PSM October 2018 Edition

Page 81

achievement to simply earn a living

This is despite being warned by

As we celebrate the centenary

and create wealth, he chose to

some in the legal profession that

of their birth, let us use the oppor-

fight for the greater good of the

his involvement in politics would

tunity to reflect on their lives and

majority. His commitment was to

damage the credibility of his law

sacrifices and learn from them.

make a positive impact on the

firm. But he stood firm nonetheless

We call on all South Africans to

lives of the people of this country

and paid a steep price for his defi-

use the celebration of the cen-

as he believed that “what counts

ance. His involvement in politics

tenary of the birth of our icons to

in life is not the mere fact that we

and the sacrifices he made led to

do their part to take forward their

have lived. It is what difference we

him being arrested, banned from


have made to the lives of others

addressing people and severely

that will determine the signifi-

restricted from travelling.

cance of the life we lead”. It is against this background that

Madiba’s courage inspired

In the spirit of #ThumaMina we should go to our communities to help address some of the

many people both in the coun-

problems that our people face as

he refused to live a lifestyle that

try and around the world to be

Madiba and Ma Sisulu did many

was not enjoyed by the majority

active in politics. He has shown

years ago.

people in this country but used

us that it takes courage of one

his legal skills to fight for the equal

man to start a movement that will

work together we can overcome

treatment of black people. He

change our country for the better

all the challenges we face which

also believed that law alone was

and create a society where all

includes stopping violence

not enough to solve all the prob-

may live in peace and harmony.

against women and children.

Our history shows that if we

lems of the country at the time.

The year 2018 also marks the

Our actions can go a long way

This is why he got involved in

centenary of the birth of another

towards taking the legacy of our

politics and led the defiance

stalwart Albertina Nontsikelelo

icons forward and for the next

campaigns against pass laws.


generation to learn from us.

Public Sector Manager • October 2018


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