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Thijs Asselbergs architectuurcentrale
Architect Thijs Asselbergs is a researcher, strategist and connector. His driving force in architecture is synergy, throughout all scales and spheres. He moves across the full spectrum of architecture and works throughout all of its scales and disciplines. He is a researcher, connector and strategist. From his office, he designs and contrives buildings, bridges, urban planning, and more. Additionally Thijs Asselbergs is active in the field of education, research and policy issues. As a professor of Architectural Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) he succeeds at affiliating a thriving network of students and fellows, connected through his fascination for the innovative power of technology in architecture. Asselbergs believes in synergy as the driving force between the sub-disciplines of building physics, construction and design, but also between the researcher, the designer, the implementers and the users.