Pet Flakes / Plastic Architecture

Page 13

Thermoplastics also belong to the category phase

production methods using PET by setting up digital

changing materials. A phase-changing material

work flows that are constantly fed with data by the

(PCM) is a substance with a high heat of fusion that

material system. After a series of experiments to

has the ability to melt and solidify at a certain tem-

fully understand the behavior of the raw material,

perature. Exploiting their endothermic and exother-

the project develops structure methodologies using

mic reactions using the latent heat of fusion, they

sensor-based generative design methods con-

are capable of storing and releasing large amounts

nected to customized fabrication hardware. Finally,

of energy based on the energy stored in the chemi-

the ultimate goal of this research is to propose ap-

cal bonds. So far the uses of PCMs concern their

plication of PET in architecture allowing a potential

application in thermal modification matters in multi-

construction of structures on site.

ple scales. Their possible exploitation in the design world could create structures able to be constantly transformed with the implementation of heat. Within a wide variety of available of plastics, the raw material for the research project should be something that would combine the properties of thermoplastics but at the same time be accessible and easy to find. For this reason, PET plastic was the most appropriate choice. PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is one of the most commonly used food packaging plastic. It is commonly recycled, and has the number “1� as its recycling symbol. While most thermoplastics can, in principle, be recycled, PET bottle recycling is more practical than many other plastic applications. The primary reason is that plastic carbonated soft drink bottles and water bottles, which are widely spread in the market and create a surplus of post-consumer waste, are almost exclusively made of PET. This type of thermoplastic has the ability to create clear and smooth surfaces and is an excellent barrier to water and carbon dioxide. It is very resistant to high impacts, shatters, solvents and can contain hot content without dissolving. The abundance of PET plastic in post-consumer waste and its chemical and physical properties were crucial for its choice. The purpose of this project is to investigate a range of design and

Project Thesis 13

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