PSM August 2020

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Women’s Month 2020 • Boitumelo SemeteMakokotlela, Sharon Sijako and Katekani Ngobeni are in a class of their own • SA’s strides towards gender equality




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August 2020 REGULARS 10 From the Union Buildings

President Cyril Ramaphosa


calls for an end to the


In other news

News you need to know when you are on the go

oppression of women 56 22

Profiles in leadership

Katekani Ngobeni equips

Boitumelo Semete-

provincial departments of

Makokotlela is just what the

health with the know-how to

doctor ordered to bolster SA’s

deal with COVID-19 at their

COVID-19 response


36 Women in the public sector


Port manager Sharon Sijako is


adept at swimming against the


Provincial focus

Mpumalanga is ready for the expected COVID-19 peak

tide 64

International relations

BRICS countries commit to a united front in the fight against


COVID-19 corruption: Govt closes in on perpetrators

Corruption related to

COVID-19 is putting the


lives of citizens at risk 74

and government is acting

Financial fitness

against it

Debt relief measures to ease financial difficulties 28


critical to SA’s future

Collaboration between the Public Service and private sector is the key to the

14 SA’s journey to gender

While government has led the divide, the task is far from


country’s economic recovery


charge in bridging the gender


Public-private partnerships



COVID-19 ushers in a new era of tech innovation The onset of the global

Public Sector Manager • August 2020


Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001

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speeds up tracking

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home: Get the 66



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Public Sector Manager • August 2020

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Interests of women remain a national priority


istorical refer-

were ordinarily described

Month also provides us

showed that South Africa

ence records

as male dominated

with the opportunity to

was committed to the

reflect that at the

work. Simply put women

examine the progress

empowerment of the

time of our democratic

suffered triple oppression

made in advancing the

women in our country

transition in 1994, there

prior to 1994.

rights of women over the

and globally.

was only one female chief

It is worth flashing back

past 24 years, when the

director in the whole of

to this past of racial and

introduction of the Bill of

advances have been

the public service.

gender inequality, as we

Rights first gave women

made to improve the

commemorate Women’s

formal recognition as

rights and representation

istration had not only

Month 2020, in our an-

equal citizens.

of women across social,

designed disadvantage

nual tribute to the more

Twenty-five years ago,

and inequality for black

than 20 000 women who

shortly after our first dem-

South Africans, but also

marched to the Union

ocratic elections, South

had a built-in programme

Buildings on 9 August

Africa signed the Beijing

represented in govern-

of gender discrimina-

1956 to protest against

Declaration and Platform

ment, making up half of

tion in which few women

the extension of Pass

for Action, which was the

the national composition

achieved high office, or

Laws to women.

most progressive blue-

of Ministers in the Execu-

print ever for advancing

tive. The rights of women

women’s rights.

are protected and

The apartheid admin-

Since then, significant

political and economic spheres. Women are today well

were given the opportuni-

This month provides us

ty to fly an aircraft, drive a

an opportunity to reflect

train or bus, or supervise

on the monumental

a large-scale infrastruc-

achievement of these

tive acts of the first demo-

policies and programmes

ture project – which

phenomenal women,

cratic Parliament, was

that have transformed

who proved the leader-

to ratify the Convention

the education, reproduc-

ship capabilities of the

on the Elimination of All

tive healthcare,

women of South Africa

Forms of Discrimination


in a society dominated

against Women.

by patriarchy. Women’s


One of the first legisla-

fostered through various

These three historic events clearly

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

services and social sup-

all countries must ensure

advance economic op-

port landscapes.

that the coronavirus pan-

portunities for previously

demic does not worsen

disadvantaged people,

constantly under attack

existing inequalities in

including women.

through gender-based

society or impede the

violence and femicide

realisation of the rights of

grammes have been for-

(GBVF), which continues

women and girls.

mulated to promote the

Sadly, this progress is

to worsen in spite of the

Existing initiatives to

A number of other pro-

economic empowerment

work done by govern-

advance the rights of

of women, including the

ment, non-governmental

women must not fall by

SheTradesZA platform,

organisations and indi-

the wayside during the

which assists women-

viduals to fight this horrific

coronavirus pandemic,

owned businesses to par-

violation of the human

because this would leave

ticipate in global value

rights of women.

the women of South

chains and markets.

The global coronavirus

Africa even more vulner-

Over the next five years,

Minister in t he Presidency, Jac kson Mt hembu.

pandemic also threatens

able to GBVF. It is an

the Industrial Develop-

the progress made in the

acknowledged fact that

ment Corporation has

advancement of wom-

disempowerment and

set a target of providing

must all work together to

en’s rights for a number

economic dependency

R10 billion of government

ensure that the interests

of reasons.

leave women open to

and partner funding for

of women become a

exploitation and abuse.

women-empowered busi-

national priority so that


they may live without fear,

Women have been

This Women’s Month, we

hardest hit by the finan-

It is for this reason that

cial implications of the

a cornerstone of govern-

lockdown, with the latest

ment’s gender equality

two decades since the

make independent

National Income Dynam-

framework is the broad-

Beijing Declaration, little

personal choices and

ics Study Coronavirus

ening of the participa-

progress has been made

ultimately become equal

Rapid Mobile Survey

tion of women in our

globally in transforming

citizens not only on pa-

showing that women


the lives of women.

per, but in reality.

were most affected by

The draft Public Pro-

Sadly, in the more than

President Ramaphosa

work without prejudice,

As the Public Service,

the three million jobs lost

curement Bill, which was

emphasised the chal-

we must provide leader-

between February 2020

recently gazetted, aims

lenges we still face when

ship and role modelling

and April 2020.

to establish a single

in the National Women’s

to the broader society

The study found that

regulatory framework for

Day speech, he said: “It

in the way we advocate

two million women lost

procurement applicable

cannot be that this Wom-

and advance gender

their jobs during this

to national, provincial

en's Day is drenched in

transformation within our

time. Most of these were

and local government

the tears of families who

own ranks, and in the

already disadvantaged

as well as state-owned

have lost their sisters,

way we place the rights

black women.

entities. The Bill will ensure

daughters and mothers

and needs of women first

that the state utilises and

to violence perpetrated

in our design and imple-

leverages procurement to

by men.”

mentation of services.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has said that

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



Help fight SA’s second pandemic that they have by

but you are enabling the

2020 GBVF National

far suffered the most

perpetuation of what is a

Strategic Plan (GBVF-

job losses during the

horrific national violation

NSP), the appointment

coronavirus lockdown,

of human rights.

of the GBV Inter-

leaving them financially disempowered.

GCIS Director-General.


Ministerial Committee,

and court officials

the establishment of

who do not ensure

a National Council

become so severe

that a victim-centred

on GBV and the call

that President Cyril

approach to justice is

to all departments to

Ramaphosa has called

upheld, are themselves

integrate GBVF-NSP

it a second pandemic.

contributing to the crisis

targets into their annual

In June alone, more than

by discouraging the

performance plans

30 women and children

reporting of cases.

and strategic plans to

The situation has

Phumla Williams,

Similarly, police officers

were killed in incidents

Public servants must

properly respond to the

position themselves as

coronavirus pandemic.

anti-GBV campaigners

During the lockdown

time for people to unite

– in their personal lives

period, government has

one of the factors that

against adversity, it

and relationships, and

ensured that survivors

has seen an increase in

is now. Men need to

in rolling out services

of GBV have access to

the number of gender-

start respecting and

and amenities that

support and services,

based violence and femi-

protecting the women

affirm and empower

including the GBV

cide (GBVF) incidents in

and children in their lives

women, and that protect

hotline, shelters and

South Africa.

and if they are unable

women where they are

support centres.

to do so on their own,


he stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic is

Many people are

of GBVF. If ever there was a

However, in the words of

suddenly finding

their families, friends

themselves without an

and neighbours must

fight we have three new

the success of our fight

income. To make matters

intervene by either

Bills aimed at curbing

to end GBV will require

worse, the lockdown is

reporting incidents of

GBV which should soon

the involvement and

preventing them from

violence or holding

be brought before

support of our entire

getting together with

interventions to make

Parliament – the Criminal


friends and family to

perpetrators realise

and Related Matters Bill,

relax and unwind. This

their actions are

the Domestic Violence

in this fight to ensure

increases frustration


Amendment Bill and the

we build a South Africa

levels and leaves more

By looking away, you

At our disposal in this

our President: “Ultimately,

Let us take the lead

Criminal Law (Sexual

that is based on gender

women isolated and

are silently condoning

Offences and Related

equality and is free of


GBVF. You may not have

Matters) Amendment Bill.


Adding to the plight of women is the reality


bruised knuckles or blood on your hands,

Other recent anti-GBV

This, too, is in our hands.

initiatives include the

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



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A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

Working together to end the oppression of women R ecently, the coun-

and for their right to live

progress in improving

Constitution we have

try celebrated

in freedom.

the lives of South African

to tackle the economic

women in the economy,

and financial exclusion

Women’s Day. This

The status and position

occasion marks the anni-

of women in South Africa

in the political sphere

that makes women more

versary of the day in 1956

today is vastly different to

and in public life.

vulnerable to abuse and

when 20 000 women

that faced by our moth-

marched to the Union

ers and grandmothers

know there is so much

Buildings – a great sea

in 1956. We have come

further we still have to go.

of womankind speaking

a long way in realising

Women still face discrimi-

many languages, from

a South Africa that is

nation, harassment and

We have joined a

different places and of all

non-racial, non-sexist,

violence, and bear the

ground-breaking cam-

races. They were united in

democratic, prosperous

greatest brunt of poverty.

paign that links us to

their demand for an end

and free.

to the dreaded pass laws


There has been real

At the same time, we

If we are to truly realise the promise of our


Generation Equality

global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

Generation Equality is an

inequality are intercon-

Thirdly, we want to

ambitious and transform-

nected. The economic

ensure more women

economy in the wake of

ative agenda to end dis-

status of women in South

have access to produc-

the coronavirus pan-

crimination and violence

Africa makes them more

tive assets such as land.

demic, we have said

against women and for

vulnerable to abuse. We

It is essential that women

that we cannot simply

their equal participation

must therefore scale up

are beneficiaries of the

return to where we were

in political, social and

support for women to

accelerate land reform

before the outbreak of

economic life.

enable them to become

programme. It is sig-

the virus. We must build

financially independent.

nificant that of the R75

a fundamentally different

million in COVID-19 relief

economy which, among

As part of this cam-

reconstruction of our

paign, we have joined

We have made a num-

two ‘Action Coalitions’,

ber of commitments un-

earmarked for farming

other things, substantially

one for economic justice

der Generation Equality

input vouchers 53 per-

improves the material

and rights and another

that will be given effect

cent of the beneficiaries

position of women.

against gender-based

to through the National

will be rural women. We

violence (GBV). Both of

Strategic Plan.

must ensure that women

vestment in infrastructure

subsistence and small-

must support not only

scale farmers continue to

the development of local

receive support beyond

industry, but also women-

the pandemic.

owned businesses. It

these themes are critical to our own national agenda. Eleven months since

Economic inclusion Firstly, we are going to

This means that our in-

the Emergency Response

drive women’s economic

Fourthly, we want to

must deliberately create

Action Plan to com-

inclusion through public

ensure that women are

employment opportuni-

bat GBV and femicide

procurement. We have

protected from gender-

ties for women in all stag-

was implemented we

set the target of ensuring

based violence in the

es of planning, financing,

have made progress in

that at least 40 percent

workplace. In this regard,

building and maintaining

expanding support and

of goods and services

we will be working at a


care to survivors, and

procured by public

national and regional

By the same meas-

progress is being made

entities are sourced from

level towards the ratifi-

ures, as we scale up

in legal reforms to afford

women-owned busi-

cation of the ILO Con-

our public employment

them greater protection.


vention on Violence

programmes, we must

and Harassment in the

ensure that young


women in particular are

This month we begin

Secondly, we are going

the implementation of

to scale up support for

the National Strategic

women-owned SMMEs

Plan to combat gender-

and for women who work

based violence and

in the informal sector

femicide. A key aspect

or are unemployed. This

women is only words

provide them with an

of the plan is on ensur-

will include engage-

on paper unless it is

opportunity to acquire

ing greater women’s

ment with the financial

matched by commit-

some of the skills and

financial inclusion. This

sector to make financial

ment from all sectors of

experience necessary

is because economic

services accessible and


to enter the mainstream

inequality and social

affordable for women.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

It is said that freedom is not given, but taken. The emancipation of

As we prepare for the

identified as participants. In addition to an income, these programmes will




ing that the private

in the workplace. It is up

man. It is up to us as par-

ment’s responsibility

sector’s record on

to transport operators,

ents and grandparents

to provide economic


university administrators,

to treat and raise our

opportunities for women

at management level

school governing bodies

sons and our daughters

and create an enabling

lags behind that of the

and religious organisa-

the same.

framework for advancing

public sector. This is an

tions to create conditions

gender equality, every-

issue that is repeatedly

for women and girls to

to reject and speak

one in society needs to

raised in engagements I

travel, study and worship

out against GBV wher-

play their part.

have had with a number

in safety.

ever we see it, even if it

As much as it is govern-

Women in the workplace

of women’s business organisations. By equal measure, we

Valuing women We must forge ahead

It is up to us as men

is against our friends, fathers or brothers. Let us be the genera-

Businesses must support

must eliminate gender

with our efforts to eradi-

tion that ends the op-

women-owned enterpris-

disparities in pay for men

cate chauvinism, sexism

pression of women in all

es in the procurement of

and women, and give

and patriarchy. It is these

its forms, in our lifetime.

goods and services. They

effect to the principle of

attitudes that enable the

The brave generation

should employ more

equal pay for equal work

oppression of women.

of 1956 marched for us

women and appoint

contained in the Employ-

more women to man-

ment Equity Act.

It is up to us – both men

all. We owe it to them, to

and women – to affirm

ourselves and to future

agement positions.

Women must also be

that a woman’s value,

generations to not betray

This is all the more

protected from harass-

position and opinions

this noble legacy.

ment and discrimination

are no less than that of a

important consider-


Public Sector Manager • August 2020


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Writer: Dale Hes

SA’s journey to gender equality O

ver the past 26

gender gap, public serv-

is still very evident. Add to

2019, an Interdepartmen-

years, South

ants need to continue

this the alarming surge in

tal Task Team undertook

Africa has devel-

working on solutions to

gender-based violence

an extensive review of

oped some of the world’s

the many challenges still

and femicide (GBVF),

the progress made on

most progressive legisla-

facing women today.

and it is clear that more

gender equality, in line

still needs to be done to

with the Beijing Platform

empower women.

for Action established in

tion aimed at advanc-

National government

ing women’s rights and

has led the charge in

gender equality.

bridging the gender


gender equality in South

laws and policies it has

Equality in the workplace

Africa is in a better posi-

implemented, but also

Government has been a

es made in the estab-

tion than it was at any

in the employment of

trailblazer in implement-

lishment of institutional

other point in our history.

women. Despite this,

ing the various gender

mechanisms for advanc-

This Women’s Month,

divide, not only in the

The report highlighted the substantial success-

discrimination of women

equality policies it has

ing women’s empower-

have been made in

in South Africa, whether

put in place regard-

ment. This includes the

empowering women,

it be in the workplace,

ing the employment of

establishment of the

but to further close the

home or society at large,

women. In 2018 and

Department of Women,

Tremendous strides


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

In her adjusted budg-

Youth and Persons with

address for the celebra-

South African society.

Disabilities, and various

tion of International

This has been pain-

et speech in July, Min-

laws for the employment

Women’s Day, that pro-

fully illustrated by the

ister in the Presidency

of women.

gress has been some-

continued high levels

for Women, Youth and

what uneven, especially

of violence perpetrated

Persons with Disabilities

in the private sector.

against women.

Maite Nkoana-Masha-

After President Cyril Ramaphosa took office, Cabinet boasted a

“In South Africa, as in

As President

bane, highlighted how

50/50 representation

many other parts of the

Ramaphosa points out,

these developments

between male and

world, women continue

government has a vast

will build on the existing

female Ministers for the

to bear the brunt of

number of policies and

initiatives in place to

first time in the coun-

poverty and unemploy-

programmes aimed

counteract GBVF.

try’s history. Close to

ment. They are less likely

at protecting women’s

50 percent of seats in

to own a business, less


Parliament are taken up

likely to be employed,

by women, and around

less likely to be pro-

ed policies and pro-

munity level such as the

40 percent of Munici-


grammes to give practi-

police, victim empow-

pal Mayors are female.

“We have implement-

“This will build onto existing structures that are working well at com-

cal expression to the

erment programmes,

In fact, women now

tation of women in

rights of women and

religious organisations

make up more than 50

the public service has

girls to education, to re-

and civil society net-

percent of all public

increased dramati-

productive health care,

works. From individuals,


cally over the past 25

to basic services, and

to faith-based organi-

years, we have not seen

to social support. We

sations, civil society

strived to transform

similar progress in busi-

have several gender-

organisations and the

the state sector and

ness or academia. This

responsive laws around

private sector, South

to ensure that mecha-

highlights the fact that

reproductive health,

Africans are joining

nisms are in place to

there is still a long jour-

sexual orientation, ac-

hands to fight and

prioritise the progress of

ney ahead, and that the

cess to justice, custom-

eradicate this pan-

women in all sectors of

gains we make can be

ary law, and protection

demic. We must also

public life. It is evident

undone unless we are

against domestic and

integrate the National

from all available data

vigilant and focused.”

sexual violence.”

Strategic Plan targets

“Government has

that women have made

“While the represen-

In March, Cabinet

into their plans and

all areas of the civil ser-

Protecting women’s rights

National Strategic Plan,

ments must include the

vice,” the report states.

Discrimination against

and has also estab-

targets in their plans.”

women is still deeply

lished the Inter-Ministeri-

entrenched within

al Committee on GBVF.

significant progress in

President Ramaphosa warned however, in an

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

approved the GBVF

government depart-

President Ramaphosa said that true em-



powerment of women

women and their

Mashabane explained

gender equality. We

can only occur when

vulnerability to GBVF,” he

that government will

also want to see sus-

all forms of violence


intensify its efforts to

tainable programmes

encourage the eco-

that are geared

nomic inclusion of

towards achieving this

women, particularly in


against women are put to a stop. “The empowerment of

Priorities for the future

women means that we

This year, Women’s

the wake of the coro-

need to end all forms of

Month is being cel-

navirus pandemic.

ing with civil society in

violence perpetrated by

ebrated under the

“We want to join

establishing Action Co-

men against women.

theme of “Genera-

hands across spheres

alitions to drive visible

We need to urgently

tion Equality: Realising

of government and

change for women.

address the continued

Women’s Rights for an

with all sectors of soci-

economic marginalisa-

Equal Future”.

ety as part of a Dec-

that the fight against

ade of Action towards

GBVF is bigger than

tion of South African

Minister Nkoana-

Government is work-

The Minister stressed

government and will require a collective commitment from society. “We will utilise Women’s Month to accelerate the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF in partnership with civil society. “We call upon our communities to join and help us eradicate this pandemic. We further appeal to families and communities to come together against this scourge to expose perpetrators and not turn a blind eye,” she said.


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

ATTENTION ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS At any given time the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women cares for 120 women and children. Since opening our doors we have assisted 160 000 survivors of Gender Based Violence. To this end the Centre is looking for long term partnerships and sponsorships.



• Substance Abuse Unit

The Saartjie Baartman Centre

• Child Protection Programme • Legal Protection Programme • Economic Empowerment Programme

for Women and Children (SBCWC) was opened in 1999 in response to the high rates of violence against women and children on the Cape Flats near Cape Town. We provide

• Psychosocial Programme

essential, cost-free services 365

• EPWP Programme

days a year to abused women

• ECD Centre • Second Stage Housing

and children employing a comprehensive range of services for the effective treatment and

• Advocacy and Lobbying

prevention of violence against

• Outreach Programme

women and children.

BANKING DETAILS: Name of Account: Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children Name of Bank: First National Bank | Type of Account: Current account Account Number: 62028179415 Branch: Rondebosch | Branch Code: 201509 Branch address: Fountain Centre, Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Website: | Telephone: 021 633 5287


Writer: More Matshediso

COVID-19 corruption: Govt closes in on perpetrators G

ment agencies to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute COVID-19-related corruption. “This centre brings together nine state institutions, including the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC), the Independent Police Investigative Directorate, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the Hawks, Crime Intelligence and the SAPS

overnment says there

Detective Service, the South

should be no scope

African Revenue Service, the

for corruption in the

Special Investigating Unit

use of resources meant to

(SIU) and the State Security

overcome the coronavirus

Agency,” said the President.

(COVID-19) pandemic.

This centre is investigating

President Cyril Ramaphosa

allegations of corruption in

announced that government

areas such as the distribu-

has established a collabora-

tion of food parcels, social

tive and coordinating centre

relief grants, the procure-

to strengthen the collective

ment of personal protective

efforts among law-enforce-

equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies, and the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) special COVID-19 scheme. “At least 36 cases are currently at various stages of investigation and prosecution,” said the President. “We are determined that every instance of alleged corruption must be thoroughly investigated, that those


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

responsible for wrongdo-

six weeks,” said President

ing should be prosecut-


Support package

and individuals for the relief of hunger and

ed and that all monies

According to the SIU

In April, the President an-

social distress. Over four

stolen or overpriced are

spokesperson, Kaizer Kg-

nounced a historic R500

million people have now


anyago, the new centre

billion social relief and

received the special

is a project of the Anti-

economic support pack-

COVID-19 grant, which


Corruption Task Team

age to direct resources

assists those who are

The President has also

(ACTT), which is a central

towards South Africa’s

unemployed and do not

signed a proclamation

body mandated to give

COVID-19 response and

receive other forms of

authorising the SIU to

effect to the government

assist businesses, workers


investigate any unlaw-

anti-corruption agenda.

and households.

ful or improper conduct

All nine institutions that

The package also

The resources for this

provides assistance to

in any state institution

are part of the new cen-

package come from the

companies in distress

in the procurement of

tre are also part of the

reprioritisation of funds

and seeks to protect jobs

any goods, works and

ACTT and work together

within the budget and

by supporting workers’

services during or related

as individual pieces of a

through the mobilisation


to the national state of


of loans from funders,


For instance, he said if

For the months of April,

including multilateral

May and June, the UIF

This empowers the SIU

the SIU is investigating a

development banks. Ap-

special COVID-19 benefit

to probe any allegations

case and in the process,

provals for funding were

has paid out R34 billion,

relating to the misuse of

finds what appears to be

received from the African

helping over 7.5 million

COVID-19 funds across

a criminal act, the NPA

Development Bank, the

workers and prevent-

all spheres of the state.

and the Hawks will be

New Development Bank

ing retrenchments in a

asked to investigate and

and the International

number of companies.

dence that a criminal

if warranted, arrests will

Monetary Fund.

The scheme was sub-

offence has been com-

be made and criminal

mitted, it is obliged to

proceedings instituted.

“If the SIU finds evi-

The package redirects

sequently extended for

resources to fund the

another six weeks, to 15

“If we ever need bank

health response to the

August 2020.

the prosecuting author-

records for an investiga-

coronavirus, including

ity. It is also empowered

tion that we are busy

additional expenditure

been providing as-

to institute civil proceed-

with, we ask for docu-

on PPE, community

sistance in the form of

ings for the recovery of

ments from the FIC be-

screening, increased

loans, grants and debt

any damages or losses

cause they have access

testing capacity, addi-

restructuring to small

incurred by the state.

and are mandated to

tional beds in field hospi-

businesses, spaza shop

refer such evidence to

Government has also

make such documents

tals, ventilators, medicine

owners and other infor-

is taken speedily, I will be

accessible to us,” he

and staffing.

mal businesses. Special

getting interim reports


“To ensure that action

on investigations every

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

It also provides direct support to households

assistance has also been provided to businesses



in the tourism, sports and

providers, abuse of food

funds that have been

transparency, com-

creative industries.

parcel distribution and

committed to the pan-

petitiveness and cost

the creation of fake non-

demic must reach their


profit organisations to

intended recipients and

access relief funding.

must be put to proper

put in place to prohibit


unjustified price hikes

Mismanagement of public efforts

With the fight against

Regulations have been

Reflecting on govern-

the COVID-19 pandemic

ment’s efforts to support

already stretching the

recover all funds that

businesses and people

country’s capabilities

have been stolen or

impacted by COVID-19,

and resources to their

where goods have been

of the national state of

the President voiced

limit, corruption further

overpriced. The suc-

disaster, the Competition

concern over instances

puts the lives of citizens

cess of our fight against

Commission has inves-

where funds are stolen

at risk, said the President.

corruption depends on

tigated over 800 com-

the involvement of all

plaints of excessive pric-

and misused, where

It is for this reason that

“We will take steps to

and ensure the availability of essential goods. Since the declaration

goods are overpriced

government has put

citizens and all parts of

ing. It has prosecuted

and where food parcels

several preventative


or reached settlements

are diverted from needy

measures in place to

households. All of these

eliminate corruption.

translate to corruption

“We are therefore deter-

Some of the initiatives

with 28 companies,

to stymy corruption

imposing penalties and

include National Treas-

fines of over R16 million.

and mismanagement of

mined that there should

ury issuing regulations

public funds, he added.

be no theft, no wastage

to ensure that emer-

petition Commission

and no mismanage-

gency procurement of

Spokesperson Siyabulela

tions about fraudulent

ment of public funds. The

supplies and services

Makunga, the commis-

UIF claims, overpricing

consequences for those

meet the constitutional

sion was established in

of goods and services,

who break the law or

requirements of fairness,

terms of the Competi-

violation of emergency

bypass regulations will

procurement regula-

be severe,” said President

tions, collusion between


These include allega-

officials and service


According to Com-

He added that all the

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

tion Act to, among other

certain cases before

with compiling a com-

by national departments,

things,investigate and

the President signed the

prehensive report of the

provincial governments

prosecute complaints


details of all tenders and

and public entities dur-

contracts awarded by

ing the national state of disaster.

relating to cartels and

“When we started

other anti-competitive

getting allegations from

national departments,

conduct, including ex-

different areas about

provincial governments

COVID-19-related ir-

and other public entities

regularities, we thought

as part of the response

Blow the whistle

execution of its mandate

it would make sense to

to the coronavirus pan-

You can contribute

is guided by its sector

have one proclamation

demic. These details will

to the fight against

prioritisation framework,

that would put all allega-

then be made public to

corruption by con-

in terms of which certain

tions related to COVID-19

promote greater ac-

tacting the Compe-

key strategic sectors of

under one umbrella.”

countability and trans-

cessive pricing. “The commission’s

the economy have been

He explained that


tition Commission through:

The committee is

identified as priority

ordinarily, proclamations

sectors for pro-active en-

are done per allegation.

chaired by the Minister of

forcement, such as the

“However, because these

Justice and Correctional

food, agro-processing

ones are related to one

Services Ronald Lamola

and healthcare sec-

thing [COVID-19], we

and also comprises the

tors and intermediate

started asking for a proc-

Minister in The Presidency,

industrial inputs,” said

lamation that covers all

the Minister of Finance,

Complaints can


of them.”

the Minister of Police, the

also be lodged

The Auditor-General

Kganyago says provin-

has also adopted spe-

cial heads of the SIU are

and Administration and

cial measures to safe-

investigating all allega-

the Minister of Coop-

guard funds committed

tions related to COVID-19

erative Governance and

to the fight against

and employees of the

Traditional Affairs


SIU have been seconded

Minister for Public Service

To assist the commit-

WhatsApp or SMS at 084 743 00 00 Facebook at

anonymously as provided for in the Competition Act. When this is done, the commission investigates the

to specific departments

tee in its assessment

complaint as its own,

been undertaken to

that are affected and

of COVID-19-related

thereby protecting

detect and prevent

under investigation.

procurement, President

the whistle-blower.

Special audits have

misuse of these funds and to identify risks in the system.

Ministerial committee

Ramaphosa has requested all ministers and

You can also con-

premiers to provide infor-

tact the SIU by send-

Speaking about pro-

President Ramaphosa

mation on the names of

ing an email to info@

gress of investigations,

recently appointed a

companies and details or phoning

Kganyago said the SIU

Committee of Ministers

of tenders and contracts

the hotline at 0860

was already probing

which has been tasked

that have been awarded

748 748.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela: Making medicine count C

hief Executive Of-

coronavirus (COVID-19)

and respond to any

ficer of the South


disruptions or medicine

African Health

As an entity of the

Products Regulatory

National Department of

Authority (SAHPRA) Boitu-

Health (NDOH), SAH-

melo Semete-Makokotlela

properly managed. Semete-Makokotlela

and medical equipment

says SAHPRA must ensure


that all health products

It is also playing an

used in the fight against

PRA is working with the

active role in efforts to

COVID-19 are regulated.

had a baptism by fire

department and industry

develop a vaccine for

when she assumed office

role-players to actively

the coronavirus disease,

Rigorous review

in January.

monitor the potential

working alongside the

Before South Africa’s

impact of the pandemic

NDOH and its partners,

first COVID-19 vaccine

in the last quarter of a

which include research

clinical trial began at

financial year, but had to

institutes and health

the University of the

start the 2020/21 finan-


Witwatersrand in June,

She not only arrived

cial year dealing with a global pandemic.

With SAHPRA’s core

SAHPRA subjected it to a

mandate being the regu-

rigorous review process. It

With experience in

lation of all health prod-

is SAHPRA’s duty, she em-

the health technology

ucts, clinical trials, com-

phasises, to ensure trials

innovation sector and a

plementary medicines,

are within the bounds of

strong research and de-

medical devices and in

safety, meet the required

velopment background,

vitro diagnostics,

treatment standards and

the 41-year-old has led the organisa-

it contributes signifi-

are done correctly. During the COVID-19

tion in its efforts

cantly to

pandemic, SAHPRA is

to strengthen


working closely with other

South Africa's

that the

regulators such as the


Food and Drug Admin-


istration in the United


States of America, the

Boitumelo Semete -Makokotlela is the CEO of the South African Health Products Regulator y Authorit y.

response is

World Health Organisation, the European Medicines


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

Agency, the African

across all sectors of the

is an alumni of the Uni-

and project manager

Medicines Regulatory

health industry.

versity of the North West

for the Drug Delivery

(PhD in Biochemistry),

Research Group.

Harmonisation initiative,

“We work a lot with

as well as individual

industry associations

the Wits Business School

countries’ regulatory

and very closely with

(MSc in Management

at the CSIR, my most


the NDOH and our sister

Finance and Investment)

notable achievement

“During my tenure

agencies like the South

and the University of

was turning around a

contributes to SAHPRA's

African Medical Research

Pretoria (BSc, Honours in

business that was making

decision-making process

Council, South African


losses ranging from R17

on medicines or medi-

Pharmacy Council and

cal equipment. It does

the Health Professions

toral research studies

a revenue base of R130

this by gathering data

Council of South Africa,”

on nanotechnology in

million, into a business

and studying the results

says Semete-Makokotlela.

the delivery on anti-TB

that within two years of

Her time at SAHPRA has

drugs at the University of

my tenure was breaking

cific products to decide

been challenging, mainly

Nottingham in England

even. This was achieved

whether sufficient due

as a result of COVID-19.

and at the Ecole Poly-

by establishing a sound

technique Fédérale de

strategic position and op-

ordinary day where I can

Lausanne (Swiss Federal

erating business model."

says they look for

say that this is what I do

Institute of Technology

particular information,

when I get to the office.

Lausanne) in Switzerland.

such as the data from

One moment, I have to

clinical trials and where,

deal with human resourc-

how and when they

es matters and the next,

Extensive experience

were conducted. They

I am handling account-

Prior to her current job,

Women’s Month, she

also look at whether the

ing-related matters. Until

Semete-Makokotlela was

stresses that women must

trials were done safely

recently, we were a direc-

the executive director

not merely sit but they

and if the medicines or

torate of the NDOH so we

for Biosciences at the

must be heard in the

equipment do what they

are still trying to fully staff

Council for Scientific

boardrooms. “They must

promise, without undue

the organisation.”

and Industrial Research

be heard, be seen and

(CSIR). She is also a for-

be part of the decision-

helm of the regulatory

mer general manager for


body, Semete-Makokot-

research, development

lela says in addition to

and innovation at the

women in positions of

SAHPRA regulates the

resourcing the organisa-

Innovation Hub Manage-

power must be nurtur-

work done by both

tion, she has had to focus

ment Company. She was

ing and empowering

public and private sec-

on improving communi-

a McKinsey Leadership

as employees want to

tor health institutions.

cating with stakeholders

Fellow for two years and

work in an enabling work

To function efficiently, it


also occupied the posi-

environment where they

must foster relationships

was born in Soweto and

tion of senior researcher

are valued.

The work done by these

of research done on spe-

diligence was done. Semete-Makokotlela

side effects.

Effective regulatory authority

“For me, there is no

During her time at the

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

She did her post-doc-

million to R23 million, off

Semete-Makokotlela says that women in South Africa must occupy space at the table. As South Africa marks

She advises that



3 OF OUR LEADING FEMALE EXECUTIVES Umgeni Water (UW) is a State-Owned Entity (SOE), established in 1974, to provide water services – water supply and sanitation services – to other water services institutions in its service area. The entity operates in accordance with the Water Services Act (Act 108 of



1997) and the Public Finance Management Act (Act 1 of


1999), amongst others, and is categorised as a National

BSc. Chemistry (UKZN); B.Tech Management (DUT);

Government Business Enterprise. Umgeni Water reports

MBA (DUT) Incomplete

directly to the Department of Water and Sanitation, through the Board (Accounting Authority) and through its functionaries, the Chairperson of the Board and the Chief Executive. The Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation is the Executive Authority for Water Boards. The primary activities of Umgeni Water, are to provide water services (water supply and sanitation services) to other water services institutions in its service area. In addition, section 30 of the Water Services Act, enables Umgeni Water to undertake other activities, provided these do not impact negatively on the entity’s ability to perform its primary activity. These include: • Providing management services, training and other support services to other water services institutions, in order to promote co-operation in the provision of water services; • Supplying untreated or non-potable water to end-users who do not use the water for household purposes; • Providing Catchment Management Services to or on behalf of the responsible authority; • With the approval of the Water Services Authority having jurisdiction in the area – supplying water directly for industrial use, accepting industrial effluent and acting as a water services provider to consumers; • Providing water services in joint venture with water services authorities; and • Performing water conservation functions. KwaZulu-Natal is the gazetted supply area of Umgeni Water and Mhlathuze Water which straddles a total geographical area of 94 359 km2 and is home to 11.1 million people and 2.9 million households. A

Acting Executive Operations since November 2019 Monica Malunga has been Umgeni Water Operations Regional Manager since 2012 and has held senior and management positions at Umgeni Water in Scientific Services, Marketing, Business Development, and Operations Departments from 2005 to date. Prior to joining Umgeni Water she worked as a Senior Chemist in Hulamin. She has been Chairperson of Imbewu Capital Partners Development Trust since 2005, Council member of Elangeni TVET College since 2014 and Board member of EWSETA since 2019.

total of 472 million cubic metres of potable water per

Monica speaks to us about STEP, sustainability

annum (1294 Ml/d) are currently supplied to customers

and the impact of COVID-19 on business.

who serve a population of 6.7 million or 1.9 million households through reticulation networks.


As a senior chemist, do you think enough is being done to promote STEM education for young women in South Africa? “Although there is a lot being done, there is


NOMALUNGELO MKHIZE Chartered Accountant (SA); BCom Honours.

still more to do – only 13% of STEM graduates in South Africa are women. This is not a reflection of aptitude or capability - the young women who go into these sectors excel. We need to encourage our girls and expose them to the possibilities.” What are some of Umgeni Water’s major sustainability initiatives? “For us, sustainability is vital and it means that whatever we do should be sustainable in the future. We have a growth strategy that has been reviewed and enhanced. We have a number of empowerment programmes that aim to get young individuals exposed to the sustainability of Umgeni Water, including graduate, trainee, apprentice and learnership programmes.” How has COVID impacted the organisation? “For operations, we had to get a balance of ensuring the safety of our employees as well as making sure the company continues to do what

Nomalungelo Mkhize was appointed as Executive:

we do. It’s been a balancing act. Throughout the

Finance at Umgeni Water in 2018 and has seen a number of

lockdown, Umgeni has continued to stay open.”

important changes in the organisation over the last 2 years:

What will you be doing to celebrate

“We are a learning organisation, and are always looking

Women’s Month?

at the global water crisis matter. This requires us as an

“I am pledging to sponsor a day where we

organisation to focus on innovation and 4IR. In aligning to

invite young girls to visit our facilities and spend some

innovative business solutions the organization put together

time with our engineers to get a feel for the industry.

9 multi-disciplinary teams made up of executives, middle

We need to attract young girls and let them know it’s

management and young professionals to ensure Umgeni

possible and that they’re capable. “

Water has all the benefits of a holistic approach in terms of

What message do you have for people out there struggling to survive COVID-19?

finding solutions to the water challenges incorporating the opportunities that come with the 4IR era.

“Stay positive and encourage those around you.

“Umgeni Water has also recently concluded the successful

We need to try and choose what we read and

implementation of The Enterprise Information Management

listen to - stick to what the professionals are saying.

System and the SAP Business Intelligence solution, both

Speak to those around you and lend an ear to

of which will change the way we work, ensuring smarter

people who are struggling.”

workflow and smarter use of data for decision making“.

Prior to joing Umgeni Water she held various roles - including Audit Manager in one of the big four


audit firms (Deloitte), Commercial Manager for a packaging company (Nampak), Group Assistant Finance Manager for a listed company in the agricultural sector (Crookes Brothers Limited), and various senior management positions in consulting firms, the latest being an Executive for Product Development (Bonakude Consulting) and Director (Morar Incorporated). And how important is reporting on ESG for South African companies? “There has been a shift in focus towards reporting not only on the profit of the business, but on the impact an organisation has on the environment and society, and also on governance. “Investors are also taking a keen interest in investing in businesses bringing sustainable solutions, not only for the organisation, but on a global basis. The world is finite and for Umgeni Water in the water sector, sustainability is critical.” How will you be celebrating Women’s Month?

Appointed as Executive Scientific Services in December

“This, for me, is a time of reflection of how far I have

2018, Manu Pillay has been a Non-Executive Director of

come as a woman in the corporate world, sharing

Msinsi Holdings SOC Ltd since January 2019; Trustee of the

my story to inspire and empower the young women

Umgeni Water Retirement Fund from April 2016; Manager:

I come across.

Strategy & Special Projects at Umgeni Water from 2008

“As a mother to a teenage boy, the rate of gender based violence concerns me, and I think

to 2018 and Manager: Water and Environmental Services from 1998 to 2008.

it is important for us as to look at this scourge

With three decades of experience at Umgeni Water, she

holistically, taking into account how we also raise

spoke to us about climate change, the importance of

our children, both girls and boys. For me the motto

water, and how she will be spending Women’s Month.

I am instilling with my son is to treat others as he would like to be treated.”

“Three of the programmes Umgeni Water is running for environmental protection include an accredited

What message do you have for people out there

laboratory, coupled with water quality monitoring and

struggling to survive COVID-19?

reporting - enables UW to safeguard the potable water

“Remain positive, reskill and upskill for the new world

it supplies - and the health of population it serves; the

of work and treat others with compassion. We can

treatment of wastewater plus investment in catchment

only get through this if we support each other.”

management – which are working towards the protection


of raw water resource supplies; and the investment in scientific research, innovation and technology – which is enabling UW to build resilience and prepare for its future. How has climate change impacted Scientific Services? Climate change is a key risk due both to its impact caused by extreme weather events on water resources quality and quantity and on communities. Scientific Services has taken the lead in proposing and implementing climate change policy for UW to respond to these risks. What have been your major milestones since joining Umgeni Water? My role on the management team, strategy team and now executive team, has provided an opportunity to contribute over 3 decades to good decision-making, sound policy, plans

UMGENI WATER CONTACT DETAILS HEAD OFFICE Physical Address: 310 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Postal Address: PO Box 9, Pietermaritzburg 3200, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Tel: +27 (33) 341 1111 | Fax: +27 (33) 341 1167

and implementation that has contributed to the


evolution of UW to the great water utility that it is,

Physical Address:

which provides services to over 6 million people.

7 Portland Road, Mkondeni, 3201

How will you be celebrating Women’s Month? A recent loss (close family) makes this month sombre and reflective, but with clarity and purpose for the future. Words I have read and

Postal Address: PO Box 9, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Tel: +27 (33) 846 1700 | Fax: +27 (33) 386 3673

want to share are “The best day of your life is the


day you decide that your life is your own, no one

Physical Address:

to depend upon, no one to blame, no apologies,

13 Pineside Road, New Germany, 3610, South Africa

no excuses – but a delight to experience each

Postal Address:

day as new”. This is important when we realise life

PO Box 11, New Germany, 3620

is very finite and sometimes short-lived.

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

What message do you have for people

Tel: +27 (31) 719 7300 | Fax: +27 (31) 719 7325

struggling out there to survive COVID-19?


Take all your experiences and lessons – good or

Physical Address:

bad - use these to affirm what is important to you

23B Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370, South Africa

and plot a better and more resilient future. Once

Postal Address:

we are over this hurdle, the next coronavirus

PO Box 9, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

pandemic will be around the corner and we

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

need to build resilience.

Tel: +27 (33) 341 1154 | Fax: +27 (33) 341 1167


Writer: Dale xxx Hes

Public-private partnerships critical to SA’s future


Youth Employment Service (YES) programme, launched when President Cyril Ramaphosa took office in 2018, has already shown tremendous potential to create employment opportuni-

he private sector

coronavirus (COVID-19)

the coming months and

ties by working hand-

in South Africa

pandemic, the public

years, these initiatives

in-hand with corporate

plays an enor-

service can draw on the

could hold the key to the


mous role in our econo-

opportunities presented

economic recovery and

my. Our country is home

by the private sector.

future growth of South

places youth in 12-month

to some of the biggest

Through public-private


paid internships, has

companies in Africa,

partnerships (PPPs),

across a diverse array of

South Africa can emerge


from recession and forge

The private sector boasts

a new path forward.

YES – a blueprint for job creation

considerable resources

A number of government

All government depart-

signed up, providing

and world-class exper-

programmes provide the

ments have mechanisms

quality work experiences

tise, while providing jobs

perfect platform to cul-

in place to support the

to over 35 000 youth.

to millions of people.

tivate partnerships with

creation of PPPs. On an

During and after the

the private sector and in

overarching level, the


The initiative, which

been met with a positive response from the private sector. More than 1 000 companies are currently

The work of YES has not stopped during lock-

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

down. A total of 52 new

Tumelo Chipfufa, the

of untapped opportuni-

The Strategic Partner-

businesses have signed

CEO of Cova Advisory,

ties for skill development

ship Programme at the

up during this period,

which advises govern-

work that is sometimes

Department of Trade In-

and sub-programmes

ment on a number of

not taken up by the

dustry and Competition

have been tailored to

programmes, says that

private sector.”

is another programme

the changed business

the YES programme has

The programmes Chip-

environment brought by

numerous advantages.

fufa identifies include the

on. The programme is

that can be capitalised

Jobs Fund at National

designed to 'encour-

A prime example is

is an excellent way for

Treasury – which co-

age large private sector

government’s partner-

businesses to invest in

finances projects by

enterprises, in partner-

ship with various private

the skills of young peo-

public, private and non-

ship with government,

sector companies, to get

ple, unearth talent and

governmental organisa-

to support, nurture and

township businesses on

improve the competitive-

tions that lead to job

develop SMEs within the

board to create 118 000

ness of their businesses

creation. Funding is pro-

partner’s supply chain or

facemasks in just seven

while at the same time

vided through four 'fund-

sector to be manufactur-

weeks. Made in Diep-

supporting the transfor-

ing windows', namely

ers of goods and suppli-

sloot and Alexandra, the

mation programme of

enterprise development;

ers of services'.

masks were exported to

the country.”

infrastructure investment;



“The YES programme

In addition, Chipfufa

support for work seekers

highlights the poten-

and institutional capac-

tial of incubator pro-

ity building.

grammes such as those

gium could offer a blue-

Platforms for building partnerships

print for helping township

Chipfufa highlights

Head of the Jobs Fund,

businesses improve their

other government

says that mitigating the

quality and competitive-

programmes specifically

impacts of COVID-19 will

excellent instruments for

ness to the point that

geared towards stimu-

require increased part-

building skills and enter-

they can tap into export

lating public-private

nerships with the private

prises and empowering

markets,” says YES CEO

partnerships. He points


communities. Compa-

Tashmia Ismail.

out that public servants

“The expected social

should seek to promote

and economic impact

need to do better in edu-

ships, it is now possible

these programmes,

of COVID-19 require

cating themselves about

for YES to offer local

as the private sector

government to effectively

these opportunities.”

economies some relief.

often does not come on

partner with the private

Each mask that is sold


sector, civil society and

“This consignment of masks exported to Bel-

“Thanks to our partner-

drives money back into

“Within our line of work,

Najwah Allie-Edries, the

offered by the Small Enterprise Finance Agency. “These are all really

nies and entrepreneurs

others to harness deep

Learning from the pandemic

the hands of young craft-

linking companies to

implementation capabil-

Notwithstanding its

speople and entrepre-

opportunities for gov-

ity to achieve rapid scale

devastating human and

neurs and into township

ernment grants and

in its response to the im-

socio-economic impacts,


incentives, there are a lot

pact of the pandemic.”

the COVID-19 pandemic

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



has given public serv-

workers available to

these improvements will

ants an opportunity to

fight the virus.

all remain and enhance

demic has made in-

the capability of the

frastructure investment

budget presentation

department to manage

even more compelling,

spective, the pandemic

in July, Health Minister

the health system into

even more important

has provided a snap-

Zweli Mkhize said that

the future.”

and even more urgent.

shot of how the National

through these partner-

Health Insurance (NHI)

ships, platforms have

will potentially function

now been laid for the

Economic recovery

in the future.

establishment of the

President Ramaphosa

stimulus our economy


has stressed that eco-

needs to achieve a

nomic recovery after

sustainable recovery,”

find new solutions. From a healthcare per-

The public and private healthcare sectors have

In his adjusted

“We are pleased that

“The coronavirus pan-

That is why we have placed infrastructure at the centre of the

collaborated intensively

during the past few

COVID-19 will most likely

President Ramaphosa

to expand healthcare

months the NHI informa-

be driven by infrastruc-

said during his address

capacity, by making

tion systems capacity

ture development

at the Sustainable

hospital beds available,

has been augmented,

– through a number

Infrastructure Develop-

setting up quarantine

strengthened and dra-

of flagship projects,

ment Symposium South

sites and expanding the

matically improved. The

including those arising


number of healthcare

investments made in

from PPPs.

He added that the public and private sectors have collaborated in producing a credible and robust project pipeline. “As we work at strengthening this new-found relationship with the private sector, government will work towards addressing investment policy uncertainties, accelerating state-owned enterprise reforms and formulating necessary infrastructure policy reforms,” said the President.


Public Sector Manager • August 2020



STRIVES FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE TVET SECTOR TVET colleges play a crucial role in the South African economy, as skills development is the key to the future of our youth.

PRINCIPAL MANGE The impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning has

Gert Sibande TVET College was established in 2002 as a

developed immensely. It

result of the merging of the Technical Colleges of Ermelo,

demands the college to

Evander, and Standerton. It has since expanded and has

revisit its teaching and

six campuses in the towns of Balfour, Ermelo, Evander,

learning methodologies

Glenmore, Perdekop, and Standerton. The college

such as face to face

currently offers both National Certificate Vocational

learning which worked

(NCV) and National Accredited Technical Education

very well, but the status

Diploma (NATED) programmes, with the different campuses

quo has changed and the

offering a different mix of programmes. Gert Sibande TVET

colleges are expected to

College also has a Skills Academy in Standerton and a

respond to the new normal.

Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator in Evander, and through all this, the college strives to be a leading

With that said, the college has developed an Online learning

brand in South Africa.

platform, GS Academy which is an application that will

As part of the TVET sector, Gert Sibande TVET College seeks to contribute to the government’s priority: Education, Skills and Health, which is aligned to the NDP pillar –Building Capabilities of South Africans. The aim is to ensure improved quality provisioning of education and training, while also improving access and the efficiency of the Post School Education and Training (PSET) system. The college is a Centre of Specialisation (CoS) for the Millwright trade. The first intake comprised of 30 apprentices who are part of the new dual apprenticeship model and have signed contracts with employers. Apprentices do their off-the-job training at the college, 15% theory in class, 25% of practicals in the workshops and 60% at the workplace. Gert Sibande TVET College is also heeding the call of the NDP by producing quality artisans that will advance the country’s economy. The college has a Skills Academy and Artisan Development Centre in Standerton, Mpumalanga - one of

allow learners to attend classes as long as they have data and devices. The platform also allows learners to record the lessons so that they can catch during their spare time. The college is also exploring to build more on this platform and we are considering Online assessments to advance the core business of the college which is teaching and learning. The system will also allow applicants to apply online to eliminate paper exchange. “The college also has an online attendance system that allows staff to check-in without manual register. As the college, we continue to grow as we converting most of our operations to online systems,” alluded Mrs Mange. Most of the college meetings are hosted using online platforms which have saved on the travelling cost and saved time on the productivity of staff. The college recently initiated a driver education programme that is based in Evander. The purpose of the Driving Academy is to assist college students to obtain a driver’s licence before they graduate. The programme will also be open to staff and community members who needs a driver’s licence.

the best artisan facilities in the province, with eight trades registered up to trade test.

HEAD OFFICE: Postal Address: PO Box 3475 | Physical Address: 18a Beyers Naude Street, Standerton, 2430 | Tel: 017 712 9040 | Fax: 017 712 9050 Website: | Twitter: @GSCollege017 | Facebook: Gert Sibande College | Instagram: gertsibande


BASANI HLEKANE CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY TO BECOMING PRINCIPAL OF VHEMBE TVET COLLEGE? My journey with Technical and Vocational Education and Training started in 1999 when I was appointed as a lecturer at Atteridgeville. I worked in most sections as senior lecturer, Head Of Department (HOD), Senior HOD, Head of Business studies school for the college. Then I was promoted to Deputy Principal Academic Services. During this time, I was appointed acting Principal for approximately four years – which prepared me for my appointment in 2018 as Principal of Vhembe TVET. WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME OF YOUR MAJOR SUCCESSES? I have developed women project leaders; this was done through identifying the potential to lead among staff members. An example is the open learning initiative in the college whereby I identified a junior lecturer and requested her to lead. The college disability unit is led by another woman who is also a junior lecturer and the section is doing well. Another woman has been identified for ensuring that every year the college celebrates Women’s Day. When the college had challenges, and someone had to be sent to resolve matters or be a caretaker, I always try to identify young women who can lead. Lately we have had our first woman leader elected president of the Student Representative Council. The college has seven campuses with at least 19 000 students and close to 560 employees and offers a variety of programmes which include engineering, business studies, utility studies and community development. It is evident during graduations that many young women are graduating, and they are dominating in programmes that one can say they were previously dominated by men. Other successes include: •

The establishment of international partnerships that led to students from local communities travelling for internships. In 2018, 20 students spent 18 months in the USA being trained as chefs after completing a programme at Vhembe. This was a link through the Department of Tourism.


In 2018 another partnership was forged with Chinese Cultures where approximately 92 students are being trained in China in different programmes for practical work, which include electrical, mechanical, IT, and early childhood development.

The establishment of the Centre of Entrepreneurship and Incubation – we now have Makerspace and 3D Printing and are busy with the finalisation of the Technical Centre. The stabilisation at the college in terms of implementing systems that are nondiscriminatory, free and transparent as well as the implementation of systems that minimise corruption and maladministration. Providing technological resources and technological aspects in all campuses despite their locations, this includes online applications and registration at all sites of the college which cater for another municipality within the Vhembe District Shingwedzi Campus.

The establishment of a sixth campus.

The establishment of a partnership with DeBeers (Vanentia Mine) and Musina Municipality that resulted in the establishment of the seventh campus. This ensured the college achieved its strategic objective of providing a campus in all local municipalities within the district.

In 2018 a clothing plant was established at Makwarela campus which assists in the production of protective clothing for students when they are doing practicals. Today the college has been able to respond to COVID-19 issues and the plant is now producing 500 masks a day. A second plant, also producing masks is now operational at Thengwe campus. •

personal matters with work. Always calculate the risk impact before you take a risky decision. Respect others and do not allow anyone to rule or ruin your life. Allow yourself to be led and learn in areas where you are not an expert. WHAT ARE YOUR INTERESTS? I spend time with women in rural areas encouraging them in matters of life. My hobbies are watching TV, cooking and exercising. IF YOU HAD AN EXTRA HOUR IN THE DAY HOW WOULD YOU SPEND IT? I would spend it with young women from rural areas motivating them, reviving their spirit of positive life. Link them to opportunities that will help them enhance. Sharing with them my pitfalls and how I picked myself up. WHAT ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT FOR THE FUTURE? I am excited about the evolution of technology which makes life simpler and easier to get things done. I am excited about the progress of young women who are preparing to be tomorrow’s leaders. WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? Thuli Madonsela – because of her fearlessness and unprejudiced character. She also upholds high work ethics complemented by integrity.

Strategic planning to combat the spread of the coronavirus – we have 19 000 students and 600 staff – and to date have only had two reported incidences. The college arranged to train staff on matters of COVID-19 during lockdown level 5 and 4 and was preparing for reopening. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE TO BE THE KEY ATTRIBUTES OF A SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGER? Identify self-strength, firmness against all odds, work according to principles and not to please others; avoid mixing

CONTACT INFORMATION: Central Office: Site 203, Unit A, SIBASA, Limpopo, 0970 Phone: (015) 963 7000 Email Dladlama Bonginkosi: Email: Website:



from the 26 March 2020, and the college proceeded on its

Vhembe TVET College is one the biggest technical and

technological journey to implement teaching and learning

vocational colleges in the country in terms of enrolments

technology - blended learning.

and geo-presence. Being endowed with seven campuses across the Vhembe District municipality, the college has


been affectionately known as an “engineering technicians


producing institutions�. The college was founded in 1961,

The abrupt nature of the lockdown has forced institutions to

primarily focusing on technical vocational skills. Vhembe

drastically change the way they operate. But this has not

TVET prides itself on its alumni who are contributing to the

stopped our officials from meeting, planning and operating

local gross domestic product (GDP) through Small Micro

in the new normal. Since the blended learning system was

Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) and employment creation. The

implemented at the college, the college had to improvise

college has never perceived its geographic location as an

and work with what it had at the time. Officials constantly

impediment to being in the same league as its peers who

met via Zoom and Microsoft Teams. For student engagement,

are relatively affluent and based in urban areas. The college

we utilised our social media platforms and college website.

has always aligned itself to the technological revolution.

Through Facebook real time teaching and learning was done in a virtual class on subjects like Mathematics and Science.


Further, the college website was prolifically uploaded with

Vhembe TVET College has always strived to be relevant to

study notes, materials as well as links that made students privy

the societal and industrial revolutions. Hence the ongoing

to materials like previous exam question papers.

incorporation of technology into teaching and learning practices. The college is one of the pioneers of online

The relentless efforts by the college to ensure that enhanced

registration. In 2018, when the TVET branch of the Department

online teaching and learning is implemented and utilised for its

of Higher Education and Training (DHET), selected nine TVET

intended purpose with great efficacy came to fruition in April.

colleges to pilot the standard operation procedure for online

This is where the college procured a learning management

application and registration thereof, Vhembe TVET College

system called Moodle. This is an internationally recognised

was amongst those chosen. This has affirmed that indeed

learning management system which is interactive and highly

the college is technologically capacitated and continues

effective. The procurement of this learning management

to work in the Cloud. When COVID-19 disrupted everything

system also coincided with the creation of 19 000 e-mails for all

we knew as normal, lockdown was subsequently effected

college students. There has also been an ongoing interaction between students and their lecturers through WhatsApp groups. The college has students living with disabilities and in the implementation of new systems and methods pursuant to continuity of effective teaching and learning, the college solicited the services of interpreters particularly

Deputy Minister and MEC Visitation, From Left College SRC President-Khethiwe Mabasa, Principal of the CollegeMs Basani Hlekane, Deputy Minister Buti Manamela, MEC of Health Limpopo Dr Phophi Ramathuba, Executive Mayor-Councillor Dowelani Nenguda Back row: SRC members and Limpopo Regional Manager-Frans Ramonyatse


Top Right: Cloth Mask manufactured at Makwarela Campus Top Left: The Clothing Production Factory In Makwarela Campus Bottom: The Maker Space within the Incubation and Centre for Entrepreneurship

comments came after they had embarked on an intense walk about throughout the Makwarela Campus. those who are proficient in sign language. These interpreters were used for the video tutorials produced by lecturers of


different subjects.

Collaboration is one of Vhembe TVET College’s values. Despite it rural base, the college has not confined itself to its locality


and forged partnership with an Amsterdam University as part

Post the acquisition Moodle, all staff members as well as

of knowledge transfer in Agriculture. There is also a concrete

students were trained on how to work on the system. In the

partnership with an organisation called Chinese Culture

COVID-19 phenomenon, the college became part of the

which resulted in 92 students being sent to China on a study

Vhembe District Municipality Command Council. This is where

programme. Locally within the corporate space we have

the matter of business continuity in complete observance of

forged a partnership with De Beers Group – and it is through

the health and safety protocols are discussed and resolutions

this partnership that the realisation of the Musina campus was

are taken with subsequent immediate implementation.

fast tracked.

Vhembe TVET had the honour of being visited by the Deputy Minister from the Department of Higher Education and Training Science and Innovation, Buti Manamela and MEC of Health Dr Phophi Ramathuba. The visit was part of a monitoring exercise on the level of business continuity amid the disaster. It is appropriate to posit that they were highly impressed by the level of preparedness and compliance done by the college. This was echoed by the applause when the MEC stated that of the many institutions she had visited, Vhembe TVET College had done exceptionally well, this included the social distancing markings, the wash basins and the signage. Her

CONTACT INFORMATION: Central Office: Site 203, Unit A, SIBASA, Limpopo, 0970 Phone: (015) 963 7000 | Email: Dladlama Bonginkosi: Website:


Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Sharon Sijako swims against the tide


he Port of East London is among the busiest in the

country, employing over 350 people and able to accommodate 11 commercial ships at any given point. At the helm is port manager Sharon Sijako (50). “My task is to set the port’s strategic direction and provide support to the various portfolios of my executive team. My daily activities include stakeholder engagements, ensuring targets are met, chairing various committees, leadership advice to colleagues and mentorship,” Sijako says. The go-getter is the second woman to occupy

Sharon Sijako is the por t manager at the Por t of East London.

the hot seat in the port’s 120-year history. Breaking the gender barrier was Jacqueline Brown, who held the position


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

on an ongoing basis,

accurately reflect the

and development and

a challenge I love as it

communities in which we

actively encourage lead-

Transnet began nearly

keeps me alert to devel-

operate, and whom we

ership development and

25 years ago, with short

opments in the industry.”


upskilling of all women

between 2007 and 2017. Sijako’s career with

tenures at the ports of

After passing matric,

She adds that gen-

Richards Bay and Port

Sijako moved to Cape

der representation in

training and educational

Elizabeth. In 1998, she

Town where she ob-

powerful positions shows

resources that are avail-

joined the Port of East

tained a Bachelor of Arts

young women that they

able to them through


in Social Sciences and

can succeed in male-

Transnet National Ports

an Honours Degree in

dominated career fields


ment as port manager

Business Administration

like the maritime industry.

in December 2017, Sijako

from the University of the

held various posts at the

Western Cape.

Prior to her appoint-

Knowing they will have the support of other

ranks, she was appointed senior operations manager, a position she held for three-and-ahalf years before being appointed to act as the port manager in April 2017. Having grown up in East London’s Mdant-

Sijako says she is faced with many challenges in her job, such as balancing a healthy family life

East London port. After progressing through the

in the port through the

“As women, wearing many hats and becoming world-class jugglers of work and family responsibilities is just par for the course.”

with proving her competence as a woman. “As women, wearing many hats and becoming world-class jugglers of work and family responsibilities is just par for the course. In addition to being the architects of our careers, we are also the creators

cinated by ships and the

Women add diversity to the workplace

ocean and this naturally

Sijako says that women

led her to consider a

in leadership positions

Women in positions of

maritime career.

will help bring diversity

power have the respon-

you are already being

and equality to male-

sibility of empowering

judged and evaluated

dominated sectors.

other women, Sijako

by everyone in your im-

believes. At the port,

mediate environment,

sane township, Sijako says she was always fas-

“Living in a coastal city, I was fascinated with all things nautical. The

“It is important to have

women in the same field

and the managers of our

is a great motivator for

own, personal brands.

young women thinking

Because whether you

of entering the industry.

realise it or not, as a woman in business,

maritime industry is a

women in leadership

she has seen to it that

from your colleagues

dynamic environment,

positions across all

women are elevated to

and customers to your

ever changing and with

industries and sec-

senior positions, when

bosses and even future

many uncertainties. This

tors, to ensure we bring


bosses, on what you

creates new challenges

diversity to our manage-

and problem solving

ment structures and to

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

“I am also passionate about life-long learning

stand for, or don’t stand for.”



the Mercedes Benz

ing ourselves and our

Port of East London capabilities


Sijako is responsible for

the 2019/20 financial

the smooth running of

year, the port moved

As South Africa marks

importantly, uniquely in-

Women’s Month, Sijako

novative about market-

says women should reach out to each other to form bonds of cama-

Sijako advises young

A stone’s throw from manufacturing plant, in

raderie and coopera-

women looking to make

the Port of East Lon-

more than 120 000 cars

tion and work together

a career in the maritime

don’s many operations,

via its 11 commercial

to remove the gender

sector to develop a

including the container


obstacles blocking the

broad skills set in areas

terminal, car terminal,

path of women.

such as finance, human

grain elevator, dry-dock

modate 245-metre long

resources and business

and movement of cruise

vessels and its dry dock

exceptionally com-

administration, to best


can accommodate a

petitive, exceptionally

prepare them for what

demanding world, we

is a dynamic and highly

the largest in South Af-

in length. The port pro-

need to be smart and

demanding operating

rica and can store up to

cesses 100 000 contain-

creative and, most


76 000 tons of maize.

ers each a year.

“To succeed in today’s


The grain elevator is

The port can accom-

ship of up to 180 metres

Public Sector Manager • August 2020




Having served as

managing the delivery of academic targets as set out in the

Acting Principal since

strategic plan. Under her leadership the College established

2018, False Bay TVET

a Distance Learning department in 2012. She was also one of

College celebrates the

the strategic drivers behind the establishment of the Centre for

appointment of Karin

Entrepreneurship & Rapid Incubator.

Hendricks as Principal


- she takes the helm at a

Karin has served as a False Bay TVET College Council

complex and challenging

member since 2003 including serving on several College

time in the history of public

Council governance committees: Academic Board, Finance

Technical and Vocational

Committee, HR Committee and Planning Committee. She was

Education and Training

the Chair of the DHET Regional Student Support Forum: (2015-

(TVET) Colleges.

2017) and served on the DHET Regional College Curriculum Committee: (2012-2017) as well as on the College Centre for

Karin Hendricks, a groundbreaker and pioneer, is no stranger to

Entrepreneurship Advisory Committee: (2016 -2017).

challenges and brings to this leadership role insight from both the corporate and education sectors. She has firsthand knowledge

The College has embarked on two mega projects - two state-of-

and 20 years’ worth of experience in building and shaping

the-art campuses will be built to serve the communities of Western

TVET College departments - first with the establishment of a Job

Cape in dire need of accessing quality education and training.

Placement department at South Peninsula College prior to the

The College will experience unprecedented growth, doubling

merger of technical colleges in 2002. In 2003 as the Student

its capacity when the new campuses become operational.

Support Manager, in the newly formed False Bay TVET College

Karin Hendricks will lead the charge with her accountable and

she established the first Student Support Department, which

pragmatic leadership, clear direction, and vision.

today offers a variety of support services to students. For Karin Hendricks, this is a wonderful College to lead and never A principled trailblazer at heart, under her direction, False Bay

more so at this time in our lives when we are challenged to take

TVET College took the lead in the country with the progressive

up the fight for education of our young people, while trying to do

implementation of inclusive education at all campuses, opening

so safely during COVID-19.

access to physically challenged students. This was certainly ground-breaking for False Bay TVET College, particularly at a time when access and integration of students with disabilities in mainstream programmes was unheard of in colleges. When appointed as the Deputy Principal of Innovation and Development in 2007 she oversaw the strategic implementation of key support portfolios such as Marketing, Student Support Services, Financial Aid, International Partnerships, E-Learning and


Strategic Linkages and Partnership Development. The strength of

Tel: 021 787 0800

these support departments are now synonymous with the quality education and training that False Bay TVET College provides. In 2012 Karin took up the position of Deputy Principal of Education and Training. In this role she led the College towards a number of significant milestones with her primary function being having oversight on academic delivery including the consolidation of the academic programme of the College (within ministerial and occupational programmes) as well as

Physical Address: 131 Main Road, Muizenberg, 7945 Postal address: Private Bag X25, Tokai, 7966 LINKAGES, PARTNERSHIPS AND WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Ms Jacqueline Layman Tel: 021 787 0800 Email: Website:


Fight against GBV gets a boost

ing GBV, the Minister said the criminal justice system

Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald

continues to place victims at the centre of its efforts.

Lamola says the Department of Justice and Consti-

“In the past financial year, we have unveiled 13

tutional Development will introduce a new Bill that

sexual offences courts across the country which are

will enable victims of gender-based violence (GBV)

victim centric in nature.”

to apply for a protection order online.

There are now four GBV-related laws – Criminal

While outlining the department’s priorities during

Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amend-

a virtual sitting of the National Assembly, the Minis-

ment Act, Judicial Matters Amendment Act, Recog-

ter said: “I am pleased that our Domestic Violence

nition of Customary Marriages Amendment Act and

Bill will introduce modernisation in a radical form. If

Prescription in Civil and Criminal Matters (Sexual

passed, our Domestic Violence Bill will make it pos-

Offences) Amendment Act.

sible for one to apply for a protection order online. “This will be a leap forward in the fight against GBV and femicide.” Minister Lamola added that this was the first of

In addition, three Bills, which further seek to address GBV, have been submitted to Parliament. “These will amend the National Register for Sex Offenders, the Domestic Violence Act and regulate

several reforms the department wanted to intro-

bail conditions for people who are accused of


committing a sexual offence.”

“For instance, there is no reason why uncontested

In the current financial year, the department will

divorce applications and maintenance applica-

also introduce Femicide Watch, which is a special

tions cannot be done online.”

monitoring system to highlight and track violent

Reiterating the department’s commitment to fight-

crimes committed against women.

4IR vital for economic recovery President Cyril Ramaphosa has urged the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to place 4IR at the centre of South Africa’s economic recovery. “South Africa must be a more technologically driven country that finds solutions that move us forward, with 4IR as a pivot for economic


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

recovery,” he said. Receiving the recommendations contained

report to the President

that are in place. This


included international

The commission, which

structure. President Ramaphosa

benchmarking which

welcomed the report,

in the report of the

includes leaders from

delivered insights into

which the commission

Presidential Commission

academia, business and

the possibilities for the

will present to Cabinet

on 4IR, the President said

civil society, combined

competitive positioning

before it is published.

digital transformation

research and stake-

of South Africa in the 4IR

The report will form

should be harnessed to

holder engagements to

landscape globally.

change the way South

generate a comprehen-

Africans live, learn, work

sive view of South Africa’s

made recommendations

sectors of society can

and govern.

current conditions as

on the country’s invest-

contribute to a techno-

well as the prospects in

ment in human capital;

logically enabled future

the 4IR.

artificial intelligence;

that brings about greater

Communications and Digital Technologies

The commission has

the basis of a national discussion on how all

Minister Stella Ndabeni-

It deliberated on the

advanced manufactur-

economic and social

Abrahams and Deputy

opportunities that en-

ing and new materials;

inclusion, and enhances

Chairperson of the Com-

able South Africa to craft

the provision of data to

the competitiveness

mission Professor Tshilidzi

a shared 4IR future, as

enable innovation; future

of the South African

Marwala presented the

well as the constraints

industries and 4IR infra-


Census goes digital

technology-driven digital era will minimise the chal-

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is set to conduct a

lenge of reaching hard to access communities, thus

trial to the first digital census to be conducted in the

allowing more people to participate in the census.

country. “The Census 2021 Trial, scheduled to run from

Stats SA said participating in the Census 2021 Trial requires respondents to register through a platform

10 August to 6 September 2020 in selected areas

that is available on Stats SA online and social media

around the country will test online and telephonic


data collection to prepare for remote data collection in the upcoming Census 2021,” said Stats SA. Census 2021 is the first population count to intro-

Respondents may also contact Stats SA via its tollfree number 0800 110 248 for further assistance. A census provides small area data on demograph-

duce digital census taking through the use of online

ics, socio-economic and living conditions of the

and telephonic data collection platforms, which


will also allow respondents to complete the census questionnaire on their own.

It assists with forming the basis for active community participation in reviewing access to public

Telephonic data collection provides for respond-

services, among other issues. The government and

ents to participate in the census with the assistance

different sectors of society use data collected via a

of a Stats SA call centre agent.

census for policy formulation, decision-making and

The increased use of cellphones and the current

Public Sector Manager • August 2020






consists of five campuses, namely Caledon, Paarl,

I am almost at the end of a lifetime in education. My encounter with

Stellenbosch, Strand and Worcester with its Head

education started in 1960 when I went to school as a bright-eyed Grade I.

Office in Stellenbosch. Before the amalgamation

Exactly 60 years later, I am still in education, albeit now in a different role.

took place, four of these campuses were independent, competing Colleges, each with a long and proud tradition of quality education and results and a certain degree of autonomy. The amalgamation process was completed in 2001, and a fifth campus was opened in Caledon in January

Although I took a variety of subjects at school that allowed me to study science or commerce at university, I fell in love with education and training as a five year-old and that love has never left me. I started off as a teacher and progressed through the years as lecturer, campus manager, quality manager, Deputy Principal: Corporate Services and

2002. These campuses all have excellent facilities.

finally ending off as a Principal of Boland College.

In Women’s Month we are taking the opportunity

I can only look back at many years of service to the most precious

to celebrate and share the journeys of four of our remarkable women who have helped to make Boland College the success it is.

material of mankind: the mind of a learner. The variety of roles within the field of education allowed me personal development, but more than that, it allowed me the opportunity to contribute in different ways. The teacher in front of the class has a direct influence on the learner in front of her. A word of praise and the encouragement to believe in your own capabilities can bring about a positive life change in a learner’s world. The Quality Manager’s contribution for instance is much more indirect and focused on long term goals, but just as valuable to the learner and the teacher in the classroom as it supports and strengthens the systems used by the teacher to educate the learner. For each of these roles the end goals were the same: to spark a pursuit of knowledge in the learner, so that they keep on learning in preparation for the real working world. Through all these decades my passion to make a difference in a leaner’s life, to keep the brightness in their eyes, was my main driving force. My message to future female leaders is to be passionate about the things you believe in, embrace change as it means creativity and innovation and allow adversity to inspire you rather than getting the better of you. My dream for Boland College is that our investment in our students will allow them to have a bright future. Malcolm X said: “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. We have the precious “today” – use it wisely.




in Mthatha in 1956, as a

My journey started

child I always role-played

as a primary school

as a teacher, so it was not

educator in Idas

a surprise that I achieved

Valley, Stellenbosch.

my dream in 1980 when

Soon I was promoted

I started teaching at

to Head of

Kwazakhele High School

Department (HoD)

in Port Elizabeth.

at Somerset West

In 1988, I was asked by the Eastern Cape Department of Education to head a brand-new school in Motherwell called Douglas Mbopha High School; a budding new township on the outskirts of the town. Pioneering new schools would be my

(Metho), a community based school, one of the oldest situated in the Helderberg Basin.

founding legacy as I was asked again to start a brand-new

By the start of the 2002 academic year, a very interesting

school called Vernon Gamanda High School in Walmer.

opportunity crossed my path. As HoD at one of the Western

Armed with relevant qualifications and requisite skills, I became a school inspector, (George, WC) then District Director (Southern Cape), Chief Director (Rural Districts) and then Deputy Director General responsible for all education institutions, including TVET Colleges. In all these positions, I was always the first African woman to pioneer this transformation and the burden not to let down women in general and African women in particular weighed on my shoulders from early on. It then became my mission to pull other women up the ladder so that they too step up and pull others up. A number of female Deputy Directors and Directors were appointed during my tenure in the Western Cape. I left for Gauteng Education Department to take up an appointment as CEO of Gauteng City Region Academy in 2009. My vision is in tandem with that of the College, and as the first African female chairperson, I am aspiring to maintain our clean unqualified audit and to support the principal (also female) to realise our mission of ensuring that Boland College students are placed in the workplace or become entrepreneurs. There is nothing as painful as seeing college graduates begging for jobs in intersections.

Cape Education Department schools, I was fortunate to be handpicked for the Khanya Project to empower and develop educators by using technology to drive their curriculum. The new path started as a curriculum facilitator at 15 schools. In 2005, I won the Specialist Schools Trust (England) golden award for diversity and excellence in the workplace. In 2007, I was promoted as Senior Manager for e-learning and e-development, leading a team of facilitators, designing activities to assist educators to bridge the digital divide. I joined Boland College as Deputy Director for Innovation and Development, in 2011. As strategic leader, my implementation covers people, systems and structures in planning and managing change. My strategy does not suppress initiative and creativity, but sparks innovation to enhance quality. My professional qualifications in Education, Leadership and Management empowered me to lead and motivate women. My role ensures the recruitment of students, course support, and ensuring the wellness and the placement of students in industry to complete their diploma. I support students in my care, by sourcing internal and external partners, to ensure wellness programmes. Our communities are affected by unplanned pregnancies and the rising reports of gender–based violence; these, amongst many other challenges, make the

I believe that women are pillars of the community. Our

interventions at college level even more urgent. My dream is to

leadership style does not mimic that of men as we lead with

empower women by sharing messages of hope and resilience

compassion and yet are outcomes driven. I hope to be an

to challenge their state of invisibility.

inspiration to young women and to pursue the development of women in leadership, mentoring and coaching. My motto: Shun mediocrity, and rise in excellence!

I often share with students the skills needed to thrive as we prepare them for the world of work and rapidly evolving careers. The modern economy, now characterised


by technological innovation, implementation and

Currently I am the Campus Manager at Boland College,

change makes it almost impossible to rely solely on one

Stellenbosch Campus. My vision for the college is seeing our

qualification. Those who will survive are the ones who will

institution being the first choice for students when deciding

be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn.

on their future career opportunities. My dream is to see Boland College challenging many students who are hungry to make education their priority.

CAMPUS MANAGER: STELLENBOSCH CAMPUS NOMALIZO MPATI I come from a small town called De Doorns and as a child never let challenges stand in my way, I looked beyond them. In my opinion this is what made me the woman I am today. I always participated in school activities during my primary school years and I believe this led to a balanced life. I came to the city and after matriculating from Luhlaza High School I went to the Peninsula Technicon, now known as CPUT and that is where I started my teaching career.

I believe the most important thing is that the student who enrols at Boland College should be better off by the time they complete their studies with the institution. This would equip them to stand a better chance to compete in industry - which in turn leads to a better opportunity to provide for their families and for them to become active members in their communities. Our role is to put the student first, to improve our society and help shape the future of our country. By putting our students first, we provide them not only with an excellent education, we also take part in their holistic development. I am determined and do not let anyone stand in my way when I have set my goals. I always strive to better myself and those around me. Any person in leadership should lead by example and integrity should form an integral part in their way of life. My approach to life is grounded which helps me in the ability to stay calm. I believe in the motto that comes from Maya Angelou - “We may encounter defeats, but we must not be defeated”.

BOLAND COLLEGE CONTACT DETAILS For general enquiries: t: 021 886 7111/2 E-mail: Website: Facebook: @BolCol Head Office: Physical Address: 85 Bird Street, Stellenbosch, 7599 33°55’36.27” S 18°51’22.28” E

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Writer: Dale Hes


ushers in a new era of tech innovation T hroughout the

development firmly in

the public sector, along

which offers real-time an-

coronavirus (COV-

the spotlight, highlight-

with other role players

alytics and dashboards

ID-19) pandemic,

ing the areas that the

in science, medical

on the pandemic, provid-

there has been a rapid

public sector needs to

research, education and

ing data per province,

rise in the adoption and

pay attention to in order

community develop-

district, local municipality

development of new

to bolster South Africa’s

ment, quickly develop-

and ward.


economy in the post-

ing technology-based

COVID-19 world.

response strategies.

From virtual conferencing and online learning,

Ramaphosa said that

The Council for Sci-

data science and con-

Mapping and data collection

tact tracing, the public

The emergence of

to the high-tech COV-

service is welcoming a

COVID-19 has resulted in

ID-19 Information Centre,

to testing capabilities,

President Cyril this initiative highlights

entific and Industrial

the technological capa-

Research (CSIR) is home

bilities that are available in South Africa. “As a nation, we should

new era of innovation that will better prepare South Africa for the digital future. In the past few months, there has been an unprecedented drive to harness the immense potential of technology. This has proved crucial towards guiding government’s actions to combat the virus. More significantly, it has placed the importance of technological


Minister Blade Nzimande says that South African companies are crucial to the development of cost-effective COVID-19 testing.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

be proud that we have

ties Map have allowed

an institution like the

government to focus its

CSIR, which is always

interventions on high-risk

Innovations in testing and contact tracing

trying to be ahead of


funding awards. “These projects brought together various science

The pandemic has also

and innovation resources

Similarly, data collec-

seen local innovations in

that existed as a result

bringing solutions. This is

tion initiatives have been

testing for COVID-19. The

of investments that the

a platform that enables

crucial to informing

Department of Higher

Department of Science

the nation to deal with

government’s response.

Education, Science

made over the past two-

COVID-19 in a techno-

Dr Vukosi Marivate, ABSA

and Innovation recently

and-a-half decades.

logical and scientific

Chair of Data Science at

made several funding


the University of Preto-

awards to local compa-

also make good use

the curve in terms of

“I am hugely impressed

“The projects would

ria, was at the helm of

nies, organisations and

of the strengths of the

to see how we are able

developing a COVID-19

researchers that are blaz-

CSIR and several spin-off

to look at the entire

South Africa dashboard

ing trails in these areas,

SMMEs, and showcase

country and see how we

which provides detailed

in order to ramp up the

the excellence of a

can get data about the

information about the

country’s ability to pro-

number of the country's

incidents of coronavirus

pandemic and allows

duce locally-developed

young black scientists,”

infection throughout

for input from various

test kits and reagents.

said Minister Nzimande.

the country, through this


“South Africa currently

curate data collection

from international com-

projects to emerge was

is also crucial for the

panies, but increasing

Remote learning and working

the Vulnerable Commu-

overall functioning of the

global demand, fluctuat-

The pandemic has

nities Map Project from

public service.

facility.” Another of the many

Marivate says that ac-

sources these reagents

ing exchange rates and

brought about an

the University of Pretoria,

“This is why we have

limited transport options

increased need to utilise

which identified the com-

many connections with

are affecting the supply

digital platforms for com-

munities which could be

government entities:

– resulting in an urgent

munication, remote work-

most severely impacted

local, provincial and

need to source these

ing and online learning.

by the virus.

national. We know that

components locally,”

decision makers have to

said Higher Education,

COVID-19, digital com-

companies and public

understand how tech-

Science and Innovation

munication platforms

entities such as the CSIR

nologies such as artificial

Minister Blade Nzimande.

such as Zoom were

collaborated on the

intelligence and data

project, with input being

science can be used in

awards for developing

provided by various pub-

their scenarios, but they

rapid testing innovations.

lic health specialists and

also have to understand

Local company CapeBio

platforms have been

officials from the Depart-

how to responsibly

Technologies, and the

integral to the continu-

ment of Health.

handle these technolo-

Biopharming Research

ance of government’s

gies as well as the data

Unit at the University of

functioning. Video

required to enable them.”

Cape Town, also received

conferencing has been

A host of private tech

Projects such as the Vulnerable Communi-

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

The CSIR netted several

Before the arrival of

barely being used in the public sector. Today, these types of



Video conferencing has been key to allowing for continued communication throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

effectively harnessed

dent learning through a

that embrace the prin-

MTN South Africa, says

by government in order

variety of teaching and

ciples of open learning,

that the pandemic

to enable dialogue on

learning methodologies,”

as outlined in current

should provide public

important issues and

said Minister Nzimande.


servants with some valu-

facilitate decision-mak-

“Multi-modal teaching,

Government quickly

able insights into how to

ing processes. Private

learning and assess-

implemented numerous

enhance digital plat-

sector companies have

ment is not an option for

initiatives and partner-

forms for the future.

also shifted to these

universities and tech-

ships to achieve this aim,

technologies to allow

nical and vocational

from zero-rating websites

the pandemic has

employees who can do

education and training

of tertiary institutions,

forced all sectors of

so to work effectively

(TVET) colleges any

to providing data to

society to think outside

from home.

more, it is a necessity.


the box.

The pandemic also

Everyone in post-school

The Department of

O’Sullivan adds that

“The pandemic has

brought about a need to

education and train-

Higher Education, for

compelled us all to think

develop online learning

ing, from universities,

example, partnered with

critically, problem solve,

at schools and universi-

TVET and community

telecoms giant MTN to

be creative, communi-


education and training

simplify the adoption of

cate, collaborate and be

colleges to skills devel-

remote learning at ter-

more agile. It is revealing

ID-19 has taught us is

opment programmes

tiary institutions. Jacqui

that there is ‘another

that we have to support

must embark on modes

O’Sullivan, the Executive

way’ of doing things,” she

augmented/remote stu-

of educational delivery

of Corporate Affairs at


“One thing that COV-


Public Sector Manager • August 2020



DR. LIMAKATSO MOOROSI Dr. Moorosi is an analytical woman who has made it to great heights with a vast knowledge in public sector administration. She has worked in different spheres of government and has demonstrated great leadership skills. Her passion lies in empowering other women, the youth and colleagues in general. She believes you can only do that by being humble which makes her someone easy for others to reach out to. A good leader is always ready to learn new things, she believes that a time that passed without learning anything is wasted time. She is still pursuing to see more females being involved in the water sector at different levels of management and leadership. The role of the Chief Executive is to make sure that the strategic objectives and goals of the Board are met by influencing and motivating team bestowed on her to work with. It is worth mentioning that since her appointment she has vigorously dealt with transformation changes in management i.e. gender equity in executive management positions, employment of youth and encourage them to participate actively in sector innovations and acquiring of new skills to be implemented in the Entity. This resulted in the establishment of the Young Water Professionals in the Entity. Bloem Water is a State-Owned Entity, accounting to Despite challenges faced by the Entity, Dr Moorosi together with her

the Minister of Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation

team, has been supported by the Board to weather the storms and

(DHSWS). It was established in 1991 in terms of the

ensuring continued provision of bulk water services to communities.

Water Services Act 108 of 1997. It has three Regions

In her tenure the Entity achieved the International Quality Awards

that are processing bulk water and run its activities in

for Best Enterprise, International Diamond Award for water quality

accordance with the relevant acts and its Head Office

excellence and PMR Africa Awards for Best water service provider

located in Bloemfontein. The Entity has grown to supply

and best leadership enterprise in consecutive years.

water to population in excess of 1.2 million.

CONTACT DETAILS Tel: (051) 403 0800 | Alt No.: (051) 403 0923 Fax: (051) 422 5333 Email: Physical Address: 2 Mzuzu Street, Pellessier, Bloemfontein, 9301 Postal Address: P.O BOX 30121, 9322 Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa Website:

UNIVERSITY OF MPUMALANGA INTERVIEW The University of Mpumalanga has been growing steadily since opening 7 years ago. What have been some of your important milestones? The strength of any university lies in its ability to attract and retain excellent staff and this has been a highlight of the first 6 years at UMP. The proportion of our academic staff who have attained doctorates has steadily increased and now sits at over 40%, placing UMP on par with a number of established universities - and better than others. Our staff are increasingly successful in attracting funds for research and engagement projects and the number of NRF rated researchers is now at 8. The research outputs by the University have steadily increased over the years, as has the active participation of staff in national and international conferences. Our new infrastructure development project has been instrumental in the construction of the state-of-the-art, iconic and technology-enabled teaching and learning facilities, research laboratories, student accommodation at the University and administration buildings. The University has recently PROFESSOR THOKO MAYEKISO

The University of Mpumalanga was established in October 2013 and enrolled the first cohort of students in February 201 4. The first ViceChancellor of the University of Mpumalanga, Prof Thoko Mayekiso, assumed office on 1 November 2014. Prof Mayekiso obtained a BA, BA Honours, and MA in Psychology from the University of Fort Hare. She furthered her w at the Free University Berlin in Germany, where she obtained her DPhil (cum laude) in Psychology. She also holds a Higher Education Diploma ( postgraduate) from the University of South Africa. Additionally, she is a registered Clinical Psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and a C3 rated scientist by the National Research Foundation. She is a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa.

completed the construction of a state-of-the-art athletics track and field made of Regupol tartan and funded by the National Lottery. The tartan track athletics field has two long jump field as well and thus qualified for the International Association of Athletics Federation ( IAAF) rating. It is rated and certified by IAAF as a Class 2 Athletics Facility. One of the major milestones of the University was the appointment of the Honourable Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, as the first Chancellor of the University of Mpumalanga in 2016.Â

How has the University impacted the socio-economic development of the province? The University has impacted the socio-economic development of the province in a range of ways. Firstly, through its primary

In her sterling academic career, Prof Mayekiso has held positions of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department and ViceDean at the then University of Transkei. She practised as Honorary Clinical Fellow at the Greenwood Institute of Child Health, University of Leicester and simultaneously served as Clinical Psychologist in the Department of Medical Psychology at Leicester General Hospital in the United Kingdom. She then joined the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in 2001 where she served as Head of School, Deputy Dean, Acting Executive Dean in the Faculty of Humanities. She proceeded to the Nelson

functions of teaching and learning, research and engagement. For example, graduates from our Bachelor Education, Bachelor of Agriculture in Agricultural Extension, and Bachelor of Development Studies will be working in, and with, communities to support socio-economic development. Research staff and postgraduate students are undertaking research that is of regional and national importance, the results of which will bring about improvement in socio-economic conditions. Secondly,

Mandela University in 2007, as an Executive Dean in the Faculty of Arts,

the University has impacted the socio-economic development

and then Deputy Vice-Chancellor ( Research and Engagement) in 2009.

of the province through providing direct employment


opportunities for staff on both campuses and by providing

Innovative Team Award and Faculty Advisor of the Year

indirect employment opportunities through the infrastructure

Award ( Dr Ferdinand Niyimbanira).

development projects.

In terms of enrolment, what are the trends you have noticed over the last 6 years?

What are some of the key strategic partnerships the University has forged?

In the last 6 years, enrolment at UMP has grown from

The University understands the importance of strategic partners

169 students in 2014 to 4359 in 2020, an annual growth rate of

in the achievement of its goals. In the last 6 years UMP has signed

49%. The number of academic programmes, including degrees

14 MoUs with international institutions in support of teaching and

and diplomas has grown from 3 to 26, an annual growth

learning, research, engagement, staff and student development.

rate of 45%. A very important development is the offering of

The University has hosted students from the Friedrich Alexander

Honours and Masters qualifications since 2019. The offering of

University in Erlangen, Germany and Kirkwood Community

postgraduate qualifications is an important milestone in the

College, IOWA, USA. A number of strategic partnerships have

developmental trajectory of a university.

been established nationally that advance the vision of the institution, such as the MoUs with the Agricultural Research

How did COVID-19 affect the University?

Council (ARC), Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

COVID-19 has affected all aspects of the University and its staff

and the Water Research Council (WRC).

and students in many ways. From the first day of lock down

Regarding student experience, how is the University contributing to the development of a vibrant student life?

the University focused its time and effort on the transition from primarily face-to-face teaching, to onl ine teaching with the joint goals that no student would be left behind and that the

The University places a high premium on the creation of

2020 academic year be saved. The timing of the academic

a vibrant student life on campus. In this regard, students

year was adjusted, content modified where necessary and

participate in a variety of co-curricular activities. One of

methods of assessment changed. Thanks to the tireless efforts of

the student societies, ENACTUS, has been a flagship society

management, academic and support staff, and the willingness

for the University since 2017, winning a number of trophies

and agency shown by our students this has been, for the most

during the annual national competition; ENACTUS is an

part, a success and we expect to successfully complete the

international movement wherein university students come up

2020 academic year.

with community development projects which respond to the was amongst the 16 universities that made it to this year’s

What are the University’s plans for celebrating Women’s Month?

National ENACTUS Virtual Competition held on 15 and 16

The University will be celebrating Women’s Month virtually on 24

July 2020. Our team scooped the following awards: 1 Place

August 2020 under the theme: ‘’Engender Resilience”. A video

for the Nedbank Triple Bottom Line Sustainability Award; 1st

has been recorded featuring the following: Welcoming Address

Place for the Harmony LED Challenge Award; 1st Place for

by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Thoko Mayekiso and Messages of

the Harmony Business Solution for Community Development

Encouragement from Dr Nomvula Twaise, Prof Estelle Boschoff,

Award; over-all semi-finalist (5 place); Most Passionate and

Ms Cynthia Motha, Ms Zandile Zulu and Ms Sharon Mlambo.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our team



CONTACT DETAILS Mbombela Campus: Cnr R40 and D725 Roads, Mbombela 1200 Siyabuswa Campus: Bheki Mfundo Drive, Siyabuswa, South Africa General Enquiries: Switchboard: 013 002 0001 | Email: Application and Registration Information: Email:



CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS The University of Mpumalanga (UMP) is situated in the scenic province of the rising sun, a context for staff and students’ inspiration. UMP was established in 2013, and enrolled the first cohort of 169 students in February 2014 in three programmes, namely Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase Teaching), Bachelor of Agriculture in Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Development and Diploma in ICT. Rapid and gratifying growth has been experienced since the establishment of the university. The Lowveld College of Agriculture was incorporated into the university with effect from 1 January 2015 and the

Recipients of the Vice-Chancellor Scholarship

inauguration of the Vice-Chancellor took place on 30 May 2015. The first Chancellor of the University, the then Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was appointed in January 2016 and his

Hospitality Management, Information, Communication and

installation took place in April 2016. The university now offers 26

Technology. All of these are crucial for the development of the

qualifications to a total of 4200 students.

province of Mpumalanga specifically, and the country generally and beyond.

The university is committed to offering its students a life-changing experience through high quality curricula and co-curricula

Our pioneering journey and our relentless pursuit for academic

programmes. These programmes promote the principles

excellence have taught us many lessons, amongst others

of excellence and academic integrity. At UMP, we enable

being the importance of consistent hard-work, determination,

students to realise their full potential in the full spectrum of

perseverance, resilience, passion, integrity and ethical leadership

cognitive, social, aesthetic, and personal dimensions, in pursuit

in navigating and shaping our developmental trajectory.

of democratic citizenship. Furthermore, we are guided by the principle of access for success to foster a positive learning

As an engaged institution, we place great value on partnerships

experience and outcome for our students. We create and

and networks as both drivers and enablers in achieving our vision

maintain a conducive ecology, and an enabling teaching and

to be “An African University leading in creating opportunities for

research environment. Additionally, we conduct high quality

sustainable development through innovation”. UMP’s partnerships

teaching and research with high impact. All the foregoing are

and networks are probably one of our distinctive features as we

made possible through collaboration with strategic partners,

pride ourselves in fostering strong, vibrant, mutually beneficial

locally, nationally and internationally. The university prides itself

partnerships with strategic stakeholders.

for being able to respond with agility to the dynamic needs of its students and the communities it serves. UMP is striving

In the next five years, we will continue to focus on results, the

for innovation and transformation, in the interests of the less

creation and maintenance of an enabling environment for

privileged. We foster creativity and entrepreneurial spirit among

teaching and learning, research and engagement, as well as the

our students. Our state of the art infrastructure and iconic

cultivation of mutually beneficial relationships with our internal

buildings provide students with a living and learning environment

and external stakeholders, based on mutual respect.

that is responsive to the needs of our students. The university takes pride in its motto” Creating Opportunities”. Our compelling strength is in our pioneering spirit, and willingness

As the first university in Mpumalanga, we have already started

to ensure that our students are among the most sought after in

creating opportunities for our students, our staff and our

their areas of expertise: notably Agriculture, Nature Conservation,

surrounding communities – and we will continue to do so.

CONTACT DETAILS Mbombela Campus: Cnr R40 and D725 Roads, Mbombela 1200 Siyabuswa Campus: Bheki Mfundo Drive, Siyabuswa, South Africa General Enquiries: Switchboard: 013 002 0001 | Email: Application and Registration Information: Email:

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Writer: Allison Cooper

COVIDConnect speeds up tracking and tracing

Connect and head of

have been exposed to

Policy Coordination and

the virus. Your name and

Integrated Planning

contact details are not

at the Department of

provided to anyone and

Health, the system uses

your privacy is protected.

simple communication

enable citizens to screen

How the technology has changed

for COVID-19 and receive

The department’s

their test result.

initial WhatsApp line was

channels, namely SMS, WhatsApp and USSD, to

It also supports those

launched in mid-March.

who have tested positive

“When the WhatsApp

and anonymously alerts

line was introduced, you

people who may have

could get the latest infor-

been in close contact

mation, news, prevention

with a positive case.

tips and wellness advice.

He explains that COVID-


We introduced screening

Connect sends an SMS to

and risk assessments a

tell people who have had

month later,” says Tanna.

a COVID-19 test, at either

“With COVIDConnect,

a public or private facility,

we wanted to further

informing them that their

support the public. The

test result is available.

new functionality means

hanks to constant

partners, namely Telkom/

The SMS directs them to

that people do not have


BCX,, Gov-

GovChat’s Let’sTalk

to wait as long for their

innovation from

Chat and BlueBird.

WhatsApp line (082 046

test result and thus stops

“One of the critical

8553), which provides

them from spreading the

South Africans can

aspects of combatting

their results – whether

virus without knowing it.

receive their coronavirus

COVID-19 is the abil-

positive or negative.

Time is of the essence

(COVID-19) test result,

ity to detect positive

anonymously report close

cases early and then

tive, the system asks a

contacts and receive an

track and trace their

few questions to self-

SMS alert that they are a

contacts to help them,”

monitor and requests

vides a simple risk-assess-

close contact, directly on

said Health Minister Zweli

the cellphone numbers

ment tool, which screens

their cellphone.

Mkhize when he recently

of the people they have

users for COVID-19

launched the digital

been in contact with. It

symptoms and gives


then automatically sends

them advice on whether

an anonymous SMS to

they should self-isolate or

the Department of Health,

The messages are sent by an official government system called COVID-

According to Gaurang

If the test result is posi-

and convenience is of importance,” he adds. The system also pro-

Connect, which was

Tanna, the project

those people to let them

seek professional clinical

launched with various

manager of COVID-

know that they could



Public Sector Manager • August 2020

Track and trace

technology brings a

the department to track

as normal, self-isolate or

The new functionality will

welcome relief to health-

the number of active

get tested. Send a What-

enable the Department

care workers and tracing

users. Currently, COVID-

sApp, with the message

of Health to more quickly


Connect has just over 7.5

‘check’, to 0600 123 456

million users.

or dial *134*832#. Answer

track and trace people

Prior to the launch of

Since March, it has

some easy questions and

would have to wait for a

processed 355 million

you will be given advice.

them the help and

doctor to call them with

messages and over

advice they need.

their test result, which

1.3 million users have

COVID-19 test, ensure

sometimes resulted in

screened. Between 28

that you provide the lab


June and 15 July, the sys-

with a valid cellphone

who have been exposed

COVIDConnect, a person

to COVID-19 and offer

“Contact tracing is a very important process

If you are going for

“In the public sector,

tem dispatched 674 380

number, date of birth and

When the number of

this was often reliant on

SMS messages to users


people to be traced is

a person coming back

nationwide and offered

large, it becomes difficult

to the hospital or clinic to

326 522 test results.

to keep up,” says Tanna.

fetch their results. The new

to supress the pandemic.

Minister Mkhize says

You will receive an SMS once your test result is available. Follow the in-

functionality will reduce

that while 39 463 users

structions on the SMS, by

signed to ensure that we

the turnaround time for

have engaged with the

sending the WhatsApp

take the burden off our

the person to get their

digital track and trace

message ‘results’ to Gov-

healthcare workers but,

result and, by implication,

service, it is not enough.

Chat’s Let’sTalk WhatsApp

more importantly, that

can prevent new infec-

“The surge of this pan-

number at 082 046 8553.

our healthcare workers


demic requires all citizens

“The system is de-

are able to use the self-

If your test is positive,

to participate. As an

you can go through a

individual, at home or at

self-monitoring process

work, once you receive

and add the cellphone

targeted actions and

Privacy protected

support those who are

Minister Mkhize says the

this SMS, we urge that

numbers of people you

most in need,” he adds.

track and trace service

you take it upon yourself

have been in contact

will not infringe people’s

to respond as prompted.

with. They will then be

privacy or data.

We believe that this

anonymously notified.

reported symptoms, take

The new track and trace functionality was only implemented from June

“In fact, one of the

method will significantly

If you have come into

as it took time to design,

reasons we delayed the

enhance contact tracing

direct contact with a

integrate and implement

implementation of the

and reduce the workload

positive case, you could

data flows from various

system was to ensure

of our health workers.”

receive an SMS alert. By

information systems.

that that it passes legal

following the instructions

“When the numbers

muster and adheres to

were low, this wasn’t a

legal prescripts relating

How to use COVIDConnect

problem as healthcare

to personal information,

Anyone who suspects

ceive advice on whether

workers were cop-

confidentiality and indi-

they have COVID-19 can

to self-isolate or go for a

ing. However, as case

vidual and data privacy,”

check their symptoms

test. Screening should be

numbers have increased

he says.

and get instant advice

done daily, for 14 days.

tremendously, the new

The system also enables

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

on the SMS, you can do a simple screening and re-

on whether to continue



Writers: Silusapho Nyanda and SAnews

COVID-19 knowledge translates to lower infection rates


f healthcare and other front-

(CSIR) to

line workers are to be effective

develop and

in curbing the spread of the


coronavirus (COVID-19), they need

infection pre-

up-to-date information on the virus

vention and

and how it spreads.

control systems

To ensure the public health sec-

at clinics, hospi-

tor and its partners are empow-

tals and research

ered with the knowledge and skills


needed to deal with this highly-

Senior CSIR research-

contagious disease, the National

er Katekani Ngobeni

Department of Health (NDoH)

(34) has been very

partnered with the Council for

involved with the

Scientific and Industrial Research

process, which is


Senior CSIR researc her Katekani Ngobeni.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

crucial in keeping infection levels

ment (PPE) and the correct use of



training,” says Ngobeni.

Facing a new reality

workers and other frontline work-

Bolstering infection control

Ngobeni, who has been part of

ers understand how to protect

Ngobeni holds a Master of Technol-

the CSIR team since 2011, used her

themselves from the virus, she says,

ogy in Environmental Health from

considerable experience to help

which means they need compre-

the University of Johannesburg.

teams of frontline workers prepare

hensive knowledge of the PPE they

While at the CSIR, she has made a

for dealing with COVID-19 in their

use to keep themselves safe.

name for herself as a researcher in


It is crucial that healthcare

“Healthcare workers need critical

the field of TB infection prevention

She has provided ongoing work-

information about respiratory pro-

shops to various provincial depart-

tection. Hospitals across South Af-

ments of health to equip them for

rica are running out of N95 masks,

country and abroad to implement

the new reality brought about by

which filter at least 95 percent of

systems that help ensure health-


particles that are 0.3 microns or

care workers in resource-limited

larger, including the new corona-

areas operate in a safer environ-



Her advisory responsibilities include developing and maintaining close working relationships with

“In response to continued

and control. She has travelled across the

Ngobeni says her job at the CSIR

government departments and im-

respirator shortages, many coun-

includes researching the latest

plementing partner organisations

tries, including South Africa, have

safety measures for the prevention

to ensure that preventative meas-

resorted to the use of KN95 masks.

of infections and disseminating

ures are carried out in accordance

However, currently, there are no

this information through training

with recommended practice stand-

specific guidelines in South Africa

sessions throughout the country, as

ards. These are based on evidence

on which criteria apply for the use

required by the provincial depart-

and international guidelines.

of the product, including evidence

ments of health.

She also facilitated a preparedness course of the South African National Defence Force ahead of

demonstrating that the respirator is authentic. “In addition, there is conflicting

She and her colleagues also help implement infection control measures at healthcare facilities to curb

members’ national deployment

guidance about the application

the spread of infectious diseases

to strengthen the fight against

of these respiratory masks. In order

such as COVID-19 and TB.

COVID-19. This was baseline train-

to continue providing technical

ing, she says, covering subjects

assistance and capacity building

pacity development for the NDoH.

including how transmission occurs,

to healthcare workers during this

We do this through conducting risk

how to protect yourself, the levels of

lockdown period, we collaborated

assessments at different facilities

protection offered by the different

with the Foundation for Professional

and developing systems that will

types of personal protective equip-

Development to provide online

help them achieve their goal of

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

“I focus a lot on training and ca-



infection prevention and control.”

Challenges and achievements

in a young female environmental

long community service at the City

health practitioner, who was her

of Johannesburg, after which the

mother's friend.

city appointed her as an envi-

Ngobeni remembers how meet-

ronmental health practitioner on

Born in Ka’Ndengeza outside of Gi-

ing her mother’s friend sparked the

a full-time basis, servicing health

yani in Limpopo, one of Ngobeni’s

desire to want to follow the same

facilities in Johannesburg.

greatest achievements was being

career path and after matriculat-

selected to attend the Building De-

ing, she enrolled for a National

eni moved to the Gauteng Depart-

sign and Engineering Approaches

Diploma in Environmental Health

ment of Health where she took up

to Airborne Infection Control

at the University of Johannesburg.

the position of chief healthcare

course at Harvard University in the United States of America.

Instead of doing her year of community service immediately,

With her career flourishing, Ngob-

officer focussing on waste management in 2010. She joined the CSIR in 2011 as an

In 2013, she was a runner-up for

she opted to complete her B Tech

the JD Roberts Award for emerging

(equivalent to a degree qualifica-

infection control specialist focus-

researchers under the age of 35.


ing on infection prevention and

The award recognises the contri-

She then completed her year-


butions of young staff members at the CSIR. However, Ngobeni’s journey has not been an easy one. With her parents in Gauteng, Ngobeni lived with her grandmother until Grade 3. She then joined her parents in Protea Glen, Soweto, and attended Alpha Primary School. With the relocation, Ngobeni found herself having to repeat Grade 3, due to her not understanding a word of English at the time. To remedy the situation, her mother bought children’s books for her and in six months’ time, Ngobeni’s fluency in English had improved a great deal. She went to high school at Lenasia Secondary School, south of Johannesburg, and found inspiration


Public Sector Manager • August 2020



Sizo Mchunu is the

• Improve collaboration with other regulators outside South

Registrar and CEO

Africa, and enhancing stakeholder engagement will ensure

of the South African

that the nursing leadership share the same message about

Nursing Council

the different but complementary mandates of the various

(SANC). She holds a

authorities in the nursing fraternity, which would advance the

Master’s degree in

cause of nursing and restore its dignity.

Nursing Education SANC CEO, Sizo Mchunu

from the University of

It has been said that change is the only constant. When asked

Zululand, which was

how she deals with change, Mchunu responded that change

preceded by a BA

tends to generate anxieties amongst people and she is no

Curationis and BA Cur (Hons) from UNISA. Professionally, she is

different. What works for her though is being receptive to

a Community Health Nurse and a Nurse Manager with clinical

positive change and to see it as an opportunity to learn and

experience in a range of areas. Her passion has always been

do something new and different, while steadfastly retaining the

in the midwifery area.

good of the old. Her experience is that while the goals may be known and well defined, change demands that one “thinks on

Mchunu has served in a few governance structures. One of

one’s toenails” as more often than not there are unintended

note was being appointed as part of the five-member Interim

and unanticipated effects of change. She strongly believes

Council to effect a demerger of the previous Medical University

that the key to successful transition is communication.

of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA) from the University of Limpopo and establishing the establishment of the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU). She was subsequently appointed to serve in the first substantive council of this university. Her vision for the SANC is to assist the council to achieve a few key objectives, including but not limited to: • Implementing the new categories for nurses, which has been ‘a moving target’ for more than a decade, and ensuring commencement of the offering of nursing programmes towards qualifications that are in line with the country’s National Qualifications Framework, a great milestone in the history of nursing.

When asked what advice she can give nurses who are registered to practice in South Africa, Mchunu replied that nursing is one of the few professions which gives a person the privilege and opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life and treat them alike, when at their most vulnerableand most importantly, that nursing can be the most gratifying profession if you practice with conscience, against all odds. As CEO it remains her wish that all directors and people in senior positions acquire a solid understanding of corporate governance and avoid the pitfalls, in order for our country to be a better South Africa, which in turn would contribute to a better world.

CONTACT INFORMATION Private Bag X132, Pretoria, 0001, Republic of South Africa Telephone: National: 012 420-1000 | International: +27 12 420-1000 Fax: National: 012 343-5400 | International: +27 12 343-5400 E-mail: Facebook: Website:


Writer: Dale Hes

Mpumalanga ready for expected COVID-19 peak


tries Mozambique and eSwatini to promote integrated management. “We have been in constant communication with our peers from the Kingdom of eSwatini, as well as Mozambique, in order to promote the


Primary prevention


The province has devel-

management of the

COVID-19 cases by

cases recorded in

oped a ‘pillared strategy’

exponential increase

augmenting the existing

provinces such as the

to deal with a projected

in the rate of infections,

memoranda of under-

Western Cape, Gauteng

rise in COVID-19 infec-

which includes the es-

standing we have with

and the Eastern Cape,

tions. Speaking during

tablishment of 402 ward-

provinces in the respec-

Mpumalanga is now also

the visit by President

based containment

tive countries.”

equipping itself to deal

Ramaphosa and

teams under the leader-

with a rise in cases.

Minister Mkhize to the

ship of ward councillors,

dent’s visit, the province

province in July, Mpu-

thus deploying a ‘wall-to-

had conducted more

langa are far lower than

malanga Premier Refilwe

wall’ strategy across all

than 4.5 million screen-

in the country’s hotspots,

Mtshweni-Tshipane said

wards in the province,”

ings of people in com-

the Provincial Command

the three-tiered strategy

she said.

munities, and almost 50

Council has prepared

will involve a Primary

for the inevitable surge,

Intervention, Secondary

tion pillar promotes

and private sectors. Ap-

with a strategy that has

Intervention and the

health and behavioural

proximately 35 percent

been given the thumbs-

Post-COVID-19 Aftermath

changes in communi-

of the province’s identi-

up by President Cyril


ties, while also focusing

fied cases stemmed

on communications with

from community

neighbouring coun-

screening, emphasising

ith a surge in

While cases in Mpuma-

Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhize.

“As the Mpumalanga province, we have devel-

oped a strategy that will

integrated manage-

focus on the control and

ment of cross border

The Primary Preven-

At the time of the Presi-

000 tests in the public

the importance of this mitigation strategy.

The peak Secondary Intervention will deal with the peak of COVID-19 in the province, through a holistic President Cyril Ramaphosa during a visit to Mpumalanga to assess t he province's response to t he COVID-19 pandemic.


set of interventions outlined by the Premier. “The implementation of

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

this strategy will include

ing these numbers at a

mortality rates as a result

to protect vulnerable

management of cases

municipal level will not

of the virus.

people in our communi-

according to sever-

help us much in terms of

ity and comorbidities

our response.

status, increasing the

The province has pro-

ties,” said the President.

jected that at the peak,

He applauded the

there could be as many

province’s targeted ef-

number of quarantine

on to look at where

as 48 deaths per day

forts to drive behavioural

facilities and isolation

these cases are from at

occurring in Mpuma-


sites and fast-tracking

a ward level, so that we


the field hospital instal-

do not go into a munici-

lation at the Mbombela

pality and do a series

tions estimate between

ioural change. One of

Stadium. [It will include]

of interventions broadly,

10 and 48 deaths per

the best weapons we

expediting the procure-

but we will provide

day. The province is

have against corona-

ment of intensive care

multiple, combined and

prepared for mortalities,

virus is to change our

unit equipment, such

targeted interventions

as it has 347 mortuaries

behaviour, having ac-

as beds and ventila-

in specific wards,” said

and 33 crematoriums in

cepted that we have to

tors, across the three


the public and private

live with this virus.”

“We have now moved

“Preliminary projec-

“Your response strategy also focuses on behav-

districts, and ensuring

Mpumalanga Health

regular stock audit for

MEC Sasekani Manzini

the availability of the

also stated that the prov-

dexamethasone drug,”

ince’s busiest economic

goal of the Post-COV-

province were still low,

said the Premier.

zones are a key area

ID-19 Aftermath pillar

hospitals need to be

of focus, particularly

will involve the dignified

prepared for a possible

relatively low number

areas where mines and

disposal of bodies along


of cases compared to

other industrial hubs are

with economic recovery.

more populated prov-


Mpumalanga has a

sectors,” said Premier Mtshweni-Tshipani. She added that the

President Ramaphosa cautioned that although infections in the

“Your province is still much better placed

province’s strategy aims

sector departments and

Protecting the vulnerable

to zoom in on potential

private sector, the de-

During his visit, President

Cape, Eastern Cape,

hotspots quickly, all the

partment is monitoring

Ramaphosa approved

KwaZulu-Natal and

way down to ward level.

mobility in the province’s

of Mpumalanga’s

Gauteng. Lockdown was

busiest economic zones,

response plan and state

a heavy-duty weapon

Committee Member Dr

like Emalahleni, Govan

of readiness.

that we used but it

Lesego Mawela said

Mbeki, Mbombela and

“I’m particularly

served its purpose in as

eMalahleni, Govan Mbe-

Nkomazi. Many of these

pleased that your

far as slowing down the

ki, Steve Tshwete and

areas are home to

response strategy has

rate of infection. But we

the City of Mbombela

mines and fuel plants,

identified key priority

always knew and we

municipalities are where

which could emerge as

areas, including manag-

had been advised that

the province’s COVID-19


ing the health crisis itself.

we will see rising infec-

inces and as a result the

Provincial Advisory

cases are located.

“Working with other

The final pillar of the

“It is pleasing to know

than other provinces, such as the Western

tions that we are seeing

“We have, however,

strategy involves deal-

that in your priority ar-

now in parts of the

noted that appreciat-

ing with an increase in

eas, you have decided

country,” he added.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020




African upstream oil and gas regulatory authority, Petroleum


Agency SA (PASA) in May 2020. Before that, she served

The oil and gas exploration industry has always been

as an executive at the South African state-owned energy

extremely volatile, being subject to global economic forces

company, Central Energy Fund (CEF) (SOC) Ltd, the holding

and highly dependent on the fluctuating oil price. In addition,

company of PASA. Her responsibilities include supporting

oil and gas exploration is exceptionally risky in terms of initial,

the national government in developing energy policy and

upfront capital investment with long periods before any return

regulations for diversifying the country’s energy mix. In 2019,

on investment and profit generation. To counter this, oil and

Dr Masangane was appointed Head of Strategy for the CEF

gas exploration companies require equitable terms, and

Group of Companies, where she led the development of the

especially long-term stability and consistency in contractual

Group’s long-term strategic plan (Vision 2040+) as well as the

terms together with political and independent judicial stability.

group’s gas strategy.

Coupled with this would be a government that is committed to ease of doing business and to facilitating entry into the

Petroleum Agency SA is South Africa’s national regulator

upstream space.

for the upstream oil and gas industry in South Africa. PASA licenses and regulates exploration and production activities

Local expertise in servicing the industry’s requirements in terms

of oil and gas both onshore and offshore.

of human resources and services is also a strong advantage. A developed industrial economy offering opportunities for

PASA has three main functions: 1. The first is to attract investment to South Africa’s oil and gas upstream industry via investment into exploration and production of oil and gas in South Africa. PASA has a team of geologists and geophysicists who interpret data gathered through past exploration activity to determine prospectivity and use this to attract exploration companies to South Africa. 2. The second is to regulate the upstream industry in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, its regulations and other applicable legislation. PASA has staff responsible for ensuring legal, technical and environmental compliance as organisations enter into contracts with the state to explore for oil and gas. 3. The third function is to act as the national archive for all data and information produced during oil and gas exploration and production in South Africa, and to curate and maintain this data for use and distribution.

local monetisation of gas discoveries would also assist. WHERE DO THE OPPORTUNITIES LIE? South Africa has a good petroleum resource prospectivity which remains unexplored. The country is highly dependent on imported crude oil and in recent times South Africa started importing even finished product (petrol and diesel), which is not good for our balance of payment as a country. So the opportunities are massive for the country to unlock its petroleum resource endowment to meet its energy needs. The development of the

Other functions include advising government on any issues

stand-alone Upstream

pertinent to oil and gas as well as carrying out any special

Petroleum Resources

projects, as directed by government.


Dr Masangane speaks about PASA, stability, opportunities and long-term goals

legislation, and its accompanying regulations will


further support a conducive environment for oil and gas


development. This rewriting of the legislation governing

In the long term, we want to see a diversified and fully

oil and gas exploration and production gives South Africa

developed upstream oil and gas industry that produces at least

a chance to address the requirements of the industry (as

50% of the country’s petroleum needs. Indigenous production

above) while also ensuring an equitable deal for the South

of oil and gas supports security of energy supply and enables

African state and meaningful participation of South Africans

(re)industrialisation of our economy and can create many

in the industry.

permanent jobs. Gas is part of South Africa’s energy transition to a cleaner energy future, yet we don’t have domestic


production of gas in spite of having good gas resources.

Currently there is ongoing exploration offshore of the prospects close to the Brulpadda discovery. Odfjell’s


Deepsea Stavanger oilrig has arrived in South Africa


from Norway. It will drill the Luiperd (more correctly the


Luiperdpadda) prospect which is the second of five

The petroleum industry is not just an economic industry but it is

prospects in the group. There is an option to retain the

about security of the country. You can see that in all countries

rig in South Africa for further drilling.

the state always has a part in the petroleum industry. Bringing the three entities together is about making sure that the three

The Brulpadda well discovered light oil and gas condensate,

SOEs can pull their resources together to optimise the state

but the phase in the other prospects can only be determined

participation in the petroleum industry. This is in line with the

through drilling. Future development of the discovery is highly

upstream petroleum resource development legislation that is

dependent on the success of this further drilling.

being developed.

Other exploration offshore is the planned drilling of the


Gazania -1 well off the west coast to test a prospect close


to the A-J1 oil discovery made in 1988. African Energy


Corporation has entered into a partnership with Azinam and


Panoro in this block (still to be approved by the ministry) and


have identified numerous prospects in the block. Aziman

I believe that some leadership qualities which come naturally

will become the operator. The well will test the Gazania and

to women are what make women better leaders. For example,

Namaqua prospects. Drilling is expected to start during the

women are naturally long-term visionaries and I will use my

first quarter of 2021.

experience in government policy development to focus PASA on delivering government’s long-term objectives for the sector.

Off the east coast, ENI and partner Sasol, have identified potential drill prospects in deep water, but the testing of these by drilling has been delayed due to various issues including the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the oil price. Once the UPRDA and its accompanying regulations are finalised, we can expect the initiation of active exploration for shale gas onshore. The true potential of this resource will only become known through drilling and production testing, but this may certainly represent a major economic boost for the economy of South Africa. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CURRENT STATE OF SA’S PETROLEUM INDUSTRY? South Africa imports more than 95% of the gas used in the


country. We have almost no crude oil production so we

Tel: + 27 21 938 3500

import that as well. Recently, we have also started importing

Fax: + 27 21 938 3520

refined petroleum products as our refineries have not made the required investments to meet demand. So we are too

Physical Address: Tygerpoort Building, 7 Mispel Street Bellville 7530, Cape Town, South Africa

reliant on imports, yet we have good petroleum resource

Postal Address: P.O Box 5111, Tygervalley 7536, South Africa

prospectivity as a country that is under-explored.



Writer: Allison Cooper

BRICS must unite

to fight COVID-19 T rade, Industry

countries agreed to

economic measures,

ourselves. For example, in

and Competition

strengthen coopera-

including significant

securing critical goods

Minister Ebrahim

tion in areas including

infrastructure investment

from each other where

Patel has stressed that

e-commerce, intellectual

and developing greater

no local manufactur-

the Brazil, Russia, India,

property rights as well as

levels of dynamism and

ing capability cur-

China and South Africa

small and medium-sized

competitiveness in do-

rently exists; in promot-

(BRICS) grouping needs

enterprises. The meeting

mestic industry.

ing investment in each

to work together to fight

was attended by eco-

the coronavirus (COV-

nomic and trade minis-

ID-19) pandemic.

ters of BRICS countries.

Two key observations

other’s economies so that economic recovery is fast-tracked, and in

Minister Patel highlighted

ensuring that any future

this when addressing

the meeting on South

two key observations

vaccine is available to

the 10th BRICS Trade

Africa’s response to

from South Africa's ex-

developing countries at

Ministers Meeting

COVID-19, outlining na-

perience in dealing with

affordable prices.”

recently, which focused

tional interventions and

the pandemic.

on measures to combat

actions and highlight-

COVID-19, strategy for

ing the key lessons that

solidarity and working

the benefits of highly

the BRICS Economic

government is drawing

together is critical in

integrated supply chains

Partnership, the Multi-

from the coronavirus cri-

fighting a pandemic.

come with enormous

lateral Trading System

sis and how it’s shaping

“As the pandemic is

and other key areas of

thinking for the future.

still with us, we need to

He said government

now further strengthen

“African countries are

the solidarity between

learning the hard lesson

Minister Patel said

cooperation. At the meeting, BRICS


Minister Patel briefed

is considering further

The second observa-

The first, he said, is that

tion he shared is that

vulnerabilities when they are disrupted.

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

that if we are simply ex-

produce critical medi-

porters of raw materials

cal supplies remains

WTO reform process

diversity and significant-

and importers of medi-


should take into ac-

ly different political and

count the existing reali-

judicial systems needed to be considered.

cation, medical equip-

The Minister said that

Minister Goyal that the

els of prosperity, cultural

ment and other critical

the South African govern-

ties in the world and be

goods, then our ability to

ment has argued that

inclusive, balanced and

Minister Goyal said

ensure the protection of

the provisions of the TRIPS

consensus-based, lead-

that nations that trust

citizens in moments like

Agreement on patents

ing to prosperity for all.

each other are increas-

these is compromised.”

and compulsory licens-

“It is disheartening that

ingly coming together

He explained that

ing should not be barri-

we are seeing some

to build global supply

building resilient and

ers to sharing the tech-

proposals at the WTO

chains and it is trust

diversified supply chains

nology (without royalty)

seeking to ride on the

and transparency that

must include building

to produce the medical

pandemic for pursuing

determine their sustain-

domestic manufacturing

equipment needed to

commercial ends.



address the crisis.

“An inclusive supply

“It will essentially

“Increasingly, nations

support the quest of de-

that trust each other

veloped countries’ firms

are coming together

to have unhindered

to build global sup-

facturing capacity is di-

Trust and transparency

versified across countries,

India’s Commerce and

access to the markets

ply chains with corre-

and South Africa and

Industry Minister Piyush

in developing countries,

sponding investments

the African continent is

Goyal said the pan-

while putting constraints

in manufacturing and

ready to expand produc-

demic has provided

on developing countries

services,” he added.

tion for both existing

nations a window of

to establish domestic

product lines and new

opportunity to add

manufacturing capaci-

important trading block

product opportunities.”

strength by building


partner for South Africa,

chain means that manu-

South Africa has called

capacities, expanding

BRICS countries are an

Describing 2020 as

with exports to BRICS

for a discussion on the

manufacturing and

a turning point in the

countries from South

relationship between the

plugging into global

history of multilateralism,

Africa totalling nearly

Agreement on Trade-

value chains.

especially for the BRICS

R500 billion in 2019.

“As BRICS members

grouping, Minister Goyal

In the 10 years since its

lectual Property Rights

are among the most

said that any economic

inception, BRICS cooper-

(TRIPS) and COVID-19

affected countries in

partnership must keep

ation has expanded to

in the G20, the premier

the world, we must col-

in mind the different size

many areas, including

forum for international

lectively demonstrate

and population of each

economy, trade, finance,

economic cooperation,

a determined will to

country, unequal levels

business, agriculture,

and at the World Trade

emerge stronger, while

of economic develop-

education, health, sci-

Organisation (WTO),

being prepared to face

ment and human de-

ence and technology,

saying that affordable

any such unknown

velopment indicators. In

culture, think tanks and

access to technology to

crisis,” he said.

addition, contrasting lev-

friendship cities.

Related Aspects of Intel-

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



Source: SAnews

Thulani Tshefuta is the chairperson of South Africa's APRM National Governing Council.


good governance


outh Africa’s

critically undermine

Plan, NDP and the Per-

preparation of South

involvement and

national development

formance Management

Africa’s 2nd Generation

participation in

and therefore, good

and Planning instruments,

Review, which is about to

the African Peer Review

governance is critical in

including Annual Perfor-

be undertaken.

Mechanism (APRM)

ensuring that the citizens

mance Plans of depart-

will benefit the country

and the country benefit

ments, will be effected.


in what may ultimately be

This is according to Public Service and Admin-

realised.” Activities conducted

“The APRM, via the Na-

Broad-based participation

tional Governing Council

Cabinet approved the

(NGC), is essentially a

formation of the NGC,

istration Minister Senzo

within the APRM will assist

vibrant and dynamic

which comprises the

Mchunu, who explained

South Africa in attaining

platform, through which

three spheres of govern-

that: “The vision of the

its National Development

civil society can ensure

ment, civil society groups,

APRM is the full actuali-

Plan (NDP) 2030 goals

accountability, integ-

the private sector and

sation of transformative

of eliminating poverty,

rity, ethical conduct and

labour, in line with the

leadership and practice

creating employment op-

delivery of services on the

APRM principle of broad-

for the Africa we all want.”

portunities through faster

part of all three spheres

based participation.

economic growth and

of government and its

Africa is committed to

building a capable and

departments, includ-

the NGC structure is at

the ideals of the APRM of

ethical state.

ing state-owned entities

the core of the function-

(SOEs),” said the Minister.

ing and success of the

He added that South

promoting good govern-

“In repositioning the

Minister Mchunu said

ance and economic

APRM in South Africa, an

The formation of the


alignment between the

South African NGC will

role is to mobilise and

APRM National Action

pave the way for the

ensure participation of all

“Poor governance can


country’s APRM, as its key

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

stakeholders and citizens

financial year with the

He holds a number of

and an activist for hu-

in the APRM processes.

aim of producing the

post-graduate qualifica-

man, women and LGBTI

first draft of the National

tions from Wits University,

rights - was appointed as

Country Review Report.

Gordon Institute of Busi-

the deputy chairperson.

“The structure is expected to lead this process of country self-assessment, ensure its credibility and

NGC leadership

ultimately produce the

ness Science and Cram-

The following Ministers

mer Graduate School

are also part of the NGC:

Minister Mchunu congrat-

of Business at Rollins

Minister for Cooperative

Country Self-Assessment

ulated the newly-appoint-

University – USA.

Governance and Tradi-


ed NGC chairperson and

He is studying towards a

tional Affairs; Minister in

the deputy chairperson

Master’s Degree in Moni-

the Presidency; Minister

the NGC has convened

who will lead the struc-

toring and Evaluation at

of International Rela-

meetings to formulate

ture of 32 representatives,

Wits University.

tions and Cooperation;

its charter, which is in

plus the nine provinces.

accordance with the

Thulani Tshefuta was

- an admitted attorney,

Minister for Public Service

Statute of the APRM and

elected and appointed

the founder of the Wom-

and Administration.

further provides insight

as the NGC chairperson.

en’s Justice Foundation

Since its appointment,

Magdalene Moonsamy

Minister of Finance and

to the objectives of the NGC, the structure of the various national struc-

About the APRM:

dialogue on governance and socio-eco-

tures to be appointed

The APRM is a specialised agency of

nomic indicators and an opportunity to

and the functions of the

the African Union (AU). It is a tool for

build consensus on the way forward.

various structures.

sharing experiences, reinforcing best

There are four types of country re-

practices, identifying deficiencies and


of its charter, the NGC

assessing capacity-building needs to

• Base Review – carried out imme-

will be inducted on the

foster policies, standards and prac-

diately after a country becomes a

processes of the APRM,

tices that lead to political stability, high

member of the APRM.

which are technical in

economic growth, sustainable develop-

nature. This is to ensure

ment and accelerated sub-regional and

that all representatives

continental economic integration.

“Following the adoption

understand what is

Member countries within the APRM

• Periodic Review – carried out every four years. • Requested Review – requested by the member country itself outside

required of them as a

undertake self-monitoring in all aspects

structure, in respect of the

of their governance and socio-economic

country’s 2nd Generation

development. AU stakeholders par-

Forum when there are early signs

Review process.”

ticipate in the self-assessment of all

of pending political and economic

branches of government – executive,


The NGC will engage

the framework of mandated reviews. • A review commissioned by the APR

on the National Road

legislative and judicial – as well as the

Map, which is currently in

private sector, civil society and the

assess progress made in governance

draft form. The National


and socio-economic development in

Road Map details the activities to be undertaken

A Second Generation Review is to

The APRM Review Process gives

member states in the period since the

member states a space for national

Base Review. – Source:

in the NGC’s 2020/2021

Public Sector Manager • August 2020




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Writer: Allison Cooper

Working from home: Get the balance right W orking from home

be spent more constructively. If

during the COVID-19

you use the time saved cleverly –

pandemic presents

for instance to exercise or spend

without enough sleep. Maintain a

new challenges that can be diffi-

time with family, there will be

proper sleep routine.

cult to nagivate. But there are ways

ample benefits.”

of managing these challenges

But with the pros, come cons.

and making the experience less

Schoeman says the two biggest

‘SEEDS’ guides our wellbeing: Sleep: You cannot function

Exercise: Get at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week to keep body, soul and mind healthy.

workplace stresses are commut-

Education: Read, do an online

There are many pros of work-

ing and technology. “If a person

course, start a new hobby or per-

ing from home. Being able to set

battles with technology, the gain

fect an old one.

your own work schedule is the

made by not having to commute

biggest one, says Professor Re-

might be cancelled out by the

healthy, balanced diet is needed

nata Schoeman, a psychiatrist in

added stress of grappling with

for our body and mind to perform

private practice and Head: MBA

new technology.”



in Healthcare Leadership at the University of Stellenbosch Business

The SEEDS model


To manage stress, it’s important to

Schoeman says two Stanford studies found a 13 to 21 percent improvement in performance from

Diet: Avoid junk food because a

Socialising: Make time to connect with friends and loved ones.

set boundaries and manage your time properly. “Sow the SEEDS of self-care,” says

people working at home. It also

Schoeman. In the SEEDS model,

found that people tend to put in

each letter of the word

a full shift, or more, while officebound people are often late or leave early multiple times a week. “Working from home definitely frees up extra time. You don’t spend time commuting and the time you save can


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

thought 15 minutes were too

Break the isolation

health is spirituality, says Schoe-

short to achieve anything, you

If you find working from home

man. “It could be religious, mind-

would have wasted one hour.”

isolating, Schoeman urges you to

Another cornerstone to good

fulness or meditative – people

The one minute-rule is about

who see the bigger purpose or

not procrastinating. “If a task can

meaning in life tend to have a

be done in one minute, do it im-

greater level of well-being.”

use technology to remain connected with friends and family. “We should be physically

mediately. Don’t tell yourself that

distancing, not social distancing.

Apart from self-care, you can

you will file an email you printed

Set up WhatsApp groups, phone

manage the stresses of working

later… just get up and do it be-

a friend or video chat.

from home and juggling many

cause if you leave all these one-

“Too much self-isolation is the

balls by changing your mindset

minute tasks, you will eventually

worst thing you can do for your

about time.

have an overwhelming number

mental health because people

of things you have to remember

need social interaction. Even in-

to do,” says Schoeman.

troverts need to have meaning-

“When you are at work, you tend to clock watch but when at home, time becomes fluid, which means there is no set beginning

Set boundaries

or end. There will always be more

Another con of working from

work – at home and at the office

home is boundaries.

– so never say you will work until

“It’s difficult to indicate what

ful connections, which promote overall wellbeing and longevity.” Most people have never lived through events as life-changing as the coronavirus. “Be resilient,”

you are finished because you

is work time and what is family

will drown. Rather, set outcomes-

time, especially for women with

driven goals.”

children at home. You need to

prepared to be agile and to

says Schoeman. “If we remain open and are

find a way to make children

change, we will be fine. If you

15-minutes rules in mind, she

understand that while mommy is

are waiting for things to go

advises. “People often think 15

home, she is not available.

back to normal, you will battle

Keep the one-minute and

minutes is too short to accom-

“For example, for those with

because for now, this is the new

plish anything meaningful so

young children who do not

instead of tackling a necessary

have a door they can close, you

task, they waste the time on Fa-

could keep a jacket at hand.

self-care because when you are

cebook. In 15 minutes, you could

When you are wearing it, they

stronger physically, emotionally

answer an email or two, read a

know not to interrupt you but

and spiritually, you are better

paper or even do some prepara-

when it is over the back of your

able to cope and you will be

tion for supper. If there were four

chair, you are available to them,”

more stress-resilient, both emo-

instances in a day when you

she says.

tionally and physically.”

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

normal. “Ensure resiliency by practising



Writer: Siusapho Nyanda

COVID-19 tests are covered by GEMS M

embers of the Government Employees Medical Scheme

According to the Council for Medical Schemes, PMB is a set

(GEMS) will not have to fork

of defined benefits to ensure

out money for a coronavirus

that all medical scheme mem-

(COVID-19) test as this will be

bers have access to certain

covered by the scheme pro-

minimum health services.

vided it is clinically appropriate.

PMB are legally prescribed

“Ideally, beneficiaries should

under the Medical Schemes

ensure they are screened

Act. Under the Act, all medical

first by a nurse/doctor who

aid schemes must cover any

will then determine if a test is

emergency medical condition,

required. Once tests are done,

a limited set of 270 medical

both negative and positive

conditions and 25 chronic

tests will be paid as prescribed


minimum benefits (PMB), GEMS explained. GEMS Principal Officer Dr


covered as PMB claims.

A clinically appropriate COVID-19 test is classified as a PMB level of care when a patient is

Stan Moloabi says that all

referred for testing by a quali-

qualifying COVID-19 pathol-

fied healthcare professional

ogy laboratory claims are

who has personally screened

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

the patient.

The move by GEMS to

The testing must also

make COVID-19 a PMB

be done in line with Na-

follows the publication of

tional Institute for Com-

Circular 25 by the Coun-

municable Diseases and

cil for Medical Schemes.

Department of Health

The circular forces all


medical aid schemes to

Dr Moloabi says: “GEMS

cover the payments for COVID-19-related issues.

members should not

has had on members

of Health has projected

be requested to pay

and their families has

that more than 60 per-

The council’s Chief

for COVID-19 testing

been carefully con-

cent of South Africans

Executive Officer and


sidered and, as such,

are expected to test

registrar Sipho Kabane

processes and systems

positive for COVID-19

says the declaration to

the testing guidelines are

have been put in place

and that 20 percent are

make COVID-19 a PMB

not followed, it will not

to ensure that all valid

expected to be severely

will be applicable for as

be considered as a PMB

claims are adjudicated

affected by the virus.

long as the pandemic

level of care. In such in-


However, he adds that if

continues to exist.

available benefits are

COVID-19 positive and

Don’t panic, stay informed

depleted, a co-payment

negative tests will be

Consequently, this has

Act of 1998, the use of

may apply.

funded and no pre-au-

led to increased levels

designated service pro-

The PMB benefits are

thorisation is required for

of anxiety across the

viders, clinical protocols

paid first from the appro-

persons under investiga-

country. GEMS has ap-

and formularies should

priate available benefits

tion for COVID-19 infec-

pealed to its members

apply,” says Kabane.

and if those are deplet-

tion, provided the correct

not to panic but to stay

ed, then claims are paid

ICD-10 and RPL codes

informed about the virus.

from the risk benefit.

are billed.”

stances, if the member’s

No preauthorisation needed

“All claims for both

GEMS’ actuarial cal-

“In accordance with the Medical Schemes

GEMS members who have any queries can contact the scheme by

In the event of a posi-

culations estimate that

calling 0860 00 4367.

tive test, the ICD-10 code

the scheme will spend

Alternatively, they can

for COVID-19 testing is

around R900 million on

email enquiries@gems.

U07.1 and the RPL code

the treatment and care

GEMS said pre-authori-

is 3979. In the case of a

of members who con-

sation is not required for

negative test, the ICD-10

tract COVID-19.

COVID-19 tests that meet

code is U07.2 and the

its minimum require-

RPL code remains the

largely comes from the

hotline at 0800 029 999


same (3979).

risk benefits and will not

or send a message via

affect members’ day-to-

the WhatsApp line: 0600

day benefits or savings.”

123 456.

“The impact that the spread of this disease

According to the scheme, the Department

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

The R900 million spend

Those with COVID19-related queries can call the COVID-19



Source: SAnews xxx

COVID-19: Be money wise W

ith many South Africans struggling to keep their heads above water

given the financial challenges brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19), the National Credit Regulator (NCR) has reminded consumers of the measures available to ease the burden. “The National Credit Act (NCA) offers various debt relief measures for financially embattled consum-

ers struggling to repay debts and consumers are encouraged to consider these measures where applicable,” said the NCR’s Acting Manager for Education and Communication, Advocate Kedilatile Legodi. The NCR, which is an agency of try and Competition, said many

Credit Life Insurance

South Africans are in financial

Consumers can consider several

outstanding debt in the event of

distress and struggling to repay

NCA debt relief measures, includ-

unforeseen circumstances such

debts as a result of reduced and

ing Credit Life Insurance.

as death, retrenchment, unem-

the Department of Trade, Indus-

complete loss of income.


This is insurance that a con-

sumer purchases when applying for credit or a loan. It covers the

ployment, inability to earn an

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

income, disability and others. In the event of the consumer

atively impacted by the effects of

The consumer may withdraw the

the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in

notice to surrender within 10 busi-

becoming unemployed or unable

reduced income are encouraged

ness days after receiving the esti-

to earn an income, the Credit Life

to consider this debt relief meas-

mated value letter, if the account is

Insurance cover provides that

ure since an income is required to

not in arrears.

credit providers must settle/pay the

apply for debt counselling.”

consumer’s debt for a period of 12

Debt counselling is offered by

months or for the remaining repay-

NCR-registered debt counsellors

ment period or until the consumer

who operate nationwide.

finds employment or is able to earn

A list of registered debt counsel-

The credit provider will sell the returned goods in an attempt to settle the debt. “However, there is no guarantee that the credit provider will sell

an income, whichever period is

lors can be found on the NCR

the goods for what the consumer


website or by con-

still owes. If the proceeds from the

tacting the NCR at 0860 627 627.

sale are insufficient to settle the

“Consumers who would like to use this relief measure but are battling

outstanding debt, the consumer

to get assistance from their credit

Surrender of goods

providers can send a complaint to

The NCA allows consumers to

the NCR. However, it is important for

voluntarily surrender/return goods

consumers to remember that in or-

to credit providers when they can


der to benefit from Credit Life Insur-

no longer afford to maintain the

Consumers who need to borrow

ance, all payments regarding the

repayments or can foresee that

money, should do so after consid-

Credit Life Insurance policy must be

they will not be able to maintain

ering their ability to repay the debt

up to date,” said Legodi.

future payments.

and only use NCR-registered credit

Debt counselling/ review Debt counselling is a debt relief

In terms of the Act, credit agree-

will be liable to pay the shortfall after the sale.”


ments under which goods can be

“Consumers should never enter

surrendered are instalment agree-

into any agreement with unregis-

ments, secured loans or leases.

tered credit providers who usually

measure intended to assist over-

Legodi said there is a process

indebted consumers struggling

to be followed, which consumers

identity documents etc. as security

with debt, through budget advice,

are encouraged to understand

and a collection method.”

negotiation with credit providers

before they give notice to a credit

for reduced payments, extension of

provider to return the goods.

repayment term and restructuring of debt. Debt counselling also offers con-

The credit provider is required to provide the consumer with a letter setting out the estimated value

retain bank cards, SASSA cards,

The retention of cards or identity documents is prohibited and a criminal offence in terms of the NCA. “Consumers are urged to report

sumers protection against repos-

of the goods, 10 business days

credit providers who retain these

session or legal action by credit

after the consumer gave notice

instruments to the South African


to surrender or return the goods,

Police Service and the NCR,” said

whichever is the latest.


“Consumers who have been neg-

Public Sector Manager • August 2020



xxx Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Colour me happy 1 7


s your home starting to feel

geometric pattern and R239 for plain.

a bit gloomy? One sure way

4 With a 200-year-old history of producing

to lighten the mood is by in-

beautiful, functional, iconic kitchenware,

troducing splashes of colour. Try

you can never go wrong with Mason Cash.

these items for a burst of colour.

Get this multi-purpose 24cm mixing bowl,, R269. 5 Youthful and trendy brand Utopia has some

1 Spruce up your pot plants with this soft pot


great home décor at reasonable prices, like

holder by quirky designers aLove Supreme,

this geometric wall art,, R169.

available at, R249.

6 If it's contemporary craftmanship you’re

2 Enjoy café quality coffee at home with

after, look no further than Everdure by

this Nespresso CitiZ automatic espresso

renowned chef Heston Blumenthal. The

machine with an Aeroccino milk frother,

range of braais are exclusive to Yuppie

Nespresso, R3 599.

Chef and combine function, technology and

3 Enjoy a lifetime guarantee in addition to

aesthetics, cube charcoal portable braai,

trendy looks with Le Creuset stoneware.

3, R2 999.

This limited edition geometric patterned

7 Makeover a bedroom or lounge with colour-

mug is available in a variety of colours

ful cushions like this Mandala one from

including pastels, Le Creuset, R309 for

Utopia,, R249.

4 5



Public Sector Manager • August 2020


Amathuba Hub believes that the end result of any training or learning intervention should be able to show a significant return on investment whether it be in increased performance, profitability or improved efficiencies.


Our goal is to deliver you with a comprehensive •

training solution.

Amathuba hub

As a full-service Skills Development and Training

serves as strategic advisers

Solutions company we are also able to provide and

to the management team companies

source a full range of specific and essential offerings

to enable them to factor BEE into their business

to our clients.

priorities without taking their eye of the mandate of growing their South African operation.

We will assist your company to: •

Identify individuals that are interested in training

We will assist the companies to:

Align training appropriately to the needs of the

illustrative budget;

company and learner. •

Attain BEE targets on Skills spend and Learnerships

Ensure you are fully compliant

Earn the maximum points on the Employment Equity and

Develop a BEE strategy, incorporating targets and an

Formulate policies and procedures to drive the attainment of BEE targets;

Prepare communication with Stakeholders regarding issues and elements relating to BEE;

Skills development elements of the B-BBEE scorecard •

Conduct a workshop for staff affected by BEE to outline the strategy and policy once they have been adopted.

Our role will be to assist companies to focus on programmes or interventions that will allow the company to derive the most value out of the various elements of B-BBEE.

CONTACT DETAILS: Address: 106 Leslie Avenue, Douglasdale, 2055 Email: | Phone: +27 11 783 7190 | Fax: (086) 733-8826


xxx Writer: Gilda Narsimdas


essentials T


he beauty of having wardrobe staples means you don’t have to buy

new items every season. We’ve rounded up some classic items that every wardrobe needs. 2

1 A pair of well-fitted dark blue jeans can take you from casual (when paired with sneakers and a t-shirt) to smart casual (add a jacket and heels) in no time, Sissy Boy,

wearability no matter where


you are or what you are doing.

2 You can never go wrong with a blazer or


Make it a leather one and you

jacket. Choose a solid colour, like this navy

have an accessory to last a

three-button one from Queenspark, R699,

lifetime, Fossil, R2 699.

so you can pair it with more items. 3 A white blouse or shirt can be worn under a formal suit or with jeans and accessorised


with any colour, H&M, R949. 4 Everyone who loves heels needs a black pair for their collection, Aldo, R1 299. 5 A signature fragrance complements a signature look. Davidoff Cool Water for women has been a classic perfume for many years and with its cool



scent, is easy to wear day or night,, R2 118 for 200ml. 6 A crossbody bag is both versatile and comfortable, offering hands-free


Public Sector Manager • August 2020


7 A straight-leg pair of jeans is on trend and can be dressed up or down. These medium blue ones from Polo are perfect, R1 099. 8 Whether it’s for the office or a night out, opt for a well-fitted blazer like this classic two-button one from J-Crew,, R1 899. 9 This one-pocket casual, collared shirt from Levi’s will last you a few seasons with it classic design, R799. 10 If it’s comfort and style you’re after, there is nothing quite like a good pair of boat shoes. These have been in fashion for decades with so many brands, styles, colours and price range to choose from. Choose a classic brown shade, like these Grasshoppers Freeport slip-ons, R629. 11 If there’s one fragrance that lingers long after you’ve exited a room and leaves an impression, it’s Tom Ford’s Black Orchid. It’s worn as a unisex fragrance and is delightful, Woolworths, R1 995 for 50ml. 9




Public Sector Manager • August 2020



Compiled by: Nicholas Francis

Don't mince your creativity I

t’s one of the most af-


1 apple, peeled


fordable and popular


and coarsely grated

1 egg, plus

ingredients in homes

750g beef mince

1 tbsp finely grated

1⁄2 cup milk, and

across the country. It

Oil, for frying

lemon rind

1⁄3 tsp turmeric

saves time and stretches

2 slices white bread

1⁄2 cup seedless raisins

meals. Perfect in bolog-

1⁄2 cup milk

2 tsp salt


naise, vetkoek or even on

1 large onion chopped

2 tbsp apricot jam

Preheat the oven to

toast, minced meat is one

4 tsp curry powder

1 egg

180°C. In a small bowl,

of the most versatile in-

1 tbsp breyani spices

3⁄4 cup milk

break the bread and

gredients in our kitchens.

1⁄2 tsp turmeric

12 -16 almonds,

pour ½ a cup of milk over

We have chosen various

1 tomato, ripe, peeled

whole, blanched

it. Set aside. In a large

minced meat dishes for

and chopped

(or use split

pot, heat three table-

you to explore and enjoy.

1⁄2 tsp sugar


spoons oil and sauté


Public Sector Manager • August 2020

seconds longer. In a bowl, combine minced ostrich, Worcestershire sauce, onion mixture, salt and pepper, and mix well. Divide into six portions. Cook the burgers on medium heat in a pan as desired, then add the toppings and enjoy.

Lamb koftas Ingredients 1kg lamb mince 2 tsp paprika ½ tsp ground ginger 2 tsp ground cumin onions. Stir in the curry powder, breyani spices,

into the pot.

1 onion, finely chopped

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 small onion, chopped

turmeric and fry for a few

oven dish and add

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 garlic cloves, crushed


almonds on top. Bake

2 tbsp Worcestershire

½ tsp chilli flakes

for 40 minutes in the pre-


1 tbsp chopped fresh

prevent it from sticking.

heated oven. Whisk the

Salt and pepper

mint leaves

Add the tomato, sugar,

other egg with the milk

12 hamburger buns

1 tbsp chopped fresh

apple, lemon rind and

and turmeric to turn the

stir through. Fry for an-

mixture to a yellow egg


other minute, then add

custard. Take the dish out

Cheese slices


the minced meat and stir

of the oven, pour over


Place all the ingredients

to break it up.

the custard, and bake

Tomato, sliced

into a bowl and mix to

for a further 15 minutes

Onion, sliced

combine. Divide mixture

cot jam until blended

or until the egg custard


into 16 pieces and roll

well and let it simmer for

has set.


into 8cm-long sausages,

five minutes. Remove the

Serve with yellow rice

pot from the stove and

and salad.


individual skewers. Place

Heat the oil over medi-

in a sealable container

mixture to the pot and

Ostrich burgers

um-high heat in a pan

and refrigerate for 20

mix. Whisk one egg and


and sauté the onion.

minutes until firm.

milk in a bowl and pour it

500g ostrich mince

Add garlic and cook 30

Add a drop of water to

Mix in the salt and apri-

Pour into a greased

let it cool. Add the bread

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

flat-leaf parsley leaves

threading each one onto

Heat an oiled pan on



the onion, garlic, egg, breadcrumbs and parsley. Mix together and set aside for 10 minutes. Add the minced meat, salt and black pepper to the mixture and mix together with your hands. The mixture should be wet, not runny. Once done, set aside for 10 minutes. With your hands, scoop up mixture and form golf ball-sized meatballs. high. Add koftas to the

Place a pan on medium

pan and reduce the

heat on the stove and

heat to low. Cook for 10

add your oil. Fry the

minutes turning occa-

meatballs until cooked

sionally or until cooked

through. Remove from

through. Remove from

the pan and let it rest on

pan and serve with a

a plate.

flat bread of your choice Sauce

and sauce.

Blend together toma-

Meatball sub

toes, onion, garlic, basil,


chutney, tomato sauce,


salt and pepper. Blend

500g beef mince

until a smooth sauce is

½ onion, finely diced

formed. Add sauce into

2 garlic cloves, minced

pan the meatballs were

¼ cup fresh parsley, finely


¼ cup Mrs Balls chutney

fried in and let simmer


6 tomatoes, chopped

½ cup tomato sauce

for 15 minutes on me-

1 tsp salt

½ onion, chopped

French loaf

dium heat.

1 tsp black pepper

2 garlic cloves, chopped

Cheese, grated or sliced

1 large egg

¼ cup fresh basil,

2 tbsp oil



the sauce followed by

¼ cup panko bread-

1 tsp salt


the meatballs and top


1 tsp black pepper

In a mixing bowl, add

with cheese.


Cut the French loaf down the middle. Add

Public Sector Manager • August 2020

Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf 1 2019/07/25 08:49




Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf 1 2019/07/25 08:49




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