Tiger Times 9-28-12

Page 7

tiger times sept. 28, 2012



Lefty or Righty? With both major parties recently concluding their national conventions, the nation is tuned in to the upcoming election. Come November, every issue is going to be taken into account when the voters enter the ballot box. This year, not only is the White House up for grabs but the future of America.


compiled by Josh Klein





Second Amendment

Second Amendment

Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage



Health care

Health care

The Democratic party believes in progressive taxation, where the more you earn, the more you pay in taxes.

They believe on focusing on only the most serious threats to American security. They are in favor of cutting military spending.

They believe in legislation restricting gun sales to felons and the mentally ill. They also oppose the right to carry concealed weapons in public places.

The Democratic party supports gay rights and is for the legalization of gay marriage.

They think it is a woman’s right and are supporters of Roe vs. Wade.

The Democrats want to make health care affordable to all Americans and support the Affordable Care Act, addressing pre-existing conditions and tax credits to make insurance more affordable.


The Republican stance is against interventionist policies on the part of the government and believes firmly in the free-market system. They oppose raising taxes on anyone including the wealthy.

They favor a stronger military to counter foreign threats. The party would like to not cut spending in this sector.

The Republican party are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and favors the right to carry concealed weapons.

The Republican Party believes that marriage is a sacred institution between a man and women. They oppose the legalization of gay marriages.

The Republicans think that abortion should be illegal. They oppose Roe vs. Wade and believe it should be overturned.

Republicans support reforms that will lower costs, ensure quality health care, and end lawsuit abuse. They oppose government-run health care.

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