GO Portland Press Herald, Oct. 4, 2012

Page 21


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Re-enactors do battle I\$\eXZkfij [f YXkkc\ on Narrow Gauge line fe EXiifn >Xl^\ c`e\ STICK'EM UP, Yankees! As AB719 ¸3; C> GO\YSSa /a you ride the Maine Narrow g]c `WRS bVS ;OW\S <O``]e Gauge Railroad, the train 5OcUS @OWZ`]OR bVS b`OW\ will be attacked by Civil eWZZ PS ObbOQYSR Pg 1WdWZ War re-enactors from the EO` `S S\OQb]`a T`][ bVS Confederate side seeking 1]\TSRS`ObS aWRS aSSYW\U plunder as Union soldiers ^Zc\RS` Oa C\W]\ a]ZRWS`a attempt to fend them off. ObbS[^b b] TS\R bVS[ ]TT Explore additional Civil War 3f^Z]`S ORRWbW]\OZ 1WdWZ EO` activities and exhibits in the OQbWdWbWSa O\R SfVWPWba W\ bVS museum during this Rebels [caSc[ Rc`W\U bVWa @SPSZa Attack event. /bbOQY SdS\b WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Maine Narrow Gauge E63@3( ;OW\S <O``]e 5OcUS Railroad Company & Museum, @OWZ`]OR 1][^O\g ;caSc[ 58 Fore St., Portland #& 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $10; $9 for seniors; 6=E ;C16( ) ' T]` aS\W]`a) $6 for ages 3 to 12;) T`SS T]` free for $ T]` OUSa ! b] ages 2 O\R g]c\US` and younger OUSa INFO: 828-0814 7<4=( & & & " Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Here's a sneak peek at one of the stops on the Falmouth Kitchen Tour. The focal point of the kitchen is a six-burner, 6S`S¸a O a\SOY ^SSY Ob ]\S ]T bVS ab]^a ]\ bVS 4OZ[]cbV 9WbQVS\ B]c` BVS T]QOZ ^]W\b ]T bVS YWbQVS\ Wa O aWf Pc`\S` two-oven, gas Thermador range. Proceeds from the tour will benefit the Preble Street Resource Center in Portland. be] ]dS\ UOa BVS`[OR]` `O\US >`]QSSRa T`][ bVS b]c` eWZZ PS\S¿b bVS >`SPZS Ab`SSb @Sa]c`QS 1S\bS` W\ >]`bZO\R

Fill up on ideas and inspiration 4WZZ c^ ]\ WRSOa O\R W\a^W`ObW]\ from the homes on this weekend's T`][ bVS V][Sa ]\ bVWa eSSYS\R¸a Falmouth Kitchen Tour. 4OZ[]cbV 9WbQVS\ B]c` By AVERY YALE KAMILA #Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-"

Staff Writer 4UBGG 8SJUFS ix years ago, when Lisa GilJY ZFBST BHP XIFO -JTB (JM bert and her husband began CFSU BOE IFS IVTCBOE CFHBO building their shingle-style CVJMEJOH UIFJS TIJOHMF TUZMF home on the Falmouth ForeIPNF PO UIF 'BMNPVUI 'PSF side, she knew exactly how TJEF TIF LOFX FYBDUMZ IPX her kitchen needed to look IFS LJUDIFO OFFEFE UP MPPL and function. BOE GVODUJPO "I wanted it to be warm with i* XBOUFE JU UP CF XBSN XJUI a kind of country feel," said B LJOE PG DPVOUSZ GFFM w TBJE Gilbert. "And we have four (JMCFSU i"OE XF IBWF GPVS kids, so it had to be durable." LJET TP JU IBE UP CF EVSBCMF w With a generous green-gray granite 8JUI B HFOFSPVT HSFFO HSBZ HSBOJUF island, abundant mahogany counter space JTMBOE BCVOEBOU NBIPHBOZ DPVOUFS TQBDF and a six-burner, two-oven Thermador BOE B TJY CVSOFS UXP PWFO 5IFSNBEPS range, the kitchen also had to serve the SBOHF UIF LJUDIFO BMTP IBE UP TFSWF UIF needs of an avid cook. OFFET PG BO BWJE DPPL


"It had to really work, because I cook a i*U IBE UP SFBMMZ XPSL CFDBVTF * DPPL B lot," said Gilbert, whose husband, Brad, MPU w TBJE (JMCFSU XIPTF IVTCBOE #SBE is a home builder who owns Tall Trees JT B IPNF CVJMEFS XIP PXOT 5BMM 5SFFT Construction. The couple's experience $POTUSVDUJPO 5IF DPVQMF T FYQFSJFODF building and renovating homes helped CVJMEJOH BOE SFOPWBUJOH IPNFT IFMQFE guide many of their choices in the kitchen HVJEF NBOZ PG UIFJS DIPJDFT JO UIF LJUDIFO and throughout the comfortable house. BOE UISPVHIPVU UIF DPNGPSUBCMF IPVTF Members of the public can view their .FNCFST PG UIF QVCMJD DBO WJFX UIFJS kitchen Friday and Saturday during the LJUDIFO 'SJEBZ BOE 4BUVSEBZ EVSJOH UIF Falmouth Kitchen Tour. 'BMNPVUI ,JUDIFO 5PVS Organized by Marcy Boyton of A Divine 0SHBOJ[FE CZ .BSDZ #PZUPO PG " %JWJOF Time and Lana Wescott of Lana Wescott 5JNF BOE -BOB 8FTDPUU PG -BOB 8FTDPUU Events, the kitchen tour enters its second &WFOUT UIF LJUDIFO UPVS FOUFST JUT TFDPOE year this weekend after raising $5,000 last ZFBS UIJT XFFLFOE BGUFS SBJTJOH MBTU year for hunger relief. ZFBS GPS IVOHFS SFMJFG This year's tour will benefit Preble Street 5IJT ZFBS T UPVS XJMM CFOFmU 1SFCMF 4USFFU Resource Center in Portland. Those who 3FTPVSDF $FOUFS JO 1PSUMBOE 5IPTF XIP purchase tickets are also encouraged to QVSDIBTF UJDLFUT BSF BMTP FODPVSBHFE UP bring non-perishable food to donate to the CSJOH OPO QFSJTIBCMF GPPE UP EPOBUF UP UIF Maine Hunger Initiative. .BJOF )VOHFS *OJUJBUJWF The tour will feature nine kitchens in 5IF UPVS XJMM GFBUVSF OJOF LJUDIFOT JO


@= >F FALMOUTH KITCHEN TOUR 4/:;=CB6 97B163< B=C@ WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ 4`WROg O\R Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Starts at Falmouth CounE63@3( AbO`ba Ob 4OZ[]cbV 1]c\ try Club, One Congressional b`g 1ZcP =\S 1]\U`SaaW]\OZ Drive, Falmouth 2`WdS 4OZ[]cbV HOW MUCH: $25 in advance; $30 6=E ;C16( # W\ ORdO\QS) ! day of tour; $10 for Sandy Oliver ROg ]T b]c`) T]` AO\Rg =ZWdS` talk on Saturday. Proceeds benebOZY ]\ AObc`ROg >`]QSSRa PS\S fit Preble Street Resource Center. Âżb >`SPZS Ab`SSb @Sa]c`QS 1S\bS` INFO: falmouthkitchentour.com 7<4=( TOZ[]cbVYWbQVS\b]c` Q][ WHAT ELSE: Bring canned goods E6/B 3:A3( 0`W\U QO\\SR U]]Ra and other non-perishable food O\R ]bVS` \]\ ^S`WaVOPZS T]]R items to donate to the Maine WbS[a b] R]\ObS b] bVS ;OW\S Hunger Initiative and drop them 6c\US` 7\WbWObWdS O\R R`]^ bVS[ off at the clubhouse. ]TT Ob bVS QZcPV]caS

Please see KITCHENS, PageE27 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 97B163<A GX^\ <).

Off Beat: Sunday River's Wife Carrying Championship, E22 N C`jk`e^j# <)* Listings, E23 F]] 9\Xk1 Jle[Xp I`m\iËj N`]\ :Xiip`e^ :_Xdg`fej_`g# <))

Foliage festival =fc`X^\ ]\jk`mXc marks 45 years dXibj +, p\Xij UNDER the bright C<23@ bVS P`WUVb colored leaves, Q]Z]`SR ZSOdSa shop for aV]^ T]` handmade VO\R[ORS items from 75 WbS[a T`][ %# craft vendors Q`OTb dS\R]`a during Boothbay Rc`W\U 0]]bVPOg Harbor's 45th annual Fall 6O`P]`¸a "#bV O\\cOZ 4OZZ Foliage Festival. The event 4]ZWOUS 4SabWdOZ BVS SdS\b takes place at Boothbay bOYSa ^ZOQS Ob 0]]bVPOg Railway Village, where there @OWZeOg DWZZOUS eVS`S bVS`S will be a display of classic, eWZZ PS O RWa^ZOg ]T QZOaaWQ vintage and antique cars. Hot dW\bOUS O\R O\bW_cS QO`a 6]b mulled cider and Maine clam [cZZSR QWRS` O\R ;OW\S QZO[ chowder will keep you warm QV]eRS` eWZZ YSS^ g]c eO`[ in the fall air. W\ bVS TOZZ OW` WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ Saturday and Sunday AObc`ROg O\R Ac\ROg WHERE: Boothbay Railway E63@3( 0]]bVPOg @OWZeOg Village, 586 Wiscasset Road DWZZOUS #&$ EWaQOaaSb @]OR HOW MUCH: $2 6=E ;C16( INFO: 633-4743 7<4=( $!! "%"!

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