Touchpoint Vol. 4 No. 1 - Eat, Sleep, Play

Page 75

tools and methods

Storyboard, inspired by baseball game experience

• cater to the full range of visitor identities3 • leverage existing staff knowledge rather than reinventing the wheel • embed the process of change management and gain buy-in from all levels of the organisation to new ways of doing things • incorporate a user point of view by empathising with visitors and shifting planning priorities to focus on customer experience • discover alternative models and innovating service delivery by thinking outside the box

These tools are a starting point for you to uncover the aspirations of your organisation and to inspire you to think about visitor experience in a new way. We hope you’ll find them as helpful as we have as you add them to your toolbox.

References 1

Wilkinson, Lawrence (1995): How to Build Scenarios: Planning for ‘Long-fuse, Big-Bang’ Problems in an Era of Uncertainty. wilkinson_wired_how%20to%20build%20scenarios.pdf


Conifer Research (2002): How to Find Buried Treasure Using Experience Maps.


Falk, J. (2009): Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

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