PSM July 2020

Page 39

He told the summit: “You are an

systems, resource constraints and

to mobilise a substantial stimulus

essential part of the effort to build

pre-existing economic vulnerabili-

package to assist African coun-

back better. Together, we can

ties, the long-term impact of the

tries to rebuild their economies.

emerge from this crisis stronger,

pandemic on Africa will be severe.

with decent jobs and a brighter,

He said the African Union (AU)

“Among other things, this will enable us to invest in job creation

more equal and greener future for

developed a COVID-19 strategy

initiatives, in workplace skilling and


and, as part of that, established

reskilling and to support entrepre-

an AU COVID-19 Response Fund to

neurship and the development of

help member states fund an effec-

small businesses.”

Creating sustainable, decent work In his address to the summit, Presi-

tive response. The Africa Medical Supplies

President Ramaphosa pointed out that in the midst of the un-

dent Cyril Ramaphosa empha-

Platform was also launched, which

precedented global crisis, lies the

sised the need to protect workers

is an innovation that will enable all

seeds of opportunity to deliver

against the rising tide of unem-

countries on the continent to pro-

greater economic security, equal

ployment through universal social

cure much-needed supplies faster

opportunity and social justice


and at a more competitive price.

for those who work, for those who

“We have to invest in people's capabilities, in skills development,

“We are also engaged with international partners and institutions

have lost work and for those who are looking for work.

in lifelong learning, in workplace inclusivity and in advancing gen-

About the ILO

der equality.

As the only tripartite UN agency, ILO brings together governments,

“Above all, we have to transform our domestic policy frameworks to support the creation of decent and sustainable work.” He added that the pandemic has given added impetus to the

employers and workers of 187 member states to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all. In 2019 the ILO marked its centenary with the adoption by the International Labour Conference of the Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work. The declaration recognises that the world of work is undergoing

goal to make our workplaces

transformative change driven by technological innovation, demographic

more agile, more adaptable and

shifts, climate change and globalisation.


It also sets out a road map of action for the organisation and its con-

“As we collectively look to the

stituents to shape and direct these changes through a human-centred

future, we have an immense task

approach to the future of work in the context of the persistent poverty,

before us to rebuild our shattered

inequalities, injustices, conflict and disasters that continue to threaten

lives and economies.”

shared prosperity and decent work for all.

Focusing on the African con-

The declaration stresses the need to strengthen the capacities for all

tinent, the President noted that

people to enable them to benefit from change at work, to strengthen

so far, it recorded lower rates of

the institutions of work to ensure adequate protection for all workers,

infection than many other parts of

and to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and

the world.

productive employment and decent work for all. – Source:

“But because of weak health

Public Sector Manager • July 2020


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