Insight — Who and What is Fueling West Michigan (Issue 1, May 2020)

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To Create Hope & Happiness During Quarantine As many of us transitioned to life in quarantine, maintaining normalcy proved to be difficult at times. Technology provided tools to help businesses and organizations adapt to sharing through online platforms. Many neighborhoods organized themed window decorations to spread joy and help keep the community in good spirits. While the uncertainty can feel overwhelming, it is nice to know that the community spirit of Grand Rapids endures.

Funky Buddha:

Local Spins:

For yoga lovers, Funky Buddha live

For the local music connoisseurs,

streamed yoga classes daily for all to

Local Spins live-streamed music

watch. The best part—they made the

performances on their website—a

classes available to everyone, not just

great way to enjoy the music scene

their members!

and support local artists while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

The Rainbow Hunt: Throughout Muskegon, people made

Be Nice Mental Health Foundation

pictures of rainbows and hung them

of West Michigan:

in windows to share cheer with their

A new podcast aimed at discussing

neighborhoods. This also promoted

how to navigate mental health during

physical activity, as people were

quarantine was started by the Be Nice

encouraged to go for walks to see all

Foundation. Each Wednesday, a new

the rainbow creations.

episode is published that addresses

Photo Via: FOX 17

the impact the outbreak may have on Grand Rapids Children’s Museum:

you or your loved one’s mental health.

Each day, the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum posted a different activity

MediLodge Nursing Home:

for children to try while away from

In Grand Haven, volunteers took their

school. There was a different theme

dogs parading through the courtyard

associated with each day of the week,

of MediLodge Nursing Home. Since

and the activities revolved around

human visitors weren’t allowed to

education and being active. This has

enter the building, it brightened the

been a wonderful resource for bored

senior residents’ days to see all the

children and parents that didn’t know

dogs through their windows!

Photo Via: Grand Haven Tribune

what to do with them! Hudsonville Schools: Teachers paraded through their students’ neighborhoods in their cars to brighten up their days.


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