I MET GOD, SHE’S BLACK Black women are becoming the new goddesses of music– whether it’s hip hop, soul, pop or alternative, these artists will give you a spiritual experience. // Samantha Sanker
want to begin this piece by stating that this is by no means an exhaustive histo-
Why These Women Are So Diverse And Important
ninity, especially black femininity. Artists like Solange, Shayna, and Santi present
ry of black women in the music industry.
These women present themselves to the
themselves to the world in nontraditional,
My intention is simply to showcase my
media as highly educated, well-rounded,
nonconformist ways. While people can be
favorite black women in the music scene
sensitive, artistic individuals. For example,
quick to confine these women into genres
today and spark further analysis and de-
Azealia Banks may be a New York City club
and labels to better understand them, this
bate. The six most compelling and exciting
chick, but can easily give a comprehensive
should be approached with caution as these
black femme musicians, in my opinion,
dissertation on the history of blackness in
women seem to never fit in any box.
are Santigold, SZA, Junglepussy, Solange,
The United States of America if asked. 25
Noname, and Azealia Banks. While these
year old East New Yorker, Shayna McHale
from a gritty, queenpin sound (Banks, Jun-
women sort of occupy the same space in
– aka Junglepussy, has rapped about her
glepussy), to plucky guitar ballads (SZA), to
the music industry, they are all radically
period and spoken at Yale and Columbia
more poetic spoken word jams (Noname).
different from one another. Their music is
University about living a nutritious lifestyle
If you expect a singular, one-dimension-
a constant in my life, regardless of what
and what that means for your body. Solána
al sound from these showstoppers, you
mood I may be in, and the influence these
Rowe, aka SZA, has made very openly sex-
expected wrong. The expanse of variety
women have on me is forceful. Despite
ual music, and at the same time admits she
in these six artists alone is enough for
people who may view blackness as a
has issues with anxiety and self-esteem
an entire music library. They write about
“profitable costume” like Danielle Bregoli
and rocks baggy clothes. These women
accepting and rejecting the male gaze as
who raps in a “blaccent” or Kylie Jenner
manage to be so impressive and powerful
well as the importance of friendship. Their
who frequently appropriates black style,
while breaking barriers left and right. The
voices definitely need to be heard because
these artists remain unapologetic beacons
complexities and sophistication of these
they have important messages, but the
of strength and energy. They are flawless
women are what I find so highly intrigu-
fact that there are loud, weird, artsy girls
examples of gifted women who persevere
ing. Both Solange Knowles and Santi White
making this amount of sound on stage and
in the face of all that seeks to erase them.
(Santigold) are wives and mothers and I
in studio is what is most important. SZA is
Whether their subject matter is lovers,
think their families influence their art in
bold and unafraid to be sensitive and hon-
money, weed, sex, fear, anger, joy, failures
such a beautiful way. I even saw Santi’s
est when she talks about the unfabulous
or triumph -- trust me, you’re going to
baby boy at the side of the stage at her
struggles of being young and insecure. Her
want to listen to these songs with open
“We Buy Gold” tour. These women never
latest album has themes of needing atten-
ears, a full heart and at maximum volume.
fail to challenge the construct of femi-
tion and validation from others, especially
I look to these artists for everything