School in 2020 - Team Work

Page 29

eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

divice without asking for help from the outside

conclusion Phase 1: Teachers will use online draft plans and resources prepared by other teachers and experts, attend professional development, maintain contacts with other teachers teaching the same subjects in other schools and connect on social networks I hope there will be a social network used by all the teachers and students where they will collaborate and share experience It is highly probable that teachers will more often attend CPD, connect on social networks and use more online resources for lessons. To my mind teachers will use more than now Internet in their work Which parts will probably come true? - there will exist efficient engines for looking for lesson plans - there will be virtually unlimited possibilities for professional development - it will be extremely easy for teachers to identify their colleagues teaching the same subjects - teaching will become more creative and efficient - some private entrepreneurs will be trying to make fortune on proposing new technical solutions to school

I believe teachers will not have avatars because they should be paid by the schools and I assume avatars will be extremely expensive

It seems to me that most schools won’t be able to afford for the avatars. I’m afraid that teachers can loose their „teacher’s sense”. You know when you have two or more classes at the same level you teach them in different way, because children are different and what is suitable for one class, not always is usable in another one. So, IA doesn’t know children and it isn’t sure that its learning materials are proper for everyone.

Which parts of the scenario I hope to come true? Everything I wrote in the left column with the exception of the last statement.

Phase 2: Once a month, teachers and students do collaborative projects with other teachers and students face-to-face.Teachers look for each other on a simple networking system prior to their collaboration. Networking and collaboration will involve students and teachers in more active and openminded learning. In my point of view, it’s really possibile a creation of teachers’ social network ( online training courses, teachers meetings), virtual learning and rotating teachers.


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