The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre + Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Reem Al-Kayyem
Short walk/ stroll 31% Long walk, hike 29% Centre based walking 27% Visited a country park 27% Mountain biking 20%
Visited an historic house 49% Visited a religious building 34% Visited a visitor/heritage centre 24%
Sightseeing by car 38% Borders Shopping 26% Borders Trying local food 38%
Top tourist activities in the Scottish Borders
Visitors come to the borders mainly to enjoy the landscape and the physical activities in which are incorporated. Passive activities and lifelong learning opportunities such as wildlife watching, painting, photography are among the areas for improvement recommended by the Scottish borders tourism strategy. Additionally visitors are encouraged to pass on and share their visually documented experience on social media, thus, increasing the access to a wide number of prospective visitors. The focus of the centre is to enhance the visual experience of the place by combining the physical activity of walking with the visual experience of site seeing and documentation. The position of the centre is the middle of a spectacular natural spot makes it a good departure point for the walking routes designed by the local council. These walking routes provide the opportunity for a wide range of people who are interested in nature and wild life observation, documentation, painting, photography or simply enjoying the wilderness. Routes maps and site relations The site of the centre is connected to the walking routes proposed by the Scottish border council. The routes pass through several points of attraction, i.e natural scenery, heritage sites, biodiversity and scientific interest locations. The site is also, easily located to the main transportation routes. The map to the left explain the walking routes and attractions. Landscape Centre Location Walking Routes in Scottish Borders
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre
• Photography, Workshops Workshops / /seminar seminar painting and art room room
Community Workshops Workshops / /studio studio
• Workshops room. room. andITITcourses • Enjoy the Photography Photography studio studio surrounding Cafe Cafe landscape
activities IT ITroom. room. • Courses and workshopsstudio Photography Photography studio Gallery. Gallery.
Art and Culture •Workshops Exhibitions Workshops / /studio studio • Art studios IT IT room/ room/ Printing Printing • IT facilities •Photography Photography Photography studio studio studios Dark Darkroom room
Tourism • SiteGallery seeing Gallery • Art exhibitions shop • Cafeshop
Nature • Site shop seeing shop and observation Café Cafétrails • Walking
Café Café
Camera Cameraobscura obscura
Camera Cameraobscura obscura
Gallery Gallery Workshops / studio Workshops / studio Gallery Working Workingspaces spaces IT room/ Printing IT room. shop Cafe Cafe Photography studio Photography studio Café Required Requiredfacilities facilitiesand andtheir theirestimated estimatedspace spacepercentage percentage Dark room Cafe Camera obscura
Workshops Café Café/ seminar room Camera Cameraobscura obscura IT room. Photography studio Gallery.
shop Café Camera obscura
Café Camera obscura
Gallery Gallery
Cafe Cafe
Working Working spaces spaces
Camera Camera obscura obscura
Working spaces
Camera obscura
Photography studio Photography Photography studio studio
Working spaces
IT IT room room
Dark Dark room room
Stair Stair
Reception Reception
Required facilities and their estimated space percentage
Dark room
In addition to enjoying the natural scenery, tourists can participate in the photography and art activities. Locals and visitors who are interested in art can use the gallery and the printing and development facilities. Additional attractions for all the users are the café and camera obscura. The main functions thus will be for education, training, entertainment, art & culture, and tourism. Our future vision for the centre is to be a focal point for visual arts and culture in the region. Advertising our services, improving the interaction with people and expanding our activities to cover broader range of people and interests can achieve this. The physical spaces that will accommodate these expandable and changing activities should be flexible and adaptable for different uses in the future. This is achieved by the open plans for most of the spaces and depending on movable partitions for future change.
Site connections and visual relationship with landscape
IT room
Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Programmatic proposition Defining the functions that should be integrated in the project depends on recognising the potential users and their needs. The centre will target the local community and external visitors as well. As for the community the main objective of the centre is to relate the people with the nature and visual art. People can benefit from the workshops and courses, which thewww centre provides. Students and youth can also have workshops, projects and training opportunities.
Class/seminar Class/seminar rooms rooms
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile
Reem Al-Kayyem
Class/seminar rooms
+ Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
and Landscape Architecture Edinburgh School of Architecture MSc Programmes in and Landscape Architecture Advanced Sustainable Design MSc Programmes in Advanced Sustainable Design
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre
Public space
Camera Obscura
Semi-public space Edinburgh School of Architecture Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Semi-private space and Landscape Architecture MSc Programmes in MSc Programmes in Service Advanced Sustainable Design Advanced Sustainable Design
+ Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture + Textile Community Centre Programmes in + Mobile Kids MSc Advanced Sustainable Design + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre Edinburgh School of ArchitectureWater + Borders and Landscape Architecture + Skills Traditional MSc Programmes in Advanced Sustainable Design + Open Textile Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Photography IT Lab
Cafe Reception
Volumetric proposition The volumetric position of the different facilities takes into consideration the design generators matrix, which defines the priorities for each of the project components. The public facilities are situated directly at the main east entrance. The café took the south direction for maximum view and heat gain, while the gallery took the north direction, as its façade will be mostly closed.
Design generators strength 1-5 View
The first floor accommodates public facilities with less frequency. The classes/ seminar rooms are at the south for better sun light and heat gain, while the IT lab is at the north part. The café in the ground floor will continue to the first floor taking the southeast corner. The second floor follows the slope of the site and it contains private working spaces for public rent. These places are situated at the south façade. The photography studio and dark room are at the north side of the building. The building ends with a rear entrance that intersects with the walking path through the forest. Above the entrance, at the highest level of the building people can enjoy the views
Environmental sustainability: Nature awareness The outdoor workshops will take place in the immediate surrounding environment. The site of the centre is characterised by a perfectly strategic location for the involvement with nature. Night and landscape photography, wild life observation, painting and walking will all improve local environmental knowledge and enhance the connection with the land, nature and other species.
Class/seminar rooms
Reem Al-Kayyem
Social sustainability: Education The centre aims to enhance the visual skills and experiences of children and students especially in aspects related to nature, heritage and culture. This is achieved by the various projects of painting, photography, and nature watching and observation linked to the current education curricula to top the students’ knowledge with visual experiences. As for Heriot Watt University, the centre aims for future collaboration in courses and workshops of visual arts. This is supported by the facilities that the centre provides, such as the photography studio, IT studio and printing and development facilities.
Working spaces
Direct sunlight
Public accessibility
Indirect illumination
Flexibility in use
IT lab & printing
Classes/seminar rooms
Private working places
Phtography studio
Dark room
Camera obscura & observation deck
Rear Entrance
1 5 The Resilient Borders Project Rear Entrance Prospectus Document Border Visual Landscape Centre
Building proposition 1
Ground Floor
Reception and shop
Rear Entrance
2 Café (GF level) The Resilient Borders Project Prospectus Document 11 3 Services Border Visual Landscape Centre Main Entrance 4
Building proposition
Café (First floor level)
Class/ seminar rooms
Reception and shop
Café (GF level)
Private working spaces.
IT Lab and printing facilities
Café (First floor level)
Camera Obscura and observation tower
Main Entrance
Class/ seminar rooms
Private working spaces.
IT Lab and printing facilities
Main Entrance
First Floor
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre + Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Reem Al-Kayyem
Building Sustainability The building blends with the natural landscape and aims to make the best of the assets that the site grants. Being in a relatively isolated rural spot, gives stronger impetus for an environmentally responsive design. Therefore, the building mainly uses local building materials, and mixes passive and active strategies by using sun energy for natural lighting and heating, and wind for natural ventilation. The building form is longitudinal and the main spaces are directed to the south in order to use the natural sunlight. The main circulation axis (atrium), is also is lit by
skylights that run from the east to the west. Ventilation wind catchers are positioned to derive the natural unobstructed fresh south wind into the building. Thermal mass In order to retain the heat that we gain from the ample south facades and the heat produced by occupants and equipment, the internal slabs are made of concrete. The lower heated air will then naturally rises to the top. For heat loss reduction, a tight envelope seals the building. The external facades are cladded with pre weathered wood cladding and thermal insulation. Using local wood is also important for reducing the
transportation costs and CO2 emissions. Strategies Natural lighting: Large south windows and skylights Solar energy: PV roof panels Solar heat: Large south windows and thermal mass for heat storage. Ventilation: Ventilation chimneys and manually operable windows Straw biomass is used for hot water and additional heating. Local wood is used for cladding the external walls
Solar Gain
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Natural Ventilation + Heat Exchanger
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre + Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Reem Al-Kayyem
Ground Level
First Level
First level plan
Roof Level
Second level plan
Section AA Detail 1
Detail 2
Drawing scale 1/200
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile
Detail 3
Section AA
Section BB 1/50 Drawing scale Detail 4
Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Section BB
Roof level plan
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre + Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Reem Al-Kayyem
Drawing scale 1/20
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 4
Drawing scale 1/20
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 4
The Resilient Visual Borders Landscape Project Centre + Programme and Place + Prospectus + Prototype
Reem Al-Kayyem
Other Resilient Borders 2016 Projects + Textile Centre + Textile Community Centre + Mobile Kids + Borders Design Incubator + Wellbeing Centre and Market + Borders Visual Landscape Centre + Borders Water + Skills Traditional + Open Textile Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture M.Sc. Advanced Sustainable Design 2016
Exploded Axonometry