The Vindicator - March 2017

Page 16


THE POWER OF CULTURE Culture is a dominating force and must be a way of life for African Americans if we are to survive. // Louis Walee


ne facet of human civilization

hopes of helping light candles for the next

came from the racial discrimination and

that has continued to evolve

generation to follow, to further spread the

exclusion of African Americans by Europe-

and manifest itself in different


an Americans. Also, it was by a tenacious

shapes is culture.

A Way of Life

I’ve been impassioned by culture,

persistence amongst African Americans to

because it’s precious. The purpose of this

create and maintain traditions amongst

article is to accomplish several things:


Culture is many things. According to Texas

To give adequate definitions of culture,

A&M University, it is a collective sum of

to explain African American culture, to

rooted in the western and central African

knowledge, beliefs, experiences, meaning,

show how African Americans have retained

cultures of my enslaved ancestors. As a re-

motives, attitudes, symbols and values

elements of traditional African culture, and

sult of acts of terrorism in the forms of the

of a particular group of people. Culture is

to illustrate the significance of culture to

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the system-

expansive, as it embodies notions of time

African Americans.

atic institution of slavery in the Ameri-

(world view), heritage, spirituality, religion,

Black culture is anthropologically

can South, many of the original cultural

African American Culture

roles and relationships (praxis), the nature of being (ontology), and seeks to under-

African American culture, is a distinct cul-

stand the origins of the universe (cosmol-

tural identity that was primarily shaped by


traditions of my ancestors were forcibly removed. The impact of this has left some Afri-

the historic experience of the Middle Pas-

can Americans (and non African Americans

Culture is communication, and com-

sage (the sea voyage in which enslaved Af-

alike) to question if African Americans have

munication is culture. How people within

ricans were transported to the New World).

a culture to call their own. It has left some

a particular group of people exchange

African American culture is intrinsically

African Americans to adopt other cultures

information that is learned from one anoth-

unique and different from (mainstream)

as their own, some to create (individual)

er and transmitted among one another is

American culture, yet it is largely influen-

culturalisms, and/or some to hold so-

culture. Essentially, culture is a way of life.

tial on American culture. The dominance of

cio-political constructs and identity in the

It is tradition that is passed down from one

African American culture is felt not just by

place of culture.

generation to the next and is continuously

American culture, but by world culture as

passed down throughout time.


Culture is extremely significant. It is

Cultural traditions have blossomed in

Still many beliefs, practices and values were retained and are practiced by African Americans. These include the following

invaluable. There is not a people who walk

distinctive forms of art (poetry, quilting,

this earth who are without a culture to call

painting), dance (Tap Dancing, Electric

their own. It is a beacon of familiarity and

Slide, Break-Dancing), cuisine (Soul Food)

recognition that advances and empowers a

language (Ebonics, Gullah), literature

Many African cultures transmit their

people. It is a guiding direction that allows

(Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Olaudah

cultures down orally from generation to

for cohesive purpose amongst a people. It

Equiano), music (Hip-Hop, Rap) and reli-

generation as a means to preserve the

nurtures, shelters, and produces flames

gion (Christians, Muslims, Jews and tradi-

culture and pass it down to the next. African

symbolized by the youth who’ll undoubt-

tional practitioners). Much of the distinctive

Americans have retained this characteris-

edly toil hard in the face of adversity in

development of African American culture

tic through the art of rap and storytelling.




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