2018 Impact Report

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Our Mission The Uni ty Counci l ’ s mi ssi on i s to promote soci al equi ty and i mprove qual i ty of l i fe by bui l di ng vi brant communi ti es where everyone can work, l earn, and thri ve. Our Vision We envi si on a j oyful , uni ted, and engaged communi ty where peopl e have the power to shape thei r l i ves. Board of Directors Rosy Daval os, Board Chai r Ral ph Hol mes, Board Secretary Cl audi a Burgos Mi chel l e Brega Jose Corona

a year's overview

WHERE WE ARE NOW As summer approaches, I reflect upon the end of the school year for my two sons and all of the summer activities we’ll plan together. Between baseball, traveling to national parks, and visiting family for a big boda in Tucson, I’m acutely aware of the incredible opportunities they have been afforded. My father’s childhood and mine looked entirely different than my sons'. My father was brought to the United States by his mother and stepfather when he was 13 years old. He was undocumented and did not speak the language. He attended Prescott and Maxwell Park International Academy in Oakland during a time when opportunities for youth of color were minimal.

Emi l i o Cruz Mi guel Duarte Si l vi a Guzman Ti m Law Mari ah Lafl eur Davi d Matz Casey Wi l l i ams Dani el Zamani Executive Leadership Chri s Igl esi as, Chi ef Executi ve Offi cer Eri n Patch, Chi ef Operati ng Offi cer Joyce Boyd, Vi ce Presi dent of Fi nance Armando Hernandez, Di rector of Communi ty Programs Aubra Levi ne, Di rector of Real Estate Devel opment Dana Kl ei nhessel i nk, Di rector of Devel opment & Communi cati ons Jae Mal donado, Communi ty Impact Manager Lui s Arenas, Di rector of Chi l dren & Fami l y Servi ces Tamara Connors, Di rector of Property Management Teresa Estrada, Di rector of Human Resources

Every morning, I look at the 1947 class picture of my father hanging in my office to remind myself of the importance of education of our youth and the struggle my father had to endure to get ahead in a world where odds were against him. Because of his battle and my experience as a first generation Mexican-American, I take my role as an advocate for Oakland youth personally. The reality is that not enough has changed since 1947; nearly half of all the young men of color in Oakland won’t make it to their high school graduation. Youth of color get fewer career opportunities and earn less than their white counterparts for years after high school. As a proud father of two young men and the son of a Mexican immigrant, it is my dream to see that every child in Oakland, regardless of their family’s income, background, or the color of their skin, be afforded the same opportunities to high school graduation and beyond. I’m thrilled to ring in 2019 as The Unity Council’s “Year of the Youth.” This year we’ll be bringing you stories and highlights about the impactful youth programs we deliver year-round to support the next generation. From systems change and advocacy to career exploration, to culturally rooted mentorship programs, we continue to invest in youth leaders. We have a long way to go before we reverse the decades of disinvestment in low-income neighborhoods and of the youth that live there. However, I’ve seen economic mobility within my own family, and I’m committed to building a community where all youth have the opportunity and resources to work, learn, and thrive. Sincerely,

Chris Iglesias, CEO Cover: Juana Pablo Perez, STEP participant, now using her multilingual skills at a law office in Oakland.


846 250


expectant mothers received prenatal child development services

children enrolled in early childhood education


of Latino Men & Boys seniors graduated on time

young men of color received mentoring and academic support

$1,537,000 returned directly to the community through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program


of clients seeking career counseling enrolled in an education or training program


hours of services provided through our Career Center


of housing counseling sessions resulted in actions to improve clients’ housing statuses


meals provided to children and seniors through our Head Start programs and senior center

4,487 hours of recreational activities offered to low-income seniors

$200,000 invested in cultural events and public art

100,000 people visited the Fruitvale during the Annual Dia de los Muertos festival

OUR COMMITMENT TO EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT East Oakland’s Fruitvale and like communities have historically been challenged by inequitable economic development, systemic racism, entrenched poverty, and lack of opportunity. Today our community faces additional pressures such as skyrocketing rents and opportunistic investors that can ultimately lead to displacement. In the face of such threats, The Unity Council remains committed to an equitable economic and real estate development strategy that benefits our community. Real estate development done right can lead to improved quality of life and the preservation of the people, small businesses, and non-profits that are the fabric of East Oakland. As part of our strategic plan we leveraged major donor contributions to triple our real estate development capacity and reach the following key milestones: The relaunch of our Real Estate Development Department. In September 2018, we relaunched the department to centralize and strengthen our real estate activities. The department’s main focus has been to increase, preserve, and acquire affordable housing units to increase our real estate portfolio. The Director of Real Estate Development, Aubra Levine, is a leader with a 10 year career in affordable housing. She has experience in every stage of development, from financing, to acquisition, to project management.

Posada De Colores Senior Housing rehab. Posada De Colores, our largest senior housing development, is an eight-story senior complex with 100 one-bedroom apartments. After nearly 40 years and hundreds of tenants, Posada de Colores will receive a 10 million dollar renovation. Not only does this mean a clean, new, and modern interior for residents, it also locks in affordability protection for another 50 years. The whole building will receive a comprehensive makeover affecting every unit, plus the outdoor façade, indoor community spaces, and landscaping. Casa Arabella is scheduled to open Fall 2019. Casa Arabella named to honor Arabella Martinez, TUC’s founder, and former CEO, will provide 94 units of transit-oriented permanent affordable housing to close to 400 residents whose household income is at or below 20-60% of the area median income. At least 21% of the units will be reserved for formerly homeless U.S. military veterans. This project is a publicprivate venture between The Unity Council, the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), and the City of Oakland. Predevelopment for the Fruitvale Transit Village Phase II-B. Fruitvale Village Phase IIB is the third and final stage of the awardwinning mixed-income, mixed-use, transit oriented development of the Fruitvale Transit Village by The Unity Council. In partnership with BRIDGE Housing, Phase II-B will provide 181 units of affordable family housing. Additionally, 46 of the units will be set aside for the region’s chronically homeless, with permanent supportive services. TUC’s leadership is currently working on getting public and private investments to fund the 155 million dollar project.

Building community spaces to live, work, and play


From a young age, Martin recognized that obtaining a higher education opened the doors to a world of opportunity and success. But despite being in the top three in his class at Oakland High and making school a priority, Martin found it difficult to find relevant and accessible college readiness resources as an immigrant and young man of color. With the guidance and structure from The Unity Council’s youth programs, Martin believes his goals are more attainable than ever. “Without a doubt, I am going to college,” says Martin. “I just didn’t expect to see so many barriers along the way.” Martin first began his journey with TUC three years ago attending the Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE) program where he received job training, internships, and ultimately, landed an after-school job at a local business. Most importantly, he was also able to create an educational game plan that went beyond high school. In January 2019, Martin was one of thirteen youth to join our pilot Youth Leadership Program (YLP). The six-month program was introduced after we recognized a need to develop advocacy skills in youth of color to address current issues in their communities such as racism, gentrification and sexual harassment. The program uses a lens of systems change for youth to envision what is necessary to eliminate structural oppression and to become involved in making change happen. In March, Martin visited Washington D.C. to attend a policy advocacy training hosted by UnidosUS. "It felt good to represent the Town." Martin is looking forward to his senior year next fall when he will apply to UC Berkeley and Stanford University as a Computer Science major. He credits TUC with steering him in the direction of college and career and empowering him to advocate for himself and his community.

“Without a doubt, I am going to college."







Financial Strength & Job Training: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Fruitvale Neighborhood Career Center Financial & Housing Support




Community Needs & Resources: Fruitvale Business Improvement District Senior and Family Affordable Housing Real Estate Development Peralta Service Corporation


Support for Kids, Parents, & Grandparents: Head Start & Early Head Start Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center Cal-SAFE



4% Programs for Teens & Young Adults: Success, Training, Education, Planning (STEP) Oakland Youth Engaged (OYE) Latino Men & Boys (LMB) Youth Leadership Program (YLP)

Asian 7% Black/African American 11%

STAFF RACE/ETHNICITY Our staff reflects the community we serve

Asian 8%

White 10%

Black/African American 13%

Latinx 61%

White 4%

Multirace/Other 11%

Latinx 69%

6% Multirace/Other

OYE is a career exploration program for Oakland youth 14-18


Grants & Contributions 11.5%

Earned Income 6.7%

Grants & Contributions Earned Income Rents Government

$ 2,713,357 $ 1,592,482 $ 6,414,376 $ 12,896,809


$ 23,617,024

Government 54.6%

Rents 27.2%


1.5% Real Estate


Early Childhood Development (Head Start)


17.1% Community Programs & Neighborhood Improvement

Expenses Real Estate Community Programs & Neighborhood Improvement Mission Support Early Childhood Development (Head Start) Fundraising

$ 5,458,520 $ 3,695,252 $ 1,679,204 $ 10,504,580 $ 318,774



7.8% Mission Support


$50,000 - $99,999

$25,000 - $50,000

Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Award The California Endowment Citi Foundation Youth Workforce Fund Crankstart Kaiser Permanente* NeighborWorks America The San Francisco Foundation*

Hellman Foundation Kenneth Rainin Foundation Sunlight Giving

Comcast NBC Universal Foundation Walter & Elise Haas Fund U.S. Bank Union Bank Warriors Community Foundation*

$10,000 - $24,999

$5,000 - $9,999.00

$1,000 - $4,999

Akonadi Foundation* Archstone Foundation California Health Care Foundation East Bay Community Foundation First Republic Bank* Heffernan Insurance Brokers Oakland Athletics* Pacific Gas & Electric Company* Southwest Airlines United Way Bay Area Wells Fargo*

AEG Management* BART* Branagh Construction, Inc* Cardenas Market Foundation* City National Bank* Der Manouel Insurance Group* Douglas Parking Five Point* Google Code Next* Jobs & Housing Coalition* John Muir Health* Kapor Center* Monterey Bay Aquarium* Northern California Carpenters Regional Council* Piper Jaffray Port of Oakland* Snohetta* The Swinerton Foundation Turner Construction Company Foundation

A&B Painting, Inc.* AC Transit* BRIDGE Housing Corporation* California State Lottery* Cricket Wireless* D-Line Constructors* East Bay Municipal Utilities Department (EBMUD)* East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)* El Rey Tequila* Golden 1 Credit Union* Latino Community Foundation* LiUna Local Union 304* PYATOK architecture + urban design Riaz Capital* RINA Accountancy Corporation* Roses' Taproom* SVA Architects, Inc.* Waste Management* Webcor Builders*

List reflects gifts received in fiscal year 2018. * denotes 2018 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Sponsor.

Become a Monthly Donor! Join our monthly giving circle at just $20 a month. It's easy, it's convenient, and it's effective. unitycouncil.org/donate Visit to start monthly giving today!

LMB is a culturally-rooted mentorship program for OUSD students

55 th

Anniversary Celebration September 5th, 2019

You are invited to celebrate our 55th year of promoting social equity on September 5th at the Oakland Marriott! We are excited to share our appreciation with every single one of our partners and supporters and build a strong foundation for 2020 and beyond. For sponsorship information, tickets, and more, visit www.unitycouncil.org/55

CONTACT US: 1900 Fruitvale Avenue. Suite 2A. Oakland, CA 94601 Tel: (510) 535-6900* Fax: (510) 534-7771 Â development@unitycouncil.org

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