新香港 The New Hong Kong vol. 1

Page 64


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Despite the abundance in both raw and commercially gained wealth, the Hongkongese of this day are usually free of the desire to wear any more than the odd decorative piece of jewellery. Were one to own any significant amounts of gold, it is to be stored away, perhaps as insurance of mind, but never to be displayed on the body as validation of worth. Indeed, such displays are commonly viewed as a sign of vulgarity, and has been a defining characteristic of the visiting Chinese from the North, a people who holds the opposite belief that wealth’s worth depends on its raw, golden, dazzling display. Instead, the Hongkongese are content with an unassuming silver ring, or a necklace affixed with a singular jade. At no times are these validations of personal worth, but are almost always a memento for an event of significance, perhaps a wedding vow, perhaps an anniversary.

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