August 29, 2024

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Saves Master’s Life!


The year was 2004 and Kevin M. Weaver of Florida was on his way to pick out a puppy.

Weavers’ friends had told him of the cutest little beagle pup at the local pet store and the former Staff Sergeant from the U.S. Air Force decided to see for himself.

It would prove to be a day like no other in the life of the ex-military man

and now flight attendant. Little did Kevin Weaver know at the time that he would look into the very eyes of a tiny, forsaken and fragile puppy that would, miraculously, save his life.

While staring at the little dog, something mysterious seemed to overcome Weaver. Somehow, looking at the tiny canine orphan stirred Weaver’s heart. But, Weaver seemed puzzled inside.

How could such a cute bundle of joy be so unwanted?

The little female beagle pup had al-

ready been purchased twice by customers only to be returned to the same pet store each time. Such a questionable resume should have turned Kevin Weaver’s heels to look elsewhere in the store, yet, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“I felt sorry for her,” he would later recall. And with strange and mysterious feelings brewing inside of him, Weaver finally gave way to his inner instincts: “I said, ‘She’s mine.’”

And, as the third person to claim her – unlike the previous owners –Weaver would remain loyal as her

permanent master.

Only months olde, her name was Belle, but to Weaver she would be known as “Belle Weaver,” because she was now family – and no power under Heaven and Earth would separate them.

They completed each other’s lives.

However, life was never perfect for the former Air Force Staff Sergeant. He constantly struggled with lifelong diabetes. And it seemed to be getting worse with time. And slowly taking its toll on him. Finally, the af-

Dog from page 1

fliction of diabetes began torturing Weaver with occasional episodes of seizure when he would be rendered unconscious. It was a terrifying ordeal, to awake from a seizure, on the ground, slowly regaining consciousness and, sometimes, looking up at total strangers trying to help.

Then one day, while working as a flight attendant, an acquaintance who frequently flew on his flightroutes, suggested that Weaver give his pet, Belle, specialised training as a medical assistance dog. It seemed an odd request at first, after all, Belle was his pride-and-joy and closest friend, yet he never thought of such an ambitious project for her.

That’s when Weaver paused and thought out loud, “Why not?”

Belle seemed to live her little life for her master, Kevin Weaver, always waiting to pounce on him and becoming uncontrollably happy upon seeing him come home! Now, the young inexperienced dog would be enrolled in a specialised training programme to become an official Diabetic Alert Service Animal.

Instinctively, she seemed to know that her training was to save her ‘daddy’ from future diabetic seizures.

Science has long struggled to better understand the instincts dogs seem to have in their love and protective nature to keep their masters safe.

This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

Great Quote

“A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does, indeed, exist. It’s called prison.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff’s Office

The ‘how and why’ of these animals to be able to exhibit such powers and skills still remains within the boundaries of unexplained phenomena.

However, scientists and medical experts seem to know how to train such service animals to bring out these mysterious, inherent canine skills.

In Belle’s case, the little pup began training classes to become a Diabetic Alert Dog, something that has been successfully taught to countless other service dogs. Belle’s schooling was to detect and ‘sense’ when Kevin Weaver’s blood sugarlevel became too low or too high.

But how?

Canine research has long shown that as a ‘tracking hound,’ beagles and bloodhounds, along with sporting dogs such as retrievers and pointers, as well as spaniels and German Shepherds, have an even keener sense of smell than most other breeds of dogs. In Belle Weaver’s case, her sense of smell was estimated to be, literally, a thousand times more sensitive than any human being!

Amazingly, her training skills included licking Weaver’s nose to smell his breath! Belle was keenly trained to ‘read’ or ‘sense’ his ketone level. According to medical scientist and researcher, Dr. Jennifer Cattet: “While these odors are undetectable to the human nose, the dogs’ olfactory sensory systems (its keen sense of smell) can easily

He’s My Brother . . .

Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.

The pharmacist at the counter asked the older boy, “Son, how old are you?”

“Eight”, the boy replied.

The man continued, “Do you know what these are used for?”

The boy replied, “Not exactly, but they aren’t for me. They’re for him. He’s my brother. He’s four.”

“Oh, really?” the pharmacist replied with a grin.

“Yes.” the boy said. “We saw on TV that if you use these, you would be able to swim, play tennis and ride a bike. Right now, he can’t do none of those.”


Roses are reddish, violets are bluish

discriminate these vapors from the environment.”

Dogs, such as Belle, have more than 220 million ‘olfactory receptors’ in their noses, while humans only have 5 million.

Whenever the beagle pup licked her master’s nostrils and noticed something wrong, she would begin frantically scratching at Weaver’s leg and whining at the same time, warning him about his sugar level before a seizure might develop.

The accuracy level of these alert dogs is astonishing! As researchers at the University of Virginia point out, “Early warning detection capabilities of these Diabetic Alert Dogs can tell their masters 20-45 minutes in advance of a diabetic problem that needs correction.”

These ‘alerts’ from such trained dogs are, at least, 91.7% accurate –usually higher!

Instinctively, Belle knew she was now officially in charge of keeping her master, Kevin Weaver safe at all possible costs. Such diabetic service dogs are given a variety of methods to warn their masters in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar levels before they become dangerous and a possible seizure develops. The Diabetic Alert Dog’s early detection allows the owner to quickly take the proper steps to get their blood sugar levels back to a normal and safe healthy range.

These Diabetic Alert Dogs are given

specialised training to send signals or ‘alerts’ to their master in a variety of different ways, such as:

• Jumping on the owner’s lap and whining.

• Touching the owner, repeatedly, with its nose.

• Holding a specific toy in their mouth as a signal.

• Pawing at the owner’s leg and whining.

• Alert other family members that the owner needs attention and help.

• Bring needed objects such as medication.

• Retrieve cell phone or phone for owner in emergency.

Despite Belle’s impressive graduation with very high honours as a Diabetic Alert Dog, Weaver – at first – was unaware of the full extent of Belle’s amazing talents.

He would soon find out.

Eight months after her training, Kevin Weaver would soon learn a life-saving lesson from his own, expertly-trained dog. His life would delicately dangle in the balance and become fully dependent on his dog, Belle.

On 7 February 2006, while at his Orlando, Florida home, Weaver –feeling fine – noticed something radically different in Belle’s behaviour.

Dog continued on page 3

years so here goes.

If it wasn’t for Christmas We’d all be Jewish ••••

I’ve made an executive decision. I’m gonna check myself into a senior retirement home and take up the profession of being a gigolo to senior ladies. I’m sure I will get many casseroles and soon earn the title of “The Tiger Woods of North San Diego County.” (Right now I have to go get dressed in my powder blue leisure suit, with white shoes, white belt, and slickdown my hair; Gotta look the part).

Speaking of casseroles . . . have you ever noticed when a man’s wife dies how quickly the neighbors descend upon his home, all with casseroles? The majority of these kindly, compassionate neighbors are widows or otherwise single ladies. Interesting phenomenon I’ve observed several times.


From my pal, Paul Van Middlesworth:

I haven’t had a chance to tell my dad’s favorite political joke to folks who would understand it in

With the church service over, the young husband was introducing his family to the preacher and deacons at the door of the church. He introduced “hard of hearing” octogenerian grampa to the the reception line and grandpa nodded politely as he shook each hand. At the end of the line was brother Johnson, the newest deacon.

Here’s what happened.

“Grandpa I’d like you to meet brother Johnson.” Grampa extended his hand with a smile.

“He’s the new deacon” continued the husband

Grampa quickly drew back his extended hand and with a scowl.

“New Dealer you say?”

“No no grampa” the young man said. Raising his voice and cupping his hand toward grampas ear he

continued on page 9


Dog from page 2

Weaver recalls the day: “One day, all of a sudden, she started scratching at me and whining at the same time.”

Belle was insisting that something was wrong and frantically ‘signaling’ her master. Belle soon grew anxious and distraught. “I misread her signals. I thought she wanted to go outside to go to the bathroom. I put her outside, then brought her back in. That’s when I had the seizure!”

Pack animals, such as canines, inherently think of their masters, simplistically, as their ‘daddy’ or ‘mommy’ and, as such, will often lay their own lives down to save them. Being physically placed outside in the backyard by Weaver, Belle became distraught and knew her trained duties were not being fulfilled. She seemed confused at her master’s actions.

Once she was let back inside the house, it was too late.

A 34-year-olde Kevin Weaver first felt the symptoms of nausea then, suddenly, collapsed to the kitchen floor, completely unconscious and in extreme danger of slipping into a life-threatening diabetic coma. Weaver’s roommates would not be expected home for at least another 5 hours after Weaver’s abrupt fall to unconsciousness. Such a length of time would, most certainly, mean death for Kevin Weaver.

His little beagle pup, which was twice returned as an unwanted orphan from a pet store, now threw herself into action. As anxious and confused as she might become over seeing her fallen master’s body trembling in spasms in a most terrifying seizure-attack on the cold linoleum kitchen floor, Belle, would not disappoint. Her powers of unconditional love would, remarkably, release her pure instincts and allow her formal medical training to take over.

This was the moment of truth. This is what she was trained for.

Belle was left alone with only her training and instincts to guide her. There was no other person or trainer to help, assist, or guide her now, as when she was being tested in her schooling. She was suddenly left alone to try and remember her training as a Diabetic Alert Dog.

Belle knew, instinctively, that her master was dying in front of her and that this was no training exercise.

But, even Weaver, who lay helplessly in the midst of a dangerous seizure episode, was unaware of the full extent of Belle’s ‘super powers’

which she had mastered. In her graduate medical training programme –which she had passed with flying colours – Belle had mastered another critical skill in her arsenal of diabetic skills. She was, unbelievably, trained to bite down on Weaver’s specially-made cell phone pad, biting hard and holding down with her teeth the number “9” which signals a “911” emergency call on Kevin Weaver’s modified cell phone!

Belle knew this was no simulated exercise in her specialised medical training class. The 17-pound beagle knew this was the real emergency she had trained so hard to meet. Instincts told her she must not fail – or her master would surely die in front of her.

But first, Belle had to locate Weaver’s cell phone on him, and fast! Every second was crucial now; Weaver was suffering an extreme ‘seizureevent’ and Belle could not afford to lose precious time.

Frantically, she finally located Weaver’s cell phone then, pulling it free, she had to try and remember where, exactly, the number “9” was positioned on the special pad. She did and, true to her training, she then bit down hard on the number “9” and held it down till human voices came to her ears. These voices she now heard on the cell phone were also a ‘cue’ in her Diabetic-Alert training courses. This feedback was positive-reinforcement and she knew she was doing the correct sequence of actions.

The voices Belle heard were from Emergency 911 dispatchers on the other end. The dispatchers from the Florida Police Station now heard a steady volley of dog-barking over the cell phone.

Trained in all emergency situations, the dispatchers quickly tried talking, then listening for any human voice to reply.

It would not come.

Only the steady, nonstop barking from a solitary, frightened, 3-yearolde beagle pup who, once again in her young life, felt strangely alone and abandoned, for the third time in her young life.

But, this time was different, as Belle once again bit hard on the number “9” then followed up with steady barking and then yelping as if crying out in pain. The 911 dispatchers, somehow, quickly got the message of an unexplained lifethreatening situation. Dispatchers quickly tracked the incoming 911 emergency call and quickly ordered emergency first-responders to Kevin Weaver’s residence.


Looking for things to do? Places to go?

Check out Oodles every week for listing of civic and service club meetings, and more! Have an event you need publicized?

Email it to:

The Paper goes to print on Tuesday morning. You arE morE LikELY To gET PubLisHEd if You:

• Submit your press release by the previous Friday.

• Keep It Simple: who, what, where, when, why.

• Send us something we can copy/paste. Please no brochures or flyers. Send a press release.

• Send photos as attachments, not embeded in the document.

Parkinson’s support group meeting for all September 3rd

North County Inland Communities. Parkinson’s Support Group. Free monthly meetings for people with Parkinson’s and their care partners are held from 10 am until Noon at San Rafael Church, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, Rancho Bernardo, in the Parish Hall.

Our featured speaker for Tuesday, September 3rd is Shawn McMenamin who will be presenting “A Journey Through Parkinson’s Therapies”.

Separate breakout sessions for People with Parkinson’s and care partners will follow the presentation to discuss successes and challenges.

Come learn, share, meet, and enjoy the free refreshments with other involved Parkinson’s persons. Please call (760) 749-8234 or (760) 5181963 if you have any questions.

Writers Workshop Vista Library

Learn from local authors as they cover the different facets of writing, publishing, and more. Join Vista Library this fall for an exciting series of in-person writers’ workshops.Learn from local authors as they cover various facets of writing. This season’s workshops will feature genealogy, discovering your unique voice as a writer, and crafting a captivating first chapter. Registration is free but space is limited.

700 Eucalyptus Ave. • Vista 760-643-5100

september 7th: Alene CollinsAubertin, Following your ancestors path

september 28th: Cherie Kephart, the upside of falling: Connecting to the art and heart of being a writer.

November 6th: Matt Coyle, Chapter one: Beginnings

Visit for registration.

#northcountysd #vistalibrary #writing #writersworkshop #vistaca ***

Community Education series

Join us on the 3rd Monday of each month (10:00am to noon)

September 16 - Navigating Medicare and MediCal (Medicaid)

October 21 - Grief and Loss

November 18 - New Topic Introduction

Presented by Hospice of the North Coast and the Senior Service Council of Escondido

Free to attend at 728 North Broadway, Escondido – Oak Room. Please register for each session by phone 760-480-0611 or at https://

Senior Service Council Escondido 728 N Broadway Escondido (760) 480-0611

*** Volunteers Needed senior service Council Escondido

Currently seeking reception volunteers to join our team. Can you spare 3 hours a week?

Since 1972, SSCE has provided various services, support groups, tech tutoring and healthcare counseling for seniors in our community.

Skills: Reception Desk customer service plus some computer experience, appointment scheduling, emails & website searches is great!

Bilingual volunteers encouraged to apply. Please stop by for more info and an application.

Senior Service Council Escondido 728 N Broadway Escondido, (760) 480-0611


Carlsbad Police department investigation Leads to arrest of organized retail Theft suspect

The Carlsbad Police Department is proud to announce the successful apprehension of a suspect involved in a series of organized retail thefts from the Carlsbad Premium Outlets. Officer Puliafico and our Crime Suppression Team, led by Sergeant Jencen, played a pivotal role in this arrest through meticulous investigative work, collaboration with regional law enforcement agencies and advanced technology.

Over the course of several weeks, Officer Puliafico investigated multiple cases of grand theft at high-end retail stores within the Carlsbad Premium Outlets. The investigation began with two incidents in which the suspects used a distinctive “booster bag” to conceal stolen goods. Through a diligent review of multiple surveillance videos, Officer Puliafico identified that the identical booster bag was being used by multiple suspects during additional thefts.

Utilizing the License Plate Reader (LPR) data, Officer Puliafico identified a suspect vehicle that was linked to several unsolved grand theft cases in Carlsbad and Orange County. The vehicle’s frequent

Man About Town

Every time I’m drying my hands in a public washroom, I take notice the various approaches employed to limit the amount of paper towels I use.

That’s a job. Somewhere, people are being paid to sit around, wracking their brains, trying to devise ways of limiting the amount of paper towel use in public washrooms.

Where do those new ideas come from? Who came up with the onesheet-at-a-time machine? Who invented the you-pull-on-the-paperbut-hardly-anything-comes-out apparatus?

Whose idea was the hot air blower?

presence near the crime scenes, coupled with its use in additional thefts at the Carlsbad Premium Outlets, provided critical evidence linking the cases together.

The investigation further revealed that the suspect vehicle had a travel history consistent with individuals involved in organized criminal activity. With this information, Officer Puliafico coordinated with regional law enforcement agencies, obtained a search warrant, and conducted surveillance operations. This strategic use of these investigative techniques allowed officers to monitor the suspect’s movements, ultimately leading to his apprehension.

On August 16, Carlsbad Police officers, led by Officer Puliafico, conducted a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle, resulting in the arrest of 38-year-old Jose Miguel Gonzalez of Lake Elsinore. Gonzalez is suspected of orchestrating an organized retail theft crew responsible for over $30,000 in stolen goods from the Carlsbad Outlets alone. Gonzalez was booked into the Vista Detention Facility on seven counts of organized retail theft and

Who invented linen towel loop?

(That one’s disgusting.) Were these the best of hundreds of innovations for reducing paper towel use in public washrooms that never made the cut? What were the others like?

Is there a paper towel dispenser’s Hall of Fame? Who’s in it? What exactly did they do to earn paper towel dispensing immortality?

Remembering Andy Rooney . . .

Rooneyisms - Too good not to share!

I’ve learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I’ve learned.... That when you’re in love, it shows.

I’ve learned.... That just one person saying to me, ‘You’ve made my day!’ makes my day.

I’ve learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I’ve learned.... That being kind is more important than being right.

I’ve learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I’ve learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have the strength to help him in

criminal conspiracy.

This successful operation highlights the dedication and expertise of Carlsbad Police Department officers, who utilized a combination of traditional investigative techniques, advanced technology, and inter-agency collaboration to solve a complex case. The case serves as a testament to the department’s commitment to addressing national and regional crime trends that impact our community.

For more information: Jason Arnotti, Police Lieutenant,

Join our Team: a Career in Law Enforcement

The Carlsbad Police Department is always seeking dedicated individuals who are passionate about serving their community and upholding justice. If you are interested in a rewarding career in law enforcement and want to be a part of a team that values integrity, innovation, and collaboration, we encourage you to apply today. Your future in public service starts with us. More information at

some other way.

I’ve learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I’ve learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I’ve learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I’ve learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I’ve learned.... That we should be glad God doesn’t give us everything we ask for.

I’ve learned.... That money doesn’t buy class.

I’ve learned.... That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I’ve learned.... That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I’ve learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I’ve learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I’ve learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I’ve learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

To submit a letter to the editor, please email Please be respectful, limit your letter to a maximum of 300 words and include your full name, email address, town, and a valid phone number where you can be reached. Letters will not be published anonymously. Letters are subject to editing. Please no hand written letters.

I’ve learned.... That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile..

I’ve learned.... That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I’ve learned... That life is tough, but I’m tougher.

I’ve learned.... That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.

I’ve learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I’ve learned.... That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.

I’ve learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I’ve learned..... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I’ve learned..... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you’re hooked for life.

I’ve learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.

I’ve learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

Dog from page 3

It was there where emergency crews found a totally unconscious, non-responding Kevin Weaver.

And also an overly-excited dog jumping all about, seemingly happy to see the ‘intruders.’

Weaver was rushed to hospital emergency care. Stat!

“I would have died,” Weaver notes, with his attending physicians all in full agreement. “I would have slipped deeper into a coma and died.”

The deadly ordeal had passed. But the heroic dog, Belle, was yet to meet her own fate.

Belle Weaver, the heroic beagle dog that saved her master’s life, would be spotlighted in both national and world news! It was a most astonishing event by a most unlikely hero, and the international press clamoured for more details for an astonished and fascinated public.

The little dog’s exploits were called “unbelievable” and “phenomenal” by various print and visual media.

Some wire services simply carried the headline caption: “DOG MAKES 911 CELL PHONE CALL TO SAVE OWNER’S LIFE!”

Belle was now summoned to the

Man About Town from page 4

If you want a dog that will love you unconditionally and lover you until the day it dies, the best breed is called ‘Rescued.’


No dog ever abandoned its owner because he was old or sick.

••• The Prayer . . . . . . a remembrance of the late Arie and Pete De Jong . . .

There is an upscale retirement community located on N. Broadway known as Meadowbrook Village.

They have a mighty good restaurant on campus and I’ve dined there several times.

Good friend, the late Arie de Jong and his wife, Anneke lived there; they moved into town because their huge Ranch was just too much for Anneke.

Recently we went for lunch and enjoyed it. Lo and behold, a gentleman and his wife joined us. I noticed his accent and asked, “Is that a Dutch accent I hear?” He answered it was. “Hmmm. Do you happen to know Arie de Jong.”

“Yah,” he said, “I know him pretty

nation’s capitol at Washington, D. C. and boarded a plane, along with her daddy, Kevin Weaver, to receive a special VITA Wireless Samaritan Award.

And the heroic and celebrated pup did not travel in the Cargo Section of the plane which would have separated her from her beloved master. Nope, she stayed with Kevin Weaver on the plane ride, as officials had arranged.

After all, this was no ordinary animal that had been plunged into the world’s spotlight.

The special award waiting for Belle is presented by the CTIA Wireless Foundation each year: “To honor those who use their wireless phones to save lives, stop crime or help in other emergencies.”

It would be a milestone achievement because Belle would become the first animal ever to receive the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award.

Arriving at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, on Monday, 19 June 2006, both Weaver and Belle were taken the short 3 miles to Washington, D.C. where festivities were waiting for the Florida beagle dog.

Kevin Weaver wept tears of joy as he saw the red, white, and blue ribbon slipped over her neck with the award-winning medallion dangling for all to see. Even Weaver’s U. S.

good. He’s my brudder!”

He told me he and I had met many years ago and he knew me by reputation and that I had managed the radio station for Alan Skuba. He was Arie’s bother, Pete DeJong.

We had a great conversation and then when the meals arrived he said, “I know Lyle dat you vill join us as we say grace (and all at the table join.)

“Allmighty Fadder, ve are happy to be in your presence on dis day . . . along vit Lyle and his lady, my vife, Rina, and Shirley (the third party at the table). Ve haf been having a good conversation, remembering all the good times and all that you have blessed us

congressman was there to bestow a special Certificate of Recognition for the little hero dog, that seemed to be enjoying all the attention and fanfare.

Still wearing her well-earned Medical Assistant dog vest, she seemed to love all the adoration and flash bulbs flashing before her little eyes. The little eyes that, despite the distraction all about her, still kept a protective look upon her master.

From that fateful day when he almost died, Kevin M. Weaver would learn a most valuable lesson from his dog. As expressed in his own words, “Every time she paws at me like that (and whines), I grab my meter and test myself. She’s never been wrong!”

It had been a long journey from that little Florida pet shop to the Capitol’s footsteps. A most unlikely journey no one could have imagined. When little Belle flew roundtrip on an airplane for the first time . . . heading to the White House. It all brought back a flood of memories for Kevin Weaver. He had long thought of Belle as close family, not just a dog. Often referring to her as “Belle Weaver.”

Kevin recalls that after being released from the hospital that fateful day, after Belle Weaver had saved his life, he headed straight to a steakhouse – where both he and his Belle had a memorable feast together. A celebration of renewed friendship

vith. Ve remember udder gude people like Alan Skuba, he vas a very good Mayor, and ve remember Lyle, he vas very good on de radio.” He continued on with more traditional prayer and closed and we all said Amen.

I’m not much for praying and am not very religious, being a fairly well known heathen and skeptic (though some of my dearest friends are of the Christian faith . . . including retired Pastor Dick Huls) . . . but I just felt good when I heard that prayer and felt good that he remembered Alan Skuba, and me, and that his prayer was so “one on one” with his God.

Most sayings of grace I forget. Not

and life-saving love.

Says Weaver, at the time, “She loves me and I love her.” Then, pausing a moment with great emotion, he struggles to continue: “She’s my best friend . . . that’s for sure.”

Wagging her tail, panting, and excited as if understanding every word from Kevin, Belle Weaver just wishes to sit on her daddy’s lap. The one place, in all the world, she would most choose to be.

The once-lonely, unloved, and unwanted orphaned pup, twice returned by previously owners who refused to keep her, now found unconditional love and acceptance. Remarkably, she has blossomed into a genuine miracle-worker. Saluted, adored by a mass public, and decorated at the nation’s capitol. At long last, Belle sits happily on Kevin M. Weaver’s lap, where she rightfully belongs.

Despite Belle’s loyalty, love, and medical assistance, the diabetes that relentlessly ravished Weaver’s body would, eventually, prove to be too much. On 2 October 2010, Kevin M. Weaver of Deltona, Florida, died unexpectedly in his home. He was 39 years olde. He is survived by his parents, twin sister, three brothers, and many relatives. And of course, Belle Weaver, his

Dog continued on page 13

this one.

Epilogue: Since the above incident Pete would pass away . . . and just a few months ago, Arie also passed on. Wonderful Dutchmen . . . both of whom made a major impact on their adopted community and nation.

I went grocery shopping on an empty stomach and I am now the proud owner of Aisle 4.

I was buying some bug spray and asked the clerk, “Is this good for spiders?”

He said, “No, it kills them.”

See you next week!


safety Legislation

I am a member of the California Problem Solvers Caucus (CPSC), a bipartisan group of legislators from both houses. The Caucus promotes common sense solutions to the most pressing issues facing our state. Lately, property crime has been escalating throughout California, and the CPSC has been pressing for solutions. I’m happy to report those efforts have begun to bear fruit.

In recent weeks a package of legislation that will tighten California laws regarding prosecution and enhanced sentences for criminals passed both houses of the Legislature and has now been signed into law by the Governor. These bills include:

• SB 905, which closes a loophole and creates a new crime of forcibly entering a vehicle with intent to commit a theft with penalties up to one year in county jail or in some cases 2 to 3 years

• SB 982, eliminates the January 1, 2026 sunset date for the organized retail theft law allowing prosecutions to continue indefinitely

• SB 1144 requires online marketplaces to report suspected stolen goods and requires a mechanism for users to report the sale of stolen goods while

allowing enforcement by local authorities

• SB 1242 enhances penalties for criminals who recklessly start fires when the offense occurred within a merchant’s premises to facilitate retail theft

• SB 1416 allows increased penalties of 1-4 years for large retail thefts of $50,000 to $3 million with an additional 1 year for each additional $3 million

SB 1074, which I co-authored with Senator Brian Jones, should have been added to this list. The bill would have made public safety a priority when placing Sexually Violent Predators in any community. Unfortunately, SB 1074 died in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 15th.

While enactment of these new laws is a step in the right direction, much more needs to be done. Since we adjourn August 31st, additional public safety legislation will have to wait until the new session begins on December 2nd.

Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R- Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the cities of Poway, Santee, portions of the City of San Diego, and most of rural eastern and northern San Diego County.

5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond California’s Job Crisis

California has long been celebrated as a land of opportunity, but in recent years, it has become increasingly unfriendly to businesses. Just last year, Chief Business Magazine ranked California as the worst place in the nation to start a business. This is a tragic turn of events, especially for a state that has been home to so many entrepreneurial dreams. It doesn’t have to be this way, but unfortunately, government policies are stifling the very spirit that once made the American Dream thrive here.

We are witnessing the consequences of a bloated government, which only creates more bureaucracy and hinders economic progress. In San Diego County, we have seen this firsthand with the introduction of numerous new departments that have added significant costs to the taxpayers. Many of these departments are not contributing to the greater good of our region but instead are examples of government overreach that stifles growth.

We need to allow businesses to thrive by reducing the size and influence of government. Consider this: between January 2022 and June 2024, employment in US private businesses grew by 7.32 million jobs. However, California businesses contributed only about 5,400 of those jobs—just 0.07 per-

cent of the national total. If California’s private-sector job growth had kept pace with the rest of the country, we would have seen over 970,000 new jobs during that period—180 times more than the actual increase.

It’s no secret that California has consistently lagged behind other states in job growth.Still, the latest figures reveal a deeply concerning trend: the overwhelming majority of new jobs in our state are government positions. Between January 2022 and June 2024, California added approximately 156,000 jobs, a staggering 96.5 percent of which were in the public sector.

Even more alarming is that since January 2023, the state has seen a decline of over 46,000 private-sector jobs. This unprecedented drop in private employment is not just a crisis for California but also poses a significant threat to the health of the national economy.

We cannot continue down this path. It’s time to implement policies that support business growth and reduce the burden of government.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond, 1600 Pacific Highway, #335, San Diego, CA 92101, United States http://

Humane society Provides resources for Pet families

Unexpected life events like housing instability, hospitalization or other emergencies can make caring for a pet feel impossible. Many owners are faced with the heartbreaking decision to give up their beloved companion during times of hardship, but this isn’t the only option.

The San Diego Humane Society provides resources and support for families looking for short-term care options, including pet boarding, guides for temporary care agreements and pet-friendly housing resources. Additionally, our Safety Net Foster Program offers foster care for pets while their families are experiencing hardship or instability. This gives community members time to get back on their feet and then reunite with their pets.

resources for Pet families

Community Veterinary Program

Our Community Veterinary Program helps pet owners keep their beloved companions healthy and

happy by providing low-cost preventive and basic sick care. Our San Diego Campus clinic services are now available by appointment only, Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 858-216-3908 during business hours. We also offer mobile clinic services, bringing veterinary services directly into the communities that need them most. The Community Veterinary Program does not provide emergency or urgent care services.

Community Pet Pantry

We’re always here to support pet families when they need a helping hand. Our Community Pet Pantry is open to provide free pet food and other supplies as available. You can visit our campuses in El Cajon, Escondido, Oceanside and San Diego to access this service, no appointment needed. You can also find our Pantry at neighborhood distribution locations across San Diego County.

Spay/Neuter Vouchers

Spaying and neutering helps your pets stay healthy and prevents overpopulation in our community. San Diego Humane Society offers a limited number of spay/neuter vouchers each month for dogs, cats and rabbits that can be redeemed at local participating veterinary clinics. There are no eligibility requirements to apply. Visit our website and follow the instructions to apply. If no vouchers are available, please check back as new vouchers are released at the beginning of each month.

Rehome Your Pet

Unexpected life changes can happen to anyone. If you are unable to keep your pet, we provide resources and tools you can use to find them a new home without taking them to a shelter. Our online rehoming platforms help owners place their pets directly with a new family. Adopters also get the benefit of learning about the animal from the people who

know them best! With Home To Home (all species) or Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet (cats and dogs only), you can easily connect with potential adopters in your community and choose the one who best fits your animal’s unique personality and needs.

End-of-Life Services and Pet Loss Support

Saying goodbye to a cherished pet can be emotional and overwhelming. We’re here to support you through this difficult time with humane end-of-life euthanasia services, after care and support resources. We offer compassionate euthanasia services at a reduced cost and help guide owners through the options for after care when it’s time to let a pet go. We also recommend pet loss support resources to help navigate the mourning and healing process, no matter what stage of loss you are experiencing.

For more information visit

Most of us who have lived long have had many encounters and life experiences ... some of them even historic. My life has been mostly charmed by meeting and working with people whom a small-town Iowa boy like me wasn’t likely to have ever encountered.

Over my 85-plus years I have personal remembrances, some long, many short, accompanying every famous name listed below. Here’s a little more detail about a few experiences previously reported.

In 1984 while waiting on a plane in San Diego, vaudeville legend Jack Carter approached me for a dime to make a phone call. Luckly for both of us I had one. A 10cent pay phone will give you an idea of how many years ago that’s been. After making his call Carter dubbed me “his man,” presenting me to the gate agent which allowed the two of us early boarding on a plane bound for LAX. I seemed to

Safety is not necessarily at the top of Jackson Groves’ mind when he rents a car. He doesn’t wonder: Has the rental company properly maintained the car? Are there any recalls on the vehicle? Did they thoroughly clean and sanitize it?

But lately, Groves says he’s noticed that car rental companies have been thinking about safety. And they’re doing something about it, too.

“This summer, I was pleasantly surprised to discover some new safety-oriented features that rental companies seem to be implementing,” he says.

For example, one of his rentals had a built-in dash camera that constantly monitored the road ahead. It could automatically send telematics data to the rental agency if he had to suddenly brake or if it detected a collision. It also had an SOS button that could directly connect you to emergency services.

“I felt reassured knowing help

Historically Speaking

A Few Close Encounters of the Best Kind

be the only one who recognized the legendary vaudevillian. Carter would have been best known for his many standup comedy routines on the old “Ed Sullivan” TV show I had watched many times over the years. Carter “limped” aboard the plane to be more convincing of his “need.”

In 1992 at a Ritz Carlton hotel benefit dinner, no one seemed to recognize film and TV comic pitchman Jesse White, Maytag’s “Loneliest guy in town.” It was my good fortune because I got to spend an hour alone chatting and smoking a cigar with the actor. Everyone else at the garden party was huddled around funnymen milton berle and Jim belushi. Ater dinner I lite up an-

other cigar with those two notables. But White didn’t join in. He told me it was past his bedtime. Several years earlier I had interviewed Berle, but “Mr. Television’s” time had come and gone. The oncepopular comedian wasn’t so funny anymore. He had become famous for being famous.

In a 1980 interview I had with comedian Henny Youngman he reckoned his classic collection of one-liners was safe from disappearing after his death “... as long as Berle’s alive.” It was a joke among old time vaudevillians Berle “borrowed” jokes from fellow comics. When Youngman died in 1998, the Library of Congress was entrusted with his six million classic one-liners like ... “Take my wife ... please!”

In 1987, I flew for five hours sitting alongside noted humorist/ac-

How Safe Is Your Rental Car

could potentially be summoned at the touch of a button if anything goes wrong,” says Groves, an outdoor photographer.

If you’re a typical traveler, you probably also aren’t paying much attention to the safety of your

rental car. But Groves is on to something. Car rental companies really are thinking about safety, and maybe in a more systematic way than ever. And there are also some practical steps you can take to ensure you’ll get to your destination safely.

tor robert klein on a long flight to Honolulu. No words were ever exchanged between the two of us because Klein was too busy taking turns with his wife playing and entertaining their young toddler. I’ve always tried to give space and privacy when it wasn’t necessary for me to request an interview, and I’ve never collected autographs.

The summer of 1968, while I was managing editor of a daily newspaper in Baker, Oregon, Hollywood invaded. Paramount Pictures began filming a $31 million production of “Paint Your Wagon,”

Historically Speaking continued on page 12

Car rental Companies are upgrading Their standard of Care

It’s true that car rental companies are taking safety more seriously than ever. Take Enterprise Mobility, for instance. The company, which owns the Alamo, Enterprise and National brands, has had a standard-of-care plan for years.

The most high-profile upgrade happened during the pandemic, when it added a pledge to sanitize all of its cars after each rental using industrial-strength products.

Enterprise recently introduced a new and more detailed standard of care to guide its rental locations and ensure its vehicles are maintained. The standards include a promise to follow or exceed manufacturer guidelines for tire replacement and oil changes and to visually inspect every vehicle before you rent it.

Milton Berle
Jesse White
David Warner

“Maintaining trust and confidence in our brands has always been key to our success,” says Will Withington, senior vice president of North American operations at Enterprise Mobility. “We’re continuously innovating.”

By the way, the SOS button is catching on, too. At Vamos RentA-Car in Costa Rica, drivers get free cell phone use for emergency calls with their vehicle.

“We understand that renters feel safer when they know that one of our representatives or emergency services are just a phone call away,” says Alex Villalobos, operations manager at Vamos RentA-Car. (Also, having a phone for emergency calls comes in handy when you don’t have a calling plan for your phone in Costa Rica.)

But experts say there are additional safety-related steps you can take, beyond renting from a reputable car rental agency.

How can you tell if your rental car is safe?

Car rental companies may be talking more about safety, but how can you know if your next car is safe?

Determine If The Rental Car Is Roadworthy

You can start by checking the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recall database. If your rental car on the list, ask for another vehicle. Make sure the lights for essential functions such as the battery, brakes and fluid levels are all green. “You also need to ensure that the rental car has some emergency items such as jumper cables, ice scraper and a first aid kit,” adds Erin Stender, chief marketing officer of Campspot.

Conduct Your Own Inspection And Take Your Time

Conduct a visual inspection of your car before driving it off the lot. Note any damage, like scratches, dings or dents. “Make sure you get an inspection form with all damage indicated before leaving the rental facility,” advises Louis DellaPenna, president of United Van Rentals. “Make sure the correct mileage and fuel level is indicated on the form. Your rental company should give the renter a vehicle condition report with all the damage indicated on it, along with the mileage out and fuel level.” If the damage is serious or affects its roadworthiness, ask for a different car.

Get To Know Your Car Before You Drive Away

It’s amazing how few car rental customers take even a few moments to acquaint themselves with a new vehicle, says Robert Walden, publisher of the car repair blog Vehicle Freak. “This can lead to misuse or underutilization of these important technologies,” he says. Some renters also fail to notice warning lights or alerts that indicate a safety feature isn’t working properly. “And despite reminders, I still see passengers who don’t buckle up, which undermines the effectiveness of safety features like airbags,” he adds. In other words, don’t be in such a hurry to leave your car rental location. Take a moment and see if you can safely drive the vehicle and ask questions if you can’t.

Here’s The real risk of renting a Car

For the most part, car rental companies do a pretty good job of keeping their vehicles safe and roadworthy. I occasionally receive complaints about dangerous or broken-down cars, but these are rare. The real risk may not be what you’re driving, but where.

“Driving a vehicle in a foreign country can be a high-risk activity,” says Harding Bush, associate director of security operations for Global

Happy Labor Day Happy Labor Day

Rescue. “You should not self-drive in risky countries or regions.”

And where’s that? The Dominican Republic, Zimbabwe and Venezuela top the list of deadliest countries for road accidents. I’ve lived in several of these high-risk countries, and Bush is right. I wouldn’t rent a car and drive in some of those places for any amount of money.

By the way, the United States ranks lower on the list, with about 12 deaths per 100,000 motorists. If you want the safest driving experience, try Iceland, Norway or Singapore.

In the end, rental car safety is a two-way street. While companies are upping their game with new tech and stringent protocols, it’s still up to you to stay alert. So next time you’re at the rental counter, don’t just grab the keys and go. Inspect your ride and familiarize yourself with your car’s features. Your life could depend on it.

Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can email him at

save the date for Humane society’s 38th fur ball

Mark your calendars for a night of elegance and compassion at San Diego Humane Society’s 38th annual Fur Ball on October 5th. The event is a glamorous, dog-friendly evening dedicated to raising funds for the lifesaving services benefitting more than 40,000 animals this year.

When saturday october 5th, 2024 from 5 - 10 p.m.

Where san diego Humane society 5500 gaines street san diego, Ca 92110

Visit furball

Tickets are limited, so be sure to secure your spot at this unforgettable event by visiting

For the first time in San Diego Humane Society’s history, the Stars of the Fur Ball are cats, Coco and Amore Schwab. “While we come together to celebrate our shared love for animals, the funds raised from this year’s Fur Ball are especially critical due to the ongoing overcapacity in our shelters,” said Dr. Gary Weitzman, President and CEO of San Diego Humane Society. “We’ll highlight the incredible impact our team makes daily and ask our supporters to help us continue this lifesaving work.”

Event Highlights

• Cocktail Reception: Guests and their dogs will arrive in their finest attire for a chic cocktail hour.

• Gourmet Dining: Enjoy an exquisite vegetarian meal with fine wine, prepared by renowned Chef Jeffrey Strauss of Pamplemousse Grille.

• Live & Silent

Auctions: Bid on exclusive items and experiences, with all proceeds supporting San Diego Humane Society’s lifesaving efforts.

• After-Party: Dance the night away to live music by Haute Chile.

• Red carpet arrivals featuring stylish dogs and their human companions in evening wear.

• Guests enthusiastically participating in the live auction.

• An energetic after-party with live music.

Chuckles from page 2

said “He’s the son of the Bishop” Grampa’s scowl disappeared and his face lit up with understanding. “Your right son” he grinned “all of em are.”

Before you criticize somebody, walk a mile in their shoes. That way if you piss them off they’re a mile away and barefoot.

A Touching Christmas Story . . .

A couple was doing last minute shopping on Christmas Eve.

Walking through the very crowded mall the wife looked up and noticed her husband was no where around. She became very upset because they had a lot to do.

She used her cell phone to call her husband to ask where he was.

The husband, in a calm voice said, “Honey remember the jewelery store we went into five years ago, where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you that I would get it for you one day?”

The wife, crying, said “Yes, I remember”.

Husband: “Well, I’m in the bar next to that jewelery store.”


We have enough gun control; what we need is idiot control.


Now, Brahms and Beethoven and Bach Are as fine as the best wines in stock, But boogie and blues Remind me of booze And Bartok of gin in a crock.

Correct Answers to a History Exam

Each answer is absolutely grammatically correct. (The teacher had no sense of humor)

Q1. In which battle did Napoleon die?

* his last battle BTW Napoleon didn’t die in battle.

Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? * at the bottom of the page

Chuckles continued on page 12

The Pastor says . . . dying With glory or service?

The Biblical story of Moses and the Egyptian Pharaoh has always intrigued me. Moses was a Hebrew born into slavery under the Egyptians, and Pharaoh was the Master ruler of the mighty nation around 1300 B.C. Moses did have, however, a unique opportunity under the care and protection of Pharaoh’s daughter after she found him hidden in a basket while bathing in the Nile River. She reared and schooled him as a prince in the court of Egypt. All of this came to a close when Moses, as a Hebrew, slew an Egyptian taskmaster who was abusing a Hebrew enslaved person. When it became known to the community, Moses fled the country into the desert of Midian, where he eventually married the daughter of Jethro, a chieftain. He worked for his father-in-law as a shepherd. While doing so, he was called by God, who revealed Himself as the I AM, to lead the Hebrew people out of the land of Egypt, where they had been enslaved for hundreds of years.

Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, enjoyed wealth and prosperity, plus the freedom of ruling all under him. Moses, by contrast, is faced with the undaunting task of convincing the Hebrew people, now known as God’s people, that God plans to free them and bring them to a promised land of milk and honey, away from the paganism of Egypt with its many gods and land of onions, garlic, cucumbers, and meat. They are to journey across the desert of heat, face enemies, and suffer with only the provisions of the miracles of God. Now, instead of taskmasters who demanded the impossible by making bricks out of straw, there is the friction of thousands of people on a march with the claim of one man, Moses, who said that an unknown god ordained him called “I AM” with the promise of a land referred to as milk and honey which was given by promise to the Hebrews for all time to their forefather, Abraham. All they had to do was to get there, lay claim to it, eliminate the inhabitants, and enjoy a life of prosperity and blessing.

After forty years of wandering and leading the people across the desert, Moses and God stand on Mt. Nebo to view the land Moses will never enter. Moses dies, and God buries him in an unknown and unmarked grave. There is no funeral, monument, or crowd to mourn his death. His legacy is his leadership and commitment to God’s call.

Pharaoh, his pursuer and enemy, built an edifice and pyramid for his burial place, secured with guards and secrets so people couldn’t steal the items buried with him. He worked for this and spent vast sums of money so people would remember him. His legacy is self-protection, both in life and death.

What will be our legacy be when we leave? The honor of humanity or our service to others? Pastor Huls

Pet Parade


Winnie is Rancho Coastal Humane Society’s pet of the week. She’s a 2-year-old, 6-pound, female, Domestic Long Hair cat with a Brown Tabby coat.

Winnie was a stray when someone picked her up and took her to a shelter in Orange County with her litter of kittens. The little family was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS.)

The $100 adoption fee for Winnie includes medical exam, spay, up to date vaccinations, and registered microchip. Adopt by September 10th during NBC Universal Clear the Shelters and it’s only $50.

Visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas or log on to Open 11 to 4, Thursday through Monday, and by appointment Wednesday.

San Diego Humane Society is supporting families and their pets who need a little extra help.

Through the Community Pet Pantry, anyone can visit our campuses to pick up a bag of dog or cat food, and other supplies, as available.

No appointment is needed for this service. Hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

El Cajon 373 N. Marshall Ave.

Escondido 3500 Burnet Drive

oceanside 572 Airport Road

san diego 5480 Gaines Street

Pet of the Week


If you’re looking for a cat who will always greet you with love and attention, 11-month-old Kiwi is your girl! From her sweet little meows to her affectionate head rubs, this beautiful calico is full of love and ready for a family of her own to share her limitless love with! She is an open-hearted and doting companion who thrives off your attention. She is curious about the world around her, and though loud noises and fast movements can make her a bit nervous, she becomes braver in new spaces with time. This absolute sweetheart is one kitty you don’t want to miss meeting! Kiwi (917475) is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Dr. Through September 10, adoption fees are 50% off for every adoptable pet through Clear the Shelters! If you have questions about the adoption process, you can visit or call 619-299-7012.

Online profile:

Pastor Huls

The Computer factory

845 W. san marcos blvd. 760-744-4315

In 1924 my Dad was a fourteen year old fan of the American league NY Yankees. Thirty years later I was a fourteen year old fan of the National league Cincinnati Reds. Dad grew up near NYC and I grew up near Cincinnati. The AL and the NL each still had the same eight teams. Travel was slow and expensive so there were still no major league baseball teams west of the St Louis Cardinals. It seems that time was standing still. Baseball was “local” and a focal point for most of us boys. We knew all about our team’s players and we went to the home games when we could. We listened to our team’s games on the radio and read the “stats” and standings in the newspaper. Our lives revolved around the things we knew. Our parents,

We were looking forward to a vacation trip to Iowa. The first trip “home” in two years to visit my family and go to the Iowa State Fair.

About halfway to the airport I turned to Barbara and asked, “What do you think Cashew is doing?” (Cashew is our dog. This was our first time leaving her since we adopted her nine months ago.)

“I was just thinking the same thing! I’ll bet she’s lying on the bed, wondering when we’re coming home.”

schools, neighborhoods and home town were our world. Things like national and world events were of little interest because they seemed beyond our ability to change and had little relevance to our day to day living.

Fast forward sixty years to 2024. Interstate highways and urban beltways, combined with cheap, convenient air travel dramatically increased our mobility. Major league baseball has expanded to thirty franchises spread from coast to coast with two teams in Canada. The percentage of Americans with college degrees has risen from 7% in 1950 to over 35% in 2024. Television and the Internet have compressed time and space to make us ever more worldly and less local. Family farms and family businesses, once common in America, are no longer there to pass on from one generation to the next. Social Security and IRAs give seniors unprecedented independence. American families no longer hold a strong “home town” identity. Families have moved apart and spread across the country.

As a young couple with a growing family, Nome and I were a typical, highly mobile post-war family. In the twenty five years between 1965 and 1990 Our jobs took us and our four children from Indiana to Florida to Minnesota to Ontario Canada, to the Bay area in California then to Solana Beach, Ca. and finally to San Marcos where we’ve settled down for the last thirty five years.

During those first twenty five years we owned five of the dozen homes in which we lived. After graduating from high school our oldest son has always been fond of reminding us that our gypsy ways forced him to attend twelve different school systems in two nations in the pursuit of his high school diploma.

As a part of the oldest living generation of Americans, we’ve witnessed unprecedented change in the way we Americans live our day to day lives. Each generation grows to adulthood a hybrid of new technologies and contemporary attitudes mixed with the oldschool prejudices and worldviews of their parents. Our generation’s

parents lived through “The Great Depression” and World War II subconsciously passing its impact on them along to us their children. It’s a process that’s been part of mankind since we climbed down from the trees. The explosion of technology in the past century accelerated this process and abets the ever increasing “generations gap”.

Today Americans are healthier and live longer than ever before. Older Americans today are active in the workforce, politics and social activities instead of quietly waiting to croak in the traditional front porch rocking chair. Is this a good thing? We’ll continue to explore that question next week.

staying Connected to the WWW

In the 21st century, Internet connectivity has become essential to modern living. It is the most complete source of contemporary entertainment, news, communication, information and learning. It is also the only centralized entry point to the entirety of human history, religion and knowledge. Access devices and applications are in constant evolution but in the present, these three access devices provide what you need to stay conveniently connected 7/24.

The comfortable PC workstation ( tower, notebook, All-in-one, micro) is perfect for home. Voice activated Digital Assistants compliment the home or office workstation. Your Android or Apple smart phone completes the picture.

We’ve been here on San Marcos Blvd. building repairing and upgrading Windows PCs since 1995 and we’ve seen it all and frankly, PCs are more reliable, simpler and cheaper than ever. We’ll be happy to take a look at your PC and advise you as to what you need to stay in the game.

“Did you tell her you love her and promise we would come back,” I asked.

“Of course. I always do.”

Barbara’s parents stayed with Cashew. She was in her own home. She slept on her own dog bed. She ate out of her own food dish. When she went to lie in the sunshine on the patio, we got alerts on our phones and we watched her on the doorbell camera.

Is it weird that we feel guilty about leaving her? Apparently, we’re not the only ones.

One post on Reddit says it’s not guilt. It’s separation anxiety.

Usually, when you hear about separation anxiety, it’s a pet reacting when it’s left alone. This was the first time I ever heard of an owner suffering from separation anxiety from their pet.

The post gave these suggestions.

• Find a family member, friend, daycare, or pet sitter that you trust and feel comfortable leaving your dog with.

• The sooner you get it figured out, and the more time your dog or puppy can spend with them, the easier it will go.

• The better you know and trust the person, the less worried you will be.

• Having a family member, friend, or pet sitter means that your dog gets to be in its home environment.

• Leave a piece of yourself. It can be a towel, blanket, or even a shirt you’ve already worn that smells like you.

• When you leave, don’t make a big deal of it. A quick “Goodbye. I love you. I promise we’re coming back.”

Enjoy your trip. And think of how great it’s going to be when you get home.

Absence really can make the heart grow fonder.

Oodles from page 3

Weekday Wellness & fun for seniors

11am - Noon

McClellan Senior Center

Calling all seniors! Looking for a way to add some excitement to your weekdays? Look no further! From 11 am until noon, join us at the McClellan Senior Center for a variety of engaging activities designed just for you!

• Unleash your creativity in our lively art class on Mondays.

• Test your luck and socialize with friends in a thrilling game of bingo on Tuesdays.

• Enjoy some friendly competition with games and cards on Wednesdays.

• Keep your mind sharp with trivia and brain games on Thursdays.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect, have fun, and make new memories with fellow seniors. Mark your calendars and join us for a fulfilling and enjoyable time at McClellan Senior Center! For more information, call 760.643.5288.

Chess at Park avenue Community Center

Home of Escondido Senior Center 210 Park Avenue, Escondido 760-839-4688

Chess players of all skill levels are welcome every Wednesday in the shuffleboard building from Noon –3 p.m. Friendly games with large boards and pieces provided. Follow the signs or ask at the front desk for directions. ***

Cardiff farmers market Every Saturday • 10am - 2pm

Cardiff 101 Mainstreet Association is hosting a weekly Farmers Market every Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

Located at MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus, the new farmers market is a Certified California Farmers Market, featuring locally sourced produce sold by local farmers. The Cardiff Farmers Market will also have an array of related food products and prepared food vendors, along with a curated group of makers and craft vendors.

Historically Speaking from page 7

starring Clint Eastwood, Jean seberg, and Lee marvin. A rustic gold mining movie set was built while dozens of actors and technicians took over the eastern Oregon city by renting private homes. It was a media boon for me. I had feature stories and photos nearly every day for both my newspaper and the wire services.

I became acquainted with most of the actors. But the making of “Paint Your Wagon” proved no amount of money could save on film that once popular Broadway Show; that Eastwood couldn’t sing, but somehow Marvin’s raspy voice landed on the radio and Hit Parade singing one of the show’s top songs, “Wanderin’ Star.”

I became good friends with character actor and dialect specialist Robert Easton, and noted stage, film and TV star Ray” My Favorite Martian” Walston. For me it was a great career experience, but the movie was a dud at the box office. In 1969, while working as a staff member at the Phoenix bureau of the Associated Press I was assigned to interview acclaimed actors Jason robards. Jr., stella stevens, and British heavy david Warner Robards told me he didn’t give interviews but kept talking for an hour giving me a good feature. Stevens said she was too busy learning her lines for the movie they were working on, “The Ballad of Cable Hogue.” When introduced to Warner he went out of his way to tell me how much he “hated” America. In all, I got two good stories that day, with the one on the Englishman going viral nationwide. When I concluded my interviews, I pointed out to Warner that he had found work on this side of the pond because not many films were being shot at that time in England. He grudgingly admitted the truth in my assessment. Over the years I have noted the dozens of featured roles Warner garnered on stage, screen, and TV, usually playing a bad guy, but always giving classic performances. He left us in 2022. Ironically, much of his work came from playing in productions on this side of the Atlantic. Presumably he went to the grave with a better attitude toward America.

More “Close Encounters” with fame in coming weeks.

Looking for Things to do? Places to go?

Chuckles from page 9

Q3. River Ravi flows in which state?

* liquid

Q4. What is the main reason for divorce?

* marriage

Q5. What is the main reason for failure?

* exams

Q6. What can you never eat for breakfast?

* Lunch & dinner

Q7. What looks like half an apple

* The other half

Q8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what will it become?

* Wet

Q9. How can a man go eight days without sleeping ?

* No problem, he sleeps at night.

Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

* You will never find an elephant that has one hand.

Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have?

* Very large hands

The Missing Horse

One fine day at an Oklahoma saloon, a cowboy ties his horse to the hitching rail and goes in to the bar. He orders a whisky and proceeds to drink it. Some time and several more drinks later, the cowboy leaves the saloon to find that his horse has been stolen. He calmly walks back into the saloon, draws his pistol and holds it pointed at the ceiling, and proclaims in a loud voice “Someone in this godforsaken place has stolen my horse. This happened to me once before, back in Texas.” Lowering the pitch of his voice, but not losing any volume, he continued “And I DON’T wanna hafta do what I done back in Texas. I’m gonna have one more drink, and my horse better be back when I’m done.”

hadda walk home.” ••••

I’m really depressed.

I went to the doctor today and he said, “lyle, you have 10 to live!”

“10!?” I said, “10 what? Years, months, weeks . . . ?”

“9 - 8 - 7 . . .” ••••

Hi kids, this is Batman, the old Caped Crusader. Y’know, the ‘60s was a glorious era. I could still fit into my suit, Robin and I could hang out together without those rumors spreading, and even though the Batmobile got two miles a gallon, gas was still cheap enough that I could still afford Alfred.

I have retired from crime-fighting. Oh, I’ll take an occasional gig . . . but, generally, I’m a retired gentleman.

I now serve as a mild-mannered reporter for a terrific weekly newspaper in North San Diego County.

As a Gift for those you love (and this includes yourself - Love thy neighbor as you love thyself, I always say) nothing would make a better gift than a gift subscription to The Paper, a wildly successful weekly newspaper that features dynamite cover stories as well as hilarious jokes on its Chuckles page, great columns by experts in their field . . . and a round up of daily news. One might even call it a news magazine. (I know the editor/publisher personally and he said it was okay to say that).

Whether you live in Gotham or sunny California, this weekly news magazine is just the ticket and would make a great gift.

Trust me. Those on your gift list will go crazy for it.

Batman out.

Leucadia farmers market

Every Sunday • 10am - 2pm Paul Ecke Central School 185 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024

Check out Oodles every week for listings of civic and service club meetings, and more!

True to his word, the cowboy holsters his pistol and orders one more drink, and when he finishes it he leaves the saloon to find his horse tied to the rail. He checks his saddle bags and satisfied that nothing is missing, he proceeds to mount up. As he’s preparing to ride away, one brave witness from inside the bar steps up and says “I gotta know - what did you do back in Texas when this happened before?”

The cowboy shrugs and says “I


Let me tell you friends that one simple spelling mistake--even a typo--can make your life hell.

I recently texted a short, romantic note to my wife while I was away on a fishing trip, and I missed one small “e”.

No problem you might say. Not so. This tiny error has caused me to seek Police protection to enter my own home.

I wrote, “Hi darling, I’m enjoying and experiencing the best time of my whole life, and I wish you were her!”



loyal dog that became more family member than pet.

On 11 October 2010, Weaver’s obituary column included these words: “Kevin was always smiling, and the special bond with Belle was just beautiful. We’ll miss you but I know that you are in a better place.”

Belle never left Kevin Weaver’s side when he was alive, even in later years when they worked together at Disney World at Orlando, Florida. Disney coworker, Joan Brake, remembers, “We at Port Orleans so enjoyed Kevin and Belle working here. Kevin and Belle are missed.”

Animal behaviourists and trainers know that dogs love their masters so deeply, that the dogs often feel abandoned or left behind when their owner dies. Canine research scientists reveal: “That’s how these dogs see and feel about their companions. They don’t understand why they are abandoned. They don’t comprehend why he does not come back to get her.”

After her master’s death, little Belle was surrounded by Kevin’s surviving, loving, caring family.

But to the specially-trained and heroic Diabetic Alert Dog, Belle deeply sensed Kevin Weaver was missing and she, once again, instinctively felt abandoned, as when she was a tiny puppy at the


pet store before her daddy came to get her.

Yes, she was surrounded by family members. But, her master was gone.

As with humans, canines also feel sadness, pain, depression, and separation anxiety. Though showered with love and attention, Belle would – at intervals – simply choose to lay herself down on the cold kitchen linoleum floor, her eyes sometimes droopy, perhaps sad. She often would lay motionless, her eyes not focused on any particular object . . . as if she were lost. As if she were somewhere else.

Perhaps, dreaming of her daddy, Kevin M. Weaver.


August is National Dog Month. This cover story is dedicated to organisations such as the Rancho Coastal Humane Society which has a weekly “Pet Parade” column in The Paper. And also to the San Diego Humane Society and its weekly “Pet of the Week” column, also featured in The Paper. Thanks are extended to the San Diego Humane Societies Community Pet Pantry locations in San Diego, El Cajon, Oceanside, and Escondido.

Additionally, I would like to dedicate this emotional true cover story to Mr. John Van Zante who has a weekly column “John Van Zante’s Critter Corner” in The Paper through which Mr. Van Zante promotes the love, care, and important

role that dogs play in our human existence. I find his column fascinating each week!

I wish to briefly talk of the past work and rich legacy given to us by Mr. Bruce Krider, who must never be forgotten. Mr. Krider is past co-founder of the erstwhile “The Puppy Coalition” (TPC), founded in 2012 in Escondido and how it filed for state and federal status as a 501(c) (3) public service and became an unbelievable charitable rescue organisation dedicated to rescuing dogs (not just puppies) from municipal shelters that routinely euthanise dogs. Bruce Krider was co-founder, became Chairman, and Inland Empire TPC Director. Incredibly, Mr. Krider would rescue hundreds of shelter dogs through PTC or in concert with other rescue organisations.

Also, special thanks and recognition must be conveyed to our very own Lyle E. Davis, owner, publisher, and editor of The Paper. Mr. Davis is also co-founder (along with Bruce Krider) of The Puppy Coalition. As such, Lyle Davis was instrumental in using the TPC to change the world and give hope for dogs – hope that was not previously there. Davis was a vital and frequent benefactor for the TPC and used his clout and influence as founder and publisher of his weekly magazine, The Paper, to assist in publicising dogs that needed adoption. Who knows how many puppies and adult canines he saved by widely publicizsng their lifeand-death struggle to be adopted. Today, Lyle E. Davis is a treasured

“board member emeritus” – a legacy that is truly immeasurable.

There is not enough space to adequately thank everyone, but, certainly Francine Kokenis, who was with TPC back in 2014 as a (volunteer) and became an inspired and dedicated Board Member at Large must be acknowledged. Along with Debbie Snow, who was TPC Director right here in North San Diego County. Kudos to both these stellar women.

To all of the above, this cover story is dedicated. And as with such acknowledgement runs the unintentional risk of omission. Simply put, there is not enough space to adequately thank everyone and all worthy organisations.

Suffice to say, to all of you who have supported and championed the cause to make life better for dogs in any way – big or small -you are all greatly loved and we all remain beholden and greatly in your debt.

Friedrich Gomez
Dog from page 5

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9014453

The name of the business: Executive Medical Inc., located at 1582 W. San Marcos Blvd., #100, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, Executive Medical Inc., 1582 W. San Marcos Blvd., #100, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 9/1/2023

/s/ Michael Woo-Ming, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/15/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015865

The name of the business:

GMC3, located at 655 Avenida Cordoba, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Geoff James Harwin, 655 Avenida Cordoba, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/20/2000

/s/ Geoff J. Harwin with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/2/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9014614

The name of the business: Aria Nail Lounge, located at 1810 University Dr., Vista, CA 92083. Registrant, Ellie Girl Investment Inc., 4227 Old Grove Rd., Oceanside, CA 92057. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 7/15/2024

/s/ Hoi Tran, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/172024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015036

The name of the business: Light Within, located at 550 Echo Lane, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, Shahpar Mossavar Rahmani, 550 Echo Lane, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 7/23/2024

/s/ Shahpar Mossavar Rahmani with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/23/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9014877

The name of the business: DK’s Bumper Repair, located at 6419 Tobria Terrace 106, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Registrant, Jaime Garcia, 856 Dolphin Dr., Perris, CA 92571. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 8/5/2014 /s/ Jaime Garcia with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/19/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015714

The name of the business: Elite Luxe Consultant, located at 960 Bolex Way, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, Luis Rodriguez, 960 Bolex Way, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Luis Rodriguez with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/1/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015478

The name of the business: Que Tortas, located at 828 N. Santa Fe Ave., St C., Vista, CA 92083. Registrant, Marsay Inc., 1745 Idaho Terrace, Escondido, CA 92027. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 9/15/2017 /s/ Martin Hernandez, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/29/2024 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015420

The name of the business: Deer Springs Gardens, located at 705 Mimosa Ave., Vista, CA 92081. Registrant, Michele Gay Huggins, PO Box 459, San Marcos, CA 92079. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 6/1/1997 /s/ Michele Gay Huggins with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/29/2024 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015491

The name of the business: Kings Care Assisted Living, LLC, located at 247 Presley Place, Vista, CA 92083. Registrant, Kings Care Assisted Living, LLC, 247 Presley Place, Vista, CA 92083. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 4/4/2018 /s/ Mark Yerko, Manager with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/30/2024 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015660

The name of the business: The Sanch Shack Collectables, located at 1216 Anza Ave., Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Joseph Sanchez, 1216 Anza Ave., Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Joseph Sanchez with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/31/2024

8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

ordEr To sHoW CausE for CHaNgE of NamE 37-2024-00027813-Cu-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PER-

SONS: Petitioner Tiffany McLaurin AKA Tiffany A. McLaurin, AKA Tiffany Annette McLaurin filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Tiffany McLaurin AKA Tiffany A. McLaurin AKA Tiffany Annette McLaurin to Proposed name Tiffany Annette Manos. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.

NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 9/12, 2024, 8:30 am, in Dept. 61

No hearing will occur on above date. Please see attachment The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway, San Di-


ego, CA 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078.

Dated July 29, 2024

/s/ John S. Meyer, Judge of the Superior Court 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

NoTiCE of PETiTioN To admiNisTEr EsTaTE of Henry William sintay iii Case No. 37-2023-00050108Pr-PW-CTL


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of Henry William Sintay III. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Jerrold Sintay in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA. 92101 Central Courthouse. The Petition for probate requests that Jerrold Sintay be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.

A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:

Date: 9/12, 2024

Time: 1:30 pm

Dept: 503

Address of court: Same as noted above.

If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. the time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section

1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.

Attorney for petitioner: Law Office of Will M. Smith 139 East Third Avenue, Suite 101 Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 520-1916

DOP: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016254

The name of the business: LJ Sales, located at 1538 Cassidy St., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Louis J. Ferrari, 1538 Cassidy St., Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 5/20/2000

/s/ Louis J. Ferrari with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/9/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016289

The name of the business: Innovative Sign Systems, located at 2420 Grand Ave., Ste F-2, vista, CA 92081. Registrant, Snow Fox Enterprises Inc., 2420 Grand Ave., Ste F-2, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 7/13/2019 /s/ Gwendolyn C. Snow, Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/9/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015512

The name of the business: 4 Ever Flipped Math, located at 720 Salet Place, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Michelle Linda Gramalegui-Morison, 720 Salet Place, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Michelle Linda GramaleguiMorison with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/30/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016235

The name of the business: HJBII Consulting, located at 420 North Twin Oaks Valley Rd., Unit 2324, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Herbert Junins Brown II, 420 North Twin Oaks Valley Rd., Unit 2324, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 7/1/2024

/s/ Herbert Junins Brown II with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/8/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016197

The name of the business: Sorrento Laser & Aesthetics, Eterna Aesthetic, located at 11189 Sorrento Valley Rd., San Diego, CA 92121. Registrant, Arezou Kashkouli Medical, 902 Newkirk Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 7/10/2024

/s/ Arezou Crose, Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/8/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015869

The name of the business:

Servpro of No Ocenside, located at 3239 Roymar Rd., Suite A, Oceanside, CA 92058. Registrant, Araya Construction Inc., 2870 So. Santa Fe, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A /s/ Jose Araya, Vice President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/2/2024 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015975

The name of the business: V & M Auto Registration, located at 3784 Mission Ave., Suite 154, Oceanside, CA 92058. Registrant, Myrna Guadalupe Aramburo de Gutierrez, 3784 Mission Ave., Sute 154, Oceanside, CA 92058. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 5/20/2000 /s/ Myrna Guadalupe Aramburo de Gutierrez with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/6/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015179

The name of the business: G.S.K. Enterprises, located at 747 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. #6, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Gregory Kalajian, 747 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. #6, San Marcos, CA 92069 and Beate Behman-Kalajian. This business is operated by a Married Couple. First day of business: 10/31/2009 /s/ Louis J. Ferrari with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/24/2024

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016387

The name of the business: Happy Boxes Cactus, located at 1850 Warmland Ave., Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Estefani Carrasco, 3461 Royal Road, Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 7/4/2022 /s/ Estefani Carrasco with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/13/2024 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2024

NoTiCE of PETiTioN To admiNisTEr EsTaTE OF James Edward Winston Case No. 24PE001839C SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA. 92101

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of James Edward Winston deceased. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Byron Winston in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA. 92101 Central Courthouse. The Petition for probate requests that Byron Winston be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to

take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.

A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:

Date: 9/4, 2024

Time: 1:30 pm

Dept: 502

Address of court: Same as noted above.

If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. you may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.

Petitioner: Byron Winston 7301 Winter Valley Ct. Riverdale, GA 30274 770-875-4644

DOP: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9014587

The name of the business: I Had Those Toys, located at 2625 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant, Stuart Kearns, 120 Flamingo Dr., Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 11/1/2023

/s/ Stuart Kearns with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/16/2024

8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016488

The name of the business: Shop At Charlie’s Co., SHOPATCHARLIESCO, located at 1275 Oak Dr., #5, Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Lsstless Charlie LLC, 1275 Oak Dr., #5, Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Charlotte Skolnick, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/13/2024

8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016357

The name of the business: Angelika’s Photography, located at 740 13th Street, San Diego, CA 92101. Registrant, Angelika Feldt, 6421 La Paloma Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business:


/s/ angelika Feldt with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/12/2024

8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2024

ordEr To sHoW CausE for CHaNgE of NamE



SONS: Petitioner Patricia Messick filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: aka Patrizia Asprella, aka Patricia Messick, aka Patricia Asprella to Proposed name Patricia Elenia Asprella. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.


Date: September 26, 2024, 8:30 am, in Dept. C-61. No hearing will occur on above date. Please see attachment The address of the court is: 330 West Broaway, San Diego, CA 92101. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078.

Dated August 12, 2024 /s/ Maureen F. Hallahan, Judge of the Superior Court 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9012827

The name of the business: Trini Truck Food Truck, located at 5296 University Ave., Suite D, San Diego, CA 92104. Registrant, Trinidad Perez, 5296 University Ave., Suite D, San Diego, CA 92104. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Trinidad Perez with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 6/18/2024

7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9015398

The name of the business: Marvelous Moments, located 628 Michael St., Oceanside, CA 92057. Registrant, Marilyn Morgan, 628 Michael St., Oceanside, CA 92057. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Marilyn Morgan with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 7/26/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016945

The name of the business: CR Insulation Inc., located at 7081 Consolidated Way, San Diego, CA 92121. Registrant, CR Insulation Inc., 7081 Consolidated Way, San Diego, CA 92121. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 3/2/2019 /s/ Jesus Rodrigo Corona, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/19/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016997

The name of the business: Pho Ocean Garden, located at 4111 Oceanside Blvd., Suite 102, Oceanside, CA 92056. Registrant, Pho Ocean Garden LLC, 26160 Cortrite Ave., Hemet,

CA 92545. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Thanh Trinh, Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/20/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016912

The name of the business: Purely Sauce, located at 3542 Sitio Baya, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Registrant, Alessandra Rocha Patterson, 3542 Sitio Baya, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 8/19/2024 /s/ Alessandra Patterson with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/19/2024 8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9017078

The name of the business: Thrifty Supply Company, located at 929 Poinsettia Ave., Suite 101, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant, American General Tool Group, 929 Poinsettia Ave., Suite 101, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 6/25/2019 /s/ Altaf Godil, Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/21/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016931

The name of the business: Small Kine Kreations, located at 3635 Contour Place, Carlsbad, CA 92010. Registrant, Kamali’i Pikake Hoahu Ona Pua Peneku, 3635 Contour Pl., Carlsbad, CA 92010. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Kamali’i Pikake Hoahu Ona Pua Peneku with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/19/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016951

The name of the business: Specialty Automotive Services, located at 1620 Grand Avenue, Suite 4, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, Jay Michael Williams, 1620 Grand Avenue, Suite 4, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 6/1/2016 /s/ Jay Michael Williams with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/20/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016366

The name of the business: Green Power Forklift Batteries, located at 28205 Mountain Meadow, Escondido, CA 92026. Registrant, Eco-Power Batteries LLC, 28205 Mountain Meadow Rd., Escondido, CA 92026. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Thomas Gustavsson, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/12/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016419

The name of the business: Mortgage Funding, Cal Mission Realty, located at 122 Civic Center Dr., #204, Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Charles Quinones, 122 Civic Center Dr., #204, Vista, CA 92084, Steven C. Quinones, 122 Civic Center Dr., #204, Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by a General Partnership. First day of business: 4/8/1985 /s/ Charles Quinones with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/13/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016477

The name of the business: Thinking Music Studios, located at 2108 Curtis Dr., Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Ruben De Anda Jr., 2108 Curtis Dr., Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by an Individual. First

day of business: N/A

/s/ Ruben De Anda Jr. with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/13/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016852

The name of the business: C&T Housekeeping Services, located at 404 1/2 Holly St., Oceanside, CA 92058. Registrant, Carlos Natividad Carrillo, 404 1/2 Holly St., Oceanside, CA 92058. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 8/1/2024

/s/ Carlos Carrillo with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/16/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9017019

The name of the business: Martin 29 Coaching Hub, located at 2600 Gage Dr., #335, Carlsbad, CA 92010. Registrant, Saladin Martin, 2600 Gagge Dr., #335, Carlsbad, CA 92010. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 8/20/2024

/s/ Saladin Martin with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/20/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016967

The name of the business: angie Massage, located at 1248 E. Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Yan Sun, 15961 Pilot Ave., Chino, CA 91708. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 8/1/2024

/s/ Yan Sun with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 8/20/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016744

The name of the business: Offroad VW Design & Fabrication, located at 724 Rincon Street, Vista, CA 92083. Registrant, Susan Kay McNulty, 724

Rincon Street, Vista, CA 92083. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 9/12/2012 /s/ Susan Kay McNulty with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/15/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016786

The name of the business: No Corners Cut Quality Assurance Consulting Services, located at 777 Lupine Drive, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, LyndleDan Ray Clemont, 777 Lupine Drive, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Lyndle-Dan Ray Clement with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/16/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9016280

The name of the business: Precision Flow, located at 1363 Avenida Arana, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Kristofer Esteban Kuenzi, 1363 Avenida Arana, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Kristofer Esteban Kuenzi with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/9/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9017385

The name of the business: Macdat, located at 5453 Reef Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant, Andrew Victor Mackey, 5453 Reef Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ andrew Victor Mackey with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 8/26/2024

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2024

You’re carrying too much luggage. Here’s how to lighten up.

If you think you’re carrying too much luggage on your next trip, I’ve got news for you: You probably are.

How much? Well, last year domestic airlines collected $7.1 billion in luggage fees, an increase of almost 5 percent from the previous year. This summer, we’ve also had a few high-profile baggage altercations, including a Texas mom who was booted off a United Airlines flight because she was carrying too much luggage.

But to really understand how far it’s gone, you have to watch your fellow tourists.

In Interlaken, Switzerland, I witnessed crowds of Korean tourists dragging oversized wheeled luggage down the cobblestone streets.

In Rio de Janeiro, I saw Argentines and Chileans unapologetically loaded down with shopping bags. All that has to get on the plane when they go back home, and it does.

And in Bangkok, I saw Chinese visitors wheel enormous rollaboards through the shopping malls. Think of all those excess baggage fees!

“People are packing more,” says Sangeeta Sadarangani, CEO of Crossing Travel, an international luxury travel agency. She’s seen her fellow travelers carry more recently and tries to talk her clients into embracing a minimalist packing philosophy. But it’s not easy.

What are the reasons behind the overpacking epidemic? And how can you ensure you don’t get stuck with an extra luggage fee?

Why are you overpacking?

There are several reasons for the overpacking epidemic, ranging from insecurity to inexperience. But we need to get over it quickly. A few months ago, all of the major domestic airlines raised their baggage fees. On domestic flights, a checked bag may cost upward of $35, and more if you wait until the last minute or your bag is overweight.

So what’s behind the overpacking problem?

We’re Afraid Of What Might Happen

At the core of the overpacking is the question “What if?,” says Jeremy Murchland. He ought to know. As the president of the travel insurance company Seven Corners, he deals in what-ifs every day. He says travelers are asking themselves,

“What if there’s a heat wave and I don’t have the right clothes? What if the Airbnb doesn’t have shampoo? What if I get bored?” And that’s driving them to bring more -- even if they don’t need it.

We’re Stressed Out

“Overpacking is often a stress response to leaving home,” says Susan Sherren, who runs Couture Trips, a travel agency. “Travel can be overwhelming, especially for novices. The mindset of ‘I just might need this’ leads to those bulging suitcases.” But she says travelers should remember that they will likely be able to buy reasonable substitutes for their forgotten or missing items wherever they go.

We’re Inexperienced

Face it, most people only travel a few times a year and they don’t know how to pack a bag correctly -- or even what to put in it. Limor Decter, a travel advisor for Embark Collective, said she used to put everything but the kitchen sink in her checked luggage. “The consequences were a huge schlep factor and a long wait at the dreaded luggage carousel,” she says. Finally, she learned to cut back to a carryon only, and it was a life-changing experience for her, making a recent trip to Botswana far smoother than it would have otherwise been. “Had I checked luggage, I know for sure that my bags would’ve been delayed or lost,” she says.

At least those are the excuses we give each other. But as I said, we urgently need some packing thera-

little you need, and you can easily pack a manageable amount of clothes and cosmetics.

Make A List

Frequent traveler and etiquette expert Rachel Wagner is a devout minimalist. She uses a checklist to ensure she packs only the essentials. “It helps prevent overpacking and also allows me to check off important items I don’t want to leave behind,” she says. After a while, you know what needs to stay and what needs to go, so the list becomes part of your routine.

if You overpack

There’s Hope for You

I hear confessions from people who take too much with them every day. They’re people like Sally Greenberg, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington.

py because this is one problem that could cost us dearly. I mean $7.1 billion -- that’s a lot of luggage.

How To Pack Better for Your Next Trip

Don’t want to add a $35 contribution to the billion-dollar checked luggage business? Here are a few pointers.

Be A Minimalist

You know the old saying, less is more? Definitely true when you’re packing. You can take a few easy steps toward packing less. Pack clothes that are versatile and can be mixed and matched. And leave 20 percent of your bag free when you pack, so you have room for anything you buy at your destination, advises Joe Cronin, CEO of International Citizens Insurance. Also, leave any items that you can easily buy at your location, like an umbrella. And consider doing laundry at your location instead of packing a change of clothes for every day of your trip. “You can get your laundry done at your hotel,” says Cronin.

Adjust Your Travel Expectations

If you’re traveling somewhere to be seen, maybe you should reconsider, says Swapna Patel, a professional stylist. She says she knows clients who pack blow dryers in their checked baggage. “You should have realistic goals about how you want to spend time on your vacation,” she says. “Are you making memories -- or perfecting your blow dry?” Once you start to think about that, you realize how

“I have a problem overpacking,” she admitted to me. “I’m neurotic.” For her, it’s mostly a “what if” issue -- she doesn’t want to miss anything she might need.

But it’s OK, because I spent years as a neurotic overpacker and I found my way out. After evaluating almost every available bag on the market, I found the perfect combination: The Victorinox Airox carry-on and a Knack Travel Backpack 45L. I travel with four changes of clothes and use laundry facilities at my destination.

Getting to that point was really difficult. Like Greenberg, I was afraid I would miss something. Then I realized that they have drug stores and shopping malls where I’m going, and that I needed to relax about my luggage. I know my airline is unhappy about it, but my bank account is happy with all the money I’ve saved by not checking a bag.

Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can reach him here or email him at

Illustration by Aren Elliott

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