The Trip 01

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KaTie chappell illUsTraTor


Aren’t those there illustrations lovely. Yes they are.

have been the artists inspiring and motivating Katie.

when there is a story or a message or a meaning

Lovely is a good word to describe everything about

But it isn’t just fellow artists that get her creative

behind it. I am not a fan of fiddly decorative stuff...

Katie Chappell and her illustrations it seems.

juices flowing. “I take influences from everything

unless it’s got owls on it. I do like owls.” All the

around me; art, food, travel, people, conversations. I

morals and righteousness goes out the window for a

/// Based in Newcastle and Sunderland, Katie lives

like to think the illustrations that come out are just a

bit of owl. Quite right.

with her flatmates Jill (human) and Cornelius

big mash up of all the information I’ve absorbed. It’s

(hamster), and drinks lots of tea. She has just

all a bit subconscious, innit?”

/// So the future seems so bright for our young

completed the second year of her BA(hons) in

/// In this day and age, perhaps it is even more

illustrator. As already mentioned, she graduates next

Illustration and Design, and will graduate in June

important than ever for an artist or illustrator to have

year when she then plans to move south to get a job

2012. The love of drawing and illustration she has,

their own style. The growth of this new internet thing

as a successful professional picture drawer. By

started at a very young age, “I’ve always drawn stuff...

means that it is much easier to catch plagiarism and

succesful, Katie means “Someone who can make

my earliest memories of drawing are of sitting at my

copy cat designs. So as important as influences are, it

enough money from illustration to live comfortably

Granny and Grandpa’s house with a pile of printer’s

seems as though the young illustrator is all about

and enjoy what they do!” Unfortunately it’s a lot

paper (my Grandpa was a retired printer) and asking

having her own, strong individual style shine through

more difficult to be able to do that up in the North

them what I should draw next. I haven’t stopped

in her work. “It makes me so angry when you can see

East, but hopefully one day we’ll be able to support

drawing since.” When we asked if there was any

that someone has just ripped off another artist,

the likes of Katie, so they don’t have to head to the

particular artists and illustrators who could take the

especially if they are making money out of it. Where

big smoke to keep afloat.

blame for this, she told us that Quentin Blake had

are your morals, people!?” There are none Katie,

illustrated most of the books she read as bedtime

there are none... “Scribbly, sometimes colourful.” is

stories, there were Mabel Lucie Atwell pictures

how Katie describes her own style. Short but accurate.

hanging around the house and grew up admiring this

We’d also add amazing and meaningful into that,

work, among the work of others, such as Nick Sharratt.

scribbly, amazing, meaningful and sometimes

/// More recently, Marc Johns and David Shrigley

colourful. “llustration is so much more interesting

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