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[Random Reviews] On Experimental College Lesbianism

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On White People Goings-Ons





By Dominic McDonald







out of six randomly put it in the side of my polled white friends bag to throw away later. of mine agree that white people will put a piece of trash in their pocket rather than throwing it on the ground. I came to this realization as I waited for the bus one day on 7th and Orange. I was By Michaël A. eating a Clif Bar and finished it, Veremans Esq. (vernietig romantiek) being irrevocaIt was only when I bly left with the wrapper. Even though the trash- found it during a class can was nearby the bus that I realized that this stop I decided to careful- was a strange behavior, ly fold the wrapper and holding onto trash, and I immediately equated it with the oversensitive oversensipseudomodern tive pseuEuroAmerican domodern girls really are better at everything, mentality.

t’s a common tale: liberal female college student sets out to resolve daddy issues through sexual experimentation. I’m speaking of the lesbian experience. Now, I’m no feminist, although I do sometimes worry that I use my womanhood as a crutch, but the thought becomes clear that there is no better way to prove you don’t need a man and have found true independence than to hook up with chicks. —— Hey, I said I wasn’t a This is an idea I endorse wholeheartedly, but it feminist is important to understand that there is a time and a place. The guidelines are as follows: all girl-on-girl action must be done without the accompaniment of males. This rule applies because this is exactly the kind of validation you’re trying to avoid. Only then will you realize that: (a) you don’t need a man,

(b) may seem like I want attention, but I really don’t want all of it, at least and (c) vaginas are nasty. I might also suggest that the when it comes to academics. other participant be straight and not a close friend. My professor in my black studAnd as a side note, if you are an avid listenies class has expressed to me that he er of K.D. Lang and the Indigo Girls, you should doesn’t believe that I am working to my avoid this experiment altogether—your roommates full potential. Well, I could have told are suspicious enough as it is. If this, howhim that. But he then asked one of the ever, is not a goal of yours and you still feel most difficult questions anyone has the need to validate and solidify your insecuever asked—w?h?y? rities by hooking up with random guys, then, I know why and I didn’t have all day to by all means, obtain a male audience. Perhaps explain. This is a personal problem that it’s unfair of me to assume women everywhere can I have faced in my life since I got a overcome deep psychological problems by hooking my first in a class. up with other girls—hell, it’s probably creating Here is the “honor stuSo to stay out of more. Oh well, you’re in college, you’re slutty, dent” slacking and (That’s a lot of the academic limeand you’ll pay for it later. making everyone he repre- people waiting light, I get my By Rachel Rufrano sents look bad. That’s the for me to fuck up ’s and thing see, I don’t want to [at least that’s averages and quietrepresent that many people, how I feel]). ly turn in my work, Right now I’m to avoid that fact as much as possible. at least not right now: no questions asked. in the middle of 1. My family 2. my generation 3. my culture 4. my historic predecessors a decision——— be the best student I can be. fin.


What I mean to say is that it’s a white people thing to hold onto trash rather than just throwin g


On Thinking, Therefore, Can’ting




Long Beach Union Weekly • The Students’ Newspaper

street. It’s as well. Our city streets are well kept and any trash would be soon discarded of. It’s courtesy, perhaps a fear of the ominously growing littering fine. people thing—closer than we thought.

Maybe it’s just a white to homelessness


22 October 2007

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