The uniform list and how to order can be found in this information booklet.
In order to minimise the number of uniform items lost throughout the school, we ask parents and pupils to ensure that everything is clearly labelled on the inside (including shoes and socks).
Our uniform supplier, schoolblazer, offers to sew all of the name tapes into the uniform free of charge.
Please note schoolblazer are offering free delivery on orders from 1 July to 14 July 2024.
House T-shirts are compulsory and can be purchased through schoolblazer. You will be notified of your daughter’s House on or before the New Girls’ Afternoon in June.
Your school uniform and sportswear are now ready to order!
Simply log in at www.schoolblazer.com
Why not order early and relax this summer with FREE UK P&P from 1st July - 14th July 2024. Our returns policy is 365 days which means that any items ordered at the start of the holidays can be exchanged if you find they no longer fit before the start of term.
Enjoy our simple, easy-to-navigate website for straightforward shopping - we even feature a How to Shop video. Plus, you can shop easily on your phone and tablet.
Fully name-taped orders dispatched within 3 days.
Free UK returns, with 365 days to return your item.
We are committed to making your preparations for the new term as easy and pain-free as possible.
If you have any questions or require help, please do not hesitate to contact our Helpline on: 0333 7000 703 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 9am-5pm or email Schoolblazer at: customerservices@schoolblazer.com
Call: 0333 7000 703
Schoolblazer.com was founded by parents for parents to take the chore out of shopping for school uniform.
Our secure online ordering service allows you to shop for uniform and sportswear at your convenience, and we even offer to sew all of the name tapes into the garments for free – so throw out the sewing box and enjoy the summer!
How do I know what sizes to order?
We ask you to input your child’s measurements and our Intelligent Sizing System will indicate the recommended size on the shopping page.
However, this is a suggestion only, based on the measurements you have entered. Should you wish to choose an alternative size, you can use the drop-down menu to select this.
What if I need to return an item?
We offer a free returns service so please return any item unsuitable using our online returns tool, and we will either refund or exchange as required.
Do I have to pay for name tapes?
We only charge for the cost of the name tapes and sew them in free of charge.
How long will my order take to be despatched?
We promise to despatch orders within 3 working days, and more swiftly than this wherever possible. FastTrack delivery is also available.
I need an item that is showing as out of stock on the website, what should I do? As an online retailer we typically hold much higher levels of stock than a high street store, but if an item you require is showing as out of stock, please place your order and we will work to supply this as quickly as possible.
What if I need further information or help with my order?
Our Schoolblazer website features lots of useful information including a How to Shop video and more Frequently Asked Questions. Alternatively you can call our Customer Services Team on 0333 7000 703 and they will be happy to help.
Call: 0333 7000 703
n Navy Crested Coat
Compulsory n
n Tartan Pinafore Either/or n
n Navy Trousers Either/or n
n Long Sleeved Blouse
Either/or n Blue Textured Revere Collar
n Short Sleeved Blouse Either/or n Blue Textured Revere Collar
n Cardigan
n Summer Dress
n Tights
n Long Socks
n Ankle Socks
n Shoes
n Active Jacket
n Training Pants
n Games Shirt
n Base Layers
n Games Socks
n Shorts
n Baseball Cap
n Duffel Bag
n PE Bag
n Swimming Costume
n Swimming Cap
n Socks
n House T-shirt
n Trainers
n Sun Hat
n Beanie
n Bobble Hat
n Scarf & Gloves
n Scrunchie
n Hair Bands
n Rucksack
n Book Bag
n Art Overall
n Waterbottle
Compulsory n Navy Cardigan with Blue Trim
Compulsory n Blue & White Summer Dress with White Collar & Cuffs
Compulsory n Navy Cotton Rich Tights
Compulsory n Navy Long Socks
Compulsory n White Ankle Socks
Compulsory Black - not boots, trainers or canvas.
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Active Jacket, Stormtex, crested
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Training Pants, Performatex, crested, girls fit
Compulsory n Limitless Single-Sided Sublimated Shirt with V Collar, girls fit
Optional n Navy
Compulsory n Limitless Games Socks, turquoise hooped
Compulsory n Limitless Navy PE Shorts, Performatex, crested, unisex fit
Compulsory n Navy, crested (compulsory for summer)
Compulsory n Navy Duffel Bag - embroidered crest
Compulsory n Navy PE Bag - embroidered crest
Compulsory n Speedo Navy Swimming Costume
Compulsory n Navy Swim Cap
Compulsory n White Ankle Socks
Compulsory n House T-shirt to be worn for House events only
Compulsory Own preference
Optional n Navy Crested
Optional n Navy Crested Fleece Beanie
Optional n Navy Crested Bobble Hat
Optional n
Compulsory n Tartan (winter) or Blue & White (summer) Scrunchie
Compulsory Navy, Black or Brown
Compulsory n Navy Crested Rucksack
Compulsory n Navy Crested Book Bag
Compulsory n Royal Art Overall
Stationery equipment will be provided by the school.
n Items that can only be purchased through schoolblazer
n Items that are available to purchase from schoolblazer or other suppliers
n Navy Crested Coat Compulsory n
n Skirt
Either/or n
n Navy Trousers Either/or n
n Long Sleeved Blouse
n Short Sleeved Blouse
n Cardigan
n V Neck Jumper
n Summer Dress
n Tights
n Long Socks
n Shoes
n Active Jacket
n Mid Layer
n Training Pants
n Games Shirt
n Base Layers
n Games Socks
n Shorts
n Skort
n Baseball Cap
n Duffel Bag
n PE Bag
n Swimming Costume
n Swimming Cap
n Socks
n Gloves
n House T-shirt
n Trainers
n Sun Hat
n Beanie
n Bobble Hat
Either/or n Blue Textured Revere Collar
Either/or n Blue Textured Revere Collar
Either/or n Navy Cardigan with Blue Trim
Either/or n Blue V Neck Jumper With Navy V
Compulsory n Blue & White Summer Dress with White Collar & Cuffs
Compulsory n Navy Cotton Rich Tights
Compulsory n Navy Long Socks
Compulsory Black (own preference but not boots, trainers or canvas)
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Active Jacket, Stormtex, crested
Compulsory n Available to purchase w/c 24 June 2024 from schoolblazer
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Training Pants, Performatex, crested, girls fit
Compulsory n Limitless Single-Sided Sublimated Shirt with V Collar, girls fit
Optional n Navy
Compulsory n Limitless Games Socks, turquoise hooped
Compulsory n Limitless Navy PE Shorts, Performatex, crested, unisex fit
Compulsory n Limitless Navy crested skort
Compulsory n Navy, crested (compulsory for summer)
Compulsory n Navy Duffel Bag - embroidered crest
Compulsory n Navy PE Bag - embroidered crest
Compulsory n Speedo Navy Swimming Costume
Compulsory n Navy swim cap
Compulsory n White Ankle Socks
Optional n Waterproof Thermal Sportsfield Gloves
Compulsory n House T-shirt to be worn for House events only
Compulsory Own preference
Optional n Navy Crested Sun Hat
Optional n Navy Crested Fleece Beanie
Optional n Navy Crested Bobble Hat
n Scarf & Gloves Optional n
n Scrunchie
n Hair Bands
n Rucksack
n Book Bag
n Art Overall
n Waterbottle
EQUIPMENT - Years 3 - 6
Compulsory n Tartan (winter) or Blue & White (summer) Scrunchie
Compulsory Navy, Black or Brown
Compulsory n Navy Crested Rucksack
Optional n Navy Crested Book Bag
Compulsory n Royal Art Overall
�� HB Pencils (two) �� Pencil sharpener �� Manuscript handwriting pens (two - only for Years 5 and 6)
�� Highlighters (two max) �� Black whiteboard marker �� Scissors �� Glue stick
�� Calculator (Years 5 and 6) �� Descant recorder (Years 3 and 4)
Please no erasable pens or ink eradicators/Tippex. Pencil case will be provided by the school.
n Items that can only be purchased through schoolblazer
n Items that are available to purchase from schoolblazer or other suppliers
n Navy Crested Coat Compulsory n Compulsory Year 6
n Heavy Weight Puffer Compulsory n Compulsory Year 7
n Coat Compulsory Compulsory Year 8+ Black or Navy (own preference)
n Navy Crested Jacket Compulsory n
n Skirt Either/or n
n Navy Trousers Either/or n
n Long Sleeved Blouse Either/or n Long Sleeved Textured Blouse
n Short Sleeved Blouse Either/or n Short Sleeved Textured Blouse
n Scoop Neck Jumper Compulsory n Blue Scoop Neck Jumper With Navy Full Trim
n Tights
Compulsory n Navy Opaque Tights
n Socks Compulsory n Navy Socks (short or long)
n Shoes Compulsory Black (own preference, not boots, trainers or canvas)
n Rucksack
n Navy Apron
Compulsory n Bespoke bag. Compulsory Years 6-8
Compulsory n Food Tech Navy Apron. Compulsory Year 7
n Scarf Optional n
n Heavy Weight Puffer Optional n Compulsory Year 7+
n Active Jacket
n Mid Layer
n Training Pants
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Active Jacket, Stormtex, crested
Compulsory n Available to purchase w/c 24 June 2024 from schoolblazer
Compulsory n Limitless Navy Training Pants, Performatex, crested, girls fit
n Fitness Leggings Optional n Navy Fitness Leggings
n Skort
Compulsory n Limitless Navy crested skort
n Shorts Compulsory n Limitless Navy PE Shorts, Performatex, crested, unisex fit
n Games Shirt
Compulsory n Limitless Single-Sided Sublimated Shirt with V Collar, girls fit
n Base Layer Top Optional n Navy
n Base Layer Leggings Optional n Navy
n Base Layer Shorts Optional n Navy
n Games Socks
Compulsory n Limitless Games Socks (Year 6 white hooped, Year 7+ turquoise hooped)
n Baseball Cap Optional n Navy Premium Baseball Cap, crested
n Beanie Optional n Navy Crested Fleece Beanie
n Duffel Bag
n PE Bag
n Swimming Costume
n Swimming Cap
n Socks
Compulsory n Navy Duffel Bag - embroidered crest
Compulsory n Navy PE Bag - embroidered crest (Years 6-8)
Compulsory n Speedo Navy Swimming Costume (Years 6-8)
Compulsory n Navy swim cap (Years 6-8)
Compulsory n White Ankle Socks
n Gloves Optional n Waterproof Thermal Sportsfield Gloves
n House T-shirt
Compulsory n House T-shirt to be worn for House events only
n Trainers Compulsory Own preference
n Waterbottle Compulsory
EQUIPMENT - Essential Maths equipment for all Senior School
�� Protractor �� Compass �� Long ruler �� Scientific calculator - Casio FX991EX Classwizz
n Items that can only be purchased through schoolblazer
n Items that are available to purchase from schoolblazer or other suppliers
l Students in the Sixth Form are not required to wear uniform. This is to mark our trust in them to dress appropriately as they lead the whole school community.
l Learning to give a good visual impression to others is one of the ways in which Sixth Form students at Tormead can prepare for life after school.
l Students in Sixth Form are expected to wear interview wear/business attire on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On rare occasions, these days may be subject to change where there are public or formal school events, such as Open Days and Prizegiving. The Head of Sixth Form will notify students if these days are subject to change.
l The key principle is that a collar must be worn/visible. This could mean a jacket with a collarless top or dress, or a collared shirt/ blouse/dress with a V-neck jumper/cardigan.
l Trousers, shorts, skirts, smart jumpsuits or dresses may be worn.
l Closed toe shoes that have a back covering the heel are required throughout the year. A small heel may be worn, no higher than two inches. Trainers or casual footwear are not allowed.
l Sports jumpers, sweatshirts, halter necks, strapless tops, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, jeans, cargo/combat trousers or clothing are not allowed.
l Clothing and shoes may be of any colour but opaque. Any branding or logos must be discreet.
l Necklaces, rings and bracelets are permitted and nail length is at the students’ discretion but should not get in the way of learning or safety.
l Skirts and shorts should be no shorter than the length of your arms and fingertips when stretched down. Tops should reach the top of your skirt/shorts/trousers and should cover bra straps. The top edge of the top may be no lower than the armpit at the front, side or back.
l Students may choose their hair colour and piercings but must follow this guidance in the interests of health and safety:
1. Nose piercings: a maximum of one discreet stud or one bar (no nose rings).
2. Lip piercings: for health and safety reasons, lip piercings are not permitted.
3. Eye brow piercings: a maximum of one discreet piercing.
4. Ear piercings: a maximum of three piercings in each ear.
5. Spacers/stretchers are not permitted.
l Any other body piercings: Students who have other body piercings must ensure that they are not visible. Body piercings may have to be removed for certain physical activities.
l On Games days students are expected to wear sports kit. Sportswear, if worn, must be Tormead branded and not show logos of other schools.
l If a student is participating in an in/for-school sports activity on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, such as Sports Leadership or a school competition, they may wear sports clothes for the full school day.
l Participating in sports outside of school/ straight after school would not result in it being permissible to wear sportswear/games kit all day.
l On Fridays students may wear clothing of their own choice.
l This however, still includes the following expectations:
1. Excessively casual clothing, such as pyjamas, is not allowed and students should use their own discretion regarding skirt length, type of top and general appearance. Tracksuit bottoms and hoodies are permitted.
2. Any branding or logos must be discreet.
3. Footwear may include trainers but not open toed shoes or heels higher than two inches owing to safety concerns.