Large Wamin Presentation

Page 16

Open Space Demand 公共空间需求 Open Space Demand 公共空间需求度 40

“ 还是喜欢 跳舞 嘛” “I still like to dance …”


“ 还是可以,(笑)我们可以在那 摆龙门阵 噻” “It’s ok, (laughs) we can still gossip!”

30 25

需要 不需要 Needed Not needed

20 15 10 5 0




“ 娃儿可以在那耍嘛,比路边边上 要 安全点嘛” “My daughter can play here. It’s safer than the road!” “ 院头可以耍,我们一般就打打牌 嘛,要是有 健身 嘞还是安逸嘛” “You can hang out in the courtyard. We usually play majiang. And if we want to exercise, it’s pretty easy.”

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