23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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The parish of saint Mary

A Catholic Community Proclaiming the Greatness of God in our Time


Phone:732-780-2666 Fax:732-780-0394

Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton: Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C. M.

Pastor: Reverend Fr. Jeffrey E. Lee

Pastor Emeritus: Reverend Fr. William J. Bausch

Parish Trustees: Annette Raynor & Roger Zurro



Parish Office Summer Hours

Please note our Fall/Winter office hours began on September 3rd On Tuesday’s, the Parish Office will open at 2:00 pm and close at 7:30 pm. There will be no morning hours on Tuesday’s. Any questions, please call the office at (732)-780-2666. The Parish Office will also be open Sunday September 8, 9am - 1pm

Mass Intentions for:

Saturday September 7 2024 - Sunday September 15 2024

Saturday, September 7– 4PM

Pro Populo

George J. Rimmele * Barbara Saake

Anita Stutz * Jane Slattery

Sunday, September 8 –8AM

Helen and John Sionas by Eileen and Michael Stivala, Jr.

John Grabowski * Eileen and Michael Stivala, Jr.

Anne DiFedele * Alice Ganley


Gina Marie Albano * Danielle Hennessey

Frank Wojtaszek * Joseph and Barbara Hagner

Steven Parkes * Parkes Family


Special Intention * Bob Amling

Robert A. & Mary Joan McNamara * The McNamara Family

Marie Rachele Ambrosio * The Gruenling Family

Monday, September 9 - 9AM

Daniel P. McGarry Jr. * Adria Retacco

Tuesday, September 10 - 9AM

Virginia Hamlin * The Orricos

Wednesday, September 11- 9AM

Lawrence Patrick Dickinson * Dickinson-Pancila Family

Audrey K. Boglioli * Jane Slattery

Thursday, September 12 - 9AM

Dennis Jacques * Angela and Tom Kinlin

Friday, September 13 - 9AM

Joseph Turkovic * Turkovic Family

Saturday, September 14- 4PM

Paul Sharkey * Verga Family

Ralph DeBiase * Diane Carnevale

Sergio and Francisco Dos Santos * Dos Santos Family

Sunday September 15 - 8AM

Pro Populo

Walene & Sil Lutkewitte * Louise & Bob Lutkewitte

Arthur Austin * Peter and Natalie Franco


Luigi Cantatore * Gabbard family

Agnes Brunner * John and Molly Aiello

Frances Bonus * St. Mary's Choir


Eleanor and Patrick Walsh * Maureen Beyer

Ted Ziemienski * Nancy Campbell

Richard Tipaldi * Eric & Paola DiNapoli

Mass Intention Requests

Requests can be made in person by stopping at the parish office, or online HERE. Suggested stipend is $10.


Jack Coppola

Bill Donahue ~ Kaitlin Donahue Nagle ~ Lori Lettieri

Lauren vinci


Dawn Reinhardt

Jeff McBride

Owen Shoemaker

Gerard Thompson

Joyce daniele ~ Peter Vickers ~ Robert a . monaco, md

Rose walch

Toaddorremoveafamilymemberfromthesicklistpleasee-mailONLY parishbulletin@stmaryscoltsneck.org Please,also,keepusupdatedonyourlovedone’shealth. Nameswillberemovedfromthelistafter3months.ThankyouforkeepingourParishinformed.

Lifelong Catechesis - Week of September 8– September 14


23st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37

MONDAY September 9

1 Cor 5:1-8/Lk 6:6-11

TUESDAY September 10

1 Cor 6:1-11/Lk 6:12-19

WEDNESDAY September 11

1 Cor 7:25-31/Lk 6:20-26

THURSDAY September 12

1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Lk 6:27-38

FRIDAY September 13

1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Lk 6:39-42

SATURDAY September 14

Nm 21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17

Almighty and eternal God, those who take refuge in you will be glad and forever will shout for joy. Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety, that with all who love them, they may ever praise you for your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Pray for Military & First Responders

AMT Colton Boag, USCG

LCpl Devon Francis Chrzan, USMC

Col. John Anthony Coppola, US Army

TSgt Stephen Witherow, USAF

LCpl Edward Zarzecki, USMC


Question for Children: How do you shun others whom you don’t like?

Question for Youth: Who are the people in our world today who sometimes go unnoticed? What could you to do to help them?

Question for Adults: In what ways do you discriminate in your heart against those whom you judge less than fully worthy?

Life Long Catechesis

Lt. Col. Douglas Coppola, US Army


Lt. Mary Herman, USN

SN Christian Houlihan, USN


LT. Jason Joseph Howe, USN

SPC Michael John Mento, US Army

LTJG Matthew Motola, USN

LCpl Bradley O’Ree, USMC

SPC Nicholas Poskonka, US Army

Captain Richard Savo, US Army

1st Lt. Adam Sjoholm, US Army

Captain Ryan Tanguay, US Army

Sanctuary Lamp

Consider donating the sanctuary lamp that burns in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church or Chapel in honor of a living or deceased loved one. One intention is accepted per week (Sunday - Saturday) for the Lamp. The suggested donation is $25. Request online HERE.

Andrew J. Macirowski - Pastoral Coordinator for Worship & Music / Principal Organist Worship@stmaryscoltsneck.org

Ordinary Time III (Autumn)

Ordinary Time is divided into two parts. The first portion occurs after the end of the Christmas Season and the Baptism of the Lord. Ordinary Time is then interrupted by the seasons of Lent and Easter. It resumes following the Solemnity of Pentecost at the end of the Easter Season.

This second “half” is much larger than the first and some communities place a division within this portion. As the title of this article suggest, this last part of Ordinary Time occurs in the Autumn months, the exact time of year is left up to the local parishes, or may not be observed as a time of change at all. It is a busy time of year in both the liturgical and civic calendars. In our parish, we will begin this year following Labor Day weekend, continuing with the Exaltation of the Cross and concluding with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, this season also includes: The Solemnity of All Saints, The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, our annual Ecumenical Service with the Colts Neck Reformed Church, and the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in our parish.

The liturgical color of the vestments remains green, but a keen eye will notice a different shade, in line with the changing of the colors in the natural world around us.

Toward the end of this season, there is a shift in the tone of the Sunday readings towards the end of time. This section of readings from about the 30th week onward are referred to as the “last weeks (or days) of Ordinary time” referring both to the content of the readings and the more literal nature of the season coming to an end.

Here in our parish, the musical setting of the Mass changes to Tony Alonso’s Mass for Joy & Peace. This is a modern setting, incorporating mildly syncopated rhythms with a very simple harmonic structure, a verse/refrain style Gloria, and other frequenting repeated motive which foster familiarity among the assembly. The chanting of the propers for communion continues, as this is the preferred option according to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. At certain celebrations, a hymn may be equally appropriate and those will be utilized as well. This year, we have also begun to use Peter Latona’s Mass in Honor of the Immaculate Conception in weekday Masses in the chapel.

Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor, 540-604

Best known in this age, perhaps, for the chants that take his name, Pope Gregory contributed much to the Church besides a music form. Born and raised in a patrician family at a time when the Roman Empire was disintegrating, Gregory received the best education available in Rome and began his career as a public official. At the age of thirty, the Lombard invasion came alarmingly near Rome. Gregory, who was then prefect of Rome, the highest civil office in the city, showed some of the wisdom and leadership that were to characterize him later and helped to avert the invasion.

Gregory felt a higher calling, however, and eventually left civil service to devote himself to God. Though he was one of the richest men in Rome, Gregory gave up his wealth to turn his house into a monastery under the patronage of St. Andrew. Shortly after, the pope ordained him as a deacon and sent him as ambassador to the emperor’s court in Constantinople.

Recalled to Rome in about 586, Gregory returned to his monastic life and was soon elected abbot of his community. In 590, a terrible plague hit Rome and among its victims was the pope. Gregory was immediately and unanimously elected pope, and consecrated pope on September 3, 590.

Soon after becoming pope, Gregory wrote the Regula Pastoralis, a work that addresses the office of a bishop. In it, he declared that a bishop should, first and foremost, be a physician of souls whose chief duties are preaching and the enforcement of discipline. The work was an immediate success and for hundreds of years provided the guidance for the pastoral mission of a bishop.

Read More HERE.

Ministry Schedule: 24nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 14 & 15

Saturday, 14 4 PM

Grace Collins NOT FILLED

Bridget Farrow

Jennifer Stubbs NOT FILLED

Sunday, 15 8 AM

Sunday, 15 10 AM

Alexander Lennnon Sophia Lennon

Gabriella Penczak Eva Tomasetti

Carly York

Carly York

Joe Ventura Charles Young

OH - Louise Habrack

TH - Elvira Dapul MD

TH - Monica Barr

ALT - Susan Murphy

OH - Marsha Grigoli

TH - Cindy Ventura

TH - Joseph Flanagan

ALT - Gina Shute

OH - Sue Fitzpatrick

Barbara Schaflin

Mary Ellen Griffin

Sunday, 15 12 PM

Jack Schatzle NOT FILLED

Diane Dragone


Grantus,OLord,totrustinyouwithallour hearts;for,asyoualwaysresisttheproudwho confideintheirownstrength,soyouneverforsakethosewhomaketheirboastofyourmercy; throughJesusChristourLord,wholivesand reignswithyouandtheHolySpirit,oneGod, nowandforever.Amen.(LectionaryPage.net)

Baptismal Preparation Session

St Mary Parish is offering our next Baptismal Preparation Session on: SUNDAY, September 8, 2024 at 1:00 PM Pre-registrationisrequired aweekinadvance.

Contact Us

Paul Tonacci

Barbara Schaflin

TH - Emily Santangelo (Sub Req)

TH - Dawn Reinhardt

ALT - Fran Vaina

OH - Patricia Gesner

TH - Tom Nathanson

TH - Liz Turkovic

ALT - lee Gesner


The Grotto Candles are available for your prayer intentions. Offering is $3.00 per candle.

Please remember in your prayers those who have recently died.

Richard Doherty

Mary Ann Anselmo

Darryl Turkaly

James Desmond Smyth

Giuseppe Antonio “Tony” Apolito, fatherofParishionerDr.RenatoApolito

Faith Formation

Julia Cullen - Pastoral Coordinator of Faith Formation / Religion Ed

ReligiousEd@stmaryscoltsneck.org 732-780-2666 X 309

Religious Education Calendar

14 September 2024

Confirmation Prep Orientation Grades 7&8, 4 PM Mandatory for Students &Parents

15 September 2024

Fall RE Orientation & Blessing mass Grades 1-6 beginning at 12PM mass and following in the church

15 September 2024

Confirmation Retreat

9th Grade Confirmandi & sponsor and/or parent Mandatory, 12 PM, Church

17 September 2024 Fall RE begins, Grades 1-6

22, 24 September 2024

Confirmation Prep Class

22, September 2024

Fall Movie Day Intergenerational beginning at 12 PM mass SIGN UP HERE

29, September 2024

First Holy Communion rehearsal beginning at 12 PM mass (see sacramental box for more details)

Get your spooky on at our Annual Intergenerational Event:

DAY: Saturday, 26 October 2024

TIME: beginning at 4 PM mass, continuing in Madonna Hall THEME: Saints & Superhero’s

May God Bless our children and RE families as we begin another school year! Please take a look at the RE calendar, as we have many events coming up in the next few months. Including celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. This year, our theme for Halloween Halls is Saint & Superhero’s and we will be having a walk through, not so scary Haunted House in Madonna Hall. Please sign up today to help out and decorate a table!


Confirmation (9th graders) Rehearsal: Saturday, 12 October, 2024 - beginning at the 4PM mass

Confirmation will be celebrated on: Friday, 18 October, 2024 beginning at 4 PM sharp

First Holy Communions & Rehearsal/Retreat

Schedule: 10/6 10AM Communion- Rehearsal/Retreat: Sun, September 29, 2024 12pm mass 10/13 10 AM Communion- Rehearsal/Retreat: Sun, October 6, 2024 12pm mass 10/20 12 PM Communion- Rehearsal/Retreat: Sun, October 13, 2024 12pm mass


2024 - 2025

• 2024 - 2025 RE Calendar grades 1-8

• 24/25 Fall RE Calendar grades 1-6

• Parent - Student 24/25 Handbook

• Intergenerational List

• Intergeneneration Recording

• Attendance Link

Martha Mary Guild Clothing Sale !

St. Mary's Martha Mary Guild Will Be Holding Their Annual Clothing Sale:

September 5th 10:00AM - 5:00PM

September 6th 10:00AM - 5:00PM

September 7th 10:00AM - 5:00PM

September 8th 10:00AM - 2:00PM

Huge selection of men's, women's, children's clothes, shoes & accessories.

These are the organizations that benefited from the 2023 Clothing Sale:

Sisters of Mercy Convent Maintenance

Yamba Uganda Collier Youth Services

Sisters of St. Joseph Retirement Fund

Mercy Center

Mary's Place

No Limits Cafe

Soul Kitchen

Special Olympics, NJ




Help the Martha Mary Guild with clean-up after the Clothing Sale on September 8 from 2-4 p.m. and earn community service hours.

Meet at Madonna Hall at 2 p.m.

Thank You !

My Dear Parishioners:

Quo vadis...

Today we celebrate the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In terms of Christian discipleship, we must hear and come to know Jesus before we can proclaim who he is. Looking to mighty deeds that we think may be unfolding around us today— reports of miracles, etc.—is not where this gospel leads us. Rather, the gospel leads us to see Christ in the little things around us—the caring touch, the encouraging smile, the unexpected friendly phone call—and interpret these as “mighty deeds.” We ought to be “astonished” today by the many manifestations of God’s presence in and through the people around us. We ought to be astonished at how God uses us as instruments to proclaim the good news of salvation. We ought to be so keyed into Jesus’ presence that we, too, cannot contain ourselves but must proclaim these mighty deeds.

It is hard to believe that summer is quickly coming to a close. We have had a wonderful string of beautiful days, some mild weather and some extremely hot an humid weather. This year there has been a larger than usual number of butterflies on our campus. There also seems to be an increase number of mosquitos around town. Make some time to enjoy the nice days ahead for us to enjoy. Take the time to enjoy the outdoors during the months of September and October. Taking regular walks is a nice way for fresh air and some good exercise.

Our staff have been working diligently throughout the summer months to care for the needs of our parishioners. They are preparing for upcoming events this fall and winter. I have been encouraged by the spirit of cooperation and teamwork they exemplify. I trust that their hopefilled spirit is a source of leaven to all in our parish community.

This coming Wednesday, 11 September 2024 is the anniversary of that day when our country was attacked and innocent life was taken from among us. We will offer prayers for those who died that day as well as for their survivors whose lives were forever changed. May we never forget those whose lives were suddenly ended, their families and our great nation.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are or will be returning to school. Let us support our young people in their desire to learn the subjects that will enable them to be productive citizens and successful in their careers. Let us pray for their teachers and guides to encourage their students as they seek the truth about our great country and the responsibility to hand on the gift of freedom to generations who will follow us. I am away taking some days. Have a great week. Let us remember one another in prayer.

Happy Sunday. Peace. Father Jeff

Sharing Our Treasure

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

Corporate Matching

Several firms and corporations offer matching gift programs to benefit religious organizations, charities and other nonprofits to promote philanthropy amongst their employees. St Mary Parish is a registered charitable organization with the IRS and is also listed in GuideStar which is required by some of the corporate matching gift programs. Please consult with your employer to sign up for their matching gift program. If you have any question or need help signing St Mary Parish for corporate matched contributions, please contactEdwinattheParishOffice,732-780-2666x312. Thankyouforyoursupport!

Please remember the Parish of Saint Mary in your will.. By naming St. Mary in your will or trust, you will provide a lasting gift that will greatly help St. Mary and our parishioners.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sign-in for our Online Giving system to make your parish offerings from your bank account or Credit Card!

To set up an online giving account please visit https://giving.parishsoft.com/smcn Alternatively, just Text SUNDAY to (732)-889-7800 and follow the instructions to complete your offering. Should you require our assistance setting up your new account, please call the parish office at (732)780-2666.

You can also download the Connect Now Giving App for Android or iOS.Thank you for your continuous support!

As of September 3 2024

THANK YOU ! For all your efforts in supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal! Please continue to make your pledge payments so that our parish can receive the maximum rebate. If you haven't made a pledge yet please go to www.dioceseoftrenton.org/catholicappeal to send your gift electronically. Make sure to select St. Mary Catholic Church, Colts Neck in the Parish Affiliation box so we can receive credit for your gift.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

through November 11th at the parish office.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius are a core offering at Francis House which deepen your capacity for prayer and intimacy with God, free you from attachments, clarify your purpose and teach discernment of spirits, the art of finding God in all things. Below are our 3 ways:


10 Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:30 PM

September 11 February 5

October 9 March 5

November 6 April 2

December 4 April 16

January 8 May 7

Please give yourself the gift of this retreat that invites you to pray with Scriptures each day using the format of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. We will use The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, by Karen Keen and The Gift of Spiritual Intimacy by Monty Williams, SJ. Donation: $200


34 Tuesdays 3:00 – 4:30 PM

September 17 – May 27

On Zoom to alleviate travel each week. In this full version, we will experience the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius which corresponds to a 30-day retreat at a retreat house. You are committing to one hour of prayer every day and a weekly meeting. We will use The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, by Karen Keen and The Gift of Spiritual Intimacy by Monty Williams, SJ. Donation: $450

The proceeds of which will benefit New Jersey Right to Life, the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, dedicated to protecting all human life from conception to natural death.

Tickets are available UNTIL November 11th for $10 each in the Parish Office.

The prizes this year are:

1st Prize 2025 Volvo XC40 AWD SUV

2nd Prize $1,000 ShopRite Gift Card

3rd Prize $750 ShopRite Gift Card

4th Prize - $500 ShopRite Gift Card

Please show your support for LIFE by buying a raffle ticket. The cost is $10.00 per ticket.


10 Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:30 PM

September 11 February 5

October 9 March 5

November 6 April 2

December 4 April 16

January 8 May 7

We will use To Walk with Christ by Laurence Gooley, SJ as our guide through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and read Jesuit James Martin’s The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything, between sessions. Donation: $200

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