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UNIT HY3 (A Level) This unit is assessed internally. It is centre-set, teacher marked and externally moderated. The assignment produced must be of between three and four thousand words, focussing on a specific historical problem or issue arising from the in-depth study. Further guidance is given in Section 8 of the specification.

UNIT HY4 (A Level) General topic 1:

Charles V and the German Reformation, c.1515-1555


A study of the role played by Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor, in the Reformation


The position of Charles V in 1519

Key issues:

The calling of the Diet of Worms, 1521 The impact of Peasants' War and the setting up of the Schmalkaldic League Charles and the Council of Trent, 1546 The Peace of Augsburg, 1555

Significance / consequences:

The significance and consequences of the main developments in Charles V’s fight against Lutheranism

General topic 2:

The Peasants’ War, c.1521-1525


A study of the causes, events and implications of the Peasants' War


The social, economic and political causes of the Peasant's War

Key issues:

The impact of Luther's message The Twelve Articles of 1525 The role of Thomas Munster Luther's involvement in and reaction to the Peasants’ revolt The reaction of theologians and secular authorities

Significance / consequences:

The significance and consequences of the Peasants’ War for the spread of Protestantism in Germany

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