PSM September 2019 Edition

Page 92


Writer: Duane Stacey


– the thrill of the space


pace. Great, big expanses

Creighton, a little dot on the Kwa-

of it, as far as the eye can

Zulu-Natal map, is one such mid-

I wander up and down the

see. I didn’t know how

dle-of-nowhere place, with plenty

platform, taking pictures of the

much my soul thirsted for it. But

of space. My journey begins here,

gleaming red carriages and

the southern Drakensberg and

on the sun-drenched platform of

the engine – GMAM no. 4707, or

surrounds will show you that, if you

a middle-of-nowhere train station,

‘Lindie’ as she is nicknamed by

allow it to, and so much more.

where an excited crowd has

her driver. Suddenly she belches

Space is a funny thing – swathes

as the day warms up.

gathered. Having been warned

a cloud of inky smoke, surging to

of land on which we might, in

that winter – and even spring – in

life. I clamber aboard and begin

modernity, make the mistake of

the high-lying parts of KwaZulu-

exploring the coaches – the

saying there is ‘nothing’. You know,

Natal where we’re headed, can

dining coach, with its carpeted

those places in the middle of

be worlds apart from the balmy,

floors and wooden beams across


tropical temperatures of Durban,

the ceilings, and the lounge

With a population of just 899,

I’m wrapped up in all my layers,

coach, furnished with plush

according to the 2011 Census,

which are disappearing rapidly

armchairs and sofas upholstered


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

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