31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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The parish of saint Mary

A Catholic Community Proclaiming the Greatness of God in our Time


Phone:732-780-2666 Fax:732-780-0394

Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton: Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C. M.

Pastor: Reverend Fr. Jeffrey E. Lee

Pastor Emeritus: Reverend Fr. William J. Bausch

Parish Trustees: Annette Raynor & Roger Zurro

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 3, 2024

Solemnity of All Saints Mass Schedule

[The Parish of Saint Mary & Church of Saint Catharine]

The Parish of Saint Mary, Colts Neck Thursday, October 31, 4:00 PM Mass

Friday, November 1, 12:00 PM Mass

Church of St. Catharine, Holmdel: Friday, November 1, 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM Mass

Mass Intentions for:

Saturday November 2 2024 - Sunday November 10 2024

Saturday, November 2– 4PM

Pro Populo

Ed & Marge Eastman *Verga Family

Vaughn Bigelow Jr. * Jay and Joyce Flynn

Sunday, November 3–8AM

Pam Graboski * Rock Family

Carol M. Restrick * Jay and Joyce Flynn

Raymond S. Czarnecki * Alice Ganley 10AM

Billy Gabbard * Gabbard family

Dora Meeker * Parker Family

William Donohue * Jane Slattery


Special Intention * Bob Amling

Robert A. & Mary Joan McNamara * The McNamara Family

Fr. Xavier Vitacolonna, C.P. * Richard and Maria Gerbino

Monday, November 4 - 9AM

Rose Cassara * Charles and Sarah Gerace

Tuesday, November 5 - 9AM

Sharon Pellegrino * Mary Ellen Griffin

Wednesday, November 6 - 9AM

Darryl Turkaly * Michele Telesca

Thursday, November 7- 9AM

Rosario Maranan * Drs. Gener and Elvira Dapul

Monica Ryan * Philip and Anne Martinho


The 2025 Mass Intention Book is now open for requests throughout the year.

Requests will be time & date stamped when received to provide order of entry into the book. Submit your requests online click here or by printing and filling out our PDF click here Availability of dates is on a first come, first served basis. Please be sure to have several options for your desired dates so that we can accommodate you properly. Make sure to choose a combination of Sunday and weekday masses for your intentions. Christmas, Easter and the Sacred Triduum are not available for intentions. The suggested stipend for a Mass Intention is $10.00 and has been set by the N.J. Bishops in the Province of Newark. Stipends are to be paid at the time of submitting your request by cash, check. or credit card. If you need assistance, please contact the Parish Office at (732) 780-2666.

Friday, November 8– 9AM

Thomas Longobardi * Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Longobardi

Andrew Hagar * Anne-Marie & Ed Matthews

Saturday, November 9- 4PM

Christopher Munger * The Grabowski & Munger Families

Lillian Albano * Danielle Hennessey

Kendall L. Olson * James and Susan Gobat

Sunday November 10 - 8AM

Pro Populo

DeStefano/Albruno Families * Mr. and Mrs. Franceschetti

Mary and Michael Stivala, Sr. * Eileen and Michael Stivala, Jr. 10AM

Helene Dickinson * Dickinson-Pancila Family

Mary Jo Scibetta * Mom - Ann Marie Dayton

Teresa Anderson * Liz and Bob Vallis 12PM

Bruce Springsteen and Family, Friends and Band

Special intention* Monika Monjov

Stephen Kelly * Anita Sands and John Brown

All Souls Remembrance ForthemonthofNovember

It is the Church’s custom to reserve the month of November for the remembrance of all the faithful departed. Please use your All Souls envelope to write the names of those loved ones you would like to remember and kindly drop it in the collection boxes anytime by November 1st. The envelopes will be wrapped and placed near the tabernacle, and an intention will be added to the prayer of the faithful in the Masses celebrated on All Souls Day and during the month of November. Online givers can also send in their All Souls remembrance thru our online giving system at GIVE ONLINE HERE

Thank you for preserving our Catholic traditions and honoring those who have gone before us.

Msgr. Troiano 45th Anniversary of Ordination. Sunday November 24th 12 Noon Mass and Reception to follow: Narthax / Gathering Space

Lifelong Catechesis - Week of November 3– November 9


31 Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dt 6:2-6/Heb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28b-34

MONDAY November 4

Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14

TUESDAY November 5

Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24

WEDNESDAY November 6

Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33

THURSDAY November 7

Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10

FRIDAY November 8

Phil 3:17 4:1/Lk 16:1-8

SATURDAY November 9

(Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22

Almighty and eternal God, those who take refuge in you will be glad and forever will shout for joy. Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety, that with all who love them, they may ever praise you for your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Pray for Military & First Responders

AMT Colton Boag, USCG

Col. John Anthony Coppola, US Army

TSgt Stephen Witherow, USAF

LCpl Edward Zarzecki, USMC


Question for Children: How often do you put God first in your life? Do you think you can love others as much as you love yourself?

Question for Youth: What do you think Jesus meant when he said to the scribe, “You are not far from the reign of God”?

Question for Adults: When you heard the Greatest and New Commandments, which one should you improve on in your own life?

Life Long Catechesis

Lt. Col. Douglas Coppola, US Army

~ Lt. Mary Herman, USN

SN Christian Houlihan, USN ~

LT. Jason Joseph Howe, USN

SPC Michael John Mento, US Army

LTJG Matthew Motola, USN

LCpl Bradley O’Ree, USMC

SPC Nicholas Poskonka, US Army

Captain Richard Savo, US Army

1st Lt. Adam Sjoholm, US Army

Captain Ryan Tanguay, US Army


Lori Lettieri

Jack Coppola

Kaitlin Donahue Nagle

Lauren vinci

Dawn Reinhardt

Gerard Thompson

Rose walch

Joyce daniel

Robert a . monaco, md

Jeff McBride

Owen Shoemaker

Peter Vickers

Toaddorremoveafamilymemberfromthesicklistpleasee-mailONLY parishbulletin@stmaryscoltsneck.org. Please,also,keepusupdatedonyourlovedone’shealth. Nameswillberemovedfromthelistafter3months.ThankyouforkeepingourParishinformed.



Saint Charles Borromeo, Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent

Bishop Charles Borromeo lived during the time of the Protestant Reformation, and helped to lead the Church during the final years of the Council of Trent and the counter-reformation movement. Although he belonged to the Milanese nobility and was related to the powerful Medici family, Charles desired to devote himself to the Church. In 1559, when his uncle, Cardinal de Medici was elected Pope Pius IV, he made Charles cardinal-deacon and administrator of the Archdiocese of Milan while still a lay person. Charles was entrusted with several important offices connected with the Vatican, and later appointed secretary of state with responsibility for the papal states. Soon after being ordained a priest at age 25, Borromeo was consecrated bishop of Milan. After the Protestant Reformation, the Council of Trent was formed to counter the reformation. Borromero is often given credit for keeping the Council of Trent in session when at several points it was on the verge of breaking up. Borromeo encouraged the pope to renew the Council in 1562, after it had been suspended for 10 years.

Outcomes of the Council include:

Reformed the Church's internal life and discipline, and addressed allegations of corruption and sexual impropriety among the clergy.

Affirmed core Catholic doctrines, such as the seven sacraments.

Clarified certain dogmas that clarified nearly all points contestant by the Protestants. The Council also condemned the newly-minted Protestant theology.

Affirmed the existence of Purgatory as a temporary state of purification after death.

St Charles died at the young age of 46 and his memorial is celebrated on November 4th. He is the patron saint of bishops, cardinals, seminarians, and spiritual leaders as well as catechists and catechumens.

Sources include: Franciscan Media

Simon, Apostle and Martyr, 1st Century

Perhaps the least known of the Apostles, Simon is only mentioned in the lists contained in the Gospels. Matthew, Mark and Luke all refer to this saint as “Simon the Zealot.” This has caused some scholars to link him with the Zealot faction, a radical first-century revolutionary organization which sought to eliminate Roman rule by terrorism. It is entirely possible that, in his younger days, Simon had been a member of this group, but its philosophy would hardly fit with the Christian principles which the Apostles were learning and teaching. Equally possible, Simon could have earned his nickname by his dedication and zealous support of Jesus Christ.

Simon is said to have been among the first of the Apostles to carry the Word to distant lands. He might well have been among the seventy-two who were sent ahead by Jesus to preach in the towns where Jesus would stop on his final journey to Jerusalem (Lk 10). If this were the case, Simon would have been one of the Apostles with some experience in teaching when the Apostles begin their own ministries. ..Read More HERE.

Liturgy of the Word Dismissal

This is the practice of having children, ages 4-12, leave the Sunday assembly during the Liturgy of the Word (readings) and gather in a separate environment to engage in the Liturgy of the Word at a level more appropriate to the children’s understanding.

Ministry Schedule: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 9 & 10


Carly York

Sunday, 10 8 AM

Sunday, 10 10 AM


RJ Vaina

Eva Tomasetti

Carly York

Jennifer Stubbs Paul Tonacci

OH - Susan Murphy

TH - Tom Nathanson

TH - Emily Santangelo

ALT - Monica Barr

OH - Steve Stanley

Annette Raynor

Charles Young

Diane Dragone Barbara Schaflin

Mary Ellen Griffin

TH - Mary Aiello

TH - Justine Buzzetta

ALT - Joseph Flanagan

OH - Fran Vaina

TH - Winifred O’Doherty

TH - Nick Turkovic

ALT - Liz Turkovic

OH - Patricia Gesner

Sunday, 10 12 PM

Jack Schatzle (Sub Req) NOT FILLED

Diane Dragone Not Filled Richard Gerbino



Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (LectionaryPage.net)


The Grotto Candles are available for your prayer intentions. Offering is $3.00 per candle.

TH - Dawn Reinhardt

TH - Lee Gesner

ALT– Irene Weller

Baptismal Preparation Session

St Mary Parish is offering our next Baptismal Preparation Session on: SUNDAY, November 3, 2024

Pre-registrationisrequired aweekinadvance.



Attendance is mandatory for those wishing to become parishioners at the Parish of St. Mary. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to attend (732)-780-2666

Faith Formation

ReligiousEd@stmaryscoltsneck.org 732-780-2666 X 309

Religious Education Calendar

3,5 November 2024

Confirmation Prep Class

16 November 2024

Fall Cleanup 9 AM-1 PM

Sign up on page 11

16 November 2024

Nativity Play Rehearsal

2:30 - 3:30 PM Theater

16 November 2024

Thanksgiving Basket sort 8:30 AM Narthex

17,19 November 2024

Confirmation Prep Class

23 November 2024

Nativity Play Rehearsal

2:30 - 3:30 PM Theater

30 November 2024

Nativity Play Rehearsal 2:30 - 3:30 PM Theater



Two ways to serve - No registration required

1.) Food donations: One hour of service will be awarded for two complete shopping lists and a half hour for each additional food list. (3-hour maximum). Include name, grade, and email for each complete shopping list. See page 12

2.) Food sort: Help sort, pack, and load food for delivery to charities on November 16, 2024 in the Narthex.



A very big thank you to all the families who attended and helped out with Halloween Halls. Our first annual HAUNTED HOUSE was a huge success! We are blessed to have so many dedicated families in our parish. see pg 13

Congratulations to the winner of our pumpkin contest : The Novelli Family for their Spider Man Pumpkin. Congrats and awesome job! We are now accepting sign-ups to be apart of our Nativity Play that will be performed on 21 December 2024 in the theater, beginning with 4 PM mass. First rehearsal is on 16 November, 2:30-3:30 in the theater, followed by 4 PM mass SIGN UP LINK HERE TO BE APART OF THE SHOW, all students in grades 1-6 are welcome

Last day to sign up to be apart of the show is 11 November 2024


• 2024 - 2025 RE Calendar grades 1-8

• 24/25 Fall RE Calendar grades 1-6

• Parent - Student 24/25 Handbook

• Intergenerational List

• Intergenenerational Recording link

The Diocese of Trenton has partnered with NCCL on the Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation this 5 year grant funded project engages 200 parishes across the country. Results from this study will help us to improve the transmission of the faith to Catholic families We encourage you to use this QR Code to help in collecting data for the study.

of project


Congratulations to the Confirmandi that received the Sacrament of Confirmation

Olivia Marie Anest

Hubert Peter Baszak

Maya Cecilia Baszak

Carmine Michael Berardi

Michael Joseph Collins

James Patrick Conrey

Madeline Alexandra Cullen

Ryan John Dailey

Caterina Rosalia DeSerio

Marisa Elizabeth DiNapoli

James Patrick Ecklord

Martina Joan Fabbricatore

Angelina Mary Favilla

Christian Gabriel Favorito

Christian Albertus Gallello

Julia Elizabeth Gibson

Nathan Josuha Habib

Brooke Rose Howard

Gavin Andrew Kane

Matthew James Kearney

Alison Elizabeth Kelly

Madeline Elizabeth Kneute

Liam Adam Koster

Isabella Cecilia Lauro

Jack Thomas Manfredonia

Siena Gemma Nicholson

Maria Christine Nicosia

Giuseppe Philip Palmeri

Connor Gregory Paszkiewicz

Noah Oliver Pazmino

Mia Mary Petrini

Ross Anthony Petrini

Kayla Teresa Powell

Emma Therese Reisinger

Giuliana Mary Ronco

Anna Catherine Savino

Sean Anthony Sciarrillo

David Renee Sette

Giuliana Elizabeth Viola

Jason Jerome Ward

Hailey Elizabeth Willis

Larissa Veronica Yaninas

"For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last." Lk 13:30

Corporate Matching

Severalfirmsandcorporationsoffermatchinggiftprograms to benefit religious organizations, charities and other nonprofits to promote philanthropy amongst their employees. St Mary Parish is a registered charitable organization with the IRS and is also listed in GuideStar which is required by some of the corporate matching gift programs. Please consult with your employer to sign up for their matching gift program. If you have any question or need help signing St Mary Parish for corporate matched contributions, please contact Edwin at the Parish Office, 732-780-2666 x312.

Thank you for your support!

Please remember the Parish of Saint Mary in your will..

By naming St. Mary in your will or trust, you will provide a lasting gift that will greatly help St. Mary and our parishioners. Thank you for your consideration.

Sign-in for our Online Giving system to make your parish offerings from your bank account or Credit Card!

To set up an online giving account please visit https://giving.parishsoft.com/smcn

Alternatively, just Text SUNDAY to (732)-889-7800 and follow the instructions to complete your offering.

Should you require our assistance setting up your new account, please call the parish office at (732)780-2666.

You can also download the Connect Now Giving App for Android or iOS.Thank you for your continuous support!

As of October 28 2024

THANK YOU ! For all your efforts in supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal! Please continue to make your pledge payments so that our parish can receive the maximum rebate. If you haven't made a pledge yet please go to www.dioceseoftrenton.org/catholicappeal to send your gift electronically. Make sure to select St. Mary Catholic Church, Colts Neck in the Parish Affiliation box so we can receive credit for your gift.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

My Dear Parishioners:

Quo vadis...

Today we celebrate the Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the immediacy of our everyday lives we don’t see our specific choices as determining how we spend eternity. We tend to think of all our choices in the same vein as choosing a TV channel or ice cream—whatever is good for us is a right choice. But this solemnity in general and the gospel in particular remind us that we must make a choice forChrist. We must choose to live out our baptismal commitment by dying to self so that we might rise with Christ. This is the only way to new life. Each choice we make no matter how small and seemingly insignificant—truly does take us either closer to God and each other or farther away. The gospel invites us to think of our everyday choices as having consequences—eternal life.

Many thanks to all those who assisted in providing the years Halloween Halls celebration. It is an important part of life here in 07722. The Mass of Remembrance is also a beautiful opportunity to pray for the recently deceased of our parish community. Liturgical Prayer, especially the Eucharist, serves as a reminder that we remain joined with our beloved deceased through the Paschal Mystery of Jesus. The month of November is that special time of the year when we reflect on the Communion of Saints and commemorate the faithful departed.

This coming week is Election Day. It is the greatest privilege of our citizenship. This year there is much to consider in casting

our vote…especially for the presidency of our great country. One of the things that has not surfaced yet is that the next president will preside over the 250th Anniversary of our great country in 2026. It will be a time of thanksgiving and an opportunity to look forward with renewed hope. Take time to talk to your children about voting and what to consider when making the choice of which candidate to support and why. I have already voted.

We begin to make plans for the upcoming festivities and our participation in them. The annual Thanksgiving Food Drive; the Tree of Love; Sponsor a Family; other Charitable Appeals. Since we don’t have “Poor Boxes” in our church building, some have chosen to make regularly monthly gifts online using the poor and needy drop box or a one time gift using that same option. It is an easy and effective way to participate in our charitable appeals/poor and needy outreach.

This weekend the clocks are to be adjusted…Fall Back One Hour. The days continue to get shorter and the nights longer. It is important to be outdoors during the day when the sun is shining. Take a walk in one of our parks or along the path at town hall. It is important for our homebound persons to open up shades and drapes each day to allow the sun to come in and brighten the day. Have a great week. Let us remember one another in prayer.

Happy Sunday. Peace. Father Jeff


The crisp Fall air has crept up on us this September, and leaves are beginning to coat the grounds... Which means we will be joining together soon in fellowship for our Fall-Clean Up on Saturday, November 16! Clean up will begin at 9:00 AM and go on until 1:00 PM Those attending will meet on the campus grounds. Don’t forget to sign-up HERE!

Tickets are being sold through November 11th at the parish office. The proceeds of which will benefit New Jersey Right to Life, the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, dedicated to protecting all human life from conception to natural death. Tickets are available UNTIL November 11th for $10 each in the Parish Office. The prizes this year are:

1st Prize 2025 Volvo XC40 AWD SUV

2nd Prize $1,000 ShopRite Gift Card

3rd Prize $750 ShopRite Gift Card

4th Prize - $500 ShopRite Gift Card

Please show your support for LIFE by buying a raffle ticket. The cost is $10.00 per ticket.

Holiday Express is an all volunteer group that brings

All of your excess candy would sure fill a lot of goody bags

Please bring WRAPPED CANDY that you couldn’t possibly need to St. Mary’s and drop it in the Holiday Express boxes inside the Narthex (entrance to Church) or outside the Main Office November 1 - 13


Questions: Maureen Staub 732-915-1978

To find out more about Holiday Express


We are collecting donations for victims of Hurricane Helene

Now through Sunday, November 3.

Any donations are greatly appreciated! Donations can be left in the box in the narthex

The following items are most needed:

• Non-perishable food including baby food

• Diapers and formula

• Feminine supplies

• Blankets and towels

• New or gently used warm clothing

• Coats

• Hats

• Gloves

• Extension cords

• Flashlights

• Batteries

For questions about donations or more information: Please email anthonygruenling@gmail.com or mgruenling18@gmail.com

All items will be delivered to our contact in Toms River who is working with the Jersey Aero Club to Fly donations to where road-based relief can't reach yet. Thank you for your support!

“Light Up a Memory”

Preparations for the "Memory Tree" lighting this year have already started. A $10.00 contribution signifies a light in memory of a deceased loved one, or in honor of a living person.

His/her name will be inscribed in a special "Memory Book", which will be on display in the Church Narthex.

Each $10.00 also entitles the donor to a Remembrance cards available in the Church Office during regular office hours for those who want to pick them up.

The deadline for submissions is December 2, 2024.

Submissions after deadline are included in the addendum of the Memory Book.

Participants are also invited to the joyous tree lighting ceremony, at the 4:00 pm Mass on Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Please follow link HERE to sponsor a light.


Baskets Collection

“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 3:65

Every year, Saint Mary Parish parishioners generously provide donations for Thanksgiving Baskets for over 200 families who are in need in the Monmouth County area.



Green Beans (Canned)

Corn (Canned)

Canned Yams,

Potatoes or Rice

Macaroni & Cheese

Canned Fruit

Cranberry Sauce

Coffee or Tea Bags

Corn Muffin Mix

Pie Crust Mix & Pie

Filling OR

Cake Mix & Frosting

Please purchase items to feed a family of four

Please bring your donation to the Cry Room off the Church Narthex October 28 – November 16

Food sort will begin at 8:30am November 16

The Parish of Saint Mary provides turkeys along with the non-perishable food. We ask for monetary donations towards the purchase of turkeys HERE -or- please make a check payable to “Parish of Saint Mary” and put Thanksgiving Food Drive in the memo section.


Offerings at Francis House of Prayer Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center and Retreat House 84 Walnford Road • Allentown, NJ 08501

609-877-0509 or FHOP@verizon.net

Please check www.FHOP.org for dates, registration, directions and for our other offerings! All programs will be offered online and in-person unless otherwise indicated.


Tuesday, November 5 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Francis House is a House of Prayer and on this Election Day we will do just that! Without any political conversation we will spend the morning in prayer for the holiness and peace of our nation as well as for all nations. If you feel drawn by God to pray for our country, please come and join us. We will end with Liturgy and lunch and have a peaceful prayerful day for the good of the world. A morning of prayer is always good! Donation: $25, includes lunch.


Tuesday, November 12 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM

We will explore the spirituality of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity using some of her major spiritual writings. There will be time to reflect and pray as St. Elizabeth shows us “the greatness of our vocation” as people made in the image and likeness of God, who “loves exceedingly.” Donation: $35, includes Liturgy and lunch. Zoom: $25


Wednesday, November 20 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

We will use a sampling of Dorothy’s essays to meet her at the heart and to learn how she lived out God’s call to serve in every small way possible. She lived and loved, following in the footsteps of her mentor, St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Donation: $20

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