January Heartbeat

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HS Open House talk continued relationship. It is these series of relationships, day to day, main

then shared their joy with their community. Seniors leave our

lesson block to main lesson block and year to year that help

school with the notion that they can accomplish anything that

students to develop the capacities to think and find creative

they put their mind to. What a fantastic way to enter adult life;

solutions to the challenges that meet them.

full of optimism, a sense of accomplishment and eager to pursue

Another aspect of our curriculum that develops the next great

the next challenge that assails them.

thinkers is our Outdoor Education Program. Our school has a

Why does all of this give me hope? When I consider the present

commitment to helping students foster a relationship with the

situation and then look into the near and distant future I see a

out of doors and nature. Each year in grades 9 through

future faced with many challenges. If we are to continue living at

12,students embark on a week-long trip to investigate a different

our current standard of living we will need to find alternatives to

part of human relationship with nature. In shelter, in



grade they explore

grade they explore animal tracking, in


solve our dependence on fossil fuel energy, figure out how to


mediate the effects of a changing climate and rethink an economy


that, in my opinion, is built largely on unrealistic and unsustainable

they explore human connections with botany, and finally, in

grade the students embark on a solo experience where they will

goals. These are not small tasks and are certainly not an

combine their skills learned in previous years to have an intense

extensive list. But, as Albert Einstein said: "We can't solve

personal experience in nature. Through individual and group

problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we

experiences outside, students learn to collaborate to solve

created them." Meaning that in order to create positive change,

problems and observe the world around them. By just breaking

our thinking must evolve, and the Waldorf student gives me hope

the rhythm of a daily schedule, students are reminded of the

that our thinking is indeed evolving. I see students that are

importance of slowing down and taking time for self, to reflect, to

willing to meet the world with curiosity and joy, each from their

learn, to think.

own unique perspective. They are ready for a challenge and

The last aspect of our curriculum that I will touch upon is the senior project. During the senior year, students develop an independent project proposal. After the proposal, the project is broken down into three parts: A

welcome the opportunity to work on it. If young people are heading out into the world with curiosity, hope and creativity, there is much for which to be hopeful. seniors at the coast last week

Research Project and paper, a related project activity, and an oral presentation that is given to the community about their experiences. Every year, the seniors tackle an astounding array of topics, from cooking the perfect meal and writing a cookbook to developing a set of speakers fit for an audiophile. As such, each Waldorf student personally connects with a subject that is near and dear to them and sets out to accomplish a task within it, using critical thinking and practical application. When the senior is done, they have set a personal goal, accomplished that goal and


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