PSM November 2019 Edition

Page 68


Services in the Global Assessment

work and the National Protected

on Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Areas Expansion Strategy are ac-

Exceptional biodiversity


knowledged in the report as im-

SANBI also referred to South

portant existing policy instruments

Africa as a special country with

Important ecosystems

for the protection of species and

exceptional biodiversity, much of

Minister Creecy said the impor-


which is unique.

tance of ecological infrastructure

The Minister added that the

The institute said the biodiversity

and healthy catchments for

report will allow the department

wealth possessed by the country

securing South Africa’s scarce

better targeting of protected area

gives people tangible benefits

water resources are already ac-

expansion as it moves forward.

like food, clean water, medicine

cepted within the country’s policy environment. She said the NBA reports help

She said it will also assist the

and materials.

department with national and

“It supports agricultural and

international reporting obligations

fisheries production and helps

to direct attention to the most

such as the State of Environment

protect us from natural hazards

important ecosystems that un-

Report, the Convention on Biologi-

like floods and droughts; and it

derpin water-related benefits for

cal Diversity Country Report, Aichi

provides the basis of a vibrant


Biodiversity Targets and the Sus-

tourism industry while offering

tainable Development Goals.

natural spaces for recreational

“The department already has significant programmes to reha-

“Armed with the scientific

and cultural activities,” said

bilitate water sources, wetlands

evidence, we will now be able to

and estuaries including the

take further action in a systematic

removal of waste, in particular

way to protect our most strategic

comes with the responsibility

plastics, and alien species that

eco-infrastructure and catchment

and challenge of ensuring that

suck up the water available to

areas and monitor the effective-

species and ecosystems are

us. These programmes will now

ness of interventions we are

conserved and used sustainably

become more targeted,” she said.

already undertaking,” the Minister

to the benefit of all South Africans


and future generations.

The National Biodiversity Frame-


SANBI. It added this rich endowment

Public Sector Manager • November 2019

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