, others..

the August ISSUE… will continue to discuss aspects of dojo trainingkata and kumite and provide results and highlights of the Inaugural Cup in Canada. Keep reading!

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