Revista Segue Viagem Edição 32

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O Grande Canal é a maior via aquática de Veneza, o que significa que é impossível visitar a região sem navegar pelas suas águas, seja em um Vaporetto (embarcação que se assemelha a um ônibus-barco) ou em táxis privados. Durante muitos anos a Ponte di Rialto simbolizou a única maneira de atravessar o canal, conectando os bairros de San Marco a San Paolo e Santa Croce. Com o passar do tempo ela se transformou em um Acima, a famosíssima Piazza San Marco, onde estão alguns dos principais pontos turísticos de Veneza. À esquerda, recorte da Basilica di San Marco, em cuja fachada estão réplicas dos famosos Cavalos de São Marcos BELOW, THE FAMOUS PIAZZA SAN MARCO, WHERE THERE ARE SOME OF THE MAIN VENICE'S TOURIST ATTRACTIONS. TO THE LEFT, A COLLAGE OF THE BASILICA DI SAN MARCO, IN WHICH FAcADE THE COPIES OF THE FAMOUS SAINT MARK'S HORSES ARE PLACED

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The strategic location on the Adriatic Sea, in a lagoon named like the city, made of Venice a powerful region, which concentrated most part of the commerce between the Orient and Occident even before Vasco da Gama arrives in India and Christopher Columbus in America, back in 1490. This time of ascension increased cultural and architectonic development without precedents and that, centuries later, would still be a reason of admiration all over the world. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH THE GRAND CANAL The Grand Canal is the biggest aquatic highway of Venice, which means that it is impossible to visit the region without sailing along its waters in a Vaporetto (a ship that is like a waterbus) or private water taxis. For many years, the Ponte di Rialto (Rialto Bridge) symbolized the only way to cross the canal, linking the districts of San Marco to San Paolo and Santa Croce. As time went by, it became a small shopping center, with stores on both sides, and a precious tourist attraction, mainly by the sunset, when it testifies, from a very privileged position, the right moment in which the sun is hiding on the horizon. Over the Grand Canal, the Ponte dell’Accademia (Accademia Bridge) is placed, a bridge that takes to the Gallerie

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