Palmers green & southgate life oct14

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Palmers Green


LI FE October 2014 Edition Issue 20

Past Times • Southgate Circus

Palmers Green Festival • Celebrating our community

Walker Cricket Ground • Fireworks Celebration

Image supplied by Enfield Local Studies and Archive

Southgate Station in 1930

welcome Welcome to all our new readers in Southgate, we hope you enjoy our article on Southgate Station on pages 4 & 5. As we move into Autumn we are continuing to find that most prospective buyers are looking for homes with period features. The local market is stabilising as more properties have recently come on the market to satisfy demand, and the house prices are reflecting this. We have also had a flurry of garages that have sold lately so if you are using yours to store junk why not consider turning it into cash? Contact a member of our team who will be happy to offer advice and answer any property related questions you may have. This month, we welcome two new columnists, Janan Thompson from St James Place and Christina Pieri from CP Family Law. Jan is based locally in N21 and has 17 years experience working as a Financial Planner (Page 11). Christina works at Chapman Pieri Solicitors a modern, niche solicitors practice specialising exclusively in family, divorce, children and education law (page 19).

Tony Ourris Director / Editor at Large

Martin McKelvey Office Manager

Nick Fitzsimons Senior Sales and Lettings Negotiator

Susan Babaie Senior Sales and Lettings Negotiator

Jonathan Hicks Senior Sales and Lettings Negotiator

John Constantine Sales and Lettings Negotiator

Panayiota Kyriakides Administrator

Sevda Aksu, Administrator Assistant

Anthony Georgiou Administrator Assistant

Ellie Sales, Magazine Editor

In our charity column on page 26, Desire Thomson-George from the Enfield Caribbean Association talks about Enfield's Black History Month closing ceremony that will take place on 1st November at Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church. To continue the theme, local resident Claudeth Whyte kindly shares her traditional family recipe of Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken, rice and peas on (page 17). Congratulations to Broomfield Park, Grovelands Park and Woodcroft Wildspace that were all recognised in the Enfield in Bloom awards 2014. Councillor Bambos Charalambous discusses the future hopes for the restoration of Broomfield House on (page 6). In September Anthony Webb welcomed a new member to our team, Jonathan Hicks. With over 10 years property experience in North London we know he will be a great asset to our expanding team.


Tony Ourris Director Anthony Webb Estate Agents

Contents The Palmers Green Festival by Ellie Sales ............3 Past Times, Southgate Circus by Ellie Sales ......4-5 Cycle Enfield by Helen Osman ............................5 Councillor's Corner by Bambos Charalambous ..................................6 Parliamentary Comment by David Burrowes..............................................6 FOR SALE – The Grove ....................................7 News from Hazelwood Schools by Nathalie Muller & Steve Kelly ........................8 Love Your Door Step by Emma Rigby ..................8 FOR SALE – Greenway ....................................9 FOR SALE – Burford Gardens .......................10 FOR SALE – Caversham Avenue...................10 Wealth Management by Janan Thompson ........11 Walker Cricket Ground by Vickie Prow ..............12 FOR SALE – Munster Gardens ......................13 FOR SALE – Fountains Crescent ...................13 Anthony Webb Testimonials..............................14 Anthony Webb Show Case................................15 Mosaica Restaurant review ..............................16 Baskervilles blog by Diane ................................17

Savour the Season by Claudeth White ..............17 Fabulous Hair Company by Ellie Sales .............18 How to make instant friends by Alexia Charalambous ...................................18 Enfield Family Law Advice ................................19 TO LET – Old Park Road ................................20 TO LET – Fernleigh Road ...............................20 Jewel in the North by Suzanne Beard ...............21 Palmers Green Tales by Jenny Bourke ...............21 Whats on Local Events......................................22 Talkies Community Cinema...............................22 Music Review with Lester Clayton ....................23 Poetry in Palmers Green by Myra Schneider ....23 TO LET – Crestbrook Place ............................24 TO LET – New River Crescent .......................24 Drape Master by Julia Sondack ........................25 Charity in the Community Enfield Caribbean Association ......................................26 Your Legal Questions Answered by Fariz Uvais....................................................27 Creative Exchange Network .............................28

Anthony Webb supporting local schools, charities and local action groups to enrich our community

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ

The Palmers Green Festival 2014 by Ellie Sales One thing I really love about editing this magazine is the amount of people I come across on a daily basis that give up their time and experience to help enrich our community.

Stalls beside Broomfield House

Lester Clayton © Phil Rogers

Music on the Green

This was no more evident than at The Palmers Green Festival, held on Sunday 7th September. Early that morning local community groups, charities, and business stall holders set up their pitches against the beautiful back drop of Broomfield Park. The Palmers Green Festival originated from a group of community-spirited local residents coming together in Spring 2012 with the idea of organising a one day party in Broomfield Park, N13. The aim was to bring together and celebrate the diverse cultures around Palmers Green.

members of our community to take part in community activities.*

they call ‘Street Folk’ combining Reggae, Soul, Folk and Hip Hop to create a unique sound which is capturing audiences imagination at venues including The Brixton Academy, Manchester academy, Scala, Ronnie Scotts and many more. You can find Lester’s music on iTunes, The Breadline EP and The Lifeline EP which peaked at number 10 on the iTunes Songwriter Charts in 2013. Lester Clayton has also supported Ed Sheeran, Lemar and Just Jack amongst other acts.

By 12 o’clock a steady stream of people were enjoying what the festival had to offer. Local businesses including some of our columnists Baskervilles Tea Shop, Talkies Community Cinema, and The Creative Exchange could be found amongst the 100 plus stalls. There was an excellent variety of international food on offer to suit all tastes and great entertainment for the children. Also new this year was a ‘friendship zone’ launched by the Ruth Winston Centre, in Palmers Green, to help encourage older

© Heather Ross

There was a popular dance zone organised by Heather Ross from Salsatricity, a local Salsa School in Barnet that, within two years of opening, won UK’s runner up Salsa School of the year.** Founder of Salsatricity Heather Ross said “Dance has no boundaries, any age, any culture and all abilities can join in, it was great to see Dads dancing with their children, groups of young boys and families all joining in the fun. The atmosphere at the Palmers Green festival was electric!” Alongside the band stand by the lake, a new addition to this year’s festival, was a music stage on the old bowling green. Music on the Green showcased local musical talent throughout the day and was organised by Lester Clayton, a local musician and promoter and our resident Palmers Green & Southgate LIFE music expert. I was particularly fortunate to catch Lester on stage, his band having forged their own style

© Heather Ross

The sun shone gloriously all day and the organisers estimate that around 10,000 people attended the event that has gone on to reinforce what a great community we have in Palmers Green. A well deserved pat on the back to all the volunteers that dedicated their time to ensuring the event was a great success. Recognition also to the Noah’s Ark Children‘s Hospice National Citizens Service challenge volunteers who raised over £2,000 on the same weekend helping out at events in North London including our very own Palmers Green Festival.

The Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Ali Bakir with the volunteers © Phil Rogers

Please visit for more information and sign up to their mailing list. *Visit our web site to discover the history of The Ruth Winston Centre in our January 2014 issue of Palmers Green LIFE magazine **Visit for more information on their classes and club nights.

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Past Times, Southgate Circus by Ellie Sales Long before Southgate Circus came into being the junction was known as ‘Five Ways Corner’; the five ways being Chase Side, Chase Road, Winchmore Hill Road, Bourneside (later renamed The Bourne) and High Street. Before ‘Five Ways Corner’ came into existence, the area was rolling green countryside.

Piccadilly Escalator shaft Southgate, 1932: Enfield Local Studies and Archive

predominantly rural.

Bunkers Corner, 1884: Enfield Local Studies and Archive

Southgate gets its name from the fact that it was situated at the old site of the South Gate into Enfield Chase. At that time the area was heavily wooded and was used by Royal parties hunting on horseback. The early 19th century saw the area thinly populated and relatively undeveloped. Southgate lay between two main roads (Green Lanes and the Great North Road) and much of the land formed part of great estates, particularly Grovelands and Arnos. The land owners of the time preferred to keep Southgate rural in order to protect their own amenities. Before the turn of the nineteenth century, Southgate Circus was often known as ‘Bunkers Corner’ after George Bunker. He set up business as a wheelwright and ironworker in 1804 and this was carried on

by three subsequent generations in a large clapboard building. The business thrived serving the needs of the community, the landowners and farmers long before the coming of the motor car. The premises were demolished in 1897 and were replaced with shops. It was these shops that later made way for the tube station that stands exactly on the site of the old Bunker’s Shop. The first attempt at suburban development in Southgate dates from 1853 when a large tract of land bounded by Chase Side, Chase Road and Bramley Road was sold for building. Development along Fox Lane meant that Southgate was for the first time linked to the centre of London town. Despite these first tentative steps being taken towards urbanisation, up until 1914 the district remained

Southgate Station, 1938: Enfield Local Studies and Archive


Even after World War I relatively little development had taken place. The Southgate House Estate (Meadway etc.) was developed from 1924 onwards. By this time the end of rural Southgate was in sight. Perhaps recognizing this fact Southgate Council had taken the wise precaution of acquiring land as public open space: Grovelands Park (1913), Arnos Park (1928) and Oakwood Park (1927). Southgate Underground Station was approved in 1930 and opened on 13th March 1933 as part of the northern extension of the Piccadilly Line. This seven mile extension beyond the original terminus of Finsbury Park required a parliamentary act and was to serve the enlarging suburban areas in north and west Middlesex. The Piccadilly extension line stations were commissioned by Frank Pick (1878-1941) and designed by architect Charles Holden (1875-1960), who together created an architecturally distinguished group of buildings. Charles Holden was a notable Arts and

Southgate, the Circus, 1955. ©The Francis Frith Collection –

92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP

Crafts architect in the Edwardian period that uniquely made the move to modernism, following a 1930 study tour (with Pick) of continental railway stations and modern architecture. At the time Holden's designs set the 'house style' for London Underground and Southgate station is arguably one of the most visually impressive and dramatic stations on the entire network. Like Arnos Grove, Oakwood and Cockfosters, Southgate was awarded a Grade II listed status on 19 February 1971 and retains much of its original decoration. The station is built in the Art Deco design style using brick, reinforced concrete and glass. The station building is

© Steve Harrison. Southgate Photographic Society

circular with a flat projecting concrete roof. The roof is actually supported ‘umbrella-like’ from a central column within the ticket hall. The flat roof of the station building sits on top of a projecting, illuminated band of metal and blue glass carrying the station name. The escalators have spectacular uplighters formed of ribbed, metal columns, with bowl-shaped light fittings that descend down to the platforms.

remaining entrances was made into an exit only.

Although its design may be considered timeless the station is not without change: in the late 1990s, one of the three entrances was filled in to be used as a new ticket office, and due to the design of the automatic barriers, one of the two

The preserved condition of the station's original features, particularly the escalators, makes Southgate popular for filming scenes for period dramas, including scenes for the 1999 version of the film, The End of the Affair.

In 2008 the station was extensively renovated, with new tiling at platform level, a partial new floor in the main ticket hall, and improved signage throughout. The station won the London Regional category award at the 2008 National Railway Heritage Awards for the modernisation of a heritage station.

© Steve Harrison. Southgate Photographic Society

Cycle Enfield: Translating the bid into bike lanes

by Helen Osman Enfield Council's Cabinet has now agreed the governance arrangements for the delivery of the £27m Cycle Enfield project, formerly known as 'Mini Holland'. They have appointed Ringway Jacobs, highway infrastructure engineers to undertake detailed planning and modelling of the cycle routes, a process which has already started, but will take a number of months. Ringwood Jacobs must advise on where the North – South Route will run. Whether this will be along Green Lanes, or "an alternative alignment that leaves the A105 somewhere south of Green Dragon Lane and uses quiet residential roads to Bounds Green". There will be a public consultation, but there is concern that what is proposed by Enfield Council is insufficient, given the magnitude of this project, despite the Council’s assurances that it will consult widely. The consultation will be undertaken via Cycle Enfield Partnership Boards, one for each project. Here is who the Council is proposing to invite to participate. CYCLE ENFIELD PARTNERSHIP BOARD (Enfield South East) Associate Cabinet Member Ward Councillors, Enfield Business and Retailers Association, Enfield Disability Action, local residents groups, the London Cycling Campaign and representatives of local cycling groups, Cycle Enfield Project Delivery Team

KEY AREAS OF CONCERN Residents are not being fully consulted Inviting ward councillors and local residents groups to represent residents is insufficient. Whilst residents associations do an excellent job, only a minority of residents actually belong to them. Schools, parents, groups like Age Concern, The Over 50s Forum should and must be consulted. Some of the proposed changes, such as removal of bus lanes in favour of cycle lanes,

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could make it much harder for parents with young children, the elderly and people with disabilities to access buses. All residents who live along the routes and who live in Palmers Green, and Winchmore Hill must be given the right to have their views considered during the design process. Surely the residents should take precedence over cycle groups who cater for a tiny minority of residents/rate payers? The assumption, stated in the bid document, that all residents should be able to undertake journeys of up to 8 miles by cycle, just doesn’t stack up with how we live our busy lives, our desires and capabilities or the needs of anyone wishing to purchase anything larger than can be carried in a backpack or cycle pannier.

Insufficient consultation with businesses along the proposed routes Enfield Council is proposing that Enfield Business & Retailers Association represent local business interests. Yet EBRA is directly funded by the Council, so is not fully independent. The phrase “not wanting to bite the hand that feeds you” springs to mind. The Council's document claims that "The Mini-Holland project will contribute to the growth agenda by regenerating the town centres that the main cycle routes pass through". At this stage it is unclear how the cycle scheme will achieve this. It is unclear what additional risk assessment – if any - the Council intends to undertake to assess the economic impact on the business base along the routes of the proposed continuous cycle lanes. Should the designs result in cycle routes which

hamper customers' access to local businesses, this could result in a significant reduction of turnover of many of the businesses along the routes, leading to degeneration not regeneration. Improving the health & wellbeing of Enfield residents Enfield Council has suggested that the cycle highways will "significantly improve the health and wellbeing of Enfield residents". However, it could be argued that the benefits that will be derived from the cycle network are being overstated. The target is to get 5% of journeys undertaken by cycle (currently 0.7%). Therefore, only a very small minority of residents are expected to utilise the new bike routes. They are unlikely to include residents whose health is most at risk, such as the obese and those with multiple problems associated with deprivation. Moreover, if the flow of traffic through the borough is restricted, because of the reductions in carriageways, traffic congestion could worsen air quality and hence health of residents in the areas affected. Local people must be involved during the design process. Residents and business owners not fobbed off with a one-off consultation once detailed plans are drawn up. Enfield Council has a history of ignoring the outcome of other public consultations, so local communities must be given a real say in the planning. This must not be a tick box consultation. This is a major project which represents an opportunity to improve the quality of our streets, get more people to cycle and help to regenerate many of our local high streets, by making them more appealing to local people. To quote a phrase from the recent Scottish referendum debate “Better together”.


Councillorʼs Corner by Cllr. Bambos Charalambous What does the future hold for Broomfield House? Tel: 020 8351 1362 Mobile: 07812 673075 I was at secondary school (Chace Boys Comprehensive) when the first fire at Broomfield House happened in 1984. The initial fire did limited damage but subsequent fires in 1993 and 1994 ravaged the House leaving the building in a perilous state. Luckily some of the most prized features of the House such as the Lanscroon murals were removed and safely stored by the Council. Since 1984 there have been various attempts to find a solution to the restoration of the House. There have been plans to turn the restored building into a pub in Broomfield Park, plans for a banqueting suite and wedding venue and more recently the Mayor of London sought to turn the remains of the building into sheltered housing. All these schemes failed to materialise. In 2003 the House featured on the excellent BBC series Restoration where it was head to head in public vote with two other South East sites in desperate need of money to bring them back to their former glory. Sadly the House lost out. Recent bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF)

Broomfield House © Copyright Christine Matthews and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence

supported by the local community were also unsuccessful. The cost of restoring the House has been put at approximately £6 million and this sum has been verified by HLF and independent auditors. Anyone who attended the Palmers Green Festival in Broomfield Park on 7 September cannot have failed to notice the stark contrast between the vibrancy and the buzz in the park with the towering eyesore of charred remains and scaffolding of what is left of Broomfield House. There is also concern that if nothing is done soon then there will be little left to

restore. It is for this reason that I have been tasked with bringing together a Broomfield House Partnership Board supported by the Council to look again for a solution to this problem. The Board will draw on the expertise of local groups and stakeholders in the House and the park along with local residents, council officers and others who will be able to suggest ways forward for Broomfield House for the long term. The Partnership Board will consider the present condition of the House and consider a number of options as a way forward which could involve further bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund and investment from other sources. I would also welcome any views that people locally may have about what needs to be done for the House. The main parameters are that the restored building must have community use, be cost neutral to the Council and be of benefit to park users and the members of the wider community. The first Partnership Board meeting is likely to be early in November so let us hope that we can find a solution and put to bed one of the thorniest local issues for many years.

Parliamentary Comment by David Burrowes MP Support for the homeless and people in recovery in Enfield

Constituency: 020 8360 0234

Westminster: 020 7219 5414

Last month if you were in Enfield Town on a late Friday night you will have seen the curious sight of around 50 people sleeping outside the Library. Even more curious was that I was one of them! We were taking part in a sponsored sleep out to raise funds for Enfield's winter night shelter and to raise awareness about homelessness. Our night out was of course a far cry from a homeless person. The reality is much more harsh for someone sleeping rough in Enfield particularly during the cold winter months. The homeless are often shunned, ignored or hidden. How many times have you seen someone cross the road or at least avoid eye contact when seeing a homeless person, or justified not putting your hands in your pocket by a judgement that your cash would be misused? If you ask the Council whether Enfield has a problem of homeless rough sleepers, you will get the answer that they have not got any. However, if you speak to those on the ground like the Enfield Homeless Resource Centre or local churches they will tell you that they receive many requests from vulnerable people needing emergency shelter.


Most London Boroughs have night shelters, particularly during the winter, and when I found out last year that neighbouring Haringey and Barnet have shelters I wanted to see whether we could set them up in Enfield. It also grew out of discussions within the Enfield Good Samaritan Network about homelessness being both a cause and consequence of addiction to drugs or alcohol. A group of Enfield churches have now teamed up with All People All Places (APAP), a homelessness charity that runs a Winter Night Shelter in Haringey. APAP have a good record in not only mobilising hundreds of volunteers to provide immediate shelter but also in helping 70% of clients gain secure accommodation. Plainly night shelters are not the only answer to issues of homelessness but the initiative can be part of a wider strategy to provide more affordable housing and deal with underlying causes. For example, we must look at helping people to reestablish their lives away from drugs and/or alcohol. This requires support on several levels – through peer mentoring programmes, through rehab services

and also with the support of friends, family and the local community. I am therefore delighted to support once again the Recovery Champion Awards which are taking place on 9th October at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street. All are welcome to congratulate those who are in recovery or have helped champion recovery in others. I have also initiated a Recovery Jobs Festival on 16th October at Community House in Enfield to help match those in recovery with potential employers and jobs. I have found that those in recovery can be the best employees – their renewed zest for life, commitment and perseverance are all qualities that translate well in the work place. Therefore, if you are someone seeking work or an employer willing to give someone in recovery a try, do please come along and show your support on the day. Please contact me or Jobcentre Plus for more details. Finally it is not too late to donate to the Enfield Winter Night Shelter via all people or my website

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ



rarely available four bedroom semi-detached character house situated in this most desirable turning within five minutes walk to Palmers Green's shops, restaurants and mainline station. The property, which was built

circa 1913, boasts many original features including fireplaces and stained glass windows, a living room with bay window and a door to the rear garden, a front reception room, a spacious entrance hallway with an original character fireplace

The Grove Palmers Green, N13 4 bedrooms, living room dining room, kitchen/diner bathroom, cloakroom

and parquet flooring, a 21ft kitchen/diner, a ground floor w/c, a first floor modern bathroom, gas central heating, off street parking and a well maintained 110ft south west facing rear garden. An internal inspection is essential to fully appreciate this Edwardian character property.

ÂŁ734,950 Freehold

More properties urgently required, visit us today! 8882 7888


News from Hazelwood Schools by Nathalie Muller and Steve Kelly Joint PTA Chairs at Hazelwood Primary School Hazelwood Lane, Palmers Green, London, N13 5HE Hazelwood school is back from its summer break and pleased to welcome all our new parents and students with the great news that Ofsted has given our school a glowing report and status of Good for both the infant and junior schools. Congratulations to our head teacher Nicky Ross and her team, the school Governors and the children who worked so hard to achieve this. The last three years have seen a real focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning our children receive. Well done to all involved. The Hazelwood Parents and Staff (HPSA) have two new co-chairs in Steve Kelly and Nathalie Muller who along with a newly expanded committee have a busy first term lined up already with events to engage the

school and the wider community.

All the best for the coming academic year.

First up is the return of the ever popular Quiz Night on Friday October 10th. Back also after a wonderful opening last year is the Pop up Restaurant Night on Saturday November 29th. Then we are pleased to announce Santa Claus is coming to town on Sunday December 7th. Our Christmas Fayres have become a really popular event within the school and for the wider community. We will bring more news soon of what's on and of how you can become involved as it is a well attended event by families and always generously supported by local businesses. Please get in touch if you would like to support this event. Our events are open to the community, if you would like to contact us about anything please do via

Love Your DoorStep by Emma Rigby Lyds Directory

After the Enfield riots in 2011, local shopkeepers displayed ‘I love Enfield’ signs in their windows showing solidarity among local businesses. It was at this time that I started Love Your DoorStep (Lyds). The timing was just right for bringing the people of Enfield together and to get some community feeling back into our lives. On the initial Lyds Facebook (FB) page, (on FB as ‘N21/EN1/EN2/EN4/N13/N14/ whats there to do and where to find stuff’), we were communicating throughout Enfield about all sorts of things, especially recommendations for any kind of product or service that other members were looking for. Whether we know each other personally or through Lyds FB page, (with its 9000+ members), a personal recommendation is always much better than taking pot luck. On Lyds, whenever we needed to buy something like a new bed or curtains, or we required some kind of service, like carpet-laying, hairdressing or beauty treatments, for example, we could ask on the FB page and the recommendations would come flying in from other members. It was helpful not


Visit us on facebook

only to get the information but also to make that connection to other people in the Enfield area. We believe at Lyds that it is very important for us all to shop locally, as by shopping locally we are supporting the local economy of Enfield. Small businesses in general throughout the country are struggling not only because of competition from large chains, but also because inflation is rising more quickly than salaries are, and many people have less money to spend than before the recession.

600+ of our business members are listed in our A-Z Directory. There is almost every kind of business that you might need from Alternative Health, Builders, Cafés, Dance Schools, Estate Agents and Food to Sport, Theatres, Upholstery, Venues and Web Designers, and everything in between. Each category has the businesses listed and each business has a profile with reviews to help you to decide whether this is the business that you are looking for.

Elsewhere many businesses are not doing well because their products or their services are regarded as non-essential; however, we seem to be managing this problem much better in Enfield because, through our Lyds recommendations process, Enfield people are finding that some things are not luxuries and they are affordable. Lyds businesses sometimes have special offers for Lyds members which has become another incentive to shop locally.

It is helpful to all of us if you try to find a local supplier first before considering using chains or online suppliers. Once you have found what you need locally, if you are satisfied with your purchase and/or the service you received, as well as recommending them to your friends and family, you could also go online and leave a review for them on our Lyds website, so all Lyds members can benefit from your experience.

Once we had the Lyds website up and running we set up a Business Directory. In the meantime, all

By supporting local businesses we are supporting local people and the local economy.

92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP



well presented extended four bedroom semi detached house located in this most desirable residential turning off Bourne Hill. The property is offered chain free and is within easy reach of Grovelands Park and

Southgate Underground Station (Piccadilly Line). Benefits include a spacious 'L Shaped' living/dining room, a sitting room with a door to the garden, a fitted kitchen, a ground floor cloakroom, a first floor shower room, an en suite shower room to master bedroom, double glazing, gas central heating, a garage via shared

Greenway Southgate, N14 4 bedrooms, living room sitting room, kitchen 2 shower rooms cloakroom, garage

drive and a well maintained 130ft west facing garden.

ÂŁ724,995 Freehold More properties urgently required, visit us today! 8882 7888




well-presented seven bedroom detached Edwardian house offering over 2,200sq feet of living space over three floors. The property is located in a most desirable turning off Fox Lane and is close to both Palmers Green mainline station and Southgate underground station. Benefits include a 34ft through lounge, a morning room, a fitted kitchen, a utility room, a ground floor cloakroom, two shower rooms, many original features, gas central heating and a 95ft South facing rear garden.

Burford Gardens Palmers Green, N13 7 bedrooms, through lounge morning room, kitchen 2 shower rooms, cloakroom, utility room


ÂŁ949,995 Freehold


beautiful example of an Edwardian three bedroom family house boasting many original period features. The property is located in this most popular residential turning off Fox Lane, close to Palmers Green's shops, restaurants and mainline station (Moorgate). Benefits include a rare original stained glass porch with double doors to a tessellated tiled hallway, a spacious dining room to front with original fireplace and ceiling features, a living room with working fireplace and French doors to garden, a first floor bath/shower room, front garden and 100ft approx South East facing rear garden. An internal inspection is essential to fully appreciate this period family home.

Caversham Avenue Palmers Green, N13 3 bedrooms, living room dining room, kitchen bathroom

ÂŁ649,995 Freehold

More properties urgently required, visit us today! 10 |

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ

The key stages of wealth management by Janan Thompson Contact Janan on 07568 321207 or email

Janan is a Partner of St James’s Place Wealth Management with 17 years of experience working as a Financial Planner. Janan provides financial planning, support and advice to help clients implement their financial goals. Wealth management is simply the science of solving & enhancing your financial situation Wealth management is a relatively new profession, so it’s not surprising that most people are vague about what wealth managers actually do. Wealth management addresses a wide range of issues. A wealth manager can help you with such issues as: investing a lump sum, deciding how much you need to save in order to retire comfortably, estate planning and saving inheritance tax, dividing up pension entitlements on a divorce or separation, getting the right types and amounts of life and health insurance, planning to pay school or university fees, deciding how much to borrow and providing a general financial health check. These are crucial issues for most people and their families, and it’s very important for a wealth manager, or adviser, to have a thorough understanding of clients’ aims and challenges. It’s generally best to look at the whole of an individual’s financial affairs across the board, not just the issue that is of most immediate concern. It can sometimes be hard to deal with one particular issue in isolation because most areas of financial planning are interconnected. Initially the wealth manager and client must get to know each other well enough to decide whether to take the relationship further and the best way for it to work. Either in the initial meeting or soon after, this will involve agreeing the broad content and scope of the service and crucially how much it will all cost. The chemistry will need to be right - as a potential client, you should be asking yourself: do I trust this person and can I work with them? And it’s important to settle the practicalities: does this adviser and the firm have the right expertise and can they provide what I am looking for? There’s likely to be an enormous amount of information to be gathered together about a person’s financial circumstances: savings, investments, borrowings, property, mortgages and other loans, wills and other documents, pensions, life and health insurances, income and expenditure, tax and much more. How to make your money work for you But that’s only the start of this stage in the relationship. The planner’s job is to find out what the client wants to achieve with their money, both now

and in the future. That means gaining a thorough understanding of their views about such issues as borrowing, investing, spending now and in the future, retirement and estate planning. Most people do not think about their future very much – at least not in a very organised way and not from a financial perspective. In investment terms, there will be specific questions about the level of risk the client is prepared and able to take on. And that will lead to discussion about how various asset classes have behaved in the past and what they might do in the future. The aim is to build a portfolio of investments that will provide the returns the investor wants and needs and with which they are comfortable. This can sometimes take a considerable amount of time. The next step in the planning process is to make sense of all this information and come up with a range of preliminary conclusions and initial ideas for ways forward. Planning for the future An important aim of the analysis stage is to identify financial gaps or shortfalls. These could be between income and expenditure now or in the future, pension or insurance provision and several others where some action is needed to bridge the gap between aspiration and reality. You might need to change your goals and aspirations and you may also need to adjust some of your current patterns of behaviour such as spending and saving. A very important issue is clarity about priorities – what might have seemed to be a high priority at the start of the process might have to be replaced by another need. Once these needs and wants have been identified, it’s time to do some specific product research into funds,

tax wrappers – like ISAs - and insurance products. There’s the planning part of the process, where the end result is a plan of action; and then there’s the implementation, where the outcome is a set of actions that carry out the plan. Money management made easy Wealth managers are generally able to undertake both functions – for example, first recommending a suitable portfolio of investments and then making the necessary purchases and sales. But sometimes planners will work with other professionals like lawyers and accountants who can provide specialist legal and tax advice and help with the implementation of aspects of the plan. Most clients want their adviser to keep an eye on their investments and other financial arrangements; you could, for example, receive periodic valuations, attend meetings or have phone calls on a regular basis, or as and when needed. The review process is intended to act as a catch up with what has changed – either in your own circumstances or in the financial world generally. Much of the groundwork has already been done earlier, and so the review is likely to be shorter and easier to carry out than the initial meeting and report. But this might not turn out to be the case where there have been some very substantial changes in circumstances like a marriage, divorce or a substantial inheritance. It is possible to carry out your own wealth management if you have the knowledge, time, patience and self-discipline. But there are good reasons why you probably won’t want to – even if you have all these characteristics. You may also find it hard to make these big decisions alone.

Janan Thompson Partner of St James’s Place Wealth Management, is based locally and is inviting local residents to discover the simple yet highly effective steps you can take to preserve and protect your wealth. Preserving and protecting your wealth surgeries are being held strictly by appointment on 23rd and 24th October at Royal Chace Hotel, Enfield, from 10-5pm. All surgeries last appx 40mins and are held in the strictest confidence and without obligation.

To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Janan Thompson of St. James’s Place Wealth Management on 07568 321207 or email Website:

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The Walker Ground By Vickie Prow The Walker Cricket Ground, Waterfall Road, Southgate, London, N14 7JZ Office Tel: 020 8886 8381 Every year in early November 1000’s of people from the local community visit The Walker Cricket Ground in Southgate to view one of the best-loved firework displays in North London. A perennial favourite, the 2014 display looks set to be just as popular and every bit as magnificent. Visitors to the display can expect to enjoy a wide range of food and drink stalls plus funfair rides and entertainment for the whole family. The 2014 Walker Ground Fireworks Event takes place on Saturday 8th November 2014, at Waterfall Road, Southgate, to raise funds for the Walker Cricket Ground Trust to ensure it continues to serve where possible, and promote “the playing of sport” in the local community. Providing facilities, where possible to encourage all ages –

young and old – to get fit, keep fit and stay fit whilst enjoying themselves in a safe environment.

a Montessori nursery. All sports clubs and organisations welcome new members.

The Walker Ground has a rich sporting history of over 160 years thanks to the Walker brothers, who left the Walker Cricket Ground in Trust for the community to enjoy.

The Walker Ground also has facilities for all types of functions including wedding receptions, corporate events, parties and christenings. Its fully licenced bar and catering facilities can host all events, and the bar is also open to the public during evenings and weekends. On a warm sunny day or evening there is nothing more spectacular than watching the sun shine and set over the church. You can often forget you are in the heart of London.

For many of our visitors to the Fireworks Event this may be their only visit of the year, not knowing what additional facilities and activities are available throughout the year. The Walker Ground is home to a number of sports clubs which include, Southgate Squash and Racketball Club, Southgate RC, Weld Tennis club, Southgate Cricket Club, Southgate Adelaide CC, 6 football teams and fitness instructors. Also on the premises is 6th Southgate Club and

We look forward to seeing our visitors at this year’s fireworks event – lets hope it goes with a BANG!!


GRAND FIREWORKS EVENT Saturday 8th November 2014 Gates open 5pm • Display at 8pm Advance Sale Tickets (Advance sale tickets available online until 5th November and direct from the Walker Cricket Ground Office or Bar until 12 noon on 8th November)

Family £15 (2 Adults + 2 Children)

On the gate

Family £22 (r2 Adults + 2 Children)

Adult £6

Child £3

Adult £7

Child £4

(U16’s only, U4’s Free )

(U16’s only, U4’s F ee)

Full Bar . Food & Drink . Rides . Stalls


No car parking available Car park will close at 12pm Access to Event via Waterfall Road only t: 07765 391281 e:

The Walker Cricket Ground . Waterfall Road . Southgate . London N14 7JZ All funds rraised aised in support support of The Th he Walker Wa alker Cricket Cricket Ground Grou und Trust. Trust. r Charity No: 303006 3

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92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP



Munster Gardens Palmers Green, N13 3 bedrooms, through lounge kitchen, bathroom, garage

ÂŁ469,995 Freehold


CHAIN FREE three bedroom semi-detached house located within easy reach of Palmers Green's shops, restaurants and mainline station (Moorgate). The property benefits from a through lounge with sliding doors to garden, a modern kitchen, a modern bath/shower room, two good size double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and one single bedroom, double glazing, gas central heating, off street parking, a garage via rear access and a 50ft approx Westerly facing rear garden.


very well-presented 1930's built semi-detached house with garage via a shared drive. The property, which is offered CHAIN FREE, is located in this popular tree lined road close to Southgate's shops, restaurants and underground station. Benefits include a through lounge with fireplace and varnished wood floor, a bathroom with original tiling and bathtub, many original features including stained glass windows, gas central heating, off street parking, front garden and 72ft North Westerly rear garden.

Fountains Crescent Southgate, N14 3 bedrooms, through lounge kitchen, bathroom, garage

ÂŁ614,995 Freehold

More properties urgently required, visit us today! 8882 7888

| 13

Anthony Webb’s Testimonials We strive for the highest standards and the happiest clients, hear what they have to say about us!

14 |



3 rive, N1 Lodge D


Avon dale R oad, N 13





Osborne Road, N13

3 ay, N1 Riverw

3 Fox Lane, N1


Lodge D rive,

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, London N13 5TJ 92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, London N13 4PP

Tel: 020 8882 7888



RECORD PR being ach ICES ieved by Anthony Webb | 15

Restaurant Review: Mosaica At The Factory by Ellie Sales As Susan and I approached ‘The Chocolate Factory' on an industrial estate in the cultural quarter of Wood Green I was unsure of what to expect. Situated on the ground floor of a business centre we were directed to the end of an otherwise unassuming office corridor but once through the door you are immediately struck by the atmosphere. There is an open plan kitchen to the right, the ceiling is adorned with lights and the walls with candles and contemporary artwork giving the restaurant a lovely ambiance. It was a far cry from the traditional local restaurants I was used to.

We were seated close to the stage area and greeted by friendly and unpretentious staff. They have a large selection of reasonably priced wines ranging from £16 per bottle up to £32. The bar offers cocktails and champagne but on this occasion we stuck to the house white to accompany our starters of Charred Peruvian Asparagus with Parmesan Salad for me and Grilled Brixham Sardines with Salsa Verde for Susan along with delicious freshly baked bread. The menu is British, Bistro / Gastropub style food, simple and classic with around six selections per course. For our mains our waiter recommended "the best thing on the menu, 21-hour roast pork belly" and I wasn't disappointed. The crackling was crispy, the meat was tender and tasty served with mustard mash and red cabbage. Susan enjoyed salmon on a bed of salad accompanied by a lovely homemade dressing. Both plates were returned empty. Other options included Lamb, Ribeye, Cod &

Chorizo and for vegetarians a Risotto or Tagliatelle. Now we had time to sit back, relax and enjoy the live music. The evening's entertainment was arranged by Lester Clayton, and included three unsigned, up and coming artists: Lauren Thalia, a 14-year old who was discovered on Britain's Got Talent, Annie Afrilu and Palmers Green's own Lester Clayton. The event was sponsored by leading music equipment manufacturer 'Sennheiser' and had various record labels, producers and branding teams down, including representatives from Sony and Ralph Lauren. Mosaica hold regular event nights including jazz, comedy and acoustic nights. Check out their website for more details. After some more wine and dancing we sat down to order our desserts. Susan ordered the cheese board and I ordered the chocolate mousse with amaretti biscuits which again was homemade and lovely. The selection also included Eton Mess , Baked

Vanilla Cheesecake or Sticky Toffee pudding. We finished our drinks in the internal courtyard chatting to the musicians and other diners on what had been an excellent night out. The restaurant has a trendy, quirky feel to it. The staff work well together and compliment the warm atmosphere. The clientele on the evening varied from groups of young adults, couples enjoying a date night to the more mature diner; none of whom looked out of place. Expect to pay between £25-35 per head, which I considered excellent value for money. I have since discovered that Mosaica is owned by singer songwriter Labrinth, and has seen celebrity diners including Adele, Wretch 32 and various footballers and other celebrities from TV, film and music. Consider this your Willy Wonka golden ticket and visit Mosacia at The Chocolate Factory, you won't be disappointed.

Open Tuesday - Friday 12-2.30pm and 7-9.30pm. Closed on Mondays (due to the lack of fresh fish) Saturday 7-10pm, Sunday lunch 1-4pm, children welcome. All food is sourced from local markets, Spitalfields and Billingsgate. They also cater for private parties for up to 120 people. Please visit their website and Facebook page for more information To book please call 020 8889 2400 Unit C005, The Chocolate Factory, Clarendon Road, Wood Green, London N22 6XJ

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348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ

Baskervilles Tea Shop Blog by Diane Baskervilles Tea Shop, 66 Alderman's Hill, N13 4PP 020 8351 1673 Mon-Sat 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Sundays and Bank Holidays 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Sweet Plum Cake Because of the great weather this year we have had a fantastic crop of plums and I know that this has been true for other gardeners in Palmers Green. They have been literally falling off the trees. There is a tree at the end of our road that overhangs the fence and so many plums have dropped onto the pavement that you have to pick your way through. While plum cake it traditionally associated with Christmas it is lovely this time of year when plums are in season and it was a favourite when we did our stall at the Palmers Green Festival in Broomfield Park last month. While it’s best made with seasonal fresh plums it’s also delicious with tinned plums, although for some reason they are difficult to get hold of sometimes in the supermarkets. It can also be served warmed as a pudding.

Ingredients: • 600g plums de-stoned and roughly chopped • 125g self-raising flour • ½ tsp baking powder

1. Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3. Butter and line a 20cm cake tin with baking parchment. 2. Mix the flour, baking powder and ground almonds. Cream the butter and sugar, then beat in the eggs and add one tablespoon of the flour mixture after each egg. Mix in the rest of the ingredients.

• 75g ground almonds • 125g softened butter • 125g soft brown sugar • 2 free-range eggs • 1tsp almond essence.

3. Pour into the tin. Bake for 1¼hr, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool on a cooling rack. 4. Dust with icing sugar and serve.

Savour the Season by Claudeth Whyte

Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken, Rice and Peas Hi folks When Ellie commissioned me to write this article I was overwhelmed until she said I could only write 500 words, well to those of you who know me you will know that to me 500 words is a walk in the park. Some of you may recognise me from Claude's Closet where I have had the pleasure of styling you, or you may have seen me at Teensy Wonders Nursery run by my dear friend Seka, but today I am wearing yet another cap sharing with you the delights of some of the food I have grown up with. Every Sunday without fail my mum would cook chicken, rice and peas and on special occasions she would cook chicken and rice and peas, what I am trying to say is, this is my mum's favourite dish and at the time I would have given anything to just have beans on toast and felt as if my parents were mentally abusing me by giving me daily meals of jerk chicken, curry goat and rice and ackee and saltfish. I envied the children across the road who had baked beans on toast, scrambled eggs and bangers and mash. Little did I know at the time how fortunate we were. I am now like my mum and spend most evening preparing meats/fish and veg and before you ask, yes my children have a lot of chicken, rice and peas and on special occasions I like to change things up a bit so we have peas, rice and chicken! Hope you try these dishes and watch out for my article re Claude's Closet and bringing the social/fun aspect back into the way we shop.

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JAMAICAN BROWN STEW CHICKEN Ingredients • 6-8 pieces of chicken (cut of your choice ) • 1/3 cup of curry (mild) powder (I prefer with curry powder but traditionally it is cooked without) • 3 onions 2 spring onions • 1 tomato • 2 cloves of garlic , chopped • 1 red pepper • 1 teaspoon black pepper • 3 tablespoon all-purpose seasoning • 250 ml vegetable oil • 1 scotch bonnet chilli, remove seeds ( do not use if you do not like spicy food) 1 lemon (for washing chicken) Recipe 1. Wash chicken pieces using lemon (discard lemon after use) chicken skin be removed if required. 2. Season chicken with curry powder, all purpose seasoning and black pepper then cover and place in fridge. The longer you leave it in the fridge the tastier it will be, I recommend overnight. 3. Once chicken is marinated, remove the pieces and keep the marinade (sauce) for later. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan to a high temperature. The oil should sizzle when the chicken is dropped in. Fry all chicken pieces on both sides until the chicken is browned. 4. Remove from pan draining away some of the oil, leave about 3 tablespoon of oil in the base of pan. 5. Now fry the remaining ingredients in the oil and then return the chicken pieces and the remaining sauce you saved earlier to the pan, add 500ml of water and bring to the boil. Reduce

the heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the liquid is reduced to a gravy and the chicken is cooked through. JAMAICAN RICE AND PEAS Ingredients • ½ cup dried Rose Coco Beans (my preference) you can use Kidney beans, Gungo peas or other peas/beans similar to this (not green peas) • ½ teaspoon black pepper • ½ block of coconut cream • 1 onion • 3 gloves of garlic • 2 teaspoon of salt • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme • 2 cups long grain brown rice (my preference basmati) • 2 cups of water • ½ scotch bonnet pepper or 1 whole if you like spicy Recipe 1. Wash peas thoroughly then put into a bowl with the water and leave overnight. Once the peas soaked pour the peas and water into pan and boil. 2. Add all the other ingredients (not the rice) to the pot and slightly boil until peas are soft to the touch, this could take up to 40 mins (do not allow to dry out). 3. Once peas are soft wash rice and add along with the coconut cream to the pot. Boil slightly until water is absorbed, cover and then simmer. You may need to add more water if rice is too hard, small amounts at a time. Depending on the rice you use it can take between 20-40 mins for rice to cook. Once the rice is cooked through remove from heat, remove sprigs from the stems of the thyme and serve with the Stew Chicken.

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Fabulously Local by Ellie Sales Fabulous Hair Company 382 Green Lanes, N13 5PD Tel:020 8886 7070 Like many busy working mums I have stuck with the same hairdresser for the past 10 years. That said I was feeling stuck in a rut and I decided to step out of my comfort zone and visit Fabulous Hair Company on Green Lanes. It was also a perfect opportunity to get to know Kiri better (our resident Palmers Green and Southgate LIFE hair expert) and check out what Fabulous Hair Company had to offer. My consultation started with an appraisal of my face shape, hair type and lots of sensible questions from Kiri about what I wanted to achieve from my visit. As a customer and editor of Palmers Green and Southgate LIFE I had a few questions of my own. How did you get into hairdressing? My cousin was a successful hairdresser and inspired me to follow in his footsteps at the age of 15 I left school and started working in hairdressing. I trained with Alan International Hairdressing School, while working part time in a salon. Within a year I was working in their Salon in Leicester Square. How long has Fabulous Hair Company been in Palmers Green? We opened in 1997 and quickly established a great working relation with the famous Paul Mitchell Hair Company. In 2011 Paul Mitchell invited me to compete for one of only 13 UK places on their Artistic team. I was thrilled to win a place and still continue to compete year on year. We have stocked Paul Mitchell products since we started – we always will, they are great quality and Paul Mitchell promote hairdressing through education.

Paul Mitchell is clearly a big part of your professional life. Definitely! As a member of the Artistic team I’m training regularly in the latest styles and techniques. I regularly train other hairdressers in salons across the UK & Europe. But the training doesn’t stop there; you might see us late on a Tuesday night during one of our weekly training sessions here at Fabulous. Why is training so important to you? Training is essential in the making of a good hair stylist. We not only train our staff in-house we also support them to attend training courses with the likes of Vidal Sassoon. What is your favourite part of the job? I am happiest with a pair of scissors in my hand. A good hair cutter will have a dry relationship with your hair as well as a wet relationship. Will understand shapes within a haircut and know

the geometry and technique need for a great cut. What’s the one product you can’t live without? Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum, great to make thick hair appear skinny & sleek.

shape, hair type and texture, and lifestyle. From our Senior Stylists to our younger Stylist, we are confident that our tiered pricing (and our training) means you will get a great hair cut on your local high street, whatever your budget.

What advice do you have for someone starting out? Get a Saturday job in a salon first to see if it’s the right career choice for you. It’s not all glamour, dedication is essential not to mention many hours on your feet. What does Fabulous Hair Company offer that others don’t? We are not the cheapest salon on the high street – neither are we the priciest. Excellent customer service is a priority, we identify a clients’ needs and we are honest about what will or want work, always taking into consideration face

I was certainly thrilled with my cut and colour and impressed with the time Kiri took over the consultation. I left feeling, well, Fabulous!

Fabulous Hair Company is now taking bookings for the busy Christmas Season on 020 8886 7070 Fabulous offers styling for men and women, Haircutting, Colouring, Up-Do’s, Wedding Hair, Brazilian Blow dry, Hair Extensions and complimentary expert hair advice.

Alexia says… New to an area? How to make instant friends by Alexia Charalambous If you have moved to a new area and also happen to live on your own, you may be surprised at how easy it can be to quickly build up a new social group and connect with your neighbours. Today’s article suggests a few ideas to get you out and about, getting a social life and making great friends in the process. Neighbour introduction Simply introducing yourself to your new neighbours is a great way to extend your social circle or to enable an exchange of ‘hello’ each morning. Knock on a few doors introducing yourself and explain you have just moved in. We all need our neighbours on our side to keep an eye on things while we’re away so use this opportunity. They may be able to give you a few secrets about the area too. Help out at a retirement home If you can spare an hour a week, then volunteering at a nearby old people’s home is a pleasant way to pass the time and to feel valued in your community. There will be other volunteers just like you and the added bonus will be the rewarding feeling you get after doing a good deed. Get talking to nearby shop owners It won’t be long before the local news agents, bakery or florist will know your face and name and

that’s just by seeing you walk by. If you're a regular at a shop, you're bound to get a better service and maybe a discount from them so it pays off to be friendly. Join local groups You may be surprised at the amount of things going on on your doorstep. From book groups to yoga classes to Spanish lessons; do a bit of research online or pop to the library or bookshop to read the noticeboards. is Enfield’s ‘go to’ website for learning and sharing about the local area for local people and businesses.

Throw your own party Once you get to know them, why not invite then round one evening for a drink to get to know then better? Don't go about inviting everyone but maybe one at a time especially if your pad is small. You may even get an invite back one Saturday afternoon. Remember, smile, greet and show kindness. It doesn’t cost anything and it’ll make the world a happier place.

Meet Ups This is one of the best ways to meet like-minded people with hobbies and interests that are in line with yours and in your area. There are too many “meet up” groups to mention and if there isn't anything that meets your needs then you can set up your own meet up group.

Alexiasays is a lifestyle blog for women. Please visit for more information. @alexiasayslove

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92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP

Enfield Family Law Advice by Christina Pieri Picture: left to right Christina Pieri and Karen Chapman

Hello there, my name is Christina and I am new to Palmers Green & Southgate Life so please bear with me whilst we all get to know one another…… I run a Solicitors firm in Southgate with my business Partner, Karen Chapman. Our team includes Martha Koumbas who is our Trainee Solicitor and three lovely ladies who support us in the background with secretarial work and administration. We are collectively known as “Chapman Pieri Solicitors”. Karen and I set up the firm in January 2013 having worked for both local and city firms over the years. We made the choice to work near home because of family commitments. We are both specialist Family Law Solicitors and accredited members of Resolution. Resolution is an organisation of over 6,500 Family Law Lawyers which promotes a constructive approach to Family Law. Chapman Pieri Solicitors practice exclusively in Family and Education Law so we are pretty unique for Enfield. We deal with matters such as divorce, sorting out who gets what from the matrimonial assets and all issues relating to the children. We advise unmarried

DIVORCE TIPS Step 1: Do you actually know how much or little there is in the “matrimonial pot?”

Sometimes one party takes control of the finances whilst the other looks after the day-today running of the household meaning that they have little idea of what goes in and out of the kitty. If you are the party that has taken a step back in relation to the finances, there may be a mountain of debt that you weren’t aware of as up to now you trusted your partner and had no reason to doubt their intentions. By the same token, your partner may have a small (or large!) fortune that you had no idea about as he/she has played their cards pretty close to their chest. If you are thinking about divorce then it would be a good idea not to rush into anything but

couples about living together and the financial consequences of separation when there are children and/or property involved. We also advise on school admissions, appeals and exclusions and helping parents with children who have Special Education Needs. For my first article I thought it would be interesting and helpful for me to write about the “D” Word - Divorce. Chances are that you know someone who has been through a divorce; a friend, a relative or even you. Sadly, current statistics show instead to “pave the way” and arm yourself with as much knowledge about the finances of the marriage as possible. Both you and your partner will be advised to provide full and frank disclosure of your respective financial positions as this will give your Solicitor a clearer picture of what is in the matrimonial pot so that you can be advised on an appropriate settlement. Step 2: Prepare yourself emotionally Divorce can be like a roller coaster with your emotions taking you up and down and all over the place. I can speak from experience having “been there, done it and bought the tee shirt” myself. You have to make important decisions at an emotional and difficult time so you need to

that one in three marriages these days ends in divorce which makes divorce far more common than it used to be. I have put together some divorce tips below but it’s important to remember that every case is different and dealt with on its own merits and therefore the tips should not be construed as legal advice. An Initial Consultation with Chapman Pieri Solicitors will give you an opportunity to explain your case and in turn we will give you clear advice and guide you on your options and your next steps. ensure that you receive the best advice from the outset and understand the process and options that you have. Making an irrational decision is not advised. Step 3: Getting legal advice Trying to do everything yourself to save the cost of a Solicitor may seem like the best and cheapest option but in the long run this can cost you dearly. You don’t want to find that you have reached an agreement and later realise that your entitlement is far greater. I have no intention for this to be scaremongering but there is no substitute for excellent, solid legal advice upon divorce. It’s that simple, costs allowing. Even if you do decide to do things yourself, taking some initial advice before embarking upon the process is highly recommended.

At Chapman Pieri Solicitors, we offer a no obligation, Fixed Fee Initial Consultation for £75 plus VAT and ask you to allow at least one hour for the meeting. We will ensure that the advice you receive is both practical and realistic. Should you require any further information or would like to arrange an appointment, please give us a call here at Chapman Pieri Solicitors on 0208 882 9850 or alternatively you can email us at Please take a look at our website where you will find a lot of helpful information: Southgate Office Village, Block C, Grounds & First Floors, 284B Chase Road, Southgate, London, N14 6HF.

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ffered to let a spacious split level three double bedroom flat located in a most desirable turning of Fox lane within five minutes walk of Palmers Greens shops, restaurants and transport facilities including the mainline station (Moorgate). Benefits include a spacious living room, a study area, a kitchen with appliances, flexible furnishings, and gas central heating. The flat is offered to rent early October.

Old Park Road Palmers Green, N13 3 bedrooms, living room, study area kitchen, bathroom, garage




ÂŁ1,500 per month


ffered to let this beautifully presented and spacious two double bedroom ground floor garden flat located in this most desirable turning within easy reach of Winchmore Hill's shops, restaurants and mainline station (Moorgate). This bright and well proportioned flat benefits from a large living room opening to conservatory, spacious fitted kitchen with appliances, bathroom, two double bedrooms, one with en-suite shower, own front door and sole use of rear garden. This flat is available now.

Fernleigh Road Winchmore Hill, N21 2 bedrooms, living room dining area, bathroom, garden

ÂŁ1,450 per month

More properties urgently required, visit us today! 20 |

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ

Gabriel Haynes and the ghost of Deadman’s Bridge Suzanne Beard of Palmers Green Jewel in the North finds out about some spooky goings-on We have a four hundred year old man made waterway, a five hundred year old house that keeps burning down under strange circumstances, a spooky overgrown house by the main road and a railway that until the 50s knew the atmosphere and smuts of steam…And yet, after more than 100 years of modern-day Palmers Green, dripping with requisite potentially spooky Edwardian, ghost stories about the area are very rare. But there are a few. The first concerns The Fox. In the 1980s and 1990s the back rooms of The Fox (as The Fox Theatre) became home of several theatre companies in succession, including in 1996 the Fact and Fable Theatre Company, whose performance of Pin Money by Malcolm Needs was directed by June Brown, Dot Cotton of Eastenders. It was during another production in November 1996, according to Gary Boudier in his 2002 book, A-Z of Enfield Pubs (part 2), that a Mr Sullivan from Archway felt himself being tapped on the shoulder but turned to find no one there. Bar staff and customers also reported unexplained noises, only some of which were attributable to the effects of alcohol.

The Intimate Theatre also reputedly has its ghost, according to the BBC’s Doomsday Reloaded project of a few years ago, though it’s not much of a story, only a ghostly presence in the auditorium. But my favourite story concerns the appropriately named Dead Man’s Bridge. If you don’t know Deadman’s Bridge, it’s the second bridge you cross as you head down Green Lanes towards the north circular. The story of the bridge dates from when Palmers Green was a rural area and comes from E Ploton’s long out of print Sundry Tales of Old Middlesex. In those days, London imported food for people and livestock from miles around the surrounding area, Essex, Middlesex, Hertfordshire. Carts loaded high with straw made their way along Green Lanes, winding their way into a then more distant London. One such carter was Gabriel Haynes, who had done the journey so many times that his old horse knew the way off by heart. Days were long and the gentle rocking of the cart meant that Gibby had got into the habit of catching a few moments sleep on the return journey as night began to fall and he

drew his coat around him. It was in this state that Gibby atop his cart, and drawn on home by his trusty horse approached the bridge over Pymmes Brook one night in early November, when a large black dog came running out from the side of the road. Startled, the horse swerved to the side of the road. Thrown from the cart, Gibby was pitched onto the bank of Pymmes Brook and rolled into the water. He might have emerged from the shallow waters with just some bruises had the cart and startled, flailing horse not come tottering after. Hauled from the water, a badly injured Gibby was carried to the Cock Inn, where he died a few hours later. Strangely it is not Gibby who E Ploton tells us was often seen in the shadows by the bridge – but the black dog who caused the death of old Gibby. I am not aware of any recent sightings – unless of course you know different. There is one more local tale which is set around Christmas. You are going to have to wait until the December issue for that one.

For more about Palmers Green history and people, visit or ‘like’ us on Facebook. And if you have any Palmers Green stories, please get in touch.

Palmers Green Tales by Jenny Bourke or just go to Facebook and look for Palmers Green Tales and ask to join the group @PGTales Email us at It was great to see so many people at the Palmers Green Festival and I hope the many people I spoke to on the Talkies stand have logged on to our website. The organisers of the Palmers Green Festival have to be congratulated, it was such a fabulous day, I hope they are planning next year’s as we speak. This month we have filmed an interview in one of my favourite places in Palmers Green, the place where the cakes are scrumptious; you guessed it, Baskerville’s Tea Shop. It was great to hear about how Diane set up Baskerville’s and I was really surprised to hear it had only been going for 3 years. In my mind it is a Palmers Green institution, amazing that she and her wonderful team have managed this in such a short time. The film nights are great at Baskerville’s, unfortunately I was too late to get tickets for the latest one but will be first in the queue for Halloween. The interview should be on our site in the middle of October, many thanks to our cameraman and editor, John Sollis. I am pleased to say our website has had over 4200 visits to date and we have over 70 followers on twitter.

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Local Events Whatʼs going on in and around Palmers Green If you have an activity to list here please get in touch at the bands together on the night. Great fun, any thing could happen and it is sometimes magnificent! Friday October 31st The Hill Street Blues Band. A hugely competent and entertaining band, our good friends from St Albans. Nick Holland on harmonica and Paul Hilder on lead guitar and vocals, enjoyment guaranteed.

St Harmonica's Blues Club Friday October 10th Professor Redhair. The name gives it away. New Orleans rhythms and piano from the Professor with outstanding vocals from Chrissie Thomas and West End star Phoebe Thomas. Friday October 17th Sean Marsh with John Crowther & Dave Thomas. Acoustic Blues brought to you by St Harmonica's John Crowther & Dave Thomas with the highly accomplished, new boy on the block, Sean Marsh, great player and singer; he's also good looking, we hate him already! Friday October 24th The Vintage Half-Term Blues Jam. We do six of these each year. Players and singers turn up before 9.00pm and put your name down or email in advance. We put

Monkey Music, Early musical education for babies & preschoolers Winchmore Hill, East Barnet, Palmers Green, Southgate Tonya Babb 0208 360 2730 Children are grouped according to their age and will improve their listening skills, social skills and confidence. We offer classes every day of the week locally, so come and join us. Book your first class for FREE. Chasamba Dance Fitness Class with Elaine A partner-free dance fitness class that uses popular dances from the World of Ballroom & Latin American eg. Cha Cha, Samba, Quickstep etc.....suitable for any age & fitness level!! Every Tues morning 10.15-11.15am at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Winchmore Hill N21 3JF £1 first class....£6 thereafter - pay as you go. For more info, contact Elaine on 07702 437101 or

Salsatricity as seen at the Palmers Green Festival Date: Every Saturday Time: 8-1am Lessons 8-9.45 freestyle until 1am Cost: £8 or £5 nus/after midnight additional £2 for class FUN VIBRANT ENTHUSIASTIC PROFESSIONAL & PASSIONATE ABOUT DANCE. Want to learn to dance or find that special dance for your first dance? Every week we have SALSA BACHATA & KIZOMBA lessons followed by a party. See more at: Telephone: 07977 016861 Finchley & Friern Barnet Operatic Society (FFBOS) presents Mack & Mabel, the Hollywood Musical 12th - 15th November 2014 The Intimate Theatre, Palmers Green, Green Lanes, London, N13 4DH Ticket prices: £13/14 (£10 concessions) Box Office: 0208 482 6923 Telling the story of silent film director Mack Sennett and his discovery of silent movie star Mabel Normand, and their tumultuous relationship from silent film through to the talkies. Featuring classic songs such as "I Won't Send Roses" and "Tap Your Troubles Away".

David Williamson Tickets available at Anthony Webb's offices Buy your tickets early before they run out! AWESOME OCTOBER Our last three events were sold out, so it seems we are bringing you stuff you want to see. We hope that you will be just as pleased with our October offering. At the Dugdale centre we start a series of world cinema with EVEN THE RAIN introduced by Dr Francisco Dominguez. We then move to Southgate with a stunning setting in a candlelit church. We end the month at Palmers Green on Halloween in the cosy setting of Baskervilles. ALL TICKETS £5

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Sharply directed and superbly written, this is a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging political drama set in Bolivia.

A unique opportunity to see the classic silent film version of Phantom. The event is in an amazing Victorian Gothic church. The film will be accompanied throughout by live organ music.

Come in fancy dress to see one of the silent era's most influential masterpieces. Nosferatu's eerie, gothic feel and a chilling performance, set the template for the horror films that followed.

92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP

Music Review Lester Clayton presents... Things To Be Proud Of In the last month, since my last article, every creative project that I have had the pleasure of watching, being involved in, or involving musicians that I know, has had something worth sharing with you, the Palmers Green & Southgate Life Magazine readers. © Jason Glass

Stay up to date with Lester on and on Twitter @LesterClayton for information about live shows and news.

PALMERS GREEN FESTIVAL: The first thing I would like to talk about is the Palmers Green Festival. On September the 7th, Broomfield Park was filled with everyone from the local area, and further afield, to celebrate everything that our community stands for. We had local stalls, local charities, great food, DJ tents, Dancers and Live Music; a collective of local people who wanted to share their arts and crafts with the area. I had the pleasure of running the 'Music On The Green' stage, and I would like to thank Phil and the rest of the Festival committee for giving me free reign to see out my vision. The day went better than I could have hoped for; All of the musicians of varying ages and styles that I booked in all conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, performed from their heart, and every single act gave the crowd of the Palmers Green masses something to be proud of. The amount of creativity in this area is definitely something we should celebrate, and working with each band on the day was a joy. Next year is going to be even bigger and better, so keep up to date on news and info on my website!

LUKE CAREY:100 Gigs in 100 Days: Two months ago, I wrote an article about Luke Carey who was raising money for The Alzheimer Society by doing 100 gigs in 100 days. On September 8th Luke achieved his mammoth task, surrounded by fans, friends and family, who piled into the Underbelly in Hoxton to watch his 100th show. I have never seen Luke do an hour set before, and to say he smashed it is an understatement.

He approached the stage with an energy I have never seen before, and gave the performance of his life. The night itself raised just shy of £500 towards to the £2173.44 raised for the charity in total by Luke. Luke Carey should hold his head high, for someone so young to be so dedicated to his art and raise that amount of money is something we should all be proud of him for. Keep up to date with Luke Carey on

STELLA AND THE SHAKES: Shake It Up EP Launch: A few months back i wrote the first review of The Shake it Up EP, and on September 18th The Shake It Up EP was released, with the launch being held at The Forge in Camden. Stella and The Shakes worked tirelessly to give her adoring fans a show to remember, and having previously been a 4 piece band, for the launch they added 4 new members to the band, which included backing vocals, a horn section and a keyboard player. The live performance wowed the crowd for an hour, featuring songs from the new EP, aswell as some of her classics such as 'Pressure' which is a crowd favourite. Come the end of her set, with the fans begging for an encore, Stella and her guitarist Jack performed an intimate acoustic version of the John Mayer song ''Who Say's'' which was a great soothing way to end a brilliant night. You can buy The Shake It Up EP via Itunes through

YOUTH AT RISK: On September 22nd my band, alongside Steve Violaris & The Outsiders and Brighton based band Swell (doing their first London gig), were asked to perform at a Charity music event which was supported by Levi Jeans, for the wonderful Charity Youth At Risk at The Old Queens Head in Essex Road. After I found out that one of the main organisers of Youth At Risk lived in Palmers Green, I decided to share with you a little bit about this charity which do great work with young people and literally change peoples lives. When I was younger I grew up in a deprived area of Tottenham, growing up was hard and it was difficult for a lot of the people I grew up with to see hope or a light at the end of the tunnel, luckily I had music to keep me sane and focused, but what I felt was that the main thing young people lacked was a support network that actually dealt with the real life problems and emotional issues that young people face. This charity does exactly that, through tough love and support they help young people to face their fears, and accept themselves for who they are up and down the country. Their work is terrific, and it is something that I am 100% going to get behind. I would like to thank them for giving me the honour of playing at their event. Youth At Risk is still a relatively small charity, so if you have any way of getting involved, whether it be through donations or volunteer work, please get in touch with them on their website.

Here are just 4 things from the last month that we should all be proud of in Palmers Green, there are countless other artists and charities doing wonderful things creatively, so keep a check in our diary to find out more, and we hope to see you at another event soon!

Poetry in Palmers Green by Myra Schneider Poetry in Palmers Green was set up in 2006 after Palmers Green Bookshop closed. Joanna Cameron, who managed the shop and whose warm manner made her popular with her customers, had a created cultural and community centre by putting on regular poetry readings and other book events. Most of the evenings featured local and London writers. Joanna, poet Katherine Gallagher and I were determined to keep something of the spirit of the bookshop alive. We were fortunate as Father Cullen kindly allowed us to use St John’s Church as an occasional venue. With the help of a committee for the last eight years we have held twice yearly poetry readings in this magnificent building, the church poet Stevie Smith attended, and more recently in the Parish Centre adjoining the church. We feature local and London poets in particular but also invite guests from further afield. At each event we bring together five poets with very different voices. After the interval, in which refreshments and poets’ books are available, there is a spot for floor readers. There is a wealth of poetry talent in Palmers Green and its vicinity and many people in the area appreciate reading and listening to poetry. Poetry in Palmers Green has become known for its friendliness and the enthusiasm of its audiences. The famous Norfolk poet and writer, Kevin Crossley-Holland, read for us a couple of years ago and he and other poets have gone

away to sing our praises at poetry venues in London and elsewhere. All five readers at our next reading, which is on Saturday October 18th, are based in London. Stephen Watts from Whitechapel translates and edits poetry as well as writing it. Adele Ward, who lives in Golders Green, is a publisher as well as a poet and prose writer. Roísín Tierney is an Irish poet who now resides in Camden Town and she will be reading from her first full collection. Two of us are local poets. Alan Murray from Enfield will be reading from his debut pamphlet, Perhaps. I live in Arnos Grove and will be launching my 11th collection of poetry, The Door to Colour. The evening will also include the introduction of music played by the Helios Consort, a local recorder ensemble. We especially welcome newcomers to Poetry in Palmers Green readings – both poets and those who enjoy listening to poetry. For further information please contact:

FINDING AUDREY by Myra Schneider 'Do you know where Audrey lives?' Her bird head nods, her eyes plead; her humped back’s too heavy for her slight, breathless body. 'I'm sure her house with the green door is near the park but I can't find it.'

She points at a long street of semis, brick decoration blurred in the thin mist. I can't produce the answer she wants to prise, apologize. She scuttles over the road. On the railway bridge the hope in her voice is still flailng in my head. Has she forgotten Audrey's dead, been misled, muddled this piece of street in Palmers Green with one of a thousand lookalikes? If I helped her search what hours of twisting ways, double backs, cul-de-sacs, would snare me? Light is running along the train tracks, leaping off the pale peak of Alexandra Palace. Let her wander into the park, enter its once-hothouse. Let her be bathed in the green of banana fronds the magenta of primula petals and the quivergold of fat fish at the foot of the tiny waterfall.

Myra Schneider: Biographical note: Myra Schneider lives Arnos Grove and her poems often refer to locations in the area, in particular Arnos Park. As well as poetry her publications include books about personal writing. She is an experienced tutor, works for The Poetry School and is consultant to the Second Light Network of Women Poets. She has co-edited anthologies of poetry by contemporary women writers.

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three bedroom flat on the first floor of this mansion block located within easy reach of both Palmers Green's and Winchmore Hill's shops, restaurants and mainline stations. The property benefits from a spacious living room, a modern kitchen/diner, a shower room, two double bedrooms and one good single bedroom, gas central heating, mostly double glazed windows and secure entry phone system. The flat is offered unfurnished and is available now

Crestbrook Place Palmers Green, N13 3 bedrooms, living room kitchen, bathroom




ÂŁ1,400 per month


ffered to let this spacious one bedroom first floor Edwardian flat with own section of rear garden. The property is located in a quiet residential turning within 10 minutes walk of Palmers Green's shops, restaurants and mainline station (Moorgate). Benefits include a spacious living room, a modern kitchen with appliances, good size double bedroom, a modern bathroom, gas central heating and loft space. The property is available end of September and is part furnished.

New River Crescent Palmers Green, N13 1 bedroom, living room kitchen, bathroom

ÂŁ1,100 per month More properties urgently required, visit us today! 24 |

348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ

Autumnal Influences by Julia Sondack, Drapemasters Interior Furnishers All around we are starting to feel autumn’s presence. Leaves turning golden, carpets of conkers underfoot and a lowering rusty sun. It’s a wonderful time of year for all of us, particularly in the interiors world. It is now that all the fabric houses launch their new collections and we go ‘shopping’ for the latest collections to show our clients. Home furnishing colours are closely linked to the fashion world and heavily influenced by the Autumn Pantone colour predictions. This year has an impressive range of colours with real depth creating much excitement and interest. Now you might well cast your eyes over the Pantone image and think how on earth do I incorporate such solid flat colour in my


home? Well this is the secret of design success. You take the elements that you like, for they will increase your comfort levels in your home, and then use them in a way that works with your home creating individual style. Remember that you can use colour and fabrics in many different ways. You may go for plain walls focussing attention on the window treatments by using a patterned fabric comprising of several colours but to include an element of the wall colour. Alternatively you may find these colours too strong for a large area and instead opt for refreshing your rooms by using them to accessorise with, in the form of cushions, frames, throws etc. So, however you decide to let the autumn trends influence you, we do hope you enjoy getting creative. Of course if you would like to view the new collections in order to have curtains, blinds or upholstery work carried out then do feel free to contact us for help and advice as well as design, manufacture and installation of your soft furnishings. 020 8360 3082

Inspirational Advice..... We provide a bespoke service which is friendly, professional & reliable

Inspirational Designs.... • Bespoke Curtains • Blinds • Upholstery • Fine Wallpapers • Awnings • Conservatory Blinds • Carpets & Flooring • Interior Design Service

Call us now on

020 8360 3082 and see how we can make a difference to your interiors. 48 Vicars Moor Lane, Winchmore Hill, London N21 2QH Tel: 020 8360 3082

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Black People in Britain before the Windrush by Desire Thomson-George The history and achievements of black people in Britain will be celebrated on the 1 November, at Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, when internationally renowned scholar, Dr. Hakim Adi, will address an audience from diverse communities to share centuries of Black 'Hidden' Histories in Britain, as part of this year’s Black History season organised by the Enfield Caribbean Association (ECA). Slave trade with the commemorative plaques now in place at Enfield Civic Centre, Edmonton Library and Community House. Currently supporting elderly residents through drop-in sessions, exercise classes, day trips and a weekly luncheon club, the ECA is expanding to offer assistance to younger residents, while continuing to challenge misconceptions of black people. Its contribution to this year’s BHM will be no exception.

Keynote speaker Dr. Hakim Adi

The event will be varied with the unique voice of poet in 'flux', Zena Edwards and special guests providing performance poetry and gospel, to complete what is Enfield's Black History Month (BHM) Closing Ceremony, with the Deputy Mayor. Established in 1986, the ECA works to ensure that Enfield's Caribbean Community is fully informed about services it needs, including advocacy, befriending, support, as well as social and cultural activities. Founded by a small group of like-minded individuals, the Association has contributed to many local initiatives, including a campaign to mark the bicentenary of the 1807 Abolition of the North Atlantic

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Although histories of Black people in Britain often start in 1948 with the arrival of the Windrush and its passengers from the Caribbean, the presence of people of African origin in Britain dates back almost 2000 years. In Roman times Britain was even governed by the ‘African Emperor’ Septimius Severus, who was born in what is today Libya and died in the city of York in 211. Septimius, was not the only African ruler of Britain and recent discoveries have found evidence of many other Africans living in Britain during Roman times. The history of Africans in Britain is often omitted from the history we learn at school or that we see presented in the media, but even that is starting to change as seen in the recent film Belle about the life of Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay, a black woman living amongst the aristocracy in the 18th century.

The presentation by historian and writer Hakim Adi will provide an illustrated outline of this 2000 year history, focusing in particular on some of the key personalities from the 16th century to the early 20th century. During that period Africans and those of African origin have had many occupations, from musician to politician, had to struggle to overcome many obstacles, and have made major and notable contributions to Britain’s history.

Saturday 1 November 2014 6:00pm - 10:00pm Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church Junction North Circular Road and Palmerston Road, N22 8RA Tickets: Adults £10/8 concessions, Child £3, Family tickets available on request. Entry includes freshly prepared Caribbean refreshments Contact: 020 8373 6352

92 Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP

Your Legal Questions Answered by Fariz Uvais Fariz Uvais is a consultant in the law firm Harper & Odell. Write in and ask your legal questions. Fariz will try and answer your questions in Palmers Green LIFE each month. Send your questions to Harper & Odell, 61-63 St John Street, London EC1M 4AN or by email to

I am buying a property in joint names with my boyfriend, but I am providing the entire deposit. Are there any precautions I should take just in case circumstances change in the future? In these circumstances, it would be sensible to ask the solicitor acting for you to draw up a document called a Declaration of Trust, which is a binding document that would state your contribution towards the purchase price and, if you were to ever separate, state that the deposit money is to be returned to you, with any surplus proceeds being divided in shares, as agreed between your boyfriend and you.

The responsibility for making mortgage payments and paying household bills and things that you buy for the house will also have an impact on the share of ownership that a party may eventually claim in the property. Therefore, it would be sensible to have your solicitor draw up an agreement that would make it clear how these payments are to be taken into account if and when a final determination is made.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article should not be construed as legal advice and the information is offered for information purposes only. You should always seek advice from an appropriately qualified solicitor on any specific legal enquiry.

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The Des Designer signer Craft & Art Fair is back! Specially sele selected ected makers unde underr one rroof oof for just one o day‌ Sunday 16 No November, ovemberr, 10am to 6pm 6 St. Monica’s Parish P Centre &DQQRQ +LOO 1 +*

For the second year running, running, you can enjoy a unique unique shopping experience in one of Southgate’s hidden n treasures – a Grade ll listed Reg gency Villa. Creative Exchang ge has Regency Exchange once again curated a fantastic collection of work work from from 28 28 innovative designers-makers designers--makers and artists, so come e along and discover a stunning stunning array of beautifully handmade handm made pieces. If you need inspiration in nspiration for Christmas gifts, gifts, this is the place to come‌ ‌ <RXÖOO üQG KDQG WXUQH HG ZRRG ZLWK VHPL SUHFLRXV LQOD\V <RXÖOO üQG KDQG WXUQHG ZRRG ZLWK VHPL SUHFLRXV LQOD\V leather bags and childrenswear; child drenswear; a selection of jewellery, jew wellery, LQFOXGLQJ ÌDPER\DQW (OL]DEHWKDQ LQVSLUHG GHVLJQ QV VLOYHU LQFOXGLQJ ÌDPER\DQW (OL]DEHWKDQ LQVSLUHG GHVLJQV VLOYHU an nd, for those with adventurous adventurou us tastes, and enamel pieces and, LW LWHPV LQÌXHQFHG E\ X L Ì G E XUEDQ DQG \RXWK FXOWXUH 7KH E G WK OW 7K UH ZLOO LOO LWHPV LQÌXHQFHG E\ XUEDQ DQG \RXWK FXOWXUH 7KHUH ZLOO be a selection of graphic grap phic art on show too, including includin ng work LQVSLUHG E\ IRRG WKH 3HULRGLF 7DEOH YLQWDJH VLJQ SDLQWLQJ LQVSLUHG E\ IRRG WKH 3HULRGLF 7DEOH YLQWDJH VLJQ SDLQWLQJ You’ll meet artists and designerss working and typography. You’ll LQ JODVV FHUDPLFV DQ G WH[WLOHV DQG üQG JLIWV IRU P PHQ DV LQ JODVV FHUDPLFV DQG WH[WLOHV DQG üQG JLIWV IRU PHQ DV w ell as as original original paintings, paintings, limited edition prints, cards cards and well stationery. S op lenty of special gifts for those you u cherish stationery. So plenty tre eat yourself! and you can even treat

Exchan nge has a wonderful reputation reputatio on for presenting Creative Exchange extreme ely high quality and creativity from designerwork of extremely artiists and, as many of the pieces piece es are unique, makers and artists you will be thrilled by the standard of work. Last year’s event popula ar, so don’t miss this one! was very popular, 7R ZKHW \RXU DS SSHWLWH WKHUH ZLOO EH D SUH IDLUU VKRZFDVH 7R ZKHW \RXU DSSHWLWH WKHUH ZLOO EH D SUH IDLU VKRZFDVH DW WKH RIüFHV RII $QWKRQ\ :HEE RQ *UHHQ /DQHV DQG DW WKH RIüFHV RI $QWKRQ\ :HEE RQ *UHHQ /DQHV DQG $OGHUPDQV +LOO Z ZKHUH SLHFHV IURP VRPH RI WK KH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ $OGHUPDQV +LOO ZKHUH SLHFHV IURP VRPH RI WKH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHVLJQHUV ZLOO E EH RQ VKRZ 7KH H[KLELWLRQV UX XQ IURP WK GHVLJQHUV ZLOO EH RQ VKRZ 7KH H[KLELWLRQV UXQ IURP WK 2FWREHU Ó WK 1RYHPEHU VR ZK\ QRW SRS LQ DQG VWDUW \RXU 2FWREHU Ó WK 1RYHPEHU VR ZK\ QRW SRS LQ DQG VWDUW \RXU shopping list! M i f www t di k More info: info@ Enquiries: Fa acebook for updates: Follow us on Facebook )DFHERRN FRP 2SHQ6WXGLRVDQG$UW7UDLO )DFHERRN FRP 2SHQ6WXGLRVDQG$UW7UDLO

DESIGNER CRAFT & A ART RT F FAIR A AIR PREVIEW EXHIB EXHIBITIONS BITIONS 15th October – 17th No November ovember A selection of our exhib exhibitors bitors will be on show at Anthony A W Webb ebb 348 Gr Green een Lanes, N13 5TJ 5 and 92 Aldermans Hil Hill, l, N13 4PP Opening times: Mon to Fri: 9am – 7pm, Sat: 9.30a 9.30am am – 5pm

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