Tiszta Szívvel 49/5.

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Des recommandations gastronomiques

Le train des pionniers des services étaient faits par des enfants de 10 à 14 Les jeunes contrôleurs méritaient de passer leurs

Saveurs de Hongrie

ans: contrôleur, aiguilleur, caissier; l’objectif en était vacances dans un camp particulier à Csillebérc. d’établir la formation des futurs cheminots.

Au coeur de la vieille Europe, la Hongrie, lieu de rencontre des cultures ottomane et occidentale, séduit par l'extrême diversité et la richesse de son patrimoine historique, architectural et gastronomique: le filet de boeuf à la Napoléon, la goulash, le chou farci, le poulet au paprika, l'os à la moelle, le sandre grillé, la bouillabaisse de Szeged, les millefeuilles et les strudels farcis… Rares sont les plats où il n'y a pas une petite touche de paprika. Cette épice a fait son apparition dans la cuisine magyare au XIXe siècle. Aujourd’hui, les meilleures variétés de piments doux servant à la fabrication du paprika proviennent de Szeged et de Kalocsa, dans le sud de la Hongrie, où les champs couleur de feu s’étendent à perte de vue dans les plaines.

Le tokány

Goulash, gulyás ou gulyásleves Il tient plus de la soupe que du r ago û t d e v ian d e. C ' es t indubitablement le plat hongrois le plus connu. On fait suer des petits morceaux de viande de boeuf, de porc ou de veau et des légumes (oignons, poivrons) dans du saindoux, de l'huile ou du beurre.

C'est un ragoût de bœuf coupé en fines lamelles, dont la sauce est souvent agrémentée de crème fraîche ou aigre et ponctuée d'un trait de vinaigre.

Bableves potage aux haricots blancs parfumé au jarret de porc.

Paprikáscsirke poulet au paprika, généralement servi avec des "galuskas" (sortes de petits gnocchis) ou de "tarhonya".


Podina Ivett

Pioneer railway There was a time when a school trip in spring could not be anything else but a trip by the Budapest Pioneer Railway (today Children’s Railway). The line goes in the mountains from Széchényihegy Station to Hűvösvölgy Station. The train’s abilities aren’t similar to the TGV’s performance, but it’s inevitably legendary. Travellers may see such sights on its way as the Elisabeth Lookout Tower, the Bátori Cave or the Budakeszi Wildlife Park. Ice cream vendors and playgrounds have always waited for visitors, but recently the area has been developed even more.

were written in ”The 12 Points of Pioneers”. All important events were administered in the group diary (what games they played, how many songs they had learnt, etc). They not only had fun, but sometimes pioneers had to prove their sense of responsibility with keeping some kind of mascot animal, e.g. a breed of silkworms. Every troop had its own habits here and there, but it was compulsory duty to take care of the garden of their school. Older children helped the elderly after school and this kind of good deeds was marked in the patrol diary. All teams had a battle-cry: it was the symbol of friendship. In summer pioneers had the opportunity to have a great time in the Zánka camp, near lake Balaton. They slept in military tents which were set up by the children. It was fun, took a long time and needed some cooperation. During the evening two of the children had to keep a night duty in the watch-tower. They learnt a lot about nature and they didn’t need a computer to feel good.

Most schools in Hungary before 1989 were part of the pioneer movement. They created troops (’csapat’ in Hungarian). Classes including about 30 children were called ’raj’ and included patrols (’örs’) with 5-6 children. Every member had a special duty, such as being the patrol captain, funny one, chronicler, chef, a person responsible for sport activities…The programmes were always organized by one of the most competent persons. They had a special uniform, a white shirt and a red tie. Everybody had to obey the rules, which

The exemplary students of elementary school won participation at a ’railwayman course’. One


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