Shull : "Retribution"

Page 224

passion. It felt as if their connection had faded over the years; the way it felt before Ba’ku – when their connection forged itself stronger than it had ever been before. She stood, shaking the last vestiges of hard sleep from her body and walked to the small sink in the bathroom. She wet her hands and splashed the refreshing liquid over her tired eyes. Her thoughts confused her. Why would Will’s connection trigger such a horrible reaction when he was alright on the Enterprise? Her eyes flew wide with the dawning of her clarity and the reason behind her ill feelings. “Thomas…” she murmured. “Of course! Thomas!” She looked down to find herself surprisingly still dressed in her uniform, took it for what is was worth and clicked her combadge. “Troi to Commander Data.” There was no answer and Deanna tried again. “Troi to Data!” Again, her request was met with silence. “Computer…what is the location of Lieutenant Commander Data?!” “There is no such designation on the ship’s roster.” Deanna rolled her eyes in frustration. “No one is supposed to know we’re here at all,” she muttered. She bolted through the door to her quarters and down to Data’s assigned room. There was no answer to the bell. Her fears took root as she ran full bore for the morgue and wasn’t surprised when she was confronted with the unconscious bodies of three men and that Thomas himself was missing. “Data!” she cried and moved in towards the android who remained in a prostrate position on the floor. “Commander Troi,” he vocalized, his voice completely 224

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