The Vindicator - December 2019

Page 32


Ending the stigma.


Sophia Pierce


What is Ban the Box?


A box by nature is limiting — everyone under-

“Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?”

stands this and wants to gain freedom. There is

and “Have you ever been suspended or expelled

even the common colloquialism individuals say

from a school?” are questions that are often on

when brainstorming: “Think outside the box.”

applications, and they serve no means of safety.

Well, for a growing portion of the population, box-

The questions further stigmatize and discriminate

es have become symbols of stigma and continual

against people with previous legal records. If the

punishment. Ban the Box is the fight to get rid of

true goal of the American Legal System is to cre-

the “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal of-

ate a safe and flourishing society for all, then we

fense?” question from applications. The campaign

should not continue to punish individuals based on

slogan, unfortunately, has become a familiar term

decisions of the past.

and gained national recognition amongst policy-

Sheer numbers alone show that the United States

makers, criminal justice educators and communi-

has an incredibly unjust legal system. America holds

ty activists and organizers alike. More commonly,

roughly five percent of the worlds’ human population

the term and campaign are used to rid the question

and 25 percent of the worlds’ prison population.

from employment applications. In our cause, we

With nearly 6.6 million people in prison, jail or on

the Cleveland State University chapter of the Ohio

some form of community control, it is safe to say

Student Association are pushing for the removal of

that our current state of mass incarceration has

the box from the student application at CSU.

become a social disaster and crisis.

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