Night Whispers 2 : The Deception

Page 100

Watching her, as she watched him, he drew closer until they stood a mere forty standard Earth centimeters apart, but to her chagrin it wasn’t close enough. He still seemed so very far away as if what lay between them was the great expanse of the Shi’kari Basin, surely an insurmountable gulf. Brianna Cantrell was at once struggling against her emotions. It was so uncomfortable it was painful, completely disconcerting. Where was this coming from? She didn’t understand it, or what was happening. She just knew she needed to be nearer to him. Odd, she thought. Ridiculous, even. What was it about him? Certainly, she couldn’t breathe and immediately practiced a mind-exercise. Passing out right in front of him would serve her no purpose. Then it dawned on her what it was. Animal magnetism, she scolded herself, choosing to distract herself by focusing on his uniform jacket, clean and neatly pressed. That’s all it was, attraction. A simple, biochemical reaction, to him in particular she noted, helplessly. Vulcan males quite often elicited such responses from females, especially unbonded ones, such as this one, making them harder to resist. It was common enough, she reminded herself, and completely foolish of her to think she’d be immune simply because she’d spent most of her life on that planet. However, this — this was insane — amplified, as it was. And she was blushing. Brianna Cantrell sought yet another mind-exercise

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