1992 LMU Yearbook

Page 210


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ci ng the third o ldest in a famil y of four brothers and four sisters helped Matt Brusky ro discover his

sisram Man ger for ln rramurals, and even pl aying warball , foo tball , and basketba ll with h is rea m of four years, the "Jub Jub Birds," as well as

true c haracter when ir ca me rime to

fe nd for him se lf and stand our amo ng his siblin gs. While growing up in Am eri ca's Breadbasket, Wisco nsin, M an discovered h is natural ab ili ry ro com municate with people, and found rhat he enjoyed nor o nl y working with rhc publi c, bur rhar he parti cularly enj oyed talki ng ro kids, especially when he visited rhc Orphanages in M exico. LMU set Man in rhe right direction by allowing him ro explore a wide varicry of social services and o rganizati ons avai lable ro rh c sru dem body. During his years ar LMU , Man kept busy by beco m ing Vice Presidcm of Crimso n C ircle. Som e of his favor ite service projects included visiting rhc Mexica n Orphanages , and rhc Juvenillc Hall Center. M an says rhc bcsr aspect of C rimso n is "bei ng around people who arc making an effort ro help or hers." H e also used hi s energies for donating rim e and ralcnr as As-


~, have always wanted to bring an ice chest of beers into the Library and camp out with my friends and play 1aser tag. )) bein g of m ember of rhc Jes uit Alumni C lub and rhc Sunse t C lub. Mart will ag ree rhar Milwaukee is a far cry from Los Angeles in terms of findi ng a solitary and gree n place ro re lax, bur t hen again, who can

resist ca tchin g a Grateful Dead conce rt one niglu, then turning around ro find a completely different group performing rhc next night' LA may nor offer much in rhe way of scenery and fres h air, bur a weekend excursion ro Yosemite ro hike and have rock throwing wa rs helps Man escape rhc rat race and gcr focused. Living dangerously became rhc status quo of rhc Brusky philosophy of making rhc most of o ne's yo uth ful ca ndo r. H e still has ro li ve d own his mos t embarrassi ng moment -when he and a room marc streaked across ca m pus, sporting o nl y their ran li nes. One of rhe craziest t hings M att would love ro do if h e wo u ldn 't get caught would be ro "lug in an icc chest cra mm ed wirh beer into rhc Library and camp o ur over night with about I 0 fri ends and play lase r rag." Mart pl ans ro appl y his gift for working with peopl e of all ages in rhc lega l professio n as a district attorney, afrcr a stint of reachi ng Englis h ar a high school cam pus for a year or so. -copy by Shen)' Boado

a re never dull with M att aro und . H e is ene rgetic, id ea li stic, and a hard wo rker. H e a ls o h as a definite op inion on most everything." -quote by Fr. Jim Erps

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