Time for Tots Spring 2017

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Time for Mum

Top Tips for Busy mums By Sam from Sanctuary of Beauty www.sanctuaryofbeauty.com


ello time for tots readers, So we now approach spring, a season of new life flourishing, with the continuous flow being the circle of life, some would say nature at its finest. Our bundles of joy from the day they enter the world gives us a sense of purpose, the joys we are told that having this stork deliver to us (this is what I thought happened) then reality hits and suddenly fades! We turn into a zombie, enjoying our time and moments with them then unknowing to us we had to sacrifice our sleep, food, showering on our own, our mental capability to process conversations so basically our freedom to life! We wish for some “me” time then when the opportunity arises, the guilt hits! This is where this months top tips will make this guilt disappear......... • Flutter your eyes to someone you trust to look after said bundle of joy. • Pack the essentials, or if going out get the essentials ready. • Switch your mind off, embrace this opportunity reflect on times that you enjoyed; hold that feeling and go with it. • Let the guilt slip away, you know they are safe and you have your phone. • Have fun and let your inner, fun-loving being do whatever it is you crave. A fulfilled parent brings more to the child than one that is stressing out and expressing emotions that are unnecessary and sacrifices your own life as a family. Let your hair down, relax and have fun! For those who do find this difficult please keep trying it, the more you do the easier it gets! You are still you they are just a part of your life, they have their own lives. Loving thoughts, Samantha x (Writing this in the bath with a hair mask on and the music playing with my 4 year old with a trustee!) Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement

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