Think Business Magazine - Issue 2 - The Fortune Institute

Page 45

often PeoPle AsK me Where i find the time to do it All... And i tell them it’s simPle, i live my life in columns.”

i have aLways been absolutely passionate about wealth creation and business. so much so that i run a business helping people create wealth. But i also run other businesses and many people say, ‘you must be so busy Chris - with so many different things, how do you do it?’ Anyone who knows me, knows my answer to this – ‘I run my life in columns’. What does this mean? It means that i create separate columns for each of the different areas of my life, each business, my investments and my personal sides are all different and all in their own columns.

separating your personal and business sides from your investment side really is the key to success. we start on the personal side of things, because this is the perfect place to start. However, the true magic starts when you can concentrate on the investment side. So, instead of getting overwhelmed by crossing over between each area, I choose to deal with each separately, which for me gives me the time to focus individually on each one. And it means importantly that my business money is separate from my investments which are separate from my personal finances. So one doesn’t affect the other. That way I can focus on individual strategies and there is no risk of one affecting the other. I am very confident when I say that you too can have both a successful business and a successful investment strategy, so that when it comes to retire from your business you can still have an income in retirement.

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chris chiLds was a financial planner for 10 years prior to becoming a mortgage broker specialising in debt reduction. Chris and her husband Jack began to plan their retirement and built their own property portfolio. Chris’s clients wanted to follow her lead and learn how they too could build a property portfolio, thus Think Money Wealth Through Property was born. Chris’s passions are property, people and business. she has had the privilege of transforming peoples’ lives on a daily basis by teaching them to change the way they manage their finances.

the looK of AmAZement When PeoPle reAlise WhAt they cAn ActuAlly Achieve is Priceless.”


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