New Jersey 7-23-18

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If team members aren’t challenged, productivity stagnates and the office loses steam. The same can happen if employees don’t believe their voice is being heard or taken seriously. happen if employees don’t believe their voice is being heard or taken seriously. How should a leader compensate? To curtail negativity and bring a breath of fresh air into the office, give team members a platform to think big, no questions asked. Before your next office-wide meeting, devote a half-hour to visionary thinking. Ask each member of your team to write privately for ten minutes, considering what if scenarios regarding their current roles, career aspirations, and the office’s culture. What do they wish was different? How might things be streamlined? What skills do they wish they possessed? Encourage team members to be imaginative and wrestle with the hurdles or questions they’ve been grappling with. When time is up, split employees into smaller breakout groups and allow them to share their thoughts with one another. Not only will this ignite thoughtful discussion, but it will also allow team members the chance to brainstorm creatively, while articulating their ideas and visions for the road ahead.

Lend a Hand If in-office team-building activities aren’t your style, consider service-oriented excursions that bring office staff together and benefit a worthy cause. In the real estate field, there are countless housing-related organizations to which your office can donate their time and energies. For instance, Habitat for a Humanity constructs homes for those in need using amateur volunteers, while there are nationwide projects that support housing relief for military veterans. The scope of your service commitment can also vary—from a dedicated day hammering away at a new home, 16

to sponsoring a golf tournament benefitting area organizations. Either way, service projects unite your team’s energies, afford employees a refreshing change of pace, and positively impact your community.

When All Else Fails, Keep it Light Sometimes team members need to blow off steam to avoid office burnout. One way to combat low energy is bring team members together for a lighthearted game. Try office-themed trivia: come up with thirty trivia questions based on your office, then divide team members into competing groups. Encourage groups to think up team names, and organize trivia questions into themed categories. Remember to award fun prizes to create a light incentive. A healthy sense of competition revolving around silly subject matter can get team members loosened up and working together. Concoct questions of moderate difficulty that speak to people’s common ground. For instance, how many tiles are in the office kitchen? Or, how many doors can be found in the office? These questions are light and won’t create any real tension, but will allow a reframing of a stuffy office into a collective home base. Plus, it’ll keep your next holiday party lively. Team-building is an important form of routine maintenance, whose benefits shouldn’t be overlooked. Whatever activity you land on, the overarching idea is to nudge team members beyond their comfortable routines and come together in a new way. At the end of the day, you’ll boost your business, office morale, and colleagues in the process.

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