Tietennis - Software and website for tennis clubs

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your SOCIAL tennis network Discover how the world of Tietennis can revolutionise the way you interact with your members and make your club more visible.




A PLAYERS NETWORK 99% of the world’s tennis players are social or recreational players. Tietennis is a unique and innovative social platform specifically designed to help players to quickly and easily find partners and places to play wherever they are in the world.

Discover the universe of Tietennis and find how this social network will change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

Players can create a profile which gives details of their age group, playing ability and style to allow others to challenge them, and can create groups and networks of friends, fellow players and favourite tennis venues. Social media has redefined the way that we communicate and interact in every walk of life. This presents exceptional opportunities for businesses to understand their clients better and take advantage of the many additional ways to promote their services.

Tietennis provides tennis clubs with a gateway to the world’s fastest growing network of social tennis players. There are 1000s of players registering all the time who are looking for tennis partners and places to play. Tietennis allows them to connect in local networks and organise matches, and gives you as a tennis club manager a fabtastic opportunity to promote your facility to them.

Create an authentic social tennis career!




TIETENNIS FOR CLUBS Tietennis is also a fantastic tool for club managers On the one hand, tietennis provides you with a fantastic way to interact with your members, keeping them informed of club news, events, tournaments and other activities. Furthermore, a full profile on Tietennis makes your club much more visible to the world, making it easier for the casual player or visiting player to find your venue, book a court and even find a match with one of your members. The best part about Tietennis – it’s easy!!! There’s no software to install or manage, and the court and member management functions are quick and easy to pick up, helping you increase participation and build your membership by turning today’s casual player into tomorrow’s member. Tietennis Features • Online Court/Lessons booking. • Member Database Management. • Tournament & ranking manager. • Coach and training schedule. • Online / onsite live monitor. • Social Media Gateway (Facebook, Google+, Twitter). • Playing statistics.

Create an authentic social tennis career!

It has never been as easy as it is now to recruit players to your club




change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

ONLINE COURT BOOKING AND SCHEDULER How many phone calls are taken regarding court bookings, and how much time do they take to administer? Let the players and tietennis do all the work. Members and guests can check availability and book courts and lessons in a matter of seconds, and the automated court and coach scheduler completely removes the headache of court scheduling problems. You can schedule regular events as far ahead as you like, and completely remove the dreaded headache of the double-booked court! Tietennis manages the whole process from initial enquiry through to player registration. The automated billing function generates all invoices automatically, helping you keep on top of the business end!

Create an authentic social tennis career!




change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

MEMBER / PLAYER DATABASE everything you need, and a little bit more

Member details are stored in your own private online database, which gives you an easy to manage administration function, including all subscriptions and coaching packages. The automated billing function allows you to keep track of all member activity, and any court or lessons booked will automatically be added to their monthly invoice. Members can contact each other and arrange matches and courts quickly and easily, freeing up your time to concentrate on building your business. In addition, Tietennis gives you a wealth of information about your members’ levels of activity and participation, helping you to understand your membership and plan events accordingly.

Create an authentic social tennis career!




change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

COACHES SCHEDULE All your coaches have their own real time schedule, allowing you and them to keep on top of their schedule at all times. It’s easy to book lessons individually or in blocks, organise club training nights so that you and your coaches can maximise their time.

Create an authentic social tennis career!




change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

TOURNAMENTS ORGANIZER take the headache out of organisation

Tietennis can take the pain out of organising club tournaments and ranking ladders. You can create tournaments, leagues and regular events like Sunday morning doubles, and there’s a quick and easy automatic draw and match scheduling function. You can also specify criteria for restricted events like age group ladders and also advertise open events to nonmembers to help increase participation.

Create an authentic social tennis career!




Social Events Organizer Tournament / event manager - Invite, accept and go! Need to organise a regular Sunday doubles tournament in your club? Are you in trouble? Not at all! With Tietennis.com it’s quick and easy‌.. Invite players with just one click. They will receive an automatic request by email or text and they, with one click also, confirm or decline. Then just wait for the day..... On the day of the tournament

1 2 SOCIAL LEAGUES Easily and quickly organised friendly tournaments. Invite, accept and go! Promote social tennis in your club!

Create an authentic social tennis career!


Ready: Meet all players and adjust the final list to account for withdrawals / late entries Set: Define the simple rules. GO!! Determine how many courts are needed and Tietennis. com will automatically select players into courts and you are off!!

When the tournament is finished submit results and any points won to be automatically added to the ranking. At the end of the event, Tietennis.com will calculate the winners of your Sunday Doubles league.




change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients!

OPEN YOUR CLUB TO THE WORLD Social Networks have redefined the way the world communicates. More and more, people use social media to find out information and make buying decisions. Smart businesses are using social media to help build their reputation and increase their revenues. As a tennis club manager, tietennis helps you harness the power of social media and use it to advertise your club to the wider world. Visitors and travellers will be able to find your club easily, arrange a game with a local player of the right level, or join in one of your local events. Tietennis helps you to maximise their experience of your club from initial booking all the way through to their post-match refreshment, allowing them to enhancing your reputation which can only help you build your business.

Create an authentic social tennis career!


change the way you manage your club and interact with your clients! www.tietennis.com

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